《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 23 A not so small diversion


Twenty Seventh day Tweveth Month Four Thousand and Six Hundred and forty-four rings of the Great White Tree.

Nghapteiniaid Lancia Ap Brwydr Confederation Army.

In the morning he gathered his forces and began his siege of Cychwyn Tref. The majority of his forces were drawn up around him to begin an assault on the main gate.

Almost two hundred elves armed with muskets arrayed themselves in two lines just out of range of their cannons. He waited a while whilst the humans amassed there forces to repel the attack.

Lancia keen elven eyesight spotted the commander of the enemy forces. According to Lincoln Green the commanders name was Commodore Moore and he was a naval commander. He had an elite gaurd of thirty naval marines standing around him.

Lincoln explained that these soldiers were use to travelling the oceans of the world's fighting sea serpents and monsters from far distant places.

Lancia signalled for his secret weapon to attack. From the forest emerged the stone giant. Steinsmed carried on his back three gnomes that they had rescued from the mine. Pikku had told him alot about his fellow gnomes.

There was the deep gnome Päätiede. He was master alchemist and knew the secrets of gun powder and how to produce it. His fellow deep gnome was Punainen Paita who just seemed dedicated to see his fellow deep gnome survive. The last gnome was a rock gnome an a inventor and craftsmith of muskets and other firearms his name was Kivisydän.

The stone giant walked Infront of the elven lines and stood and waited for Lancia command to proceed to next phase of the plan.

From the wooden fortifications Lancia could hear the Commodore reassuring his command.

"All right men it's only another illusion, it doesn't even look like a real stone giant."

Lancia called out to Steinsmed.

"Seems the humans don't think your real a giant. Do you want to show them what you can do."

Steinsmed nodded his head, he reached into his bag and pulled out a large cannon ball. Then he threw it at the wall. The cannon ball smashed into the wooden wall and lodged itself deep into the wood.

"I think that illusion may real."

Lancia heard one of the union soldiers complain. Steinsmed then threw another cannon ball at the wall. It lodged itself in the wall a few metres away from the first.

Now it was the gnome Kivisydän turn. The small rock gnome pulled out his weapon. Although it looked like a musket. The gnome had told Lancia he used a special technique that allowed the weapon to fire at almost twice the range of a musket, he called the weapon a rifle.

After working in the dark mine for so long and not having the natural affinity to the dark mines that the deep gnomes, the gnomes eye sight had suffered. So now the gnome wore specticles. He aimed his rifle and fired.

The rifle fired a metal bullet that Devin had engraved with some runes of enchantment that he had learnt from the fire giant.

The bullet hit the cannon ball and it explodded. It blew a huge hole in the wooden wall. The cannon ball had been filled with a special powder created by Päätiede that would make a large explosion.

Kivisydän reloaded his rifle and fired at the second cannon ball and it explodded. Creating a second hole in the wall.


Lancia looked at the holes in the enemy fortifications. It did not seem to deter the union soldiers they continued to man the wall ready to repel any attack from the elven forces. That was ok because this was only a diversion.

Rhaglawiaid Crefyddol Orc Friend

They followed the Green Mage through a hole in the wall that the Green Mage had created. Green Mages part priest part druid part mage, dedicated to looking after the great white woods.

Now the green mage led them into the deserted town. The Green Mage spoke in a quiet whisper.

"I will go and rally the elves in the whitewood. We will join on the fight to liberate our town."

Most of the union soldiers at the main entrance. A few soldiers watched the river and gaurded the military river ship that was moored at the dock.

It was only a small force but Lancia had put Crefyddol in charge. He now held the rank of Rhaglawiaid. He was determined finish the mission successfully.

The first part of the mission required them to sucure the commodores ship that was docked at the river port.

The ship looked like it was ready to depart at a moment's notice. The oars that jutted out of the ships hull were ready to pull the ship away from the dock.

Quickly Crefyddol made the soldiers under his command move into position. Ready to board the ship.

Lincoln Green the ex union soldier who now sided with the elves called out to the humans on the ship.

"I've been sent to check that you have enough men to secure the ship."

Lincoln Green called out to the saliors on board the ship.

An officer came over to the side of the ship. He saw that Lincoln Green was dressed as a Union officers uniform so he answered

"I have twelve sailors under my command that should be enough to hold the ship."

The officer doubled over as a dagger thrown by Crefyddol hit him. Crefyddol climbed up onto the ship. The orc Boyuk Doyuscu sprang next to two union sailors and cut them down.

The rest of the soldiers under Crefyddol command quickly overpowered the union sailors. Crefyddol moved over to a hatch that led below deck and opened it.

Below the deck were the rowers who would propel the ship down the river. Chained to their seats were orcs, humans and even a couple elves.

"Boyuk can you talk to the orcs, listern up I am here as part of the confederate army. If we liberate you will you fight against the union."

Crefyddol began picking the locks that had them chained to the seat that they were sitting at. Rad the hafling also seemed to know is way around a lock and was also picking the locks.

Unlike the prisoners in the mine, these prisoners were less enthusiastic about fighting the union. It seemed that their will to fight had been sapped from them.

That was alright because there were more potential allies that they could enlist to the cause. Two gaurds stood watch over the large hole that lay between the dock and the lumber mill.

Boysk quickly overpowered the gaurds and Crefyddol went to open the lock the kept the large gate into the pit locked. He struggled with the lock it wasn't the simple locks that that he had previously picked.


"Out the way elf let an expert look at this lock."

The hafling pushed past Crefyddol he spent a couple seconds examining the lock and then went to work picking it. The Hafling small nimble fingers made short work of it soon the lock clicked open and they could open the gate.

Once the gate was open they were able to enter the pit. Chained inside were a score of Ogres. On the other side of the pit were half a dozen centaurs.

"Boyuk can you ask the ogres of they want to join the battle."

Crefyddol went over to the centaurs. Most of the centaurs stood two metres tall. A cross there backs were the scars of the lash of the whip. The centaurs lower half was equine. With a fey or elven humanoid top half.

"I've come to free you, are ready to fight against the Union."

The largest of the centaur stood tall. He clasped his fist to his chest.

"I Okoven Nachalnik will fight union"

The rest of the centuars stamped their hoofs into the ground in consent. They were ready to assist in taking the town.

Crefyddol went over to Boyuk. To check on the Ogres. The two metre humanoids who lived for war. Crefyddol expected that nothing would stop them from joining the battle.

However the orges did not look like they were budging.

"What's the hold up why aren't the orges joining us?"

He asked the orc. Boyak turned to him.

"The Ogres don't think we can beat the men in blue. So they don't want to fight."

Crefyddol was lost he had expected the ogres to be the first to join the battle. He was also counting on them to provide the support for their attack.

"Let me have a try. I've spent years around hill giants and ogres in the mine."

Rad the hafling piped up

"Let's see I only know a couple words in Giant speech."

"The Ogres understand common."

Boyak provided.

"Well that makes easier, listern up Ogres I am here representing the fire giant Brannkjempe of Clan Ambolt Hjem. It is him you will be fighting for."

One of the Ogres stood up and loomed over the hafling.

"You represent a fire giant? Is the fire giant here ready to fight the the blue shirts."

"No the fire giant is with the rest of the army and the Ogres of the Blackclaw Hills. But he did send one of his subordinates Steinsmed the stone giant."

The ogre seemed to think on what the hafling had just told him. Then answered.

"We will join you in fight against the blue shirts."

Crefyddol and Rad quickly picked the locks on the chains. They now had a small army, buy before they engaged the Union forces who were still battling the elven army at the main gates there was one more location Crefyddol wanted to check.

They marched out of the pit up to the lumber mill. A large oaken beam locked the large door. Crefyddol went to pull the beam out so they could enter the mill. One of the Ogres slammed it's fist into the beam and it shattered. The gates slowly opened.

The stench hit them before the outside light entered the building. Inside chained to their work stations were hundreds of forest goblins.

The goblins made a cheap workforce. Easy to intimidate the goblins would do what ever their masters told them.

One goblin looked up from his work station.

"We will work Master please don't hurt us"

The creature instinctively cringed expecting a whip to land on its back. When the expected blow did not land. The goblin looked at the group standing at the door.

"So what do we do with them?"

Crefyddol asked it seemed it would be more effort to free them then the gain they would have with the goblins joining them.

"Let me handle the goblins."

Rad volunteered.

"You should take the forces your got and continue with plan."

Crefyddol nodded his head and lead his troops the ogres and centaurs to the main entrance where the battle continued.

The union soldiers fighting at the main gates had no idea that there was a force already in the town. There attention was fixed on the stone giant and the elven soldiers arrayed against them.

Crefyddol commanded those soldiers under his command to fire their muskets into the unprotected backs of the union soldiers.

The union forces turned to face the new threat. The Commodores elite gaurd were the first to return fire. Crefyddol grunted with pain.

The elite guard in their haste made a mistake because if they had waited for just a bit longer they would have seen the force of ogres breaking cover of the buildings and charging the union forces. Armed only with their brute strength the ogres ripped into the humans.

Just behind the orges the centaurs who they had shared the pit with. Armed with only there fists and hoofs the centaurs galloped into the fray.

From the great white wood a cheer went up and the green mage led the residents of the tree into combat.

The union soldiers pulled back. Trying to form a defensive block. However they had forgotten that they still had an enemy in front of the town.

A cannon ball landed next to the Commodore thrown by the stone giant. A shot rang out from the rifle and the cannon ball exploded killing the commodore.

Without there commander the union forces hesitated, and that was when a horde of goblins joint the battle led by a laughing hafling.

The goblins were only armed with sticks and implements they found at the saw mill but there were over two hundred of the small creatures and they were determined to make their oppressors pay.

They swamped over the elite marine gaurd. Killing all of them leaving none standing. The rest of the human soldiers started to surrender.

The pain was now intense he was starting to fade. He used his musket to steady himself. He would need to make the ogres stand down. They were still killing human soldiers.

He tried to say something but the words caught in his throat. The main gate opened and the Giant Steinsmed walked into the town. The giant stood over the Ogres and ordered them to cease killing.

The battle was now over now he could rest He collapsed to ground as he closed his eyes the last thing he saw was the green mage approaching.

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