《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Three •


I walked into the cafeteria and looked toward our usual table. I started making my way over to my table when I was stopped by Cody.

"You on for Saturday?"

"Um, hi," I said with a smirk, "Yes, my mom said that it was okey."


"So, when and where."

"I'll pick you up at four. Archer's match starts at five, so we'll have plenty time to get there before it starts."

"Okay, cool. Thanks."

"See you around."

I continued on my route to our table and as I sat down I received stares from all my friends.

"What?" I obviously know what, Cody, Mr Popular, was talking to me. Ah what a big deal, not. He's just a guy isn't he.

"Um, I'm sure we don't have to answer that..." Ethan sat staring at me.

"Cody and Archer offered me a ride home yesterday, no big deal.

They offered for me to come watch a boxing match with them on Saturday. I told him I'd be there. That's all."

"Wow. Only you would want to watch a sports match on a Saturday night. I can't think of anything worse." Said Erin.

"Well it's good that I'm not asking you to go with. E, Caity, you wanna go?" I asked my more sport friendly friends.

"Ah, sorry A. I'm going to be away this weekend, helping my aunt move house. I wish I could." Said Caitlyn, disappointed.

"I'm so in. We'll have so much fun, A. Plus, there will be some eye candy." Ethan Giggled like a four year old girl.

"Great." I said with a smile.


The walk home took about half an hour. When I stepped through the door, the warm air greeted me with open arms. I threw my bag down in the dining room and called out to see if anyone was home. Dead silence.

I've always loved and hated being home alone. For one, it's so peaceful and I can sing at the top of my lungs with no judgement. In the other hand, if a murderer comes in, then there's no one to save me or call the cops.

I make my way upstairs, then to my closet. I change into my training gear and head downstairs to retrieve a bottle of water.

With my phone and earphones in hand I make my way outside and start to jog up the street.

I go to the gym four times a week, and I usually jog there as a sort of warm up. Weekends are my days off, and the other day of the week is optional, based on how I'm feeling.

I've always enjoyed running. It gives me some time to clear my head and it actually helps me manage my anxiety.

When I went to my therapist as a child, he explained to me that when exercising, the brain releases endorphins which end up reducing stress and anxiety. I was always good at sport and anything athletic. So he recommended doing more exercise, because of its benefits and knowing that I already had a fondness for it. I, of course, hade no problem with that.


When I near the gym, I start to slow. It's only a fifteen minute run, because it's relatively close to my house.

When I step inside I can feel the warmth of the gym wafting around me, unfortunately along with the slight smell of sweat.

I head over to the counter and hand my gym ID to the lady that works there. I then make my way over to the area where they keep the jump ropes.

Today I'm skipping and doing my sprints on the indoor track. I know that skipping probably sounds wierd and probably useless, but it actually improves stamina, coordination and focus. Plus it works on your abdominal, leg and arm muscles.

I grab a rope and start to skip.

By the end of my skipping session, I'm exhausted. I'm satisfied that I've pushed myself enough with the rope today.

As I'm making my was over to the track I spot 'Moody' at the weights training station.

Evil internal laugh.

I approach Archer and stand next to the bench that he's on, lifting weights. When he's done with his set he looks up at me, exhaustion written all over is damp face. He slowly starts to sit up not breaking eye contact with me, which I'm not a fan of.

I hate eye contact, but I hold it anyway. never let anyone know that you can be intimidated.

His dark brown hair is hanging loosely down his forehead, slightly in front if his eyes, his gorgeous blue eyes. I can see the sweat clinging to the stands if his damn hair and cascading down is defined face. This boy is beautiful.

He has mid length hair that is just long enough. He has a defined jaw line and nose, perfectly sculpted.

"You enjoying the view?" Archer said with a smirk.

I ignore his question. He doesn't need to know that I find him attractive.

"Well hello to you to Moody." I say with a smile.

"I heard that you're coming on Saturday, Cody told me."

"Yes, I am. But I was thinking that if it's too much of an intrusion on your private life, then I won't come." He looked at me a bit take back.

Shocked that I care about human's feelings, Mr Bad boy?

"I don't mind," Archer glanced to the side then back up at me, "It'll be nice having someone other than Cody, coach and Devin in the crowd for a change."

"Okay great, I'm bringing Ethan too." He was silent for a bit, but gave me a small nod and half smile.

"You get to watch yours truly, Kick Ass."

"I'm looking forward to it."

We sat there for a bit longer in silence, but it was only slightly awkward.

"Okay, so I'm gonna let you get back to your big guy weights and all," I said with a smile, "I'm heading over to the track. Bye"


"Bye, Aurora." I like it when he uses my full name.


When I had finished up, I was exhausted. And drenched in sweat. My thighs and ass were sore, which meant that I'd have a stiff body in the morning. looking forward to it.

As I exit the building I walked about ten meters before Archer jogs up next to me.

"You have a lift home? It's pretty cold to be walking home in your gym clothes." He asked me casually.

"Um, I was gonna walk at a brisk pace-"

"Okay so you're coming with me then?" Who is this, it sure as hell isn't Archer Smith.

"So, you don't hate me anymore or what?"

"I never hated you Aurora, I was having a crappy day." He said softly.

"Oh. Well... Good." I'm surprised, but pleased by his comment.

"Com'on." He said with a smirk on his perfect face.

We head to his car, the same one as yesterday and hop inside. Yesterday, I didn't notice much about the car, because I was to focused on Cody and his

one-hundred and one questions.

Today I notice that it has a pair of boxing gloves on his dashboard (their experience in the ring clearly evident by their warn-in look), it has the slights scent of his cologne (which is seriously inviting) , it's surprisingly neat for a teenage male and it has a comfortable, welcoming vibe.

"So why do you go to the gym? I would think you'd train with your coach at the boxing studio."

"Well the studio doesn't have all the required equipment for weight training. My coach gives me a program and I follow it at the gym. Monday and Wednesday's I'm at the studio, Tuesday's and Thursday I'm at the gym. I usually compete on a Saturday. Sunday is a light training day with a jog."

"So you only rest on a Friday, the day before your match. Where drinking lots of fluids and resting is the only training you do..." I recited, as if it's been drilled into my head all my life.

"Exactly, I take it you're a sports fan." He says casually with a hint of a smile.

"Yes. Very much so."

"You look the type and you were, sprinting your little ass off."

"You were watching me!?" I ask stunned.

"Not watching, I just noticed you running. You're pretty fast." He stated.

"I would kick your ass in a sprint." Now I know that's not true, but he doesn't need to know that I think that.

He let out a sounds of shock and a chuckle followed.

"Yeh okey Blondie, I don't think so." He continued his low chuckle.

I laugh along with him.

We sit there for a minute longer in silence. Comfortable silence.

"You're not as bad as I thought you'd be." He states causally.

Well okey than.

"Um, thanks?"

"I hostly thought you were as dull as the rest of the morons at our school, but you're not bad."

"And you're not as much of an ass as I though you were either." I said with a smirk. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, but I knew he wasn't mad, there was a slight smile pulling on the corner of his lips.


I stepped out the car, still feeling the effect of my gym session playing on my body.

"Thank you, Archer, for the ride."

"No problem, Blondie." He smirked at me.

I made my way inside, hearing Archer pull off and drive down the road.

I felt the warmth of the room as I stepped into my house. Heat, oh glorious heat.

"Mom I'm home from gym."

"Your mom is at the office finishing up some work. It's just you, me and willow for now. We're ordering pizza." My dad screamed at me from the living room.

"Okey dad. Thanks."

I can hear he sound of a cricket match being played, as I head up the stairs.

"Aw, common how could you drop that!" My dad screams at the tv.

I walk up the stairs, with a smile plastered on my face. I love his enthusiasm.

I walk into my room, while scream ing a 'hello' to my sister, who's room is two doors away from mine (separated by an office).

I'm about to head into my bathroom with my towel in hand, when I hear my door shut behind me.

"Okay, so?" Willow asks expectingly with raised eyebrows, hip bent and arms crossed.

"What?" I ask confused.

"That cute guy, in that nice car. He dropped you off yesterday and now again today. So spill."

"There's nothing to spill he's... a friend from school." He's not really my friend, but I don't feel like explaining myself right now.

"He's very cute."

"He is. But he's just a friend. He's offered me a ride twice and the one time was only because his friend made him pull over." I chuckle in my head as I think back to Cody and his enthusiasm.

"Okay, but if anything happens...I expect details." She says sternly.

"Will do, Wil."

"Toodles, bitch." She turns with a satisfied smirk of her face and leaves my room.

I love that crazy human.


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