《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter One •


I woke up, bright morning sunlight stroking my face with its warm touch...

Is what it would feel like if it wasn't a Monday freaking morning.

I honestly don't have a problem with going to school, I actually like learning all that random information. It's just the 'waking up at the crack of dawn' part that I'm not so fond of.

I can hear my mom's footsteps leading up to my door, and I short upright in my bed. Prepared to act as though I've been awake since she came to wake me up for the second time today.

I'm truly not a morning person...

She opened my door and stands there looking at me suspiciously.

"You awake?"

No mom I'm sitting upright, staring at you in my sleep.

"Yes, but I'm not happy about it."

"Good. Then you should be ready to leave in at least 20 minutes. I cannot be late today, I have a meeting with the new sales team."

My mom works as the sales representative and manager of a popular cosmetics company. She supplies many, well know stores, with their products.

She's rather successful at her job, but under appreciated. That company wouldn't be where it is today if it weren't for her. She started it in a small office of a large multi brand company, all by herself, about 4 years ago.

"Okay mom."

As she shut the door is groan and roll myself out of bed. It's the only effective way.

I make my way over to my bathroom, and turn the shower on.

I'm not sure how long I spent in the shower, but by the time I get out, my skin is a dark pink colour from the ridiculously hot temperature I set the water too.

I wrap my wet, blond hair in a towel and make my way to my closet.


I have a lot of clothes to say the least.

I can thank my mom for that. Before she became the sales representative and manager of her company, she dreamed of being a stylist. The cosmetics company was the 'next best thing' she used to say.

I took out a plain white shirt, my denim jeans, my ankle grazer converse and a jacket to go with.

Damn this cold weather.

I drag a brush through my messy, dirty blond hair and apply some lip gloss. I'm not one to wear makeup to school, unless it is photo day, I'm feeling a little self conscious or have a horrendous zit to cover up. I glance at my figure, I'm quite athletic so I am slightly toned and have a few curves, but I'm not stick thin like my younger sister.

She's gorgeous. She's a dancer. So naturally skinny and tall. I can't even emphasizes that enough, she is very tall. She's only two years younger, but we're very close. She's my best fiend. And not in the sad way.

I'm about average to tall hight and I have a few cures. I'm grateful for my body.

After finishing getting ready, I'm satisfied with my appearance. It only my took me about 15 minutes to get fully dressed and ready. I always get my morning routine done quickly, I'm not one to waste time. I only procrastinate when it comes to studying, it's a wonder I get the grades that I do.

I make my way down stairs with five minutes to spare, which means my favorite part of the morning... breakfast!

As I enter the kitchen my mom is packing her things into her work bag, my dad is eating his eggs and my annoyingly beautiful sister is texting in her phone.


"Hello beautiful people."

"Morning Aurora. How did you sleep?" My dad asks, looking up from his eggs.

He asks me this every morning.

I never get enough sleep, I struggle with anxiety and that leads to my constant sleeplessness.

"Well dad, thanks." A lie

"Morning bitch." My sister, of course.

"Wil!" Short for willow, my mom scolds her for her language.

My mom knows that my sister and I tend to swear here and there, but that doesn't mean she likes it.

I make myself my usual morning smoothie, which I love. And start for the dining room, where I left my school bag (and where it's remained since Friday).

I grab all my things and head for the door.

"Common mom, you don't want to be late!" I smirk at my mom.


I'm at my locker when my best friend, Caitlyn, approaches me.

She's wearing her usual scowl, here we go.

"I cannot with today."

Caitlyn is someone who is bothered by many things that go on in this school. Teachers, fake people and the early hours cause the irritation inside of her to grow by the minute.

I laugh. "And what's the problem with this fine day we call a Monday?"

"Well there's the first problem, it's a Monday. Secondly, I overheard Megan and Taylor this morning gossiping about the 'oh so exciting' game on Thursday, where they hope to sink their claws into Tyler... can't I go a day without hearing this useless high school crap?"

"It's a few more months, then we'll be out if here and studying at our dream universities, studying what we want, and you'll be free of high school 'crap'."

If I'm being honest, I enjoy high school. I know I probably sound crazy, but think about it. We're young and healthy, these are supposed to be some of the best years of our lives right? I'm doing considerably well if I may say so myself. My grades are good and I'm excelling in my sport, I don't want to have to deal with the real world yet.

The bell rang overhead.

"You're right, but I don't know if I can go that long."

"Well, I'm going to class. Don't kill anyone on your way to first period." I giggle as I walk away.

As I turn my head to look straight as I walk, I bump into a very large, hard chest. When I look up, I see non other than Archer Smith himself.


So that's chapter one.🙈

Let me know what you think.

And I really hope you enjoyed.

I feel so self conscious writing something other people might read😹

I keep retyping...

Anyway, I know that currently the world is in a bit of a mess right now, with the whole Covid-19 situation. I hope you're all staying safe.

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