《Beach Baby》chapter 2 | beach




Today my friends and I are going to the beach.

I'm currently on my last class of the day.

College is pretty draining but I'm glad I have English as my last class of the day because it's easy for me.

I quickly finish up the class and pack up my things.

I grab my bag and make my way out.

On my way out I bump into someone.

I hear a small sigh and look down and see the girl from target.

I'd be lying if I said she wasn't gorgeous.

I grab her hand and help her up as she dust off her pants.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you," she says.

"It's fine I wasn't watching where I was going anyway," I say to her.

"My friends and I are going to the beach today if you want to go and invite your friends," I say to her and she smiles.

"Sure but is it fine if I bring Laila I have no one to watch her," she says to me and I smile at the reminder of her adorable baby.

"Yeah of course," I say to her.

"Okay bye I'll see you then," she says.

As she walks away I can't help but think about what she would look like in a bikini.

The things I would do to her.

I pretty much hate everyone but can't find myself being malicious in any way towards her.

I have yet to figure out why.

I walk out of the college and get into my car and wait for my dipshit of friends to come into the car.

One by one Elias, Oliver, and Lorenzo get into the car.

"Oh my god, do you guys think there will be any hot guys there," Oliver asks.

"None of us are attracted to men but you so it's up to you to decide," Elias said nicely.

Oliver was always the crazy one, Elias is the calm level headed one and Lorenzo is more quiet and funny.

"No," Lorenzo says.

What did I say?

He's a man of few words.

"We're meeting the group of girls at the beach," I say.

"Ohhh the girl you got the hots for from target?" Oliver asks thinking he's so funny.

I ignore him and I start the car and start driving.

It doesn't take us long before we are at the beach.

I let everyone get out before locking the doors of my car and walking onto the sand.

Oliver runs off to the water like the dumbass he is and Elias walks and sits in the sand and so do Lorenzo and I.

"Do you think the girls will be nice?," Elias asks.

"Aulora is very nice but I've never met the rest," I say to them.

"No one bother me," Lorenzo says and takes off his shirt and stays in his shorts.

He lays back and closes his eyes.


I hear footsteps behind me and see the group of girls are here.

Aulora walks up holding Laila with her.

Next to her is a white blonde girl, an Asian brunette girl, and a African American brunette girl.

Aulora comes up and sits down next to me with Laila in her lap.

The rest of the girls sit down with her.

"What's your guys names?," Elias asks.

"I'm Delilah," the blond white girl says.

"I'm Amelia," the Asian brunette girl says.

"Nalani," the African American girl says.

"Well I'm Elias, the one laying there is Lorenzo and the one sitting is Kai. The one in the ocean is Oliver," Elias says.

"I'm Aulora and this is my daughter Laila," Aulora says and I smile at the baby.

"Daughter?," Lorenzo questions with his eyes closed.

"If you opened your eyes it would make sense fucker," I say to him and he opens his eyes.

He turns and look at Aulora and down to the baby with wide eyes.

"Okay," he says and lays back down.

I roll my eyes before turning back to Aulora and Laila.

Laila looks at me and smiles at me and I can't help the grin that breaks on to my face.

She puts her fingers in her mouth and starts to squeal.

I chuckle a little bit because she's very adorable.

"Do you want to hold her?," Aulora asks me.

I nod my head and put my hands out for the baby.

Aulora smiles before she hands me Laila.

I take her and hold her against my chest.

I'm currently wearing swim shirts and a hoodie and she grabs onto the string of my hoodie and puts it into her mouth.

She lets it hang out of her mouth and I can't help but laugh at that.

She's so cute.

I sit her down into my lap and make sure her hoodie string is secure.

She stares at the water as I comb her little baby hairs out of her face.

"She's very calm with you," I hear Aulora say from beside me.

"What do you mean?," I ask.

"When other people hold her she usually cries and wants to come back to me," she says.

"Hm that's weird, she's very cute though," I say to her and she smiles.

"Thank you," she says and smiles to herself.

"Can I try to hold her?," Elias asks.

"Yeah, sure," I hear Aulora say before I hand Laila off to Elias.

When Elias gets her, her bottom lip starts to quiver and she starts to cry.

"Shh," Lorenzo says.

"I'm sorry," Aulora says before she quickly takes her back.

When Aulora sits down I turn and se Laila starts to push her face into Aulora's breasts.

"Can someone pass me a towel so I can feed her real quick," she says and I nod my head before passing her a towel.


She takes the towel.

She covers herself and moves around until I hear a loud sucking noise coming from her.

I start to laugh.

"She's so loud," I say as a continue to laugh.

"I know it's so funny," she says as she peaks down into the towel.

"When's she's done does anyone want to come with me to the water?," Aulora asks.

"Me," Nalani says and takes off her shirt and shirts.

"How old are you?," I hear the girl names Amelia ask.

"Who?," Delilah asks.

"The handsome one named Kai," Amelia says answering Delilah.

"19," I say while looking at the water.

I don't really care to have a conversation with these people.

"What's your major?," Amelia asks again.

"What I chose to major in," I say bluntly.

"Your not one to talk are you?," she asks again.

My patience is running thin with this women.

"I talk a lot. To people I'm interested in having a conversation with," I say.

I hear rustling and turn to se Aulora taking Laila out of the towel.

Her eyes are shut and she has milk dribbling out of her mouth.

"She's milk drunk," Aulora declares before she removes the towel.

"Nalani and I are going to the water and she's out. I hate to be a burden but can you hold her when we go. She seems to only settle with you." She says looking at me.

"Yeah sure, go have fun I'll watch her," I say to her and she smiles.

She hands me Laila.

I'm sitting criss-cross and I put her sideways in my lap as he head rests on my leg.

Her breathing is slow and even as she sleeps.

I look up and see Aulora undressing right there. Holy fuck she is so beautiful.

She has a great figure and is very filled out.

I need to stop looking I can't get a hard-on while holding a baby.

I quickly avert my gaze to the baby laying down on me.

Her eyes are closed and her mouth is slightly parted.

Her little fists are curled into a ball and her legs are stretched out.

She's wearing a little light pink shirt sleeve onesie with white leggings with red and light pink flowers.

Baby's outfit:

(Short sleeves instead, choose whatever you wish

She looks absolutely adorable.

She has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

She's so small and looks exactly like Aulora but just mini.

She could have everyone wrapped around her fingers.

Not long after Aulora, Nalani, and Oliver come back to the sand.

"We should get to know eachother better by playing truth or truth, you can ask any questions and you only get 3 passes," Nalani says and everyone agrees.

"Can I have her pacifier so she won't wake up," I ask Aulora and she nods.

She hands me the Paci and I put it in her mouth and she instantly starts to suck on it.

"Okay I'll ask first," Delilah says.

"Oliver, what is your sexuality?," Delilah asks.

"I'm gay. Aulora, are you with your baby daddy?," he questions and she tenses.

"No. Lorenzo, what's your sexuality," she asks.

"Bi. How old are you Delilah?," he asks.

"19. Kai, would you date anyone in this group?," she asks me.

"Yeah. Nalani, how did you meet Aulora?," I ask her.

"When I was 10 at Walmart. Elias, what's your type?," she asks him.

"I don't have one. Amelia, I don't know what to ask so can you do the splits?," he ask her.

"No, only Aulora can. Kai, what's your favorite hobby?," she asks me.

So she's flexible.

"Playing guitar. Aulora, do you have any siblings?," I ask her.

"Yeah one older brother. Oliver, what's your favorite food?," she asks.

"Fettuccine Alfredo. Lorenzo, why don't you talk much?," he asks.

"Because I hate you all. Nalani, what's your favorite position?," he asks as his eyes are still closed.

She chokes on air as all of us are shocked.

"Doggy. Aulora has anyone ever made you finish?," she asks her and my eyes widen.

"No," she mumbles quietly.

How could anyone not want their girl to finish?

"What's your favorite color, Delilah?," she asks.

"Yellow. Elias what's your body count?," she asks.

"Zero. Lorenzo, who would you date in this group?," Elias ask him.

"Nalani, Oliver or Aulora. Kai, how many people have you dated?," he asks me.

Laila starts to shift so I pick her up.

I put her against my chest with her head on my shoulder and gently rock her to sleep.

"Zero. Amelia, would you ever date a girl?," I ask her.

"Well I'm lesbian so yeah. Aulora, what's your body count?," she asks her.

"Zero," she says and everyone stares at her in shock.

How did she have a baby if she didn't have sex with anyone?

"Okay," Lorenzo breaks the silence.

Well now the game is over.

Everyone breaks out into conversation while Aulora just sits there and cuddled with her fingers.

"Do you want her back?," I ask referring to Laila.

"Sure," she says and I pass her over to her.

She comfortably holds her.

I don't know what to talk about because I don't really know her.

I prefer not talking.

We spend the rest of the day chilling at the beach until we have to go home.


Here is chapter two!

It's starting off pretty slow and akward between them because they don't know eachother and Kai is getting used to talking to other people nicely.

So sorry if it's boring but it will get better soon. ;)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you next time!

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