《Primrose》Chapter 33


Okay, here goes nothing. Yesterday Heath, Jed, and I came up with a plan on how to tell Kade. We were going to do what Jed suggested. I know Kate seems a bit stupid, but I think he'll figure what we're trying to tell him right?

We called Kade and Nash to meet up at the gym. We are planning to give him the bad news after when all the people leave. As the last person leaves the gym, Kade shuts the door and turns to face us with a smile.

"So, what did you guys want to talk about?" He asks as he sits down on the floor right beside me.

"Umm, okay so....... Prim, why don't you tell him?" Jed says. I give Jed a cold glare as Kade turns to face me with a curious look.

"Umm. Okay so, I think. Keyword, think, that you are Kara are a bit distant lately right?" Kade just nods his head.

"Is this about me and Kara?" He asks. I just nod my head slowly. "Go on," He says as his eyes narrow.

"Um....... Heath?" I turn to him allowing him to continue.

He gives Kade a nervous smile and scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, okay so basically you know how she and Emily have been wandering around right?"

"Can you just get to the point?" Kade asks.

"Kara kissed another boy!" Jed blurts out and covers his mouth after. Kade goes silent as he takes in what we just told him.

"Kade?" I ask him when he doesn't even reply.

Then he starts to burst out laughing. He falls to the floor holding his stomach in laughter. He sits back up and wipes a tear away from his eyes after about a minute of this. "Oh, you guys are so funny. But for real, what's the news?" He asks.

Heath, Jed, and I just stare at him in shock. Really? I guess he is that stupid. "Kade, look. I know you really like Kara but I have proof," I say and sit down next to him.

I take my phone out and click my camera roll to where the picture of Kara and that dude kissing appears. I hold out my phone for him and he takes it. His eyes narrow and his eyebrows scrunching as he observes the photo. "We're sorry Kade," Heath says patting him on the shoulder.


"I don't even know what to say right now," Kade mumbles and hands me back my phone before walking into the bathroom and closing it.

Everyone is silent as none of us know what to say. "Well, at least we got that over with," Jed says and lies down on the matt.

"Yeah, but our friend is upset," I say. I walk over to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Kade?" I ask. He mumbles something that I couldn't quite hear. "Kade, can you come out, please?" I ask softly.

"My life is over," I hear him say.

I knock on the door once more, my eyes softening. "Kade, at least let me know that you're going to be okay?" I say. Nothing. I look back at the guys to see that they also have worried looks on their faces. "Kade?" I ask again and go to knock once more when the bathroom door is thrown open.

"I know what I'm going to do," Kade says as he wipes a tear that lands on his cheek.

"And that is.....?" Jed asks.

"I'm going to break up with her. I know you guys would never lie to me about this right?" He asks us and we nod our heads.

I would definitely have been upset if Kade decides to not believe us and stick with Kara. But I'm glad he did because like they say, bros before hoes. Even though I'm not a bro, but it still counts in a way.

"Good," I say. Kade doesn't move from his spot. "Aren't you going to go?" I ask.

"Right," Kade says. "I'm going to break up with her,"

"Then why aren't your feet moving?" Nash asks. That's the first time he's said something ever since we told Kade the bad news. I know Nash is pretty upset as well, I mean he and Kade have been together their whole lives.

"Oh, they're not? Weird right?" Kade says laughing nervously which I find him doing a lot when he gets nervous.

"Kade?" I ask. "What's wrong?".

"I just never thought that I would be the one doing the breakup. Normally the girl does and it's mainly because my jokes were too lame for them," Kade says sadly.

"You got this," Then a memory pops into my head. "Hey, remember what I said when you helped me train one day?" I ask him. Kade looks up at me. "You told me why I wasn't nervous? And I told you to not let your fear get in the way of the main goal?"


Kade lowers his eyes and nods his head at the memory. "Yeah, that was pretty lame," He says.

"Well, I'm giving that advice to you now. See? I told you that you'd need it one day. And here we are, you're scared to break up with Kara, but if you want to keep letting her get away with kissing other guys, you need to end it with her," I say.

Kade nods his head. "Yeah, you're right for once,"

"Excuse me--?"

"I do need to break up with her. Nash, come with me," Kade and says and he and Nash walk out of the gym door and to his car.

"Tell us how it goes!" Jed yells as they drive off. Good luck Kade.

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

Okay, here goes nothing. I park my car at the coffee shop that I told Kara to meet at. She told me that she would be on her way and now Nash and I are sitting in the cafe, waiting for her.

"You nervous?" Nash asks me.

I nod my head. Nash has been with me through my ups and downs, he's like the brother I've always wanted. We see her car pull up and out walks the girl of the hour. She enters the coffee shop and when she sees me she gives me one of those smiles.

Stop it, Kade, you got this. I clear my throat and gesture for Nash to move it. He gets out of his seat and whispers good luck to me and pulls out the chair for Kara to sit in. "Why are we here, Kade?" Kara asks in disgust.

I blow out a breath. Just rip off the bandage. "We're done," I blurt out.

She raises an eyebrow. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

"I said we're done. As in you are now officially single, while I am no longer dating a cheater," I reply with a fake smile.

"You have no idea what you're talking about," She says whisper yelling at me. "I am not a cheater,"

"Really? Well, my friend's photo of you smashing your lips onto another man says otherwise. We're done here," I say and leave the table. She follows me and grips my arm.

"You do not get to break up with me, Kade. Your friends are liars, who told you? Was it Poison? She's not good for you," Kara says with fake sympathy.

"First of all Carwash, her name is Prim. And second of all, I've known my friends longer than this relationship existed. I don't need your fake ass sympathy," I fire back and she gasps.

"You don't get to talk to me like that," She says.

"News flash, I just did," I say pointing to myself as I attempt to walk around her. She grips my arm once more. "What are you doing? You're crazy," I say as she attempts to unbutton my belt.

"Let me show you something that Prim can't give to you," She says spitting out Prim's name as if it's the actual word poison.

"Okay let's go," Nash says as he pries Kara off of me and carries her outside. We get weird looks from the customers.

"Sorry, crazy ex-girlfriend. Enjoy your meals!" I say quickly and run outside.

"Put me down you loaf of bread!" Kara screams at Nash who drops her down. Kara fixes up her hair and pushes her breasts out more. "Kade, I hope you know that I was faking my feelings for you. Emily will get Heath one way or another," Kara spits out.

"Good luck with that because Heath and Prim are in love. Bye!" I say with a happy tone as she screams like a little kid and yanks open her car door. She slams it back shut and speed drives away. We watch as her car disappears from our line of sight.

"Well, you hungry?" Nash asks me breaking the silence that followed.

"Yep," I say agreeing with him as we head back into the coffee shop.

I probably should've seen this coming. But I was too blindsided by the fact that someone actually wanted to be with me. I have never felt this way about a girl before and to find out that she's only doing this to help her best friend steal my best friend's boyfriend? Now that's a real poison in my guts. Huh, I guess I really did use Prim's advice. She's a good friend.

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

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