《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 3: The Witch Goes to School


"Uh..So You're gonna have a new classmate today. She just moved here few days ago. Be nice to her."

Oh. It's her.

"Hello. My name is Reina. I just moved here few days ago. I hope we can get along!"

The whole class started cheering.

"Ok! Quiet down will you?! We're about to start."

Why is everyone getting excited? Is the boys who has a new crush on, or the girls recruiting another one in one of their circles.


"Hm... Ah, There's an empty seat there. Beside.....Key, You can sit there."

Hey! Why here? This will shift their attention to me.

"Hehe~ We're sitting next to each other."

Why do you look so happy. I'm not happy, that fact that you're seated beside me.

"Now I can watch you properly."

Fate sure is amusing. Things escalated properly for her.

"Ok! Class is starting. Quiet down!"

Class is lively as usual. I totally do not belong to this environment.


"That's it for today's lesson. You may have your break."

Good. I can buy my food now. I'm getting hungry.

"Wait.. Key. Come here for a second."

Hmm? Why am I getting called by a teacher?

"I want you to show the new student here. Since you're doing nothing. Might as well show her around."

No. I was about to buy my food.

Ahh...even here I'm getting force to do things.

But approaching her will be difficult.

"Hey Hey. Where do you live."

"What's your favorite food"

"Ms.Reina! Do you have a boyfriend?!"

What's with these absurd questions.



Looks like she's having a hard time. Hm. It's her first day but she's this popular already.

I might need to squeeze my way through this crowd. "Hey. Come with me for a moment."

"Don't mind him. He's always alone. Don't bother yourself with him."

Because I don't to be affiliated with you people.

Should I grab her arm? This crowd of people is too many.

"W-Wha? What are you doing?"

"Hey! Don't be rude. Back off will you?"

"The teacher asked me to show her around. You got a problem with that? Come on...let's go."

Everyone went dead silent after that. This is a chance.

"Eh..? Wait.. Uhm. Sorry. I'll answer all your questions next time."


"*sigh...you saved me. I never thought your school will be this exhausting."

It's always like this. Whenever there's a newcomer.


"Ah. You can let go now."

Crap. I'm still holding her hand.


I think she can manage it herself.

"Then. I'm off to lunch. Go check things out by yourslef."

"Why? But the teacher asked you to guide me.."

"What am I? Your Guardian? I'm hungry. I'm buying my lunch"

"Then, let's eat together. After that, you can show me around"



"Could you stop following me."

"No~ I won't."

This is getting annoying.

This girls has no intention of stopping.

I'll go to the boy's bathroom. She'll eventually leave if I stay there.

"Hm? Where are you going?"

"I need to go to the bathroom. You wouldn't follow me inside, would you?"

"No...I'll wait outside then."

Good. I can make her leave now.

What if she really waits there? No No. She's not that persistent. Will she really leave?


20 min. have passed. Was that enough? Ugh...The lunch break is almost over..I haven't bought my lunch yet.

I think this is enough. She might've left already. Ok..let's see.

"Ah, you're out already. Seriously..what took you so long."

She did wait for me!

"Here. I bought you a bread for lunch."


Thank you. I was really hungry.

"Lunch break is almost over. Let's go back now."



"Hey. What if I stayed there longer.. "

"I'll wait."


"I'll wait for you."

Aaaaah! Why am I getting nervous around her?

I need to stop thinking about it.

The bell rang. We're late. Crap!


"Oh. Both of you. Late. The break is over."

"We're very sorry." 2x

"Hmm.. Since you're a newcomer. I'll let you go this time only... And you, This is you're first time being late."

Oh no. The teacher is on me. "Uhh.. Something urgent came up.."

"Hmm. Fine, there's no 'next time' anymore."

"Yes. I understand."

"Go to your seats now."

"Yes" 2x


Why do I feel like they're staring at me. I feel bad.


The class is almost over...*sigh This day is tiring me already.



Someone threw a crumpled paper on my table.

'Die, just because you're with Ms.Reina for that long doesn't mean anything. Better stay out of her way, you low-life.'

Ooohh~ A threatening letter. This doesn't affect me at all. So..her fan huh? I wonder if I'll get more of this later.



"That's it for today. I want you all to review. We're having a quiz tomorrow."

"Yeah! Class is over!"

"Woo! We get to go home already!"

Woow. Everyone is excited.

They just ignored what the teacher said.

"Hey Reina! Wanna go home together?"

"Yeah Let's hang out."

"Eh.. .." She looked at me.

Why are you looking at me. Seriously stop. I won't help you this time.

Hm. I better leave now..

"Uhm.. I had some business to take care of with...Him!"

Hm? Why are you pointing at me.

"So. I'm gonna have him accompany me."

Wait. What's happening.

She instantly grabbed my arm and pull me out of the room.

(whisper)"Shh! Let's go."

You're using me as a scapegoat?

No. This is bad.


"Haaa..Haaa.... Is this far enough?"

"Can't you just refuse them properly?"

"It's hard though."

So what. Use me to escape that situation.

"And you still haven't showed me around the school."

You still care about that?


If you really want to..go by yourself! How long will she keep meddling with me.


"Woah. Your school is quite big."

"It's not that big..compared to those prestigious schools out there."

"Let's take stroll over there."

She acts like a kid who is excited for fieldtrip.

"Woah! A baseball field."

It's not that mesmerizing.

Oh. Someone hit the ball real hard.

"That's weird. Thr ball is going on our direction."

Hm? What do you mea---

I felt a sudden pain. A blood came out from my nose. A nosebleed? Huh. It seriously hurts. I'm losing consciousness....


Huh? The pain was gone. The nosebleed stopped..what happened?

I'm sure that I heard soemthing--

"Hey! Are you fine? The ball flew here. Did someone get hurt?"

"N-No...we're fine." Just what happened?

"Is that so. Ok, be careful around here."


Maybe it was my imagination? But I really felt it. It was real.

"Let's go home."

Her mood just changed. Did I do something?


We walked home. I really hope that no one sees us.

I need to be careful. You don't know what might happened.




It's pastry shop.

"Hey. Can we stop by here for a moment?"

Stop drooling. It's disgusting.

"Sorry..I didn't eat lunch. The bread I gave to you was the last one."

"If you're hungry, Eat it. Why did you give it to me."

"Because I was bothering you, that's why you were unable to eat."

Good thing you know.

"Hey Hey, can we? I want to try these."

She's even more excited.

"Fine. After this we go home."


We went inside the pastry shop. It's quite nice. It feels relaxing.

"Welcome! Order what you like!"

This is one lively owner.

"Ooh~ there's a lot!"

"No. Only one."

It's expensive.

"But, they looks so delicious."

"Thank you for the compliment Miss! You can sit there, it's a nice spot."

We were seated next to the window. The owner was right. It was nice.

*nom *nom

Eat properly. You got icing sll over your face.

"It's delicious~ I wanna go here again next time."

Is that a sign?

I agree with her. The cake slices were delicious.

She looked really happy eating the cakes.. Does she like sweets?


"Ah. Mister! Thank you for the delicious food. It was good!"

"Hahah! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Come back here again with boyfriend ok? Hahaha!"

Boyfriend? Me?

"You got it wrong Mister! This is guy is not my boyfriend."

"Yeah. You got it all wrong Mister."

"Hahahaha! Kids these days. No need to hide it. You two fit each other."

"Not happening."

"Oh, you! Visit my shop again."

"Of course. Prepare more delicious cakes!"


"Hmm~ I'm full. It was good"

Hm. Yeah, it is.

"Good thing we went there~"

She still has some icing left on her cheek. "Hey. Come here."

"Hm? Why."

I took out the tissues I got from that shop. "Wipe that icing of yours."

"Where? Here? Was it gone?"

She can't even get it right.

"Just give me the tissue. I'll wipe it for you."


"Stay put. There, it's gone."

"T-Thank you. Let's go home now."

"Wait. I was wondering for a while now."

"What? What is it?"

"I'm sure that I got hit by that ball. Somehow, I got healed in an instant."

"Hm? You were hit? Are you sure?"

"I am certain that I heard you mumbling something.."

"You were...imagining it. I didn't say anything. Let's go home! It's getting dark."

Huh. No. It was real, I felt it. I was about lose my conscious...... ?

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