《Beach Baby》chapter 1 | target



That's what I have to have as my five month old baby Laila screams and cry's for me to hold her.

I'm currently trying to get dressed all I did was set her down.

"I'm sorry baby, mommy is almost done," I say as I put on my top after my pants. My outfit is simple because she didn't give me time to pick out anything good as she cries.

I put on a white v-neck tank top and a pink cardigan with light blue jeans and white air forces.

Her outfit:

(Choose whatever you want

Laila is wearing a little wool jacket with small leggings.

Baby's outfit:

(Choose whatever you like

Baby clothes are so cute.

I keep my shirt open so that I can feed Laila whenever I need to.

She is breastfed and will continue to be until she doesn't want to or I say so.

I'm finally finished.

I move over to the crib in my room and pick her up.

I place her on my hip and walk into the living room to get my keys so we can go to target.

I grab the baby bag and keys and make my way into my car.

I get Laila strapped into her car seat and put the baby bag next to her. I get into the car and start to drive.

On my way there she starts to cry loudly.

"I'm sorry baby, once we get there you can have some milk," I say to her as if she can understand.

She just cried harder and I feel so bad.

We quickly make it to the target and I get out of the car.

I go to the back seats and unstrap her before picking her up out of the car seat.

I grab the nursing cover I have and put it on before situating her under it. I pull down my tank top and bra and she latches on quickly and starts to suckle.

I walk into the target and grab a cart.

I push the cart with one hand and cradle Laila with the other so she's situated.

I decide that me and Laila are going to have a movie night so I'm gonna go get snacks for me and she will just be having milk.

I walk into the chip isle to get something for myself and I see two boys arguing.

One had blond hair and pale skin.

The other was very handsome. Holy fuck.

He has tan skin, tattoos, brown fluffy hair, brown eyes, and a very toned body.

I decide to ignore it because I am not bold enough to go up to random people.

I walk down the isle and look for hot Cheetos and see the boys are right in front of them.

I just wait to get them and look at other chips.

I hear them arguing as I stand here.

"Get the Pringles they are so good," blonde one says.

"No fucker, I don't eat that shit," handsome one says.

"You can eat my dick or eat the Pringles, your choice?," blonde one says.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm leaving you here," handsome one says.

I turn away and as I'm faced towards the isle I feel someone crash into me. I'm pushed back a few steps and I look who it was.


I see the very handsome guy had crashed into me.

I look up to him and he locks eyes with me.

"I'm so sorry," he says to me.

"It's okay," I say as I look inside the cover to see if Laila is okay.

She's fine she's just eating. She smiles up at me around my nipple.

"Why do you have a cape on?," the blonde one asks.

"It's a nursing cover so that my baby can eat," I say to him and his eyes go wide.

"Your a mother?," handsome guy asks and I nod.

"I've seen you at our college and I would have never thought you were a mom," blonde boy says and I laugh.

"You can't really bring a baby to school with you so I have someone watch her," I say to them and he smiles.

"We should be friends, I need new ones and you seem nice," blonde one says.

"Thank you and sure!," I say to him and he writes down his number and hands it to me.

Right when I take it Laila unlatches.

"Can someone hold her real quick so I can fix my shirt?," I ask them and blonde one nods.

I pull her up and hand her to him and she starts to cry.

"Your so bad with babies," handsome says.

"You try," blonde one says and hands Laila to handsome guy.

She instantly calms down for him.

I fix my shirt and pull it up and take the nursing cover off and place it in my cart.

The most adorable sight is seeing handsome guy holding my baby as she smiles up at him.

He looks at me once he sees I'm situated.

His eyes scan my body stop at obvious places.

"I can take her back now," I say to him and he smiles and hands her back to me.

I grab onto her and put her on my hip as she still stares at the handsome one.

"What's your guys name?," I question them.

"I'm Oliver and he's Kai. What's your name?," blonde one says and I smile.

"I'm Aulora and this is Laila," I say to them and kiss Laila's cheek.

"Pretty," Kai says and I blush a little which is embarrassing.

"I have to go before she starts to get fussy but we should all hang out some time I have friends who would love to make new friends," I say to them and they nod.

"Yes, we have friends too," Oliver says and I laugh.

"That's good I would hope you have some friends," I say to them in a joking way.

"Wow I see how it is," Kai says and I laugh.

"I have Oliver's number so we can get together some time. Have a good night," I say to them and put Laila in my cart.

I start walking towards the Cheetos and get the lime ones because their my fave.

I put them in my cart and continue on my way.

I would get Laila those yogurt melts that taste so good to me but she's to little and will choke on them.


We continue walking through the store and grabbing what we needed as she babbles in the cart.

She hates her car seat so I'm stalling in the store.

I hate to see my baby sad so I hate putting her in there but we have to.

I go to self check out and start checking out my items as she sits in the cart.

"She's beautiful," someone says and I turn and see a man standing there checking out.

He just continues to stare at her and so I pick her up and hold her close to me.

"Thanks," I say to him half heartedly.

I'm sort of scared of men because of trauma I have so I'm weary about them.

I'll do anything to protect my daughter so not joining into the conversation seems like the best bet.

I continue to hold her in my arms as I scan everything.

Once I'm done I bag it all and put it into the cart and walk out to my car.

I hold Laila and put everything in the car then I strap her in.

I get inside the car and quickly lock the doors before making my way home.

"Laila baby, Uncle Grey is coming to have a sleep over and movie night with us," I say excitedly and she starts to kick her legs out.

She loves her uncle so much and I love him too.

He was here for me for my whole pregnancy and even after.

We quickly make it home and I grab the bags and put Laila's head on my shoulder once I get her out cause she is asleep.

I slowly walk to the door.

Once I make it I unlock the door and get in and see that Greyson is already here.

I set the bags down before I go to find him.

"How was your trip to the store?," he whispers.

"It was okay besides one man when I was checking out," I say.

"Lora you need to let someone come with you to the store if not for your safety but your baby's too," he says to me and I feel guilty.

"It was a quick trip I didn't need anyone there," I said to him.

"I know you shouldn't have to take someone but please do next time I don't want you going by yourself," he says and I nod my head.

"I got snacks for the movie night if you want some," I say to him.

"Let me go see what you got," he says and walks out.

I follow him slowly not to wake Laila.

He goes through the bags and puts everything away for me as I rock Laila.

Soon after she wakes up and I smile at her as she rubs her eyes.

"Look baby it's your uncle Grey," I say to her and she turns her head.

When she sees him she smiles at him and I hand her off to him.

She rests her head on his shoulder and snuggles up to him.

So cute.

I grab the snacks that I bought and go to the couch and turn the tv on.

I put on the movie uptown girls.

It's one of my favorite movies.

Greyson opens up the potato chips and I eat hot Cheetos.

Laila starts to whine and I know she's hungry.

I pick her up and take off my cardigan before moving my tank top strap down and then my bra before letting her latch on.

Her head covers my whole boob so my brother can't see anything.

We continue to watch the movie and eat but I'm interrupted by a whine.

I look down and see that there is a hot Cheetos on her forhead.

I start to crack up and Greyson sees the Cheetos on her forhead and starts to laugh too.

I quickly pick it up and eat it.

She is the best bib because I can't drop my crumbs onto the couch they just fall on to her.

She doesn't mind unless they fall on her face.

So it's a win for all of us.

I turn to the clock and see it's seven at night. I let Laila eat for a few minutes before she unlatches.

"I'm gonna go put her down," I say and quickly fix my clothes before picking her up.

I cradle her to me as her eyes close and she falls asleep quickly.

I set her in the crib with her pacifier before I come back to the couch to finish up the movie.

"Is she asleep?," he asks me and I nod.

"How are mom and dad they haven't texted me for a while," I say to him.

"They are busy but their good. Their trying to purchase a house instead of renting so their pretty stressed," he says and I nod my head.

"They haven't asked to see Laila in a while so I was wondering what was up," I say to him.

They love Laila but I know they didn't want me to be a mom at such a young age.

I don't care though because she's my greatest blessing.

I love her.

"They want to see Laila their just busy as I said but I will make all the time in the world for her," he says.

"She loves you a lot," I say to him and he smiles at me.

"I do love her a lot and since I'm not going to college if you need a baby sitter I'm free whenever," he says to me and I smile.

"I will take you up on that," I say to him.

When the movie is finished I go to bed.

I tell Greyson to sleep in the guest room of my apartment.

I check to make sure that Laila is good.

She's sleeping so I go to bed too. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about Kai's handsome face.


Wow here is the first chapter.

I'm so excited to write this book and for you guys to read it!

As always I will be uploading every single day.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoy the book! - addyson <33

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