《I Need You》Chapter Eleven
She looked broken. So heartbroken.
Her eyes were pleading with me not to leave. It was so easy to see that. It's like she didn't think I was truly going to come back, but I'm trying hard for her to trust me. That's my main goal, up to this point and to keep her safe from that retched pack. When I return to mine, all hell will break loose. I'm going to kill that god awful alpha that dared laid a hand on my mate. My mate.
The words kept replaying in my mind while I was running through the dense forest, recovering from its rain. Fall getting ready to start its course. My mate. Ive been wondering when I'd find her. Find Kayla. While it could've been under better circumstances, it's the best feeling that Ive had in a while, and now it'll best feeling I'll have ever.
I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. Being categorized as the alpha that gets anything he wants, women included. It wasn't the best title to have. And I'm sure it would catch up with me when we get back. To prove that she can rely on me for anything is a big part to earn her trust. She's a main priority now and that will never change. And then, when the time is right, when we have children. If it's not already showing, I'm pretty whipped for this girl. My love.
I don't miss the way she blushes every time I call her that. Her reaction is so cute and if I could, I would kiss her senseless until she begs me to stop. But there's that one problem. The fact that she doesn't know what I am to her. Her lack of energy and senses show that she hasn't shifted yet and I know she is passed the age of 15. The lack of knowledge she has on the subject of mates shows that she has been sheltered, not going to school when she was supposed too. But yet, she still seems smart about certain things. I'll have to ask her of how much she knows educational wise. Maybe when we get back, school could be an option, depending on how old she is. Another question is I'd have to ask her.
When everything blows over, she'll know she's my mate; explaining it to her. I cant imagine what her poor mind is going through. Still not knowing how long she's been there is bothering me. She's been effected mentally and physically clearly. There's no denying that. Revealing that all of a sudden you have a mate and then having to explain it all would make me confused and scared too. Everything will be explained with time. I'm positive.
After running for about 30 minutes, the car dealership I distantly remember came into view across the road. Crossing it, there were barely any cars out today. Most probably being at work.
Already knowing what I would want, I walked through the doors. "Hello, how can I help you today-," the middle aged man greeted but his words stopped shortly after seeing who I was. "A-alpha Adrian, you're alive? People have been thinking you've been killed." He exclaimed looking quite as shocked me. People thought I was dead? It couldn't have been that hard to tell that I was dragged out of my packs forest, and drugged. The evidence of it all should've been there, but then again, someone made sure to clean up their tracks.
"Its very difficult to kill me. You should have more faith than that," I remarked. It wasn't a lie. If I wasn't blackmailed or drugged before, I could've taken those guys, they played smart but I know they didn't act alone. That pack is stupid. They're guards we even more. I was locked up and they were still intimidated by me, not wanting to get close to the bars. Which in result, sent me my beautiful Kayla. "Sadly there's a traitor in my pack that doesn't know what's heading for them. Whoever it was drugged me before my daily patrol, causing the idiots who took me to make their job very easier." Leaning against the desk, I looked around for the SUV that would be enough for Kayla to spread out in and have the room she deserves. "Of course sir. I'll make sure to let my pack know of my encounter with you," the frail man said nervously— shaking, "D-did you need a car?"
Well I didn't come in here just to say hello.
"I need an SUV."
"Right away, alpha Adrian." No questions asked. Poor man is shaking so much. I didn't know I was this scary.
He led me to the section with the trucks and hybrids. Explains how there's an SUV in the mix and that I could take my pick. In the corner there was the standard black one and told him I was fine with it. He then handed me the keys from his sweaty palms and showed me the door from where you can drive the car out of the building. "Have a safe drive alpha, the rest of the way to your pack."
"Thank you sir. I won't forget your kind gesture. I'll make sure my pack helps out the best with yours and your alpha." He nodded and backed away from the car. Heading to the phone I'm sure to tell his alpha of my state of living.The door opened and I was soon on the road. Going to the nearest convenience store, I parked and went inside. Picking out a few blankets and pillows, a shirt finally, and a few water bottles and quickly made my way to the counter, anticipating going back to the cave. Already missing her.
Of course, when I got to the counter the lady was shocked. "Alph-,"
"Yes I'm alive," I didn't say it just to her, also saying it to the rest of everyone thats been staring at me , " Everything will be explained shortly but I'm in a hurry." I spoke with authority but also respect. These people were shaken up and I'm aware, but there's something more important on my mind.
"Yes sir, okay." She quickly started to put my things in bags and told me I didn't have to pay much like the car dealer. Thanking her, I walked back out into the cool- dense night air and tossed my items in the back seat. I'll set up everything once I pick up Kayla. Hopefully she isn't freaking out to much. I've stayed out longer than I intended.
Coming to the edge of the forest area that was closest to the cave, I tied my new shirt and the shorts I've had around my leg and shifted into my wolf, running back as fast as possible to the cave. Not wanting to be apart from my mate any longer.
My mate.
Its been about an hour since he's left. The fire slowly growing dim. Myself with it. It's getting cooler, the air settling from the rain, the warmth of the fire being gone. The presence of someone else being gone.
Being in the same position since he's left, I finally rolled over on my back. My hopeless mind watching the entrance of the cave, just wanting him to walk in and say he's back. That he did keep want to help me get better and that he was getting a car. But that's how I always am.
Hoping for things that won't happen.
There have been countless times I wonder what I could be doing if my parents made it out with me. Would we be rogues? Be a part of a pack? What would happen if Sir never found me? Would I have been dead, forever waiting for my mom to fulfill her words she told me before she ran?As horrible as it is you can't change the past. You can't forget it either. That's the sad part of it all, and over all those years that I spent in that pack, I would replay what I came up with. Over and over again.
Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard rusting leaves in the distance, my full attention going towards the front of the cave. Sitting up, I backed further into the side of the cave, into the shadows that the light of the fire didn't touch, so they wouldn't see me, and possibly escape running right past them. It could be Sir or more guards that found me. They could've picked up our scents somehow even though it rained.
Then, I heard a profound curse, and more rustling of leaves but it was more rushed and violent. A longed out groan came from them and I soon realized it was Adrian. He walked into the cave, this time with a shirt, holding the top of his forehead and squinting a little bit. But when he saw the cave was empty except for the small fire, his eyes became wide, turning his head from side to side, ready to go back out in the wilderness. "KAYLA?!" He yelled panic laced his voice.
He really did come back for me. He came back.
Stepping out of the shadows I answered. "Adrian."
He snapped his head around so fast and the minute he spotted me, relief flooded his eyes. Adrian smiled, his dimples yet again peeping on each side of his cheek and he walked towards me, " You scared me so bad, love. I thought someone found you or took you," he told me, bringing my body in for a hug. He cradled the back of my head with his large hand and dug his head in the crook of my neck, taking in my scent. My arms were limp at my sides, not having felt a hug in a long time. My eyes were widened with shock, not thinking that big strong alphas we're capable of showing affection. This was all new to me, but nonetheless, awkwardly bringing my arms up I put them on his back.
Adrian pulled away from me, slowly raising his hand to touch my chin to look him in the eyes. Slowly probably because he knows I almost flinch every time he touches me. I hate that.
"It's okay, I'm fine. Just how you left me," I reassured him. He really did look worried, looking for any sign of me lying on my face. I cant believe.. he actually cared. "Yeah, yeah I can see that now. I told you I was coming back, why were you so frightened?"
Not wanting to tell him why I thought the way I did, I looked away from him and back at the ground. Hopefully he will drop it. There was an awkward silence while he waited for my answer, his hands resting on my shoulders. I could feel my dirty hair falling into my face, so badly wanting to tuck it behind my ears.
With a sigh, he dropped his hands but took my non injured hand, the sparks never failing to develop and we faced back to the entrance. "I parked the car on the side of the road near here. It's not that long of a walk, but you can take your time. Tell me if anything is making you feel uneasy."
I simply nodded giving him a silent confirmation that I understood what he was saying. But didn't quite understand how he got the car. It's not like he didn't have any money with him. "I also have some blankets and pillows that I'll set up in the back for you. There's still a long way towards my back and I want to make sure you feel the most comfortable." Carefully, he led me over raised tree roots and big rocks, making sure my wrist didn't bend any more awkwardly where it would cause any pain.
The whole walk to the car was silent but I wasn't complaining. Even thought it was still dark, the moonlight felt so good on my skin. The fresh air, the cricket sounds, just the wildlife in general was all nice to be around, to be in the midst of again. It's been so long since I've been outside, I basked in the feeling before we had to get in the car, knowing of the fated long trip ahead of us.
Breaking me out of my thoughts, a deep voice asked,"Are you enjoying it?"
Adrian was staring at me with those gorgeous eyes making me internally swoon. Noticing my behavior I quickly looked down. "Hmm?" Was my pathetic response.
"Are you enjoying this. Being outside. Your freedom?" He motioned to the forest, looking all around us. "Oh. Y-yes I am. It's been a long time."
"How long?"
"Ten years."
Adrian paused, stopped in the middle of the forest. I turned to him, wondering why we haven't continued. He stared off in the distance with an enraged look took over his face. "Ten years?" He spoke lowly. Angry. Anger. No, no more anger, please.
Trying to let go of his hand, he turned to me seeing how scared I was. Instantly his face softened, " No sweetheart, I'm not angry at you," he explained, "I'm angry at myself, the bastards that took you. I somehow could've come sooner. I should've requested more time in that pack, I would've noticed you." He wasn't angry at me? And he definitely shouldn't have been angry at himself, he couldn't help it.
"It's not your fault that I was taken. How would you have known," I said honestly. That doesn't make any sense. What happened, happened. You can't change the past.
With one more longing look at me, we continued on our journey to the car. His body language telling me he still didn't want to let it go. Brooding, Adrian said it wasn't far now and I wouldn't be walking soon.
The black SUV came into view and I have never felt more relieved. I was looking forward to the heat that would be provided. And his cozy I would feel.
Opening the back door, Adrian set up the blankets in the back seat so I would have plenty of room to lay down. Silently thanking him for the distance between us, not knowing how I'd feel sleeping for hours while he was awake. Everything in me was screaming to trust him but I couldn't let my guard down easily. Not being completely sure.
He set the pillows where it would be under my head and under my waist, very set on making me the "most comfortable."
"There you go. One makeshift bed for a couple hours until we reach a real one." Chuckling a little bit, he helped me get in the car and made sure that everything was okay. Getting in the drivers seat, he started the car and instantly turned on the heat. This was so comfy. I'm so comfy. I honestly wouldn't mind staying in here for even longer than just a few hours.
He looked at me through the review mirror, "Everything okay?" He asked with a small smile, haven't pulling off yet.
"Perfect," I smiled back. Adrian looked at me for a few more seconds then continued to put the car in drive. On our way to his pack. What's supposed to be the finishing part of my freedom.
And with that thought, I laid my head down into the fortress of pillows, and drifted into unconsciousness for what felt like the second time today.
"Kayla... Kayla," A soothing voice whispered in my ear. Light shaking on my left shoulder waking me up.
"Wake up, love. We are at a gas station right now refueling but we'll be there in about 30 minutes." Adrian was speaking so gently. This wasn't what I was used to, being woken up like this. It felt nice. "Oh o-okay."
As I rubbed my eyes, I sat up and Adrian leaned back, watching me carefully.
"What?" Why was he just staring at me?
Cheekily he says, " Nothing."
"No what was-"
"You're beautiful," was his curt reply. If it were possible, his smirk got even bigger. He knew I'd blush the way I'm doing right now. He knew I'd avoid eye contact with him. He knows how I'd respond like this.
I pulled the blankets up to cover myself, wanting to just get swallowed up by a hole in the ground. This is embarrassing. I'm falling for his charm and I'm falling fast.
I've never felt anything like this before.
His laugh resounds throughout the car. With a sigh, I could feel his presence leave me, to finish filling up the car. Thinking it was safe to uncover myself from the embarrassment, I took the blankets from over me, the majority still covering my body. I looked out the window, thinking about how really far away I am now. It really did happen. It's unbelievable.
The driver door opened and Adrian got back in the car and started it. Giving me another look through the rearview mirror, he pulled off, heading to his pack. I've been anticipating this moment or the moment we arrive there. He speaks of them as nice people and it's hard to imagine that for me. The last memories I have of being in a pack like that was 10 years ago, but I was a child and probably saw everything as perfect. It's hard to remember. It's getting harder to remember my parents faces and I wish I had pictures. As far as I know, everything was destroyed in the fire and I can't even really remember what the name of my pack was. Maybe Adrian would remember where it is or what it used to be, but I'm not ready to talk about them, or much of my past. I hate talking about it. One day I might be able to talk about everything and find out more of what happened. The questions haunts my mind on why Sir would attack my pack. Being filled with sweet and kind hearted people, it's hard to imagine that they would be targeted, wanted dead. And why did they keep me alive. If they were after my parents, the alphas, then wouldn't they want to kill me too? It could be some sick way they fee there happiness. Keeping me alive to remember what they did, and letting me live through the torture and the pain. I'll never understand.
The whole ride I was in deep thought, and didn't notice we pulled into an almost city like area until Adrian said, " We're here." His words making my heart skip a beat.
The area was very cozy and well kept together. The houses were made of wood, an oak type, giving it a more forest theme which I liked a lot. They had their own finishing touches made by the families that lives in them which made it even look more cozy and made me smile. Distantly bring back old memories for myself, my face being pressed up against the glass, seeing the trees go by also.
Adrian drove to what I imagined me to be the heart of the city. There were small shops with people mingling both in and outside of them. Teenagers came out of what looked like a mall, laughing and messing with each other, children at the park with there parents and heading to the ice cream truck. Everything and everyone seemed happy. It made me happy by just looking at them.
"Do you like it?" Adrian broke me out of my thoughts.
"It's amazing," I answered back airily. And it really was. This seemed like a paradise compared to Sirs pack. The people seemed nicer too but you can never judge a book by its cover. "Great."
As we continued to ride through Adrian's pack, something really caught my attention. There was a billboard that read..
I looked at Adrian and saw that he already was looking at it. He had a saddened but conflicting look on his face. It made my heart clench to think that these people, his pack, thought that he was dead. He's been gone for at least 3 weeks maybe not even that. And when they figure out that he's still alive, they'd be overjoyed I'm guessing simply because of the billboard. They cared about him so much. Anyone could tell that. I know Adrian missed them too.
Pulling into a driveway that led to a big black gate, there was a giant mansion like house behind it. There were guards circling around the gates, doing there normal patrol. When they saw our SUV pulled up they were instantly defensive not seeing this car before.
I covered myself back up with the blankets already intimidated by these men. One man walked over to the drivers side, Adrian rolling his window down. Without looking up from his phone, no doubt telling the others about the unusual vehicle, the guard said, "Please state your business and your name."
"Alpha Adrian Knight."
The guards head shot up so quickly, his phone being long forgotten. "A-alpha.. your alive. YOUR ALIVE!!"
Adrian laughed a little, the sound making me relax. "In the flesh."
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