《Beach Baby》chapter 18 | games


A/N: Before we get into the chapter on last chapter I meant to say "kai pinched my nipple" not punched my autocorrect did me dirty and now people think kai hits her but he doesn't.



Fun is the word that I would use to describe board games.

Today the me and the group are going to be playing some board games.

I still have a dull ache inbetween my legs from Kai.

I was quiet shocked when I woke up from my nap and see that Kai had come back and helped me get comfy in bed.

He's so adorable.

It's currently 7:00 pm and we are playing in thirty minutes and I just got out the shower.

I quickly find something to wear and get dressed.

Her outfit:

(choose as you wish!)

I chose to wear a cropped sweater and leggings because I'm cold.

Laila is still awake and won't go to bed she's to hyper today.

I try to calm her down but she's crazy.

I quickly pick her up and put her on my hip before walking into the living room.

She's wearing a pink onesie because she needs to go to bed.

I walk out and everyone is seated on the couch.

On the left couch there is Delilah, Elias, Amelia, Nalani.

In their couples of course.

On the right/bigger side there is Greyson, Lorenzo, Oliver, Kai, and a empty spot for me.

Lorenzo doesn't like Greyson but he's sitting next to him because he doesn't want Oliver by him.

Greyson doesn't like Oliver so that's a little funny.

I take myself and baby sunshine and sit next to Kai.

"Hey baby sunshine and sunshine," he says as he takes Laila from my hands.

Laila stares at him as their face to face before she opens her mouth and pushes her face towards him.

"She wants a kiss," I say to him.

"Yeah? How about you?" He says teasingly and I flush red for the millionth time.

He pushes his lips out and they quickly kiss eachother.

Well her mouth is just open.

Once he pulls her back she smiles so big at him.


So cute.

"Okay so what do you guys want to play?," Nalani asks everyone.

I'm still a bit frustrated with her for playing with my brothers feelings.

"Let's play twister before we play another game," Oliver says and everyone nods.

I sit Laila in her play pen and stand up.

The right couch is going first.

Some how after a while my legs and arms are tangled with four other people.

I'm almost doing the splits.

Kai is on all fours like a dog.

Oliver is standing on one leg and one foot.

Lorenzo is out because he fell when Oliver got close to him.

Greyson fell out too.

We continue playing until Kai and Oliver fall at the same time and almost crack their heads open.

I don't know how to get out of this position so I just fully go into the splits.

I hiss in pain as I didn't stretch properly.

"Somebody help me up," I say as I try to breath but this shit hurts.

"What a great sight this is," Kai whispers in my ear before grabbing my hands and helping me up.

I get to my feet and shake my legs out.

"That hurt," I say annoyed.

"How did you even learn to do the splits?," Kai asks me.

Before I could answer Greyson beat me to it.

"Being a dumbass on roller skates. Her front leg slid to far and she went into the splits then started crying as if she didn't do it herself," he says as he looks at me with a amused smile.

"Okay so smaller Aulora was a little bit dumb," I say as I sit back down.

"It can come in handy for some things," I say quietly and Kai hears me as he exhaled a sharp breath.

"You'll see one day just how handy the comes in," he says as he smirks.

"Okay our turn," Nalani says.

It doesn't take long before Elias and Delilah are just standing on there feet.

Nalani and Amelia are tangled together.

Nalani is on all fours as Amelia's face is right in front of hers and their arms are tangled.


Of course Nalani and Amelia get out first and then Elias let's Delilah win because he's whipped.

"Now that, that is over let's play Monopoly," Greyson says.

Laila is sitting in her playpen sucking her fingers so I think she's hungry.

I quickly walk over to her and pick her up.

I put her under my sweater and pull down my bra before I let her latch on.

As per usual she starts quickly sucking the life out of me.

"Aulora it's your turn," Kai says and I don't even realize.

"Can you do it for me?," I ask and he nods his head.

He rolls the dice and it lands of five.

He moves my person five and I land on a house.

"Do you want to buy this or no?," he asks me and I think for a second before shaking my head.

Everyone goes before it's my turn again and I have Kai do it for me because I'm preoccupied.

"You landed on my house gimme money," Kai says to me and I roll my eyes.

"Take whatever you need," i say and he nods.

It goes like that for a while as Laila falls asleep. I own five properties and have some money left and everyone owns the rest.

Eventually Lorenzo wins and then we decide to watch a movie to go to bed.

Everyone is still sitting in there same spots as someone turns on the tv.

Laila is asleep latched onto me and I just let her be.

Kai doesn't seem to know that as he begins talking.

"Is she still eating?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"Im a human pacifier," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"Maybe she just needed the comfort before she went to sleep," he says and I nod my head.

"It's hard to get her to unlatch though," I say as I sigh and lay my head on the back of the couch.

"Just replace it with a Paci you'll be fine she just wants to be close to her mama," he says and It so cute how he understands her.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I say to him quietly as the movie goes.

"Okay what is it?," he asks me.

"I have a list of books I want you to read since your very nosy on mine," I say to him and he nods.

"After you read each book you need to come to me so we can have a discussion about them," I say in all seriousness.

"How many books is it?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"12. But that's not important what's important is the fact that I need you to read them and tell me what you think. Some will have smut in them some don't but if you ruin the books I will not hesitate to kill you then write a speech at your funeral saying how you didn't deserve this," I say to him and he nods.

"Uhm okay I will try my best," he says and I smile while nodding.

We watch the movie for a while before I start to fall asleep.

I still have Laila latched onto me as I slowly fall over onto Kais chest.

I quickly pick myself up.

"I'm so sorry," I say tiredly.

He pulls me back into his chest and I snuggle into his warmth.

"For what?" He says as he strokes my hair and holds onto Laila's foot.

I make sure Laila is secure before I slowly fall asleep.


Here's chapter 18!

Sorry it's so short I'm super busy today and this weekend and I wasn't gonna update but I got anxiety that you guys would be upset so this is last minute.

I tried to make this interesting but I am stumped on what activities to do on this beach house so I just wrote that.

I'm really sorry this is so bad but I tried my best given my small amount of time.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time, I love you <33 -addyson

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