《A generic love story: disturbance》Chapter 25


(Spring break will take effect next week… The next step needs to be carried out today.)

This would be the last lunch they have together in school until the end of spring. However, since their houses are conveniently located, Takumi and Kyoya needn`t have worried. Taking a glance at Takumi`s bento box, Kyoya smirked:

“Your rice is too mushy. You used too much water [lube] man.”

“I made this at 1 last night. Shouganai [can`t be helped].”

“My grandma would have whooped my ass if I ever made rice like this. She told me that rice is the very base of every meal, and if the rice is bad the whole meal is ruined.”

Takumi took a moment to give his friend a surprised expression, before bursting into laughter.

“Hey! Why are you laughing at my suffering? Mean!”

“No no, not that. You just said “whoop my ass”. Did you learn that from me?”

“Ugh.” Kyoya turned away, hiding the annoyed face that looked exceptionally cute on him. “What then?”

“Warai. [Lol]” [I know, my sense of humor is terrible]

Time passed by as fast as the wind. Before the students knew it, the bell had already rung, marking the beginning of spring break. They rushed to whatever activities waiting for them at wherever place, ranging from spending time with family and friends to sitting in front of the computer all day.[tears] Kyoya stepped to the array of shoe lockers before the exit. Sunlight gleamed on his eyes, followed by a warm breeze from the yard.

He opened his locker, reached for his shoes, and an unidentified falling object fell out with the shoes. Nimbly, his other hand caught it in mid air. A piece of paper that smelled too clean, similar to the synthetic smell of drugs encountered in hospitals. The pencil handwriting was perfect; even written a little bit too precise, making it looked like a printed document.


“Meet me at back of our school when you see this.”

A short, coherent message. Easy to understand, not so to follow. Kyoya looked left and right, but he was the only one left. If this was placed in his locker by mistake, then it would be fine for him to ignore the invitation. Reassuring himself with that thought, he folded the letter and placed it back where it was. Then Kyoya proceeded to go home by the back exit as usual.

Just when the young boy got out of the gate, an irritated voice rang behind him.

“Hey you!”

His shoulders jumped, but after a good pause he decided that it could not be him and continued to walk.

“Wait! Hey! Sougo Kyoya from 10-A class!” The female student called again.

He did what Takumi told him to, pretending that the distance was too great and he could not hear. But then he heard footsteps, and a delicate hand tried to grab his.

“If they still insist, then you need to evade the grab from behind and run” Takumi`s advice echoed in his mind.

And so he did. Flicking his arm up, he pressed the ball of his feet on the ground and began sprinting.

“Contact with creature failed. Creature is fleeing. Proceeding to capture creature by force.” Her high tone spoke calmly.

The girl whipped out a huge tube that had a pulling trigger. She aimed with two hands, and shot. *Puff*. A net was launched at Kyoya, followed by smoke from pressurized gas. His legs were tangled and Kyoya fell. She quickly pulled out another item: a stick with a pointing rubber hand attached to the tip. Her white hair spread as the wind rubbed it, and she stopped in front of him. Kyoya was busy giving her a confused look, when the girl instantly replied by rapidly tickling him with the stick.


“Ahahah… Hahahahah… Kyahahahahaha…! Yamete! Yamete! I lose! I won`t run anymore! Please… Ahahahaha”

Her thin lips curved, and she stared at Kyoya with her red eyes:

“Capture successful. Specimen secured.”

“Please let me go first” Kyoya pleaded.

The girl kneeled down and started freeing him. Kyoya shivered as the tiny hands reached for his skin. He closed his eyes and waited. But before he knew it, the girl was already touching him all over in an attempt to untangle the net.

The wind carried a strangely familiar scent to his nostrils. It was somewhat similar to what the paper smelled like, clean and synthetic, however Kyoya vaguely remembered having smelled this somewhere else.

“Nishi!”[kawaii loli sounds] With a final thrust, the net unraveled around him. Kyoya sat up, facing the girl squatting by his side.

“Anou… Can I know your name?”

“I go by many names, most of which could not be pronounced in this language. However, my earthling parents address me as Eirin, the full version is Ueda Eirin.”


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