《Beach Baby》chapter 15 | dare




Swimming is my favorite thing to do.

I love to tread the water and let my muscles relax as I float against the surface.

Today we are all going to the beach and swimming.

I quickly change into some swim shorts.

I'm just wearing black shorts with no shirt because I'm getting in the water.

I walk out and everyone is waiting in their swimsuits.

I see Aulora standing in the room holding Laila on her hip.

When my eyes scan her body my breath gets knocked out of my throat.

She is so hot and she doesn't even know.

I have to look away because I don't want to get a hard-on in front of everyone.

Her swimsuit:

Laila's outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

Yesterday when we got here we chose rooms for everyone.

Aulora and Laila have a room together.

Amelia, Delilah and Nalani have a room together.

Oliver and Lorenzo have a room together.

Greyson, Elias and I share the last room.

I make my way to Aulora and put my hands out for Laila.

She leans over and hands me her as I toss her in the air and kiss her face a bunch of times.

She starts to laugh at me and it makes me happy.

I rest her on my hip and we all go walking out the front door to the beach.

Once we get to the beach we all add our own towels to the sand and sit down.

I'm next to Lorenzo and Aulora as always.

I set Laila down on towel on her stomach and she looks out at the water.

"If it makes you feel better I can only talk to him when necessary. I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm sorry," I hear Oliver say to Lorenzo.

"Yes p-please, and I-it's o-okay," Lorenzo says back to Oliver.

I smile knowing that they're okay now and it was a misunderstanding.

I pick Laila up and place her on my hip as I stand up.

"Do you want to go in the water?," I ask Aulora as I reach my hands to lift her up.

"Sure," she says as she puts her hands in mine and stands up.

We walk over to the water.

Once we get close I set Laila on her feet and hold her hands as the water splashes her feet.

She squeals at it and bounces up and down on her feet.

Such a cute little baby.

Aulora comes into view and reaches her hands to Laila and picks her up putting her on her hip.

She slowly walks deeper into the water as I walk in behind her.

We get about waist deep before Aulora turns around and smiles at me.

"It's so cold," she says as she shivers.

"It will get better once your in for a while," I say to her and she nods.

I turn around and see that everyone has gotten up and went into the ocean too.

Accept for Delilah and Elias who are cuddling on a towel.

Then their is Greyson sitting in a towel away from Delilah and Elias.

He is by himself as he hugs his knees to his chest and rest his head on them.


He's just staring at the water looking lost.

I turn back around to look at Aulora as she puts Laila in the water as she squeals.

She hits her hands in the water a few times as she kicks her legs clearly enjoying herself.

I dunk my head under the water before pushing myself back up.

"That was such a movie scene. The bad boy pushes himself under the water and pops back up as he smooths his hair and water droplet ripple down his abs," Aulora says in a TV show host voice.

"Are you off your meds?," I ask her and she nods.

"I was hungry so I ate them all," she says as she licks her lips.

I roll my eyes at her before Nalani comes up to us.

"Can I have this cutie and play with her?" She asks Aulora and she nods before handing her off.

Then second she is gone I swim under the water and wrap my arms around Auloras waist before pushing her under the water.

She goes under before I carry us back up.

"What the heck, Kai," she gasps as she hits my chest.

"You look like you were heating up," I say innocently as I bat my lashes.

"I will rip your lashes off," she says and I roll my eyes.

I still have my arms wrapped around her ways as her hands are against my chest.

"I'm gonna drown you," she seethes through her teeth.

"I will choke you out when your sleeping," she says.

"I will make a necklace out of your teeth,"

"I will flush your hair down the toilet,"

"I will literally suffocate you with a pillow,"

"I will sell your feet on EBay,"

"I will pull your eyes out with a skewer,"

She rattled off these things as I stare at her.

"Are you done yet?," I ask her and she nods her head.

"Good, I was hoping you would say you wanted to fuck me but that's just wishful thinking," I say and she blushes.

She looks so pretty when she blushes with her big brown eyes, her rosy cheeks, and the shy smile on her lips.

So beautiful.

I tuck a piece of hair behind her face as our eyes stay locked on one another.

We slowly start to lean forward as we keep eye contact.

Before our lips could meet Lorenzo splashes us.

"You mother fucking piece of shit," I yell as I lunge at him.


It is now seven o'clock at night.

We all have already eaten dinner and so has Laila.

We all have gathered in the living room.

Apparently we are going to be playing truth or dare.

Everyone is sitting down except for Greyson who walks up to Aulora who is sitting right next to me.

"Im gonna go to bed do you need me to watch Laila?," he asks her and she looks up to him.

"You aren't playing with us?" Aulora asks him and he shakes his head.

"I don't really think anyone wants me here, I can watch Laila so you can play," he says with a laugh.


"Yeah sure, goodnight," she says to him.

"Goodnight everyone," Greyson says and no one says anything they all just watch him walk away.

"Okay so who wants to start?," Amelia asks.

"Me" says Nalani.

"So, Kai truth or dare?," she asks me and I turn to her.

"Truth," I say.

"Awh what a baby. Is it true that you have never had a girlfriend before?," she asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yup. Oliver truth or dare?," I ask him and he looks at me.

"Dare," he says and I smile.

"I dare you to eat a strawberry out of Lorenzo's mouth," I say to him and he nods.

He quickly gets up and goes into the fridge.

He grabs a strawberry and cuts off the leaves before slicing it in half.

He grabs one half and sits back down next to Enzo.

He puts it out and Enzo takes it into his mouth.

"Close your mouth," Oliver says to Lorenzo and he does.

A second later Oliver attaches his mouth to Lorenzo's as they kiss for like a minute.

Oliver pulls back from him and has the piece of strawberry in between his teeth before he eats it.

Lorenzo moves his hand and uses the pad of his thumb to wipe Oliver's bottom lip.

Why was that so sexual I'm really trying not to laugh.

"Okay. Aulora truth or dare," Oliver asks her and she looks nervous.

"Uhh dare," she squeaks out.

"I dare you to sit on Kai's Lap for the whole game," he says.

It was already hers to sit on but whatever.

I grab onto her hands and pull her into my lap.

I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my arms as her back is to my chest.


"Okay, Nalani. Truth or dare bestie," Aulora says.

"Dare because I'm not a pussy," she says as she stares at me.

I roll my eyes at her.

"I dare you to make out with Amelia," she says and my eyes widen.

Who knew my little sunshine could think these things.

"Okay," she says and gets you.

She walks over to Amelia and straddles her lap.

They attach their lips together and start moving them in a perfect rhythm.

Amelia moves her hands to Nalani's ass as Nalani has her arms wrapped around her neck.

Should we get them a room?

After a few more seconds they unattached themselves from eachother.

Nalani goes and sits down.

"Okay. Delilah truth or dare?," she asks her.

"Truth," she says shyly.

"Do you dominate Elias?," she asks her.

She nods her head.

God damn didn't know Elias was a submissive.

Does he call her mommy?


"Lorenzo, truth or dare?," she asks him and he turns to her.

"Truth," he says.

"Would you ever have a threesome with Oliver and someone in this group," she asks him.

"Yes I w-would," he says and my eyes widen.

"Amelia, truth or d-dare?," he asks her.

"Dare," she says and he laughs.

"I d-dare you too c-call your m-mom and t-tell her you a-are pregnant b-by a h-homeless m-man," he says and she rolls her eyes.

She pulls out her phone and opens the call app.

Aulora starts to squirm in my lap and it makes me groan as she's right on my dick.

I move my hand from her waist and up to her hair before pulling it back roughly and making her look at me.

"Don't squirm in my lap like that," I tell her and she nods.

She starts to try to push her legs together which causes her to squirm again.

I pull her hair back even further and she whimpers not from pain.

"What did I tell you?," I ask her.

"Not to squirm," she says breathlessly.

"And what did you do?," I ask her again.

"I squirmed," she says and I nod my head.

"Do you want me to bend you over my lap and spank you for not listening?," I whisper in her ear.

She shakes her head but her eyes hold lust in them.

"Then stop it," I tell her and she nods her head.

I let go of her hair and let her turn back to the conversation.

"Hey mom," she says in the phone.

"What did you do?," she asks and I try not to laugh.

"I'm so sorry," she says and starts to fake cry.

"I was so lonely so I had sex with a homeless man and now I'm pregnant. He has aids and no where to live," she says as she continues to fake cry.

"Your such a dumbass Amelia," she says as she starts laughing.

"I'm sorry I don't know what to do with baby chlamydia," she says as she try's not to laugh.

"Your seriously fucking naming it chlamydia," she asks her.

"Well I just thought it's fitting," she says.

"I'm just fucking with you mom I'm a lesbian so-," she says and I roll my eyes at how she stopped the joke already.

"Yeah I know that but I'm glad your not pregnant," she says before hanging up.

We all laugh and continue to play.

Not long after we all decide to go to bed.

I walk into my room and see Greyson is asleep and Elias walks in behind me.

I quickly get into my bed not wanting to wake Greyson up before I pull the covers up on me.

I lay there for a while and soon after I fall into a peaceful sleep.


Here is chapter 15!

Happy pride month to you all!! <3

It is now officially my birthday month and then I will be 16!

Thank you for 40k reads her and 200k reads on RTY I'm shocked.

Baby chlamydia was the star of the show and you can't tell me otherwise.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you next time. I love you all! -addyson <333

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