《The Melancholy Of Yamamoto Yuuto》Chapter 22-True Fault


From the way she was looking at the sky and breathing heavily, I guessed that she too was dazed about what had happened. She was too shocked to do anything. Well that's normal since we both looked at death in the eye and barely managed to escape from his grasp

We were lying body to body, ear to ear with nothing but clothes in between us. The warmth from her body helped me calm down. I became composed and had my thoughts in order

Because of our position I was worried that my weight was crushing her so I tried to get up. I struggled for a while but couldn't move an inch because of the exhaustion. I wanted to check if she was okay so I asked

“Are you okay?”

Her eyes that were aimlessly looking up, now became focused

Looks like she too came to a realisation of her current situation

She then turned her head and looked at me. We were now looking at each other, only a few inches apart. I could see her face clearly

She had long, curled eyelashes which complimented her eyes that looked like beautiful blue crystals dazzling in the moon light. They were so clear that I could see my reflection on them

If her eyes weren't enough to finish the deal, the soft golden hair that was flowing from her head was now resting on my forehead and it smelled like a garden full of flowers

She was looking at me with a dazed expression. I could feel her breath on my face as she was breathing through her small lips and not through her nose because she was having difficulty breathing

It was then when I realised, I was so entranced by her beauty that I forgot to ask if she could breath properly


I then asked in a low voice since she was right in front of me

“Are you okay?”

She looked at me with the same expression and didn't respond

Can she hear what I'm saying?

“Are you alright? You still look a little confused”

She still didn't reply

Is she so nervous that she can't talk?

“Did you get hurt anywhere? Did you hit your head when you fell down? If you got hit, the injury may not be shown on the outside but it can cause severe internal damage to the brain. We should get you checked out by a doctor to be safe”

I tried to get off her but still couldn't move body. It's better than before since I could move my fingers and toes now. I'll be able to move my body completely in a few minutes

The sooner the better since I was worried she actually hit her head and couldn't talk because of that. I was also causing her extra pain by making it difficult to breathe

“I'm sorry about lying on you like this; you must be having trouble breathing because of me. My body isn't moving no matter how much I try, so I think we have to wait until I can move to get up. Or maybe you can try pushing me off and-”


Her lips started to move and she was trying to say something

“Are you trying to tell me something?”


I could hear her trying to convey something but couldn't make anything out of it

“Sorry I can't hear you properly”

“Wha-Wha-t are y-you…..”

She now opened her mouth wider to speak but was still stammering

I think she's too shocked to speak because of the incident

“It’s okay. You can take your time to speak. I know you’re still scared about what happened. You don’t have to hurry, I'll wait until you can”


The second I said that, she looked at me as if I was mocking her

Her face expression changed from being scared and helpless to that of a Hunter who had sight on his prey. Her eyes became Fierce and intense as before and was now frowning at me

Oh shit! She's back and Scarier than before!

She's going to start shouting at me for dragging her into this mess and for lying on top of her like this. She probably thinks I'm lying about not being able to get off and is going to punch the shit out of me like before. Honestly I don't know if my body can handle that many punches in this condition

She looked like she wanted to break my bones. But I don't care if she decides to break a few since I deserve them for being the root cause of all this

I just hope she doesn't tell the school or anyone else about this matter. I'm willing to grovel again if that can stop her

She then opened her mouth and shouted…


…so loud that my ears started ringing. She yelled it right next to my ear so it had double the effect

I knew she was going get pissed off

She was angrier than ever before and looked like she wanted to bite my nose off

I'll try to explain the situation once again but it probably won't work as well as it did last time. I'll just have to brace for impact from her iron fists and pray that she doesn't kill me

With my fingers crossed I said

“I'm sorry for lying on you but I really can't move my body since-”

She interrupted and shouted

“I'm not talking about that you idiot!”

She's not asking about that? Then she must be angry I dragged her into this mess which almost killed her

So I said in an apologetic manner

“I have no excuses for what I did and will take all responsibility, if you got hurt anywh-”

She interrupted again and shouted even louder

“I'm not talking about that either!”

She looked really irritated that both my assumptions were wrong

Then what else did I do wrong? Did I do something to offend her in any other way?

Either way problems are just being added on top of each other and I'm still dead meat in the end

As a final effort I tried to apologies for anything I did in general and said

“I'm sorry if I have offended you in any-”

She interrupted me again, moved her face closer to mine and screamed


RIP my ears


She looked irritated to the bone and I was also getting fed up with our conversation

She then sighed, softened her expression and told me in a low voice

“I'm asking, why you saved me?”


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