《Beach Baby》chapter 16 | talk




Mornings are my favorite time of day.

My baby is calm and mellow or she's asleep and I can get ready in peace.

Today we are going to a bunch of shops by the beach to look around for fun.

I'm sitting in my room getting ready as Laila sits on the floor eating a rattle.

I do my hair in a bun with a claw clip.

I move onto my make up and add some lip gloss on top.

I then move to the counter and get dressed.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish

I get dressed and put on my air forces to go with it.

I brush my teeth and spray my perfume and put on my deodorant before I pick Laila up.

I rest her on my hip and walk to the bed to get her outfit on.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish! )

I love to match my baby with me so we both wear light purple dresses.

I put on little white air forces on her and my ovaries are bursting.

I grab my purse and my lipgloss.

We aren't gonna be long so I don't need to bring a baby bag and I have a fresh diaper on her.

I set her on her feet and grab her hands and help her walk out.

Elias and Delilah are making Lunch in the kitchen.

Oliver and Lorenzo are attached at the hip per usual as Oliver sits on Lorenzo's lap.

Greyson is sat on the couch on his phone as Amelia and Nalani sit next to eachother.

Kai walks out of his room right beside me as I walk Laila out.

"Baby sunshine you look so pretty," he says to her.

When she sees him she squeals before bouncing on her feet.

"You look gorgeous sunshine," he says to me and I blush as he picks up Laila and throws her over his shoulder.

All I can hear is her laughing all the way towards the kitchen.

I move to the couch and sit next to greyson.

"Hi big brother," I say to him and he turns off his phone.

"Hi baby sister," he says as he looks up at me.

"How are you we haven't talked much recently," I say to him and he nods.

"I haven't been the best brother. I apologize I was trying to look out for you but I did it in a bad way. And to answer your question I'm fine," he says as he looks away.

"You seem upset these past few days," I say to him and he turns to me.

"I'm fine," he says as he smiles at me.

I know he's not.

"Has anything happened recently?," I ask him.

"Can we talk privately before we leave like in your room?," he asks me and I nod.

"Wait in there for me I need to tell Kai to see if he can watch Laila," I say and get up.

When I walk I pull down my dress as it has ridden up my thighs.

"Brooks," I say and he turns to me as he holds Laila.

"Her shoes are so cute," he says.

"Thank you we match. Anyways, Greyson needs to talk to me can you watch her for a bit," I ask him and he nods.


"I would be honored," he says and I laugh before walking up to Laila.

"Mommy will be right back," I say to her and she laughs.

"Mama," she whispers.

"Thank you," I say and kiss his cheek without even thinking.

I quickly walk away trying not to trip over things.

I make it back to my room as I see Greyson sitting on the bed with his hands in his lap.

I sit next to him and wait for him to speak.

"This will probably make you upset with me that I kept this from you but let me finish the story before you react," he says and I nod my head.

"You have been friends with Nalani for a while. You guys have been bestfriends since you were little. I was always around her and talking to her because she was always with you," he says and I nod my head.

"When I was younger I developed a crush on her and I didn't think anything of it because I was a kid. The crush developed as I did. It turned to us texting. We would flirt with each other most days," he says as he looks at me.

How come I never caught onto this?

"We had hooked up quite a few times. They meant something to me but I wasn't sure if they meant anything to her. Over the time my feelings grew. Then she had started to distance herself with me while I fell deeper in love with her," he says.

"Or the idea of her because she stopped talking to me. I had asked her why and she said that she had feelings for Amelia. That was the reason I went to Oliver for help because he was in a relationship," he says.

"I had thought that I meant something to her when it was just meaning less sex and clearly I didn't get the memo. It hurts seeing them together but after all I'm in love with her so what makes her happy I won't interfere with," he says.

"I know everyone is mad at me for breaking up Olirenzo and I really apologize for that. I didn't know who else to go to. You can be mad at me for that and for hooking up with your best friend I understand and I'm sorry," he says as his eyes gloss over.

I get up before grabbing his hands and standing him up.

"What are-," he gets cut off as I wrap my arms around him.

I hug him and he holds onto me tight where I think I won't be able to breath.

"I'm not mad at you. I love you," I say to him and he nods.

"I really needed a hug. Please don't let go. I love you too," he says as his voice sounds hoarse.

We hug for a little bit longer before he lets go.

He quickly wipes his eyes and clear his throat.

"This is so stupid for me to be crying over a relationship that I never had," he says and I shake my head.

"You were in love with her it's not stupid. I'm sorry your hurt and I didn't notice," I say to him and he nods.


"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Are you ready to go?," he asks me and I nod my head.

"Yeah," I say and walk behind him.

We make it out the door before he turns back around and looks at me.

"I don't have anyone to go to anymore. Oliver won't talk to me or answer my texts so can I come to you. Please?," he asks me looking like a lost puppy and I nod my head.

"Of course. You don't have to ask." I say to him and he nods before he walks out of the room.

We walk into the kitchen and when Laila sees Greyson she smiles.

"Bubba," she yells and my eyes widen.

"Is that another word she just said?," I ask out loud to no one.

"Oh my god," Greyson says as he scoops her up off the floor and kisses her all over her face.

She laughs loudly before she grabs onto his face.

Her face morphs into one of shock as she stares at him.

"Oh," she yells.

She's so funny.

We all quickly eat lunch that Elias and Delilah made for us.

Their like a old married couple.

Once we are done eating we all make our way outside.

I walk with Laila on my hip and Kai to my side.

He wanted to be with his baby sunshine.

In front of us Amelia and Nalani walk together as they hold hands.

Oliver and Lorenzo walk in front of them holding hands.

And infront of them is Delilah and Elias holding hands.

Behind me is a Greyson walking by himself.

Greyson walks up behind me and whispers in my ear.

"Can I hang out with Laila today?," he asks me.

"Bubba," she whispers as she opens her mouth and pushes her face to his trying to kiss him.

He kisses her cheek.

"Yes sure she seems to love you so much today," I say and hand her off to him.

He goes back behind me and walks while holding Laila.

We make it to the little shops and everyone splits up.

Me and Kai go into one which is a clothing store.

"So when are you going to let me into your hoodie supply?," I ask him.

"When you let me into your pants," he says and I blush.

"I'm kidding but you walked right into that one. When you come to my house you can pick whatever one you want," he says to me and I nod.

"So every single one of them?," I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

We continue to walk through the story as we stand next to a group of guys.

They are infront of us as we face them but we're not staring at them.

"She's so hot," I hear one of them mumble.

"I would love to see what's under that shirt dress," one of them says as he stares at my legs and breasts.

I shuffle behind Kai trying to shield myself from them.

I continue to hear them talking as I grab Kai's hand and squeeze it for comfort.

He looks behind him and at me.

"What's wrong sunshine?," He asks me.

"Can we leave this store those guys are making me uncomfortable," I whisper to him and he nods.

He laces our fingers together and walks us out of the store.

We walk into another store that sells bracelets and jewelry.

"What happened?," he asks me as he keeps our hands laced.

It gives me butterflies.

"They were talking about me in a gross way. They wanted to see under my dress and it made me uncomfortable when they said that," I say to him.

"Do you want me to go back in there and teach them not to talk to you like that," he asks and I shake my head.

"I want to forget about it let's keep going," I say to him and he nods.

"What happened with your brother?," he asks me.

We walk around as I sum up what happened with him and he listens to me.

"I don't like the guy but doesn't mean I don't feel bad for him," he says and I nod my head.

"I need to feed baby sunshine," I say as I feel quiet full.

"Let's go find them," he says and I nod.

He keeps our hands together as he pulls me along with him.

We are halfway to them when Kai stops me and turns towards me.

He lets go of my hands before he wraps his arms around my waist.

He trails them down to my ass as he glided his hands down to the hem of my dress which is right below my ass.

He grabs the sides before pulling them down so it covers me more.

Once he's done he taps my butt twice signaling he is done.

"Don't want anyone seeing what's in there but me. Yeah?," he asks me and I nod my head slowly.

He lets go of me and holds his hand out.

He laces our fingers together before we walk back to my brother.

When we get their Laila is crying and squirming.

Someone is hungry.

Her crying triggers my milk to leak on my bra.

I quickly pick her up before walking to a table.

I sit down before I put her under my cardigan and button it up.

I pull down my dress and let her latch on as she eats quickly.

She quickly drains out my right boob before I switch her to the left and she latches on.

She sucks quickly again and after a while drains that one too.

I unlatch her and pull up my dress. I unbutton my cardigan and pull her off before sitting her on my lap.

I sit there and wait for everyone to be done shopping to go back to the beach house.

Let's see what the rest of the day has in store for us.


Here is chapter 16!

I had this plan with Greyson for a while and I'm excited you guys get to read it.

I feel bad for Greyson and everyone hates on him but doesn't hate on Oliver...

Glee is on Disney plus and I'm freaking out it's my favorite show and they took it off Netflix. 😧

Thank you all for all the support. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you next time, I love you -addyson <33

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