《The Abnormal Existence Called The Creator》Letting Loose


Inside a tribal like village were humanoid citizens with red and brown hair, hunting, skinning fur, and selling goods the currency used in this world was MS known as Magic Shards they're divided in the following of Lesser Magic Shards, Greater Magic Shards, and The Legendary Superior Magic Shards they were mostly used to empower ones body or those with magic potential use it to craft elemental weapons with the properties of fire, water, earth, ice, wind, thunder, light, and darkness, still as of now the Barbarians didn't know the method of how to do so since The Pointed Ears (Elves) preferred to keep the secret to themselves nor would the Barbarians bother to go out of their way to learn.

Still the large amounts of Shards scattered all across the snow served useful to them to trade with The Lavi and Elves for resources that they wouldn't be able to find in their lands, they were living well expect for one problem their uninvited neighbors from the east The Red eyed monsters they would devour any Barbarians not hunting in a group elderly, children who got lost, the disabled they didn't care the monsters couldn't even communicate the only thing in their mind was killing, yet the Barbarians wouldn't let them get away with decreasing their numbers by half therefore in a year and one month at Dawn they'll bring the fight to them some of their best warriors would begin a hunt to exterminate any Red Eyed Beasts in the wilds to ensure the safety of their young and women.

And so they waited training themselves, sharping their senses into it was time to march to one of their former villages attacked and now filled by Beasts the Barbarians now held a burning vengeance in their hearts, but as that was going on elsewhere.

Inside a light filled room with the Silver Star Floating over it was a man with curly shoulder length hair and piercing blue eyes with a red tint sitting on a brown throne with golden markings around them he had a white cloak on his shoulders and near his neck with a black shirt and likewise boots with white pants, he was currently looking at a woman with short straight black hair and silver eyes she had pretty features that made her resemble a doll and likewise a beautiful body that would make any man fall in love at first sight with cherry red lips, she had an indifferent expression on her face about to report to the golden haired man known as The Creator her findings.

“So...what you are telling me is that there is an unknown source of power that almost rivals my own near one of the Barbarians Villages? It can't be unless..”

The Creator had a shocked expression on his face one that she hadn't seen before in the hundreds of years she has known him usually he would have a playful or bored look on his face as though he already knew what she would tell him yet this time it was different he for once was surprised.

“Yes my lord while me and my subordinates were investigating that strange source of power the Ammuts had taken hold of the Village and ambushed us they were able to take 10 blows from my men without us using magic of course rather than waiting into the Fresh Blood had bought more Ammuts to our location we retreated, even from here I can feel that evil, dark energy it's like poison.”


Again The Creator was shocked never would he have believed that the Ammuts were able to reach such heights in power that they could take 10 blows from some of his strongest warriors and that Strange power what was it exactly? This made him excited finally after these many years of waiting he would have something to entertain him that's not all this also helped him notice the weakness in his angels that he would have to erase, this made him awaken from his arrogance to realize the potential the beings that he created had they were not inferior to his angels in anyway the only thing that separated them were the advantages he gave to his own army due to this in order for it not to repeat itself he would have to put them through hellish training into they were the ultimate force.

Also it would be a good to experience the world he created first hand to gain information about it he had to know what the source of that energy was and destroy it before it became too powerful another one of his goals was to improve himself in someway he was sure he would be able to learn new techniques during this journey any increases in power no matter how small it was would be useful to him.

The creator had gotten out of his seat filled with new life a smile written on his face and bright shining eyes he knew what he had to do his goals were right in front of him just waiting for him to take them.


She was happy to see the lively expression on her masters face that she hadn't seen since he first created her it was as though he gained new meaning to his life.


With a flip of his hands a room filled with all sorts of training tools from firing ranges to training dummies and even elemental magic rays that would attack at fast speeds appeared.

“I want all of you even the older Angels to practice in that training room into I return I will also warn you all in advance that if any of you sack off while I'm gone their will be a severe punishment, I had better see some improvements.”

He had bloodshot eyes at the end of his sentence directing tons of bloodlust towards her she and the rest of her kind knew first hand what he was capable of when Dragons managed to find this Castle it only took one blow for him to rip them into shards and for their crimes he didn't let them off with an easy death for their arrogance he sentenced them into a lifetime of dying over and over again it had given her nightmares for years, as she was lost in thought all of a suddenly Crimson majestic Wings appeared from his back spreading in all directions.

“Ma...may I ask where you're going my lord?”

He only had a smirk on his face as he told her.

“I'll be paying my creations a visit of course it's been a while since I left this castle.”


What he forgot to mention is that he was planning on seeking that evil, corrupt energy that was only glowing stronger from his calculation it should be equal to him at 40% of his full power so he would take his time and not rush there he should have ten years or so into it became a real threat, with that he wings flopped and he flew out of the castle heading towards the Elves with their fast advances in magic they may have something to do with this energy.

Inside the castle still Naya'il could only prey for their souls they're going to be dealing with a Demon.

As he was nearing the forest with small villages and some cities that most of elven kind lived in as to not draw attention to himself he put away his wings and rolled a black cloak around himself that would hide him in the darkness covering his face and head leaving only the eyes and mouth visible, he would first seek shelter and then find someone that has information about that Dark Energy as it's related to Magic which Elves who are the closest to other than Dragons and himself.

After traveling for what seemed like 30 minutes he spotted a village in his sight it contained some Elves and Beast like men who resembled Lions with their claws, and fur named the Lavi other than that they look like normal barbarians without all the muscle mass.

As The Creator entered the locals shot him some strange glare the children had eyes filled with respect most likely mistaking him for a Mercenary or Adventurer, of course he didn't care walking with full confidants as he made his way towards a local inn, during his way there he saw some homeless Lavi children with dirty fur and hair wearing only a simple shirt and shorts with no shoes on their feet, he would prefer to help them the best he could but if he started throwing greater magic shards all over the place it could draw the wrong attention to him so instead of that he gave every one of them a few lesser magic shards instead, with adorable smiles on their faces they kindly thanked him as he walked away.

As he entered into the Inn named Violet Wines, he saw some parties with a mixture of Lavi, Elven, and weird enough....Barbarians who drew his attention the most though was the Barbarian girl with long silky Pink hair and long slender beautiful legs it was hard to make out her face due to the hood covering it but you could tell that she was a beauty, still it wasn't his goal nor interest to seduce a girl so he merely took a glance and went towards the counter near the middle aged Lavi man.

“What can I get you boy?”

Pulling his hood down a bit revealing some of his golden hair to make it easier to speak he turned towards the man and said.

“I'll take the most expensive meal you have and would like to rant a room for myself.”

The man was surprised that this strange looking youngster with golden hair would have nearly enough shards to afford all this and looked at him with distrust in his eyes clearly thinking he couldn't pay for it.

“Are you sure? That would be 50 Lesser Magic Shards.”

Without even glancing at the man he pulled them out handing it to the man as though it was only pocket change.

The Lavi man quickly changed his tone of voice calling him honored guest as he took the Shards into his hands, telling the workers in the back to prepare the most finest meal they possibly can, after that he handled him a key with the letters Q-2.

The meal contained fine steak with a side dash of perfectly prepared portions of salad with the drink being White Wine, he took out his fork and knife properly cutting it and enjoying every single bite it was juicy making him slightly shiver at every bite as he took a slip from his wine glass he could feel two people coming near him, the one on his left was a shirtless Lavi with a cloak around his back with scars on his right cheek and green eyes, as for the one on his right was a musclebound Barbarian with brown hair and brown eyes he had an ugly pig like face with large X scars in the middle of his face.

“Hey boy!”

The Barbarian on his right shouted in his ears which annoyed him a bit to think something he created gave birth to such a loud mouth person still he felt it was better to ignore this type of person he and his friend would leave eventually, with that he continued on eating his salad and steak while sniping on his white wine, this of course only managed to make the Pig looking man even anger as he knocked the food off the couturier.

“Damned noble you think you're better than us huh? Well how about you eat this food off the ground you little bastard.”

Everyone near them got quiet as they focused on this situation worrying for the stranger against these two experience adventurers, even the inn owner tried to calm the two down only to be smacked out of the way.

As the two were laughing thinking he was scared to move an inch bloodlust filled red aura covered the golden haired man taking off his hood revealed his godly features which made most of the women in the inn stunned, immediately he grabbed the pig like mans face and smashed it into where the food was wasted.

“First I'm no noble, Second I would prefer to not ever talk to pigs such as yourselves that don't know the value of such good food, third for even daring to provoke my anger I'll beat you two one-inch of your life.”


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