《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Two •


Well great, just great.

"Excuse me, careful where you're going... for shit sakes." He looks at me with a scowl.

"Damn, sorry. It was just an accident. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

He continues to look at me with that classic scowl of his. He is gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but it's hard to look past his aggressive persona. He's a true athlete if I've ever seen one, with a toned body and is tall as hell.

His friends snicker behind him at my comment and he turns to look at them with a pissed off glare.

"Sorry man, but she's feisty." Cody, one of Archers best fiends, laughs out.

"Yeh, well... be careful Aurora."

He spat out my name and looked past me.

"Well any who, I'm late for class, so I'm going to be off then." I say as I start to take a step away from the two boys.

"Bye feisty!" Called out Cody as he laughs beside Archer.

"You're an ass." I heard Archer say to Cody. I couldn't help but laugh.


I was sitting in my last period of the day, starting at the clock as one does when bored out of their minds. When I get passed a note.

It read:

'Not Aurora? Then no peeking'

Immediately I know that it's from Caitlyn.

We should go to the ice cream shop on Provan drive with your sister, Alice, Erin and Ethan after school ends.

I look over at her, and she's looking at me impatiently, oh I love that crazy child. I nod at her.

I take my phone out, and hide it under my desk and send a text to my sister...

Me: The group and I are going to A Bit Nutty after school, if you want to join?

I put my phone away, not to risk being caught.

The bell FINALLY rings and I hear the sound of chairs scraping along the floor from all corners of the school. Ah, the sweet sound of the end of day.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out.

Willow: Can't, have dance practice. Maybe on Wednesday?


It beeps again...

Willow: Thanks for the invite❤️

Me: No problem.

See you at home❤️

I sigh and after going to my locker to gather my stuff I make my way to meet the group outside the school. We head over to Ethan's car and we all cram inside.

I have a group of really amazing friends. Of coarse there's Caitlyn and there's Alice, the sweet and always happy one, who sometimes to be honest, can get on your nerves. No one is that cheery.

There's Erin, who is a complete social butterfly. She's always pushing us into situations which always involves a party.

And finally Ethan. He's the only guy in the group. He's gay, but you'd never guess that he was. We love him. He's always got he best advise, honesty.

We take our usual seats in the back corner booth of the ice cream shop and the waitress comes to take our orders.


"Haha, no way did you do that!" Giggles Alice as she eats her last spoonful of her ice cream, almost spitting it all over Ethan as she hears Erin's story.

"I did, no lie. He came onto me during lunch and I had no choice."

"So you thought that pretending not to know English, only French, was your best option?" Asked Caitlyn.

"I think you're crazy." Alice said, still laughing.

"Well my people, this has been amazing, but I do have to leave. I have some serious studying to do for that stupid Trigonometry quiz tomorrow." I say with a sigh.

"Me too. And I have to catch up on that damn essay I didn't do for English. Ms May has really been on my case lately." Said Caitlyn.

"Well Caity, if you did your homework, then maybe she'd leave you alone." Suggested Ethan, while everyone laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Yeh yeh." She waves us off.


I had been walking home for about ten minutes, when Archer pulled up next to me in his car, with Cody in the passenger seat.

Well great.

I stopped.

"Well hello there feisty."

"Hey Cody, hi Mr grumpy." I said, just to mess with the 'bad boy'.


Archer just looked at me, then looked straight ahead.

"Want a lift?" Offered Cody from the passenger seat.

"It's alright thanks, getting in some more exercise for today."

"Aw come on. I even got Archer to pull over to offer you a ride." Cody said with a pout.

Wow, I'm amazed that he managed that. But then again, Cody is his best friend.


I heard Archer grunt.

I think it's safe to say that he doesn't like me very much.

I got in and Archer pulled off in a huff.

"Where do you live." Asked Archer.

"He speaks." I state with a laugh. Cody laughs with me.

"On the corner of Park street."

"So where you coming from?" Asked Cody.

"My friends and I went out for ice cream."

"Oh nice. Hey Arch, why don't we ever go out for ice cream?" Cody asked, I giggled.

"Because Cody... we're too busy, I have to stick to my diet and we're not a group of teenage girls." Archer said in an irritable tone.

"Ice cream shops aren't stereotyped as 'teenage girl territory'." I stated bluntly.

He ignored me.

Lovely guy this is.

"What are you on a diet for?" I asked Archer.

What? I'm trying to make a conversation out of this awkward situation.

"My coach has me on this diet for my boxing." He states bluntly.

"You box?" I asked shocked.

Well I'm not really that surprised. He a large, well built guy. I'm sure he could do some damage.

"That's what I said."

"He hands his opponent's asses to them, you should see him... hey you should come to his match this Saturday-"


"What she'd love it!?"

"Well I don't know." I said.

I enjoy watching sports, and I am a fan of the boxing kind too. I'm just not sure how my mom would react or if I want to intrude on Archer's life.

"He doesn't mind, right Arch."


"See." Cody says with a smile.

"Um, sure okey. I'll have to confirm with my mom."

It'll be nice to do something different for a change.


After a series of random, but entertaining questions from Cody, we pull up to my house at around five o'clock.

As I hop out I hear Cody shout good bye.

I look at Archer, not expecting anything from him. He looks at me, then away again, but says good bye.

Shooketh. That's all I can say. Shooketh.

"Bye guys. And thanks Archer for the lift." I say with a smile. I make my way to the door.

I hear Archer pull away. Not as roughly this time.

I walk inside, with a smile on my face. They are not a bunch of assholes after all, well maybe Archer, but not Cody.

The aroma of my moms cooking fills my nose. Damn my mom can cook.

My mom greats me from the kitchen.

"Hey Aurora. Where you been?"

"I went to A Bit Nutty with the group. Sorry I didn't let you know."

"It's okey. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes."

"Cool mom."

I ran upstairs eager to shower and get into my warm PJs.

Note to self, wear warmer clothes tomorrow.

After my shower, I went down stairs to join my family for dinner.


After dinner I finished off my studying.

Can I please just say that I actually have a deep hatred for Trig.

After I finished studying I watched a few episodes of TVD, because I needed my Damon fix for the day, and got into bed.

I thought of today's events with Archer and Cody. I forgot to ask mom. I mentally slap my forehead. I'll ask her tomorrow in the car ride to school.

I'm actually looking forward to going, that's if she lets me of course. The guys intrigue me.

After a while of shifting and turning I eventually drift into asleep to the sound of my sleep melody app. Which plays sounds of rain and thunder causing me to relax.


And that's two chapters done.

Hope you enjoying so far.

What you think of the characters so far?

More updates coming😊

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