《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Four •


It's Friday. Hallelujah.

I've just gotten home from a long and tortuous day of school. I received my Trig quiz grade back, and I'm happily surprised with my mark. It's a lot better than I anticipated, considering I gave up studying half way through my revision session.

I'm currently lying on my couch, in my 'hobo-home-clothes' watching The Proposal. There's nothing like an old rom-com to end off a long, hard week.

I'm at the point where Ryan Reynolds approaches Sandra Bullock in the office. This part makes me cry. It's just so damn sweet.

My phone dings and I get a message from Wil.

Willow: Do you wanna catch up on that ice cream date I missed out on the other Day?

Willow has been training non stop this whole week for her dance competition in a weeks time, she's barely had time to relax.

Me: Just you and me?

I didn't feel like asking the whole group to join. I love them, but I need an afternoon off.

Willow: Yup. See you there in half an hour?

Me: Yup.

I head upstairs to quickly put on some decent clothes. I decide to go with a nude colour woolly sweater, with my black denim jeans, black boots and a big comfy black jacket to top it off.

After putting on some lip gloss and mascara, I grab my phone, purse and house keys, I head for the door.


It was a horrible, cold and windy trip to the shop. I really need to get my own car.

I'm frozen through to my core by the time I reach the shop, but when I walk in and the bell chimes overhead I let out a sigh of relief.

Even though it's ridiculously cold, there is never a bad time for ice cream. It helps that the shop has comfy booths, heating and I friendly atmosphere.

I see Willow texting on her phone in the corner booth, she looks up at me and smiles with a wave. She must've heard the bell of the door.

"You're late." She says with a smirk.

"It's freaking cold, which makes it difficult to move at a normal pace. And besides I'm only five minutes late." I say, still feeling myself thawing out.

The waitress takes our order and brings it only a few minutes later.

"How's your week been?" She asks me.


"Long and exhausting." I say with a sarcastic smile.

She giggles, catching the attention of a group of teenage boys sitting on the other side of the store.

She has the ability to capture people's attention in every room she walks into.

"And yours?"

"It's been long, I've been working so hard these past few weeks. I can't wait till I'm finally at the competition and the trading comes to a gentle pace." She says with a nervous laugh.

"But you're enjoying yourself, right?"

"Of course, I'm just tired. I'm sure you know what I mean."

I do know what she means. Working so hard for something you want so badly is rewarding, but physically and mentally draining.

I hear the bell of the door ring, but don't look back to see who it is.


Ah, Cody.

I turn my head to the side to see three large teenage males standing beside our table.

Cody, Devin and of course Moody.

"Hey guys, this is my sister Willow. Wil this is Cody, Devin and Archer, from school."

"Hello Aurora. I don't believe we've ever had an actual conversation before." Devin says.

"I don't believe we have." I say smiling.

"What're you guys dung here. archer I thought this was no place for you." I say smugly.

"Cody suggested the idea to Devin and they convinced me to join, considering I have nothing better to do with my afternoon." He says annoyed, looking at his two friends, who look unfazed.

"He loves us." Cody said with a smile on his face.

"I take it you won't be eating ice cream though, with your whole match and all?"

"That's correct."

"You have the will power if a monk." I said impressed by his strength.

"Want to join us?" Willow asked with a friendly smile towards the boys.

I looked at her, but she just grinned at me.

"Yeh." Said Devin and Cody in almost unison.

Archer looked unsure, then looked at me to make sure it was okay.

"It's okey, Archer. Take a seat."

He took a seat next to me, Devin beside him and Cody beside my sister.

"You ready for tomorrow?" I asked Archer.

"Yeh, I've been working on some new styles and moves, so I'm hoping to try those out tomorrow." He said with a glint of excitement in his eyes.


"What's tomorrow?" Asked a confused Willow.

"Archer has a boxing match tomorrow and Aurora is joining Devin and I in the crowd to watch him kick some ass." Cody said casually.

"You're coming?" Asked Devin, surprised.

"Yeh, why? Is that a problem?" I asked.

"No it's no problem," he rattled out, "I just wouldn't expect a girl to be interested in a boxing match."

"Aurora is interesting in anything sport related, her and my dad spend a lot of time on the couch shouting at the TV screen on weekends." Willow states with a look of mockery in her face.

I look at the boys' faces.

Devin looks happily surprised by My sisters statement, Cody doesn't look surprised and Archer is looking at me with a smirk on his face. After making eye contact with Archer, the waitress comes back to our table to take the guys' orders. So we looked away from each other.

After the waitress shamelessly flirted with every one of the guys at our table, and Devin flirted back a little, the waitress went to put their orders up.

"I've never seen anything more embarrassing." Willow said as she giggled.

"Me neither." I said flatly.

It makes all women look bad. I cringed.

"Jealous?" Asked Devin with a smirk.

"Furthest thing from it, I pity her." I said smirking.

The boys touched their chest, acting as though I've broken their hearts.

"Here are your orders, call me if you need anything else." She said looking at Archer.

I gagged.

We spent the rest of the afternoon finishing off our ice creams and chatting about random things. I can honestly say that I enjoyed myself.

Once we paid and made our way out of the little shop, back into the cold air, I stood there shivering ready to begin the walk home.

"You guys need a lift home?" Archer asked.

"Aren't you a gentleman." I said smiling at him through chattering teeth.

"Yeh, don't get used to it." He said smirking.

We walked over to the familiar car.

"Shotgun!" I yelled.

"No fair!" Cody said.

"What. I called it first, I win. I get to be right by the heaters." I said mockingly as I flaunted my victory.


I saw Archer smiling to himself.

Devin and Willow deep in a conversation about her dancing.

Apparently Devin as a younger sister who dances too.

I get into the car, and Archer turns in the warm air. My hands immediately fly forward to allow the warm particles of the heater to hug my numb fingers.

Archer looks at with a look of humor on his face and a smirk.

Ugh that stupid arrogant smirk.

"What?" I say, my one eyebrow raised.

"Nothing, nothing." He said with a chuckle.

The whole way home Cody, Devin and Willow we're going on about some carnival show thing and having their own conversations in the back.

I was staring out the window. I'm exhausted from this week and I barely slept last night. My mind just wouldn't relax.

"You Okay?" Archer asked me, voice soft.

"Yeh, I'm good. Just really tired."

"Why so?"

"I barely slept last night."

"Oh damn. Sorry," He said lowly, "You know why?"

"It's my anxiety disorder. My brain just didn't want to relax. It happens a lot, no big deal."

"Have you tried medication?"

"My parents won't let me go onto meds, they say I should try deal with it naturally." I explain

"Doesn't seem fair if you're always tired."

"I'll be okay."

Archer pull into our driveway, and turns off the car.

I hop out, Willow and the guys follow.

"Thank you for the ride, I appreciate it." I said thankfully.

"Yes! Thank you. It's too cold to walk." Willow said agreeing with me.

"Why don't you have a car?" Cody asked.

"We can't afford a new and third car." I said.

They nodded their heads understanding.

Cody and Devin started getting back in the car.

"See you tomorrow, Feisty. Remember, be ready by 4."

"Bye guys." I smiled waving.

Archer gave a nod, his lip in a slight smirk near the corner.

"Bye, Blondie."

I smiled and waved. Willow, too, said her goodbyes.

When we entered the house Willow went on about how fun that the afternoon way.

I can't help but agree.

"I like them." She said cheerfully.

"Me too." I said with a smile.

Some more than others.

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