《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Twenty Five •


It has been three days since we returned from the coast and since then I have been wondering around my house bored to death. I have seen Archer and my other friends once since then.

I will be receiving my final report in two days time and our graduation ceremony is three days away. It is becoming more and more real that I'm almost finished with high school. High school is all I've known for the last few years and it's going to be weird not going there anymore.

So today, after wondering the house aimlessly and looking in the fridge thirty times, I decided that I had nothing better to do there than to watch a movie.

I Prepared a bag of butter flavoured microwave popcorn, poured myself a glass of water and went to my room. I placed my snack on the bedside table and grabbed my laptop from off my desk. I snuggled my way under my blankets, scrolled through the movies that I had downloaded onto my laptop and pressed play.

When I was just over half way through the movie I received a message on my phone. The loud notification brought me out of my hypnotised state and I reached over to see who it was.

Archie: Hey, Blondie. We doing something tonight?

Me: What you have in mind?

Archie: I'm thinking that we wing it.

Me: Sounds fun.

Archie: See you at five.

Me: 😘

It was only Four, so I had time to finish my movie and get ready.


After sobbing my eyes out into my sweater sleeves, because of the stupid romcom ending, I closed my laptop and placed it on my desk.

The doorbell rang downstairs.

I ran down to open the door, expecting to see Archer waiting at the door.

"Archer I'm not ready-" I started as I opened the door, but was met by Martin instead.

"Hey." He said awkwardly.

"Hey. What're you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I needed to talk to you." He said. "Are you okay?" He asked gesturing to my eyes.

"I was watching a romcom, but it was more sad than anything else." I said laughing it off.

"Okay." He said with a nervous laugh as well.

"So... what's up?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest to warm myself up.

"Um, okay. So, I know that I haven't been very subtle about my feelings for you and I guess you know how I feel, because of Caitlyn's question during truth or dare." He began, looking at me nervously.



"Um, yeh..." I said looking at the floor. "I-"

"Wait, just listen... please."

I nodded, allowing him to continue.

"I know that you're with Archer and you guys are good together, but I just needed to make sure that you knew how I felt. I don't want to regret never getting it off of my chest."

"I understand what you're saying and I'm really flattered, but like you said 'I'm with Archer'. I love him and that's not going to change."

"I just have to try." He said.

And with that he had taken an advanced step forward toward me and planted his lips on mine.

I was in utter shock. My brain was in disbelief. How could he just kiss me like that, I have a boyfriend and he's a freaking boxer.

Archer's going to kill him.

With my eyes still open, still from surprise, I pushed Martin off of me.

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

"I could ask the same thing."

My heart dropped and I looked over in the direction of his voice.


He must've just pulled up and seen the whole thing. The look of utter anger and hurt both pooled around in his eyes. He took his rage filled eyes off of Martin for a second to look at me and all I could see was hurt.

I pushed him off, I didn't want Martin to kiss me. Archer can't possible be upset with me, right?

Martin was dead silent, shifting his gaze nervously along the ground.

"You." Archer warned, taking a step toward Martin. "I ignored your obsession with my girlfriend thinking that you were a decent enough guy not to act on it, but now you've crossed a line."

"Ar-" Martin started, but he was cut off from the blow of Archer's fist. "Shit!" He yelled as he stumbled back.

Archer took a step back and looked over at me.

Martin took two aggressive steps at Archer and threw a punch against his cheek. Archer regained his posture, barely affected by Martin's attempt at a hit, and looked at him in shock.

Was Martine stupid?

It took a second before Archer attacked Martin. Throwing hit after hit. Eventually they were ripping into each other and I suddenly realised how real it all was.

"Guys! Stop!" I yelled. "Archer! You'll kill him!" I screamed at Archer, after getting a better look at Martin's face.


Archer stopped suddenly, pushing Martin back into the ground one last time. "Touch her again and I'll end you." He warned.

Martin nodded and stood up. He glanced at me with sad eyes and walked away quickly.

Archer was standing with his gaze in the direction of Martin's fading figure, hate written in his features.

"Archer..." I said softly, slowly walking toward him.

"Don't, Aurora." He said angrily. He looked up at me with a hard look on his face.

I flinched at his tone.

"Archer, I didn't want him to kiss me. I pushed him away."

"I saw." He stated.

"Then why are you angry with me?" I asked, hurt.

"I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with the situation." He explained. "I'm angry that it went that far, I'm angry that I let it get there, I'm angry with that slimy asshole and I'm angry that I cannot unsee it." He said with his eyes piercing through mine.

I didn't say anything.

"I'm gonna go." He said looking away.

"Archer, no. Please I-"

"No, Aurora. I just don't want to be around you right now. Okay. I can't look at you without seeing... that." He said gesturing around him. "I just need some space."

What is happening right now.

This situation is messed up. How could he be saying this.

I let out a small sob. It can not be real.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Archer..." I said with tears running down my cheeks. I didn't have anything to say, but I had to say something.

"Bye, Aurora." He said before walking toward his car.


I stood staring at him as he walked away. I ran up to my house, not wanting to watch him drive off, and slammed the front door shut. Luckily, nobody except my mom was home to see my mental breakdown. She was sleeping upstairs and hopefully I didn't wake her up by slamming the door.

I ran up to my room, closed my door behind me and hid under my covers on my bed. I let out unattractive sobs, one after another. Letting my self fall apart.

How could he say that he 'needed space, that he 'didn't want to be near me'? I did nothing wrong. I understand that he's upset, but come on.

I let out a frustrated groan, along with some more tears.

I got out of my bed and checked the time, 17:32. The gym would still be open until eight, I though. I need to exercise and put myself back together.

I changed into my gym clothes, put on my sneakers and made my way down the stairs toward the kitchen.

I left a note on the kitchen counter saying:


I've gone to the gym. I need to clear my head. I've taken your car, but I'll be back soon.

Love you.

I grabbed her keys from the bowl and made my way to the garage. I started the car and reversed into the street.

As I was driving along the road I let my mind wonder to the thought of what happened.

Martin had no right to do what he did. He could have permanently ruined my relationship with Archer. I didn't believe that it would, because our relationship is stronger than that, but I'm not sure anymore.

If we don't heal from this, then how would I get over him. I've never loved anyone like love Archer.

Tears were pouring down my face again and I ran my sleeve over me face, momentarily, to dry them away.

I was in a daze.

When I looked back straight at the road, but I didn't see the car swerving soon enough. I tried to move out of its way, but it was no use.

The collision created an ear rupturing crash. My mom's car started to spin and the view of outside became blurred. The car did a flip and I hit my head hard against the side of the door.

It wasn't long until everything went black.



Hey guys.

Sorry that this chapter was so short, but the next one is coming really soon to make up for it.

Poor Aurora. Do you think it's fair what happened with her, Archer and Martin?

Anyway. Hope you guys are having a great day/night (If you're one of those midnight readers, like myself.)

Hope you enjoyed.


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