《Beach Baby》chapter 19 | mommy




My apartment was so silent as I've been home from the beach trip for a few days.

I'm currently sitting in my living room as Laila does her tummy time on the floor.

I have school tomorrow and I'm not happy.

Laila continues to squeal and laugh as she lays on her stomach.

What's funny girl?

I have no one to hang out with today so I think I'm gonna invite some people.

People meaning Kai, Delilah, and Elias.




Kai Hi sunshine.


Hello. I'm bored. I'm inviting a few people over. Want to come?

Kai Inside you? Yes.


That's not what I meant. 😐

Kai I have selective reading. :/


Omg stop... that's inappropriate. But yes. Anyways do you want to come to my apartment.

Kai All I'm hearing is yes I can come inside you.


That's what I said. Answer my question...

Kai Yes. I will come over.

Send a picture of my girl.



Kai Both my girls.


Attachment: 1 image.

Me and baby sunshine are cuddling on the floor.

Kai Beautiful Sunshine and adorable baby sunshine.


Thank you. I made her myself.

Kai Lmao. Your not funny.


Don't laugh your ass off it's so big I need to see it.

Kai Your right. Who else is coming?


I would hope I would be.

Kai You will be but that's not what I meant.


I have selective reading. :/

Kai Don't make me spank you. Who else is coming?


Okay 😳 it's just Elias and Delilah.

Kai I'll be there in five minutes.

I can't stop blushing from this conversation.

I quickly contain myself before texting everyone else.

Delilah 🌼, Elias :):


Be over ASAP we're hanging out.

Delilah 🌼:

I'm coming. Elias hurry up and get over too.

Elias :):

Yes mommy.


He calls you mommy? 🧍‍♀️

Delilah 🌼:

Mhm. ;)



Elias :):



Don't be embarrassed Elias it's okay!

Elias :):

I'm not embarrassed to call her mommy I'm nervous bc I thought u would judge me.


No. I have no right to.

Delilah 🌼:

Ahhh!!!! Lora is kinky!!!


Shut up. Come to my apartment.

I can't believe Elias calls her mommy.

Why do I find it kind of cute.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts as someone knocks on my door.

I open the door and In walks Kai.

He sits on the floor by Laila as she screams so loud when she sees him.

And I don't mean squeal I mean full blown scream.

"Someone is excited to see me," he says and I nod.

"Did you know Elias calls Delilah mommy?," I ask him confused.

"No. But wow I was wondering if he did," he says and i roll my eyes.

"I would not like to be called mommy," I say.

"What would you like to be called?," he asks me and I blush a little.

"Seriously?," I ask him and he nods.

"Umm, my name, baby, love, darling, and..," I trail off getting shy.

"And what?," he asks me as he tilts his head to the side while keeping eye contact with me.

"Sunshine," I say as I look down.

"Adorable," he mutters quietly.

"I need to change can you watch her?,"I ask him.

He nods and I quickly walk away and go back into my room.

I look for a while before I get dressed.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish! )

I decide on a brown tight fitted top and black high waisted jeans.


I already did my hair and make up I was just in pajamas before.

I quickly walk back out to see Delilah and Elias are here.

They brought spaghetti and Alfredo from a restaurant.

I walk into the kitchen with them and they turn to me.

Elias and Delilah just smile at me.

Kai looks to me and his eyes scan my whole body as he licks his lips and I shiver.

He turns back around to the counter where they are as his back faces me.

I walk behind him and smack his ass.

He slowly turns around and looks at me.

"What did you just do?," he asks me and I smile nervously.

"I smacked your ass. It was so big and it was just out I couldn't resist giving it a smack," I say.

"Your crazy, sunshine," he says as his eyes zero in on my cleavage spilling out of my top.

"I didn't get you any Kai because I didn't know you would be here," Delilah says to him.

"That's fine he can share with me," I say to them and they nod.

I grab the spaghetti and a fork before standing by Kai.

Everyone starts to break out in conversation as I feed him and me.

"So you call Delilah mommy?," Kai says as he looks at Elias.

"Mhm," he says as he hugs Delilah from behind and shyly nuzzles his face in her neck.

"That's so adorable little bitch boy," kai says as he opens his mouth for the bite I'm giving him.

"Don't cuss in front of Laila," I say as she sits on the kitchen floor eating a rubber duck as she talks to herself.

It's babbling.

"How long have y'all been dating?," I ask Delilah as I take a bite.

"Um maybe 3 weeks," she says as she eats her pasta and relaxes into Elias's hold.

"And how is it?," Kai asks as I feed him a bite.

After every bite he gives me a smile and it makes my heart melt.

"It's going great. He does what I want and I reward him. No I'm kidding. I think it's the best relationship I've been in. I've never felt this way before about someone and it scares me but excites me at the same time," she says as she smiles.

"That's cute oh my gosh," I squeal.

I keep feeding him for a while. Then I go to feed Kai another bite but he puts his hand up.

"I'm full, baby," he says like it's nothing and turns back to them.


Im getting so many butterflies right now.

I could quite literally orgasm.

"We're gonna go talk in the living room," Elias says and him and Kai leave.

Me and Delilah move to the counter and rest are elbows on them as we are slightly bent over.

"How are you and Kai?," she asks me.

"Um we're okay," I say politely.

"That doesn't sound okay," she says and I smile.

"Some days I get mixed signals and it really effects me," I say to her and she nods.

"What happened?," she asks me and I look to her.

"Some days he'll flirt with me and some times he'll only talk to me for Laila. Like does he want me or just to hang out with Laila. If he does flirt with me it's just sexual so does he like me or just want to have sex with me?," I say letting my insecurities fall out infront of her and she stares at me sympathetically.


"I definitely think he likes you. I don't think he would use you for your body or Laila. I've seen him talking to you and he looks like he enjoys your company and likes you," she says and I nod my head.

"I'm probably overthinking it," I shrug as I brush off my problems.

Laila starts to whine signaling her feeding time.

I pick her up and go to the couch where the boys are and they smile when they see us girls.

I grab the cover off the couch before sitting down.

I put the cover on and then I pull my shirt down.

I put Laila under the cover and let her latch on.

My face screws up and I wince for a while as this hurts.

"You okay, Lora?," Delilah asks me.

I nod my head as I breath out of my mouth.

"What's wrong?," Kai asks me and I try to get some words out.

"I'm really -ouch- tender because she likes to -ow- feed a lot and use me as a paci. So my breasts -ahhh- are tender and it hurts to feed her," I say between howls in pain.

"What can make it better?," Delilah asks me.

"I use a cream but it takes a while to fix it," I say and she nods her head.

I rest my head on the back of the couch as I focus on my breathing as Laila sucks happily on my breasts as she drinks her milk.

Before I know if I've fallen asleep.


I woke up to Laila fussing around and kicking her legs.

I quickly unlatch her and pull her out.

She's milk drunk again.

"How long was I out for?," I ask them.

"Only like 15 minutes," Kai says and I nod my head.

I fix my shirt and pull the cover off before I lay Laila down on the couch.

Her eyes are rolled back as milk dribbles out of her mouth and her body is limp.

"Is she dead?," Elias asks me and I shake my head.

"No she's milk drunk. She'll wake up in a few hours and be perfectly fine," i say and he nods his head.

I wipe her mouth of the dribble she left on her cheek.

I then grab her pacifier and pop it into her mouth.

Laila is to my left on the couch and next to her on her left is Delilah and Elias.

On my right is Kai.

"I left my phone in the kitchen. Can I use yours?," I ask Kai and he nods his head.

"What's your password?," I ask him.

"0512," he says and I nod my head before putting the password in.

I go to his messages with Enzo because I need to text him something.

Dumbass that can't talk:


Hi it's Aulora on Kai's phone so we still have our plan for tomorrow after school?

Dumbass that can't talk:

Yes. Meet me in the cafeteria tomorrow.

I'm nervous.


You got this your so lovable you'll do fine <33

Dumbass that can't talk:

Your my bestfriend. Don't tel Kai!


I won't!

I turn to Kai and hand him his phone back.

"Can I go in there whenever I want to?," I ask him curiously.

"Yes sunshine. Whenever you want to," he says to me and I smile before frowning.

"Why do you look like a mad Smurf?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"Why is Enzo's contact name 'dumbass who can't talk'?," I ask him.

"It's pretty much him so it's fitting," he says and I roll my eyes.

"What's everyone else?," I ask him and he smiles.

"Enzo is dumbass who can't talk. Elias is bitch boy. Amelia is the weirdo. Nalani is Auloras cocky bestfriend. Oliver is dicksucker. Greyson is dickhead. Delilah is Elias's Keeper. And you are sunshine with a heart with the arrow and two threes," he reads off all the names.

"So I'm the only nice one?," I ask him and he nods with a smile.

"I love mine," Delilah says.

"I am kind of a bitch boy so I don't mind mine," Elias says as he lays his head on Delilah's lap.

"I love mine it's so cute," I say as I wrap my arms around Kai's neck as I stand on my knees beside him.

I squeeze him tightly and he groans.

"I love the fact that your pushing me into your boobs but I can't breath," he wheezes out and I let go.

I pat his head.

"You'll live," I said as he face turns to its normal color.

I grab the potato chips off my coffee table and start eating them.

"Can I have one?," Kai asks me.

"OH MY GOD. Can I be the mommy bird and you be the baby bird and I chew and spit the food into your mouth?," I ask him and he widens his eyes.

"No thank you," he says.

"It would be so cute and I would love it," I say with a pout.

"But I really don't want to," he says and I shake my head.

I continue eating my chips and I throw some at his face since he didn't want to let me feed him like a bird.

"What the fuck sunshine," he says as he grabs the chips.

"You said you wanted some so eat up bitch boy," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm not a bitch boy your just weird," he says to me.

I scoot closer to him.

I then whisper into his ear.

"I can just find someone else who will let me do it to him," I say and he clenches his jaw.

He grabs onto my hip and pinches it lightly.

"No you will not. Now behave," he whispers back and I let out a shaky breath.

I continue to eat my chips silently because I am the real bitch boy here.

"What are you wearing to school tomorrow?," Delilah asks me and I laugh.

"I'm going naked," I say as I eat my chips.

"No," Kai says as he slaps my thigh making me gasp from the pleasure that the pain gives me.

"I'm gonna wear a skirt but I want you to match me," Delilah says with a fake pout.

"Okay fine a skirt but it better be long enough so people can't see under it," I say to her and she nods.

"You'll be fine," she says and I roll my eyes.

We continue to talk and have fun for the rest of the night before everyone leaves.


Sorry for the wait I was busy babysitting but I'm back!

On Friday my sister got me 'archers voice' and I'm screaming.

Today I'm a little more then halfway done and I love it so much I'm gonna miss my babies archer and Bree when it's over.

It's almost my bday so I will get more books to read so exciting!

Thanks for all the love! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time.

I love you -addyson <33

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