《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 13 ⋙


"If you leave someone, at least tell them why. Because what's more painful than being abandoned is knowing you aren't worth an explanation."


"Thank you for flying Korean airlines. We hope you'd choose to fly with us again." The flight attendant smiles at me. I smile back at her as my friends and I depart from the plane. After, we quickly went down to get our luggages.

"Race our way there!" I shout as soon as we got out. Leah and Capella giggles as they scamper behind me. "Last one's the rotten egg!" Leah squeals as she ran past Capella and I. The three of us ran quickly to the baggage carousel.

"Val is the last~" Capella taunts in a sing song tone as she watches Valery walk to us. She scoffs playfully in response as she stands next to Leah.

Thankfully, the line was short. A while later, the machine starts to turn. Using up a lot of energy, we heaved the luggage on the cart. After all bags were there, we headed out and waited for our hotel bus to arrive.

It was dark out and the sky was adorned with stars that twinkled ever so slightly. The whirring engines of the planes that just took off can be heard. Other than that, it was quiet. It was cold out so I was really lucky I wore my fluffy coat.

"Any minute now.." Capella mutters, staring at her watch. "Oh, I forgot to give you guys earlier but here!" Leah smiles brightly at us as she gives us each a small knitted bag. "Open it."

At the corner of my eye, I can see her shift from foot to foot, anticipating our comments. She must be very nervous right now.

I open mine and a smile immediately finds it's way on my lips. "It's so cute!" I mused, holding it up high. It was a knitted blue scarf with cat designs on the edges. Valery has a lavender one while Capella has a periwinkle one.


"What she said." Valery says, nodding her head at me as she studies the cats on the edge of her scarf. "Yeah, I like it." Capella smiles as she wraps it around her neck. "Thank you Leah." I smile, wrapping mine around my neck as well. I watch Leah's smile grow bigger.

She looked like a five year old child who was given her favorite present for Christmas. She shyly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, muttering a quiet 'no problem'.

As if on cue, headlights flashed from afar. "Oh, it's the bus!" Capella grins, pointing at the vehicle stooping in front of us. The guy helped us put our luggages in. He gestured us to go ahead inside the bus. We nod, quickly giving our tickets and going in.

I sat next to Capella while Leah sits next to Valery. Passengers began to fill in the seats near us. They mostly looked tired and sleepy. After a while, the bus begins to move.

Capella and I began to talk about the plans for this trip. I showed my notebook and she gave me thumbs up. This continued for a while. Me, asking for suggestions and her answering me. She even offered to help me to look for other places to go to.

I look at my watch. It was now 9:30 in the evening. I pat Capella's shoulder.

"Yes?" She hums, taking out her ipad. "Let's get some rest, okay?" I smile.

She smiles and nods. I look over my shoulder only to find Leah sound asleep as she hugs her pillow with one earbud in her ear. Valery places a finger to her lips as she points to our sleeping friend.

I nod silently, shifting back to my original position. I open my phone and scroll through my photos. I smile at the photos of my friends and I.


Then, a familiar photo displays itself on the screen. I felt my chest tighten and it was harder for me to breathe. I shut the phone, placing it on my lap. It was the picture Ren and I took when we first came to Disneyland.

Maddie, stop. He is engaged remember? I tell myself. As much as I'd like to say that I've gotten over that idiot, I can't. There's still a part of me that still likes him a lot. What was the point of still hoping? I was fine yesterday but....

I stare outside the window while moving cars pass by the bus. This is dumb. Why am I still hoping?

This'll be a long night.



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