《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Seventeen •


Caitlyn, Erin and Alice decided that our Saturday afternoon would be well spent going to the mall. They all thought that it would be a good idea to have a break from the school mentality and the guys.

With our finals coming up in a few weeks, we're all stressed out to high heavens. We've been studying and cramming in as much work as we can.

Caitlyn said that we've been spending too much time with the group, aka 'the guys', which meant that we needed a girl's day.

We've been wondering around the mall for a solid two hours, window shopping, actual shopping and talking about life's current events.

"Okay one last store, then I think we need to eat." Erin said.

"Fully agree." I'm starving, so I'm not opposed to the idea of getting some food into my stomach.

We walked into our last shop, which happens to be my personal favorite. The place is huge, always has trending items and there is often a sale. I'm thankful for the sales, because sometimes hostly their clothes are so overpriced.

We started at the front of the shop and made our way down towards the back.

"Guys, it's Jake and my six month anniversary next week!" Erin squealed. "I can't believe it's already been half a year." It does feel like it's been shorter. Erin isn't really the type of person to have 'long term' relationships, so this was a big step for her.

"It's already six months?" Alice asked, "Wow. Go Erin!"

"What you planning on doing?" I asked.

"Jake said that it was going to be a surprise. I'm so excited." She explained.

"Sounds fun." Caitlyn said.

We walked around a bit more, in silence as we browsed.

"So... I'm not going to pretend that I don't know what's happening with you and Archer anymore. Tell us what's happening." Erin said.

I looked over at Caitlyn, who already knows most of the stuff that there was to be known. I do feel guilty about not sharing everything I do with the others - sometimes, but Caitlyn has been my best friend since I arrived at the school as 'the new girl'.

"Um, Okay. To be honest I'm not sure what you would classify Archer and I as." I said truthfully. "But here's probably most of what you want to know: we have shared a few kisses here and there, we spend time together most of the days of the week and we're constantly growing closer." I admitted.

"Oh. My. YES!" Alice cheered. "We all shipped you guys from the start."

"It's true." Erin seconded Alice's comment.

"So tell us... is he a good kisser?" I turned a new shade of red, suddenly shy at the idea of him kissing me.


"Ooooh! He is!" Alice squealed.

"I never doubted it." Erin added.

"I'm so jealous right now." Alice admitted. "I love you Ar, but I want." We all laughed at her comment.

"Well, were happy for you." Erin said.

"You deserve so much." Alice seconded.

"And if he breaks your heart, we'll break him." Caitlyn warned.

As sweet as what Caitlyn said was, there's no way that she would be able to 'break' Archer. He's basically a professional fighter.

"Thanks. I love you guys." I said to my friends. we all shared a brief moment.

"Time to eat!" Erin said.

We made our way over to the food court and stood arguing about where we should eat.

"Excuse me, please take your girly chatter to the side of the walk way." Some guy said from behind us.

I turned around to face the rude guy, "Sorry that we were in the way, but being rude about it is highly unnecessary." I lashed at him. Damn male species.

"Exactly." Caitlyn said backing me up, folding her arms.

The guy looked around our age. He had blond hair, he was really tall and he was pretty good looking. Too bad he was such an ass.

"Whatever, just stay out of the way."

"Sure no problem, D-bag." Erin called as he walked away, but he continued waking and ignored us.

We all laughed at what just happened.

"How about McDonalds?" Alice suggested, breaking up the laughter.

And that's how the debate over which place to eat at started up again...

After arguing some more, we eventually decided on a place that served an assorted range of food types, to ensure that everyone was happy. We ordered our food and took our seats at an open table that stood off to the side of the food court, because I definitely did not want to sit in the middle of the food court.

"What's the time?" Caitlyn asked as we were finishing off our meals.

"3:16." Alice said.

"Shit." Erin said looking over at Caitlyn and Alice. They all shared a look.

"I have to get home soon. I promised... Jake that I'd spend dinner at his place." She said while packing up her place at the table.

"Me too. I told my mom I'd be back at half past three." Alice chimed in. "That doesn't give me much time." She laughed nervously.

"Okay. Then we better get going." Caitlyn insisted.

"Sure. We don't want you guys to be late." I said agreeing with Caitlyn.

We made our way to the parking lot and headed for Jake's car. He let Erin borrow it while we went out. He's such a sweetie, he really likes Erin, which is all I can ask for my friend.


They decided that they would drop me off first, which made sense, since my house was closer to the mall.

When we arrived outside of my house I stepped out of the car and started saying my goodbyes.

"Bye guys, thanks for today."

"Bye, Ar." They each said with a big smile on their faces. Crazy people.

I shut the door and walked up to the house. When I was inside I called out, "Hello family, I'm home."

"Hello my darling." My mom said as she came out of the kitchen. "How was your 'girls day'." She said quoting Caitlyn.

"It was fun, thanks." I answered. "Where's dad?"

"He went to the hardware store, he's going to fix the back door's lock." She said. "Will you please fetch your washing basket from your bathroom?" She asked me.


I made my way upstairs and down the hall towards my room. When I opened the door I was met with a smiling Archer.


My desk was covered in bunches of flowers, there were helium balloons spread out along the ceiling and Archer was standing nervously by my window on the other side of my room.

My hands found their way over my mouth to try and stop the excited squeal from escaping my mouth. I stepped into my room and made my way over to Archer.

I don't care what is happing right now, because whatever it is will be great.

"It took those girls long enough to get you back here." He said smiling.

Those little shits.

I giggled. "Archer, What is all of this?" I asked.

He took a few steps in order to come face to face with me. He gently pulled my hands away from my face and held them between the two of us.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come watch my match tonight-"

Oh my word. Internal face slap.

"Archer, I was already-" I was cut off.

"Aurora. Come to my match as my girlfriend." He said chuckling at my stupidity.

"Oh." I said embarrassed.

"Do you honestly think that I'd do all of this," he gestured around the room, "to ask you to something that I've asked you to several time before?" He asked smirking.

"Ha, no." I said embarrassed. Maybe?

He let go of one of my hands and lifted his hand up towards my cheek. He moved his finger smoothly along the side of my face. "So?" He asked waiting.

"Yes, Archer. I will go to your match as your girlfriend." I said with a huge smile spreading across my face. He smiled too.

He pulled me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. He placed his head on the top of mine and breathed out a sigh of relief. I place my head on this chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. I let out a small laugh. He's so cute.

"Thank God you said yes." He said happily.

I pulled away to look at him amused. He took that as an opportunity to plant his lips on mine. I ran my hands up into his hair and he moved his one hand to the back of my head. Our mouths moved perfectly and slowly against each other. I felt Archer smile against my lips, which made my heart expand against my rib cage. I let out a small laugh and smile as well.

He looked down at me smiling. Damn that smile. Damn those blue eyes. Damn you Archer. He was truly something else. I don't know how I managed to land up to lucky.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and gave me another quick hug.

He pulled away. "Sorry that took me so long to do." He said.

"It was perfect. I wouldn't change anything about what we've been through." I replied. He chuckled.

I heard a throat clear behind me and I turned to find my sister with crossed arms at my door.

"'Thank you Willow for your help in getting us together', 'Oh no it was not problem'." She said imitating a conversation between Archer and herself. I stood laughing.

I turned to Archer. "You better say thank you." I joked.

"I was getting to that." He defended. "But thank you. Really." He said sincerely.

"Oh don't worry about it. It was not problem." She said, suddenly modest. I rolled my eyes.

"Even your mom was in on it." He admitted.

"Oh. You mean with the washing basket?" I asked.

We all laughed. How sweet of them to all be apart of this. This is the best surprise I've ever been given.

"Funny thing, well for me, is that you have the pleasure of telling dad when he arrives home." Wil said laughing as she left the room.

"Well shit." Is all I could say to that. Archer went stiff and looked nervous at what willow had said as well.

Shame, he'll get the worst of it, I thought to myself, internally laughing.



Yay. He finally asked her. Did you like the way he did it?

I had an idea yesterday that I thought you might like: Is there anything you (as a reader) would like to happen or read about in the next few chapters?

Hope you enjoyed😊

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