《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 2: The Witch Acts Like a Child


This is a good day. No one tried to talk to me for the first time!

I feel good. "I'm back..."

"Welcome home."

Oh..Yeah..I forgot. I'm living with a weird girl.

"I'll start going to school tomorrow. In your school actually. It was supposedly today but I got things to work on."

"You are..what?"

"Start going to your school tomorrow. We'll be classmates. Hehehe"

Stop grinning. It's creeping me out.

"Wait Wait. Why?"

"I'm still a student you know."

"Not that. Why in my school?"

"Didn't your Mom tell you about this? Even in school, I need to watch you."

No. All she said was your vague description.

So, School too...huh.

"Is that so...then, don't talk to me in school."


"I don't want to be bothered." I'm pretty sure they'll flock me with questions tomorrow.


"Ah, Dinner! I'll make the dinner. Since this morning was a total fail. Dinner is on me."

"Fine..Fine. I'll take shower first."

Is her cooking that good? I'm having a bad feeling.


"I'm done! Come and see. My masterpiece."

You sound very proud of it--Ugh..It smells bad.

"What is this?"

"A recipe from my hometown. It's curry"

"Hey. Are you sure this is the right recipe."

"Of course. Why are you doubting me?"

"No matter how it looks...your recipe looks suspicious."

"What? So rude..Give it a taste then. There are foods that looked bad but they taste good."

"Right...You're right. There are foods like that but not this."

"Hey! Just give it a taste."

Fine Fine..


"This taste..." tears just dripped down my face.

"Wait. Why are you crying? Does it taste good?"

"No. It's taste horrible.."

"Hmm? Why?!"


"Hey. You didn't taste this, did you?"

"Ah...hahahah..no..I want you to taste my cooking first~"

You sure are annoying.

"Taste it then. I'm done tasting it"

"Hmm. Let's see..?! What is this taste. This is very different from what my Mom made. I followed the instructions thoroughly.."

No. I am certain that you messed it up.

"We're gonna have to order some food tonight."

"I'm sorry..Don't worry! I'll cook better next time."

Don't. Please.


"Waaah. I'm full."

You glutton. You ate most of it.

"I'll do the dishes. I want to make up for my mistakes."

"No. Do you want to make more mistakes?"

"It's just cleaning dishes."

Don't pretend. You're just breaking them. "I'll do the dishes. Don't bother me"

"I'll help you clean then! I'll wipe them dry."

"Ah.. Fine."


"Hmm~ Hmmm~"

She's been smiling for a long time.

"What are you grinning at?"

"Nothing. We look like a couple."


Why would she say that. This is girl so carefree.

"Just kidding. Hehe. Hmm? You looked red. Are you fine?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure? Wait."

"W-Wait. What are you doing?!"

She put her hand on my forehead.

I'm not sick!

"Hmm. Your temperature is fine though."

"I told you! I am fine."

My heart if racing. No No No. This is because of what she did. I need to calm down. "Let's finish this already."



"Hnng..We're finally done. *yawn I'm tired."

Yeah Yeah. You did a good work. "I'm going to sleep now."


Things just got troublesome when she got here. *sigh...

Will I be able to get my peaceful life back?

I need to wake up early tomorrow. I won't let her prepare one.


"Are you awake? Hey.."


Ugh.. What is it this time.

?! Again?

"Why are you in my room?! Again!"


What is it?

"Hey. I'm asking you. Why are you in my room!"

I better lock my room next time.


"Say it already."

"I-I need to go to the bathroom.."

That's it?!

"Go by yourself."

"I can't!"


"I'm scared..."

"Open the lights then!"

"It's still scary..."

What are you? A child?

"So, What do you want me to do?"

"Eh? Uhm..."

"Fine, Do you want me to accompany you to the bathroom?"


What's with this girl? She's acting childish.


"Could you stop pulling my shirt?"

"It's scary..I don't want us to be seperated.."

Why is she acting like this?

"It's hard the move ok?"

"But I'll get seperated..*sniff *sniff.."

Don't cry!

"Ok. I'm going to hold your hand. Hm? So don't cry anymore"

"R-Really?... *sniff.."

"Yes Yes, see? So you won't be seperated to me anymore."

Ah. She stopped crying. I guess that worked.

Wait! I'm holding her hand! She's fine with this? No..did she agree to this? It's not like she refuesed though..Ahhh!

"We're here, you can go inside now.."

"Uhm..can you check inside?"

"There's no one there. Trust me."

She went inside the bathroom, huh..serioiusly..what's with her?

"Uhm,.. Are you there. Are you still there?"

"Yes..yes..I won't leave till you're done, ok? I'll stay here outside."


"Uhmm..I'm done now,"

"Hm? You're done? *yawn Come on. Let's go back."

"Can I hold your hand again?"


See?! She asked for it. So I'm not at fault here.

"Your room, go inside now."

Hm? She's not moving.

"Please, stay with me until I fall asleep.."

More? What do you want..*sigh... No, I won't go inside. This is clearly wrong!

"No, Go inside your room now."

"But..*sniff *sniff..."

You're crying again? Argh...I don't think she'll stop.

"OK. I'll stay with you Hm?"


Woah. This is her room...? There's a lot weird things here. Hm..? Magic? She's a fan of magic?

What's this book...I can't read the what's written on here..This is her hobby huh...

"Uhm..You can sit beside the bed."

She's ok with this? Me in her room?

"Don't leave ok?"

"I won't..I'll stay and make sure you sleep well."

If I did, she'll start crying.

Oh. She's asleep. I have the chance to--

She's holding my hand tightly..If I move, I might wake her up.

*sigh..I'll stay then...

She's so peaceful when she sleeps....She looked rather cute..


"Hwah?! Why are you in my room?!"

Hmm?....what is it...

"Haaaaa?! Why am I in your room?"

"That's what I would like to know!"

Wait..What happened last night...?!

"You asked me to stay with you!"

"No! Why would I ask you? Are you sure you didn't go inside my room without my permission?"

"Hey! You did it twice. Not only that. You were acting weird and childish."

"Ah......... D-Did you see anything?"

What's with the long pause? Looks like she remembered something.

"N-no..? Well you have a unique taste, your hobby.."

"H-Hobby? Eh, Y-Yeah this my hooby. I like magic."

Why is she so tense up. I might say, I like her version last night.

"Heheh..You can get out now.."


Seriously..That girl is weird,..About what happened last night..Argh! Forget it.

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