《The Mafia Man's Girl》Chapter 26: Panic


Arya's POV -

I rapidly scan around the house, my chest was pounding and it felt like It's been ripped out.

My shaky hands reach for my phone and I tuck it into my pocket before I continue to stare in horror.

Almost the entire place was destroyed.

My legs made their way to the closest spot, the living room.

A new wooden table that had been replaced by the glass one was split in half, the couch was ripped apart.

The TV had a large crack straight through the middle, and the lamps to the side of them were smashed, glass splattered across the floor.

The carpet even had rips in it.

My eyes began to water as I turned without a word, making slow steps to the kitchen.

Once I reached it, a sob escaped my mouth.

Glass cups and plates were smashed on the ground, photo frames of our family broken as well lying on the floor.

Chairs were tipped over, and the table was to the left of me instead of the middle when I would usually walk into the kitchen.

I felt air fly out of my lungs, I couldn't breathe.

I screamed.

"Mama! Papa!" I yelled frantically, running for the stairs.

I reached their bedroom in a flash only to see it destroyed like everything else.

I check the bathroom, ruined.

As I searched all the rooms, all I saw were broken items and furniture making more tears escape me.

I stood in front of the last room with a stressed look on my face.

My room.

My hands wouldn't stop shaking as I reached for the handle and turned it.

I squinted my eyes shut as I prepared for mine to look like everything else, but my eyes widened once I saw it.

It was completely untouched.

Like no one was in here.

I stared at my neat bed.

I stared at my organized desk.

My photo frames that were still standing on a shelf perfectly.

Why was everything broken except anything that was mine?

But then my eyes found a small folded piece of paper on my bed.

Making it to my bed, I reached for it and began to unfold the note.

What I read shocked me to my core.

'A room like this deserves to be treasured.'

I could barely see as my vision became more and more blurry, and I dropped to my knees in the middle of my room, the wooden floor scraping against my knees.

Loud cries escaped me as I assumed the worst.

Who hurt mama and papa?

Who did this?

Who knows about me?

Why didn't they touch my room?

What did they want?


Rome's POV -

I glanced at my watch as I waited for Arya to make her way out of school.

Normally she was one of the first ones out but I haven't seen her pretty self yet.

All I saw were different teenagers talking and laughing as they passed by.

Brows furrowing, I checked my phone to see if she texted, but to no avail.

The time was now 2:10, I've been waiting for almost 10 minutes since the bell rang signaling her day was over.


Fidgeting slightly, I sent her a text.

Me: Are you coming, baby? Did you have to stay back for anything?

I waited for a few more minutes, but she still hadn't come out.

With my jaw clenching slightly, I made my way to the school once most of the kids made their way out.

It was almost empty now, It's crazy how quickly the kids leave. They must really fucking hate it here.

Making my way inside, I search for the front office to ask if she's here.

I end up finding it, and I look over to see a younger woman sitting in a chair behind a large desk.

I make my way up to her and clear my throat, placing my hands in my pockets.

She looks up at me, eyes widening before a slow smile creeps onto her face.

I cringe internally.

"How can I help you, sir?" She asks, twirling the pen that's in her hand.

"I'm looking for Arya Cadel, is she here?" I grit out.

"Mmm, let me check." She responds, eyeing me once more before she turns to her computer.

I wait impatiently, an unamused look on my face.

I just want to see Arya. Why the hell isn't she answering her phone?

There's silence in the office besides the sound of the woman's nails on the keyboard.

After a few more seconds, she finally fucking speaks.

"It seems that she was in all of her classes besides her last." She says with a smile.

My fist tightens into a fist.


"She was here until her last period, she must have left."

My mouth parts in slight disbelief.

She left?

Left the school?

She left the fucking school without telling me?

"Are you sure?" I ask, my anger beginning to raise.

"Mhm I'm sure sir, she's not in school according to her last professor. He marked her absent."

The woman then proceeds to lick her lips and try to bite her lip like a fucking weirdo, but I'm barely even paying attention.

He marked her absent.

"Do you-"

I turn away and quickly walk towards the exit of the building, not giving a single shit about what else she has to say.

Where did she go?

Is she hurt?

I frantically make my way back to my car and get into the drivers side.

My hands reach for my phone and I automatically go to Elijah's number, but before I press on his name I get a call.


Eyes widening, I press the accept button and push the phone into my ear.

"Arya, I swear if you don't tell me why you skipped-" I'm cut off by a sob.

A loud sob.

"Sweetheart?" I question, my tone softening tenfold.

All I hear are her cries in the phone, and my heart begins to race.

"What happened? Where are you?"

"R-Rome, pl-please." She begs, stuttering clear in her voice.

"Baby where are you? You need to tell me so I can come to you."

There's more of her sobs heard before she tries to reply,

"W-Who, t-they took them!" She yells before crying out again.


"Took who? Arya please tell me where you are." I plead, I don't even care that I'm begging.

"My parents! S-Someone took my parents! The ho-house, oh god It's all destroyed. I can't-I can't!"

My face goes pale.

Someone took my parents!

She went to her house.

"Arya baby listen to me. You're at your house?" I question, panic beginning to increase throughout me.

"Y-Yes, Rome please come help. We need to find them, please!" She begs and I quickly twist the key into the engine of my car.

"I'm coming, okay? Get out of your house right now, darling."

"Oh n-no t-they left my room alone Rome. Everything...everything is destroyed except my room."

My hearts stops at that.


"Arya get out of the house." I say.

"I can't move."

I swerve along the road, dodging anything in my path and running every red light.

Once the police run my plate they won't even fucking think about pulling me over.

They'll only end up dead.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'm coming, just breathe." I say before parking in front of her house.

I rush to the door and once I'm inside I'm met with a wrecked home.

She was right, everything was shattered.

"Arya?!" I yell, running up the stairs.

Once I hear her sobs I immediately make my way to her.

I can only assume this is her room since nothing looked out of place.

My heart clenched painfully at the sight of her hugging her knees to her chest on the floor.

"Baby," I say, kneeling down next to her and collecting her into my arms.

"R-Rome?" She questions and her teary eyes find mine.

"Shh darling I'm here."

"T-The note." She says, gripping my shirt tightly with shaky hands.

"Note?" I question and her free hands points to the floor.

I grab it and read over what it says, making my blood boil.

I quickly put the note into my back pocket and stand up, cradling her in my arms.

"It's okay my baby, let's get you back to the house, okay?" I say softly, beginning to carry her out of the room.

"N-No...mama, papa." She pleads weakly and I shush her.

"We'll find them, okay?" I say, swiping the hair covering her face away.

"Promise?" The angel asks and I nod,

"I promise."


Arya's POV -

I groan tiredly, my eyes peeling open slightly.

I'm surrounded by darkness and I weakly look towards the window to see It's dark out.

What happened?

My eyes are heavy as I slowly raise my hands to rub my eyes.

Clearing my vision, I rapidly blink before looking around the room.

I'm in Rome's room.

Slowly sitting up, I look around once more before standing up on my legs that feel like jelly.

I glance at the clock on the wall.


Making my way to the bathroom, I glance at my appearance.

I swallow thickly as my fingers reach up to my face to trace over the tear marks that stained on my skin.

But then everything hits me. Mama. Papa. My home.

Something happened to them.

I turn on the faucet and splash water on my face to try and clear the exhaustion.

I need to find them. I need to know who hurt them.

Drying my face, I search for Rome before I break down again.

I find him downstairs on the phone, talking lowly into it with his other hand gripping onto the counter.

His hair was messy, most likely from running his hand through it so many times.

He wasn't wearing a suit like normal, but he was in a basic t-shirt which exposed his forearms and multiple tattoos.

I ran down the steps and I knew he heard because his whole body turned towards me, his eyes widening slightly.

He says something into the phone in Italian before hanging up and taking quick strides to get to me.

"Rome." I beg and he immediately picks me up, my legs wrapping around his strong torso.

My hands go around his neck and I press myself into him, wanting to be as close as possible.

He doesn't say a word, one of his hands stroke up and down my back while the other wraps tightly around my waist.

I feel tears prick my eyes but I try to blink them away.

"Are you okay? Hurt?" He asks and I shake my head.

"What about your knees? I saw you had a few scratches so I put some stuff on them."

Peering my head slightly over his shoulder, I look down at my knees to see a few little marks, but that was it.

"I-I'm okay." I mumble, stuffing my face into the crook of his neck, taking comfort in his masculine cologne.

He kisses my forehead and sighs in relief.

"Everything's gone." I murmur, "What am I going to do?"

His arms tighten around me for reassurance.

"Everything will be okay. We'll find them." He says, beginning to carry me back up the stairs.

"Who could have done this?" I continue as he lays me down onto his bed again.

His warm eyes look into mine, concern evident in his gaze.

He helps me under the covers, "Just relax for right now, okay? Let me take care of it. Do you want to change into anything?"

My eyes look over towards Rome's closet, and without a word he moves away from me and to that direction.

He returns with a big, black hoodie in his hand and I can't help but smile.

Turning away from me like the gentleman he is, I quickly change into the comfy hoodie.

It smells like him, and I immediately relax.

"How will you find them?" I question.

He smiles softly down at me, "I have my ways sweetheart, trust me."

I sigh in relief and nod, laying my head down on the pillow.

"I'll bring you dinner in a little bit, just sleep." He says tenderly, brushing my cheek with his thumb.

My eyes close and I start to drift off, but I can feel a small pit in my stomach.

Even though something happened to mama and papa, I feel like something else is going to happen, and soon.

And I know It's not going to be good.

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