《The Abnormal Existence Called The Creator》Creation And Birth.


Inside a dark space was a tiny spark of light over time it slowly grew larger and larger, glowing used to it's surroundings becoming more aware of what was happening around itself this continued for a few decades into...

“What am I doing here? Who am I?”

The light filled figure questioned itself going over the endless possibilities of who it is and what it was doing in this dark scary place, going over theories of what was around itself what may have created it and if it was the only life form in this void.

Suddenly a blue box popped up in front of it You have gained Unlimited Knowledge!

Feeling Surprised at first but that emotion quickly went away eventually it learned that it could change it's surroundings with but a mere thought instantly the darkness changed to light within seconds a blue box popped up in it's face.

You have gained Basic Creation!

“Hmm...interesting this light seems to be caused by that shining object above me, still from the information I received in my mind it seems to be a bit Anachronistic there's little point in me not fixing it up.”

Going over this he decided to test this Basic Creation skill by creating an entire new light source superior to this so called Sun, after spending what seemed like hundreds of years fixing imperfections in his new creation he finally succeeded, what stood before him was a silver star that could fit two-million planets, with a mass that was 20 times that of the orange star he first created in the past, with an energy core inside powering it seeing the end result made him very pleased it bought much more life to this lifeless place.

When looking at it even more closely another blue window popped up in front of him.

This star is the ultimate source of energy for all beings due to this most beings are enchanted by the beauty and power of the silver star from within it believing the creator of it to be their god, (side effects on certain creatures.)


Inspect Unlocked!

Godly Creation Unlocked!

Suddenly many window tabs appeared before him from the likes of creating planets to pointed eared beings or even beasts, last but not least even the ability to create different dimensions and his own vassal.

“God huh? Hmm well why not play the role for a bit it should be entertaining.”

Before rushing into to creating more objects or beings he first decided to take a break and carefully think over the information in front of him.

Universal Mind Unlocked!

Immediately he could see the changes things became much clearer to him and his current course of action was rolled out before him, first off to get rid of the lonely and boring feeling of this planet he would create countless different and unique beings that would keep him entertained for a long time, another task that he would need to complete is to create servants that would directly serve under him that he would be able to use when he was busy creating something or exploring this world.

First off before he started getting ahead of himself he needed a name to call himself by, something that would fit an abnormal existence like himself, over a course of two years he decided his name would be Michaela Yu it felt natural to him as though he always had it to others though he would go by the title of The Creator.

With that settled Michaela would begin working on his body that he would use to explore this world, during the mean time he would begin filling this lifeless void out with new objects, with a flip of his hands mountains were created with thunder bolts striking the tip while ice was frozen around it, behind them was the long and wide blue ocean spreading across the land, in the east were raging volcanoes melting everything that touched it, within the middle of the continent was a very normal area that those who couldn't handle the cold nor burning heat could live in, with that finished the only thing left for him to do was to prepare his vassal and create his personal army after that he would fill the land with life.


Putting his efforts only on his new body in order not to make a single mistake that he would regret later he spent 20 years preparing the body he would be stuck with for a long time, putting on the finishing touches it was complete now all he had to do was to fuse his soul with the empty somewhat pointed eared body with fangs, there was a bit of pain but nothing that Michaela couldn't handle, when it was done he grabbed a purple robe and some clothing he made for this occasion looking at his reflection he couldn't help but admit that he overdid it a bit too much other than his golden hair being longer than he would prefer he was happy with the result, his body looked to be a man in his early twenties with silky shoulder length golden hair and somewhat pale skin, an effeminate face with blue eyes that had a bit of red in them, he was an above average build with looks that could be compared to an elves, what separated them were the fangs in his mouth shaped like a vampires.

Now it was time for him to create his personal force, going through the list of beings available for him to create he quickly spotted exactly what he needed Angels they had beautiful faces and bodies enchanted by their silver or golden wings many would worship them they were perfect for what he had in mind, he made a few modifications to improve their battle potential and also to separate them from normal angels.

After they were born Michaela explained to them their position of serving him as his personal army and if needed messengers for when he needed them, due to their high intelligence they quickly understood what he meant and agreed to it happily after all due to a minor modification Michaela made to them they treated him like a father who they would be forever loyal to, equipping the most promising angels with powerful armor and weapons that would boost their combat ability Michaela was satisfied and decided to begin creating the inhabitants of this planet.

The first of his creations would be a race that resembled a Lion they had sharp claws and fangs with golden fur and emerald eyes who ruled over the middle of the continent, The second of his creations would be a humanoid barbaric race who were very tall with their huge bodies, and strength they were a force to not be reckoned with most lived in the cold with light brown/red hair and Grey or hazel eyes, the third were the Mighty and prideful Dragons few in number but powerful by themselves they mostly lived in high places, they have aqua or golden eyes with green/blue scales and white or black skin, The Fourth were humanoids with pointed ears and much slender/smaller bodies than their barbaric cousins they were more intelligent and preferred to live in forests, The fifth were bloodthirsty beast with no desires of their own other than to eat and constantly evolve to a stronger form.

Watching all this unfold was Michaela on the edge of his seat watching the daily lives of these beings, the strong would survive and evolve while the weak would perish and die, for now he would remain a bystander into he was ready to launch his plans into action.


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