《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Fifteen •
Archer and I decided that we would have our study session at his place after school. I was on board with the idea, because I figure that its a comfortable environment they he is used to studying in.
When the school bell rang Archer met me at my locker and we headed to his car together.
I'm nervous to go to his house mainly because I'm nervous to be apart of Archer's private life. It's not that I don't want to be apart of it, I just don't want something to go wrong or to make things uncomfortable between the two of us.
The nerves caused me to fiddle with my hands the whole drive over.
When we arrived at his house I took notice of its features. It was a single story house that was painted a dark grey colour. The windows frames and the front door was painted white. The front garden was small, which meant a large back garden. It was lined with small bushes and flowers along the sides of the garden and two large trees to the right of the drive way.
We got out of the car and made our way up to the door. He took out his keys and unlocked it, pushing the door open for me to enter.
"Thanks." I said with a small smile.
I looked inside as I entered and saw a homely interior. There was a living room on the far side of the room, that I was standing in. It had a large tv, a black coffee table, gray couches and the walls were painted a light gray. To the left of the room the kitchen lay open, with a counter looking over into the living room, and a hallway to the right, from where I was standing.
Archer came up from behind me and placed his arm around my shoulders. "Your house is lovely." I said looking up at him.
He smiled down at me, "I'm glad you think so."
He lead me through the hallway, which held five doors. The one all the way at the end of the hall was shut and I'm assuming that was the main bedroom. There was a door, to my left as we passed, with names stuck on it in children's styled letters, which I assumed were his siblings names. Espen and Chris. We passed a door on my right, which looked like an office and we finally came to the door that we would enter. Archer pushed the door open and allowed me to enter first.
I looked around his room as o walked in, I noticed that it smelt like him. It definitely held his character in the design. The walls were a dark grey, a bed with black sheets lay in the far corner of the room, he had a wooden desk to the left and built in cupboards to my right. He has a bedside table with photos of him and what I assume are his family.
"Where is your family?" I asked turning to him, only to find that he was already watching me.
"The twins are at day care until my mom can go fetch them after she gets off work." He explained.
"Wow, twins. Your poor parents." I laughed.
"Yeh, but it's just my mom now." He said looking at the ground awkwardly. "My dad never really got to meet the twins."
"What happened to your dad?" I asked, "Shit. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." I corrected myself.
"No it's fine." He said smiling. He gestured for me to take a seat, so I sat on his bed and he took a seat next to me." He died about 6 years ago, he was killed in a robbery." Archer began to explain. "He went out to the store to buy some stuff for my mom, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time." He said softly. "I'm just glad they caught the guys who did it."
I placed my hand on Archer's. I can not imagine loosing a parent in that way, anyone for that matter. It's such a traumatic thing to experience. I have no idea what it must feel like to experience such a thing, I'm lucky enough to have both my parents still alive for them to guide me as I grow up.
"Cody told me that you fought at the club, because you helped pay to support your family." I paused, nervous to say the next few words. "Is that because of your dads passing?"
"You're allowed to ask these things, Aurora. I won't bite." He said smiling.
That's not entirely true. I looked down in embarrassment, but he squeezed my hand to bring me out of it.
"When my dad died, my mom was still three months away from giving birth. I had to find a way to make money to support my mom." He paused. "After he died we didn't have the money to stay in our old house, so we were forced into an apartment in a bad neighborhood. I worked at the club, only running errands for Garry, because he was an old friend if my dads. I worked as often as I could to earn enough to get us out of that awful place. Eventually when my mom was able to work again, she started right away. It took us three years after that to scrape up enough money to move ourselves into this place." He explained gesturing around the room. "Of course some family helped out where they could."
Wow, honestly. He's amazing. I've never met anyone with such drive and love for his family. This explains his insane discipline for his fighting.
"Archer, you're honesty the most amazing person I've ever met." I stated looking into his eyes.
"That means a lot, Blondie. Thanks." He said, "But I just did what anyone, who loves his family, would."
"No, not just anyone would." I opposed. "It's a lot of responsibility for a teenager, Archer. You succeeded, because you were disciplined and you're all round amazing. You care so much for your family and you're so strong for being able to handles all of this."
He looked down at the floor for a few seconds, smiling, but then he looked back up at me. "Thanks." He said with a small smile. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead.
I love when he does that. My stomach does tiny flips and my skin crawls with goosebumps. It's amazing. I'm filled with immense feelings of adoration for this boy.
"That all you want to know?" He asked.
"For now." I said squeezing his hand.
"Okay, then let's get started on this science shit." He said standing up.
I laughed at his comment. We went from a deep and meaningful conversation to 'science shit'. Honestly, only Archer.
"Okay, I can't do this anymore. I'm bored!" He whined. He threw his pencil on the desk.
"Archer, if you get this one correct than we're done. Com'on." I said encouraging him.
This was agonizing. Archer was focused at first and he is actually really intelligent, but he started annoying me when we hit three quarters of the way through the explanation packet. He doesn't sit still, he keeps getting distracted and he keeps whining about his boredom. We're on the last explanation and if he can get it right, than we're done.
"Fine." He sighed running a hand over his face.
"Good." I said. "Okay, what happens when hydrogen is oxidized?" I began to quiz him.
"It loses two electrons, so each hydrogen atom becomes positive." He explained.
"Good. Then what happens to the other electrons?"
"They float around in mid air." He said joking, I gave him an unamused look. "The two electrons are gained by the fluorine atom." He said seriously this time.
"Which is then?"
"Yes!" I said victoriously and ran over to him to give his a high five. "We're done! Hallelujah." I cheered, dropped his study pack down and did a small happy dance.
He chuckled at me, "Thanks, Blondie."
"No problemo, Archie."
He just looked at me, unimpressed. The nickname, it holds so much power.
It was now four o'clock, which meant that Archer was supposed to leave for training in forty-five minutes.
"Now that we're done," He said standing up from his chair. "We can do whatever we want." He smirked at me while walking slowly in my direction. I screamed, realizing what he was doing and ran across the room toward his closets. He grabbed me from behind and picked me up smoothly. What good that did. He threw me onto his bed and hopped down beside me.
"Archer. What are you doing." I said through my fits of laughter.
He brought his face close to mine and smirked. "Nothing." He said cheekily, but with that Archer leaned over me causeing me to lean backward.
He put his one hand against the side of my face and ran his thumb over my cheek, like he did the first time. He brought his lips softly down onto mine and his free hand found my hair. His closeness was intoxicating and I let his actions consume my thoughts. Both my hands were in his hair, while I kissed him back.
This kiss was different, harder. The last time he kissed me was sweet and gentle, but this one held more force.
His hand that was on my cheek traced my shoulder and ran down my arm until it landed on my hip. Our mouths moved perfectly against each other and I parted my lips slightly to allow him more access. He followed my actions.
He broke the kiss and grazed my jaw with his lips, then trailed soft kisses down my neck. He lifted his head swiftly and his lips found mine again. We carried on like that for a while longer, but I eventually decided to bite his lip in revenge for the other night.
He pulled back slightly laughing, "You bit me..."
I smirked at him, "Payback."
He laughed again and placed a quick kiss on my lips one more time before he pulled away again.
I was completely dizzy. My whole body was covered with goosebumps. I can't get enough of Archer Smith.
"My mom will be home with the twins soon. We don't want them to catch us making out, do we." He said.
"No we definitely do not." I said, flushed a dark shade of red. He chuckled at me.
"Want something to drink?" He offered as he stood up ready to head to the kitchen, leaving me alone on his bed.
"Yes, please." I really did. Archer left me flushed. I needed some cold water to cool off.
He lead me out into the hall again and we made our way toward the kitchen. He poured the both of us a glass of water and I drank it down quickly. "You thirsty there, Blondie?" He said smirking.
"Little bit." I replied.
My head turned toward the entrance of the kitchen when when I heard the door of the house open and two little children came storming in. They were babbling on about something they had seen on tv.
When they came into the kitchen the two of the stopped in their tracks and gasped. I looked down at them unsure of what to do other than smile and wave. "Hey." I greeted the two six year olds. They were both dark brunettes, they had the same brilliant blue eyes as Archer, but their shape was different, they probably had their dads shape. The little girl smiled up at me and I noticed that her one tooth was missing. Cute. The little girl was dressed in a poofy, pink coat, black leggings and shiny pink boots. Archer's brother was dressed similarly to his sister, but everything he wore was red, instead of leggings he had kids jeans on.
"Mommy! There's a girl here." The little boy screamed out to his mother not taking his eyes off of me, which caused me to giggle.
"This is my friend Aurora." Archer said to the twins. "Aurora, this is Espen and Chris." He introduced.
At that moment Debra walked into the kitchen and her confused was lifted when she saw that it was me. A big smile broke onto her face. "Aurora, hello dear. How are you?"
"Hello, Ms Smith. I'm good thank you, how are you." I replied politely.
"Tired." She said smiling, "but I'm good. And Aurora, please... call me Debra." She walked over to me and gave me a hug, then she did the same to her son.
"Are you Archer's girlfriend?" The little girl asked me. I began to laugh at the way she speaks. She is the most adorable thing on the planet. "No, Espen. I'm not your brothers girlfriend."
"You are too pretty for my brother." Espen said.
I looked up at Archer who looked majorly offended. "Ouch." He said in response to her comment.
"Archer, will you please take the twins to their room. They need to get ready for their bath. I'll come up and take over when I'm done unpacking the groceries."
"No problem, ma." He said picking up Espen and then leading Chris by his side. "I'll be back soon, Blondie." He said smirking.
"If she's not your girlfriend, can she be mine?" Chris asked as they walked away. I laughed at the sweet question.
When he was gone I walked over to his mom and offered my help, "Would you like some help?"
"Oh thank you, dear. Yes please." And with that I began unpacking things along side Debra, with her help as she told me where to put certain items.
"What is the reason for your visit?" She asked curios.
"I came over to help Archer with the science topic that he's been struggling with." I replied.
"Smart, pretty and helpful. If my son doesn't snatch you up, then I'm going to be disappointed." She said laughing lightly.
She has a sweet laugh, which I'm sure can draw the attention from anyone around her.
"Oh, haha. Thank you." She smiled at me.
"Do you two spend a lot of time together?" She asked still smiling. I knew what she was doing, it was the mom interrogation tactic.
"Lately, yes." I said, "He's been my ride a few times, I've watched his recent fights and our friend groups have merged." I explained.
"Looks like you have fun." She said pointing toward the smile I was wearing, as I look back at the memories of the past few weeks.
"Yeh." I said shy.
"Will you keep him in line for me?" She asked jokingly.
"Of course." I promised her. He doesn't need my help with that.
We finished packing everything away and with that she said, "Thank you so much for your help, Aurora."
"It was my pleasure."
"Please excuse me, but I have to go help the twins with their bath and relieve Archer of the two children." She said laughing softly.
"Okay." Was all I said before she left me alone in their kitchen.
A few minutes later Archer came into the kitchen. "What?" I asked amused by his facial expression.
"They drive me mad." He said taking a seat next to me on the stool by the counter.
I laughed at him.
"My mom loves you." He said smiling. "How did you manage to win her over so easily?"
"I'm not sure. I'm just lovable by nature." I said joking. He chuckled at my response.
He looked at the clock on the wall, 4:30.
"We should get going." He said running his hand through his hair. I'm slightly disappointed that our afternoon ended so quickly. "I'm going to run and fetch my gym bag, then I'll say goodbye to my mom for the both of us."
"Thanks, tell your siblings I said by as well." He smiled.
"Sure thing."
I went to wait in the living room and looked around once more at Archer's house. To think, he was part of the reason that they could live here. Amazing.
He walked out of the hall and came to stand beside me. "Bye Aurora! Hopefully next time we'll see more of each other." Debra called from the bathroom. I laughed at her kindness. She's amazing, that's why Archer is the guy he is. "Bye!" The two children cheered from the bathroom.
"Bye! Thank you for having me." I called back. Archer chuckled next to me and held my hand in his.
"Let's go." He said pulling me toward the door.
He allowed me to pass through the door first and he after me. When we were both out, he took my hand in his again.
These small gestures make my heart soften every time he does them. For a fighter, Archer is a real softy.
When we made it to the car we both hopped inside. "I like your family." I said randomly.
"That's without seeing too much of them." He said chuckling.
"Your siblings are adorable and you're mother is so kind."
"Well trust me, the feeling is mutual." It made me happy to hear that.
"I'm not going to make you late to training am I?" I asked concerned.
"No, the club isn't too far from your house. Garry won't mind if I'm a few minutes late anyway."
"Okay, if you're sure."
"I'm sure, relax." He said placing his hand in my shoulder tracing circles with his thumb. His touch relaxing the pent up anxiousness that I didn't even know I had. I felt my shoulders relax and I let out a breath.
We arrived at my house shortly and Archer parked the car in the drive way. I could tell by the absence of my parent's cars that they weren't home yet. I'll be home alone for a bit.
I stepped out the car and grabbed my school bag from the back seat of Archer's car. He too got out the car. I walked around to meet him at the nose of the vehicle, Archer doing the same.
"Thank you for your help with science. You're as smart as your friends say." He said smiling, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Thanks. It was no problem." I said.
He stepped forward and placed a kiss on my head. He stroked down my hair with his one hand as he did so. He stepped back and walked over to the drivers side. "Bye, Blondie." He said as he opened his door.
"Bye, Archie." I said smiling.
With that I made my way up to the front door and heard him leave the driveway. I turned to watch him drive down the road, before I closed the door behind me.
My mind has been consumed by the constant thought of Archer and I can't say that it's a bad thing.
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