《The Mafia Man's Girl》Chapter 7: Texting


Arya's POV -

It's been another week since Rome took me to see the waterfall. I never even knew it was there. The experience was amazing.

We ended up exchanging numbers, and we've been texting daily.

Normally I'd wake up to a text from him saying something such as 'Good morning darling." or 'Good morning sweetheart, sleep well?' Both gave me goosebumps.

Every time I see his name pop up on my phone I find myself getting excited. I can't help myself. Meeting him has been a wonderful experience so far.

It's currently Wednesday morning, and I've just woken up to get dressed. The first thing I checked was my phone, but I haven't gotten a text from Rome yet.

I head to my closet and pick out a basic t-shirt and some jeans. It was sunny out again so I could be comfy.

I just finished brushing my curly brown hair when I heard a beeping noise from my phone.

Smiling, I put the brush down and run back to my bedroom, unplugging my phone from the charger and unlocking it quickly.

Text Message: Rome :)!

I laugh at the smiley face and exclamation point I put next to his name, and quickly press on the notification to see his text.

Rome :)! Good morning sweetheart, how are you?

My heart flutters every. single. time.

Me: Good morning Rome! I'm good, I'm getting ready for school.

Rome :)! That's good, what do you have planned this week?

Me: My best friend Izzy actually invited me to a party this Friday!!

I stare at the phone as I wait for him to reply, but nothing comes.

I head back to the bathroom and place my phone on the counter as I get out some wipes to clean my face.

As I finish and start brushing my teeth, I hear another notification.

Rome :)! A Party?

Me: Yup! Izzy and her boyfriend invited me.

Rome :)! What kind of party? Where is it at?

Me: I'm not sure, Izzy said she'd drive. I just know they're bringing alcohol. Even though I've never had it.

I check the time and realize I need to get moving, so I shut off my phone and grab my backpack from the floor, then start my journey downstairs.

I see papa in the kitchen which confuses me. Normally he's at work and mama cooks breakfast.

"Papa?" I ask, putting my bag on a chair. "You're home? Where's mama?"


He turns to me with a plate of bacon in his hand, "She had to go out shopping for groceries, and since I'm off until 1 today, I decided to cook for once." He replies, placing the bacon on the counter.

"Ohh," I nod, picking up a piece and nibbling on it.

"Has school been going well so far?" He questions, eating off his own plate.

"It has, I just have a big essay in English, but I need to figure out what to write on." In my head I was freaking out, I still haven't picked a topic and it was due in a little over a month!

"How long do you have to write it?"

"A little over a month."

"Well you better get to it, you know we want the best grades from you."

I sigh, papa wasn't as bad as mama when it came to school, but he still wanted the best as well.

"Yes papa, I know. I'll work on it tonight."

"Good, here, I packed your lunch for you. You better get to school."

I place the lunch he made me in my bag and zip it.

I walk over to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, "See you later!" I wave, running my small legs to the door and beginning my walk to school.


I'm currently in 2nd period, listening to a lecture when I hear a buzz from my phone. Oh no! I completely forgot about Rome's texts! He probably thinks I'm ignoring him!

Luckily I'm sitting in the back. I frantically grab my phone and unlock it.

Rome :)! I don't want you going to a party alone. Even if It's with your friend, she could easily ditch you.

Rome :)! Let me go with you, yes?

I stare at the text messages. He wants to come with me to the party? Izzy wouldn't ditch me! She's my best friend. However, I found myself getting super excited at the thought of him going.

I quickly typed a reply,

Me: Oh! Yes! Yes! I'd love for you to come, I just need to get the address.

Rome :)! That's fine. I'll pick you up and I'll drive us there instead of you going with your friend, okay?

Me: Okay! I'll text you later, I'm in class.

Rome :)! Study hard, darling.

I smiled and quickly put my phone away before I was caught.



I made my way to lunch, instantly spotting Izzy at our table, but what surprised me was that Trevor wasn't there.

He had been at our table the past few weeks since they got together.

"Hey Iz, where's Trevor?" I asked, sitting down. She looked up from her phone,

"Oh, he's with his friends, he said he had some stuff to talk to them about the party."

I hummed, "Speaking of! Where is it at?"

"It's at Trevor's house. Let me tell you Arya! He is loaded!"

"Loaded?" I questioned.

"Like rich girl, super rich, you should see his house."

I giggled, "That's cool Izzy, but I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Can you send me the address to his house, my friend is going to come along and give me a ride instead."

"A friend? Who is it?"

I blushed, "You'll see at the party."

She gasped, "It's a guy isn't it! Who is he! What's his name?!"

"Shh, Izzy!" I yelled, wide-eyed.

"Your face is totally red, you like this man don't you?!"

"Oh my gosh." I facepalmed myself and then said quietly, "I do like him, but you'll see him on Friday."

"Ohh girl," She winked, and I could only blush harder.

"What time is the party going to start?"

"Most people will get there at 5 or 6, but whenever you want to come after that."

I nodded and quickly pulled out my lunch, realizing I didn't have much time left.


A few hours later, I make it back to my house and head straight for the shower. I was in a desperate need of one.

I quickly hop in, wanting to go back to my phone and check if I'd had anymore texts from Rome.

After about 15 minutes, I hop out and wrap a towel around my body. I head back to my room and automatically head straight for my phone.

Rome :)! Did you get the address?

Me: I did, I'll send it to you now!

I quickly type it out and send it to him before going back to my bedroom to dry my hair. I hate sleeping with wet hair.

I plug in the dryer and pick up my phone once more before starting since It'll take a while. My hair is so long it drives me crazy sometimes.

Rome :)! Thank you baby, I'll see you on Friday then, si?

Me: Okay! I'm so excited.

Rome :)! I'll call you tomorrow, yes? I want to hear your pretty voice.

I inwardly swoon at what he says, how does he know exactly what to say?

The increasing feelings I'm getting for this man are dangerous.

Licking my lips, I quickly type out a reply.

Me: That sounds good, goodnight Rome. :)

Rome :)! Goodnight sweetheart, sleep well.

Squealing inside, I shake my head and put down my phone. Turning on the blow-dryer, I start to dry the mess called my hair.

After about 30 minutes, my hair is dry, soft, and curly all in one.

I grab a hair tie and quickly tie it into a pretty bun for the night. If I didn't it would've looked like a big waterfall.

Speaking of the waterfall, it was so pretty! I need to go back there sometime, hopefully with Rome again.

I check the time to see It's almost 11pm, but then my eyes widen as the biggest idea for my essay ever came into my brain.

Rome! I can write about Rome! Why didn't I think of that before?

It's not too late, right? I have some time to work on it. Only an hour, yes only an hour.

I put on some fuzzy socks since It's kind of cold, and grab a comfy blanket from my bed before heading to my swivel chair.

I spin in it a few times, giggling, before turning forward towards my desk and grabbing a piece of paper.

I grab a pencil and immediately start writing.

I write about what it was like before him.

I write about what It's like with him.

I write about a possible future with him.

I couldn't stop. I just continued to scribble and scribble on the paper with a big smile on my face. I didn't think writing could ever make me so happy before.

'Eyes as green as emeralds. A man that is full of so many secrets, and it only makes me want to know him more.'

I don't even know how long I wrote for, it was definitely over an hour.

My eyes start to get droopy as I finish the 2nd page of my essay, and I try to blink the drowsiness away.

But It's to no avail, because soon I feel my head drooping and my head falls on my desk.

At least I had a blanket with me.

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