《The Elven Foreign Legion》Chapter 22 A trip to town
Twenty Sixth day Tweveth Month Four Thousand and Six Hundred and forty-four rings of the Great White Tree.
Nghapteiniaid Lancia Ap Brwydr Confederation Army.
After the victory over the union the confederation army had moved on the offensive. Lancia had been promoted to a Nghapteiniaid the had been tasked with liberating the town Cychwyn Tref.
He now commanded over two hundred elves. Well mostly elves, he thought to himself as he moved to break up an argument between two who were definitely not elves.
He looked down at the one metre tall humanoid. The forest gnome was called Pikku Keiju had been sent to the mines because the humans thought he would be able to find precious gems like the svirfneblin or deep gnomes.
His opposition in the argument only stood a couple centremeters taller than him. Rad the hafling who had negotiated with the Cyffredinol for the escaped prisoners to join the army. When Rad had heard they were going to a town he had insisted that he be allowed to come with them.
"Will you two be quiet we are almost at Cychwyn Tref."
The town lay to the east of the city of Dyffryn Gwanwyn. The Union was using the river to transport goods and soldiers into the city.
Lancia had decided that they would need more information about what they would be facing therefore he would send a small group would enter the town and scout around.
He would not send others to face danger that he wasn't prepared to face himself. Therefore he would be leading the group. Morwyn insisted that he would need her to gaurd his back. So she made up the second person in the group.
The forest gnome claimed he could talk to animals and cast illusions and other minor spells which the gnome claimed would be useful.
The next member of the group was human. Lincoln Green once served in the union army. However he was sentenced to mines after he had striked a commanding officer.
He would have liked to have included Crefyddol after his success in liberating the prisoners at the union Lancia would have prefered bringing him as the last member of the party.
However Crefyddol had decided that he wanted to stay with his new best friend Boyuk Doyuscu. So Lancia had sent them to scout out the river with Dyn Blaidd.
So the last member of the party was the hafling Rad. Rad had insisted on joining them on the trip to the town. Dispite his misgivings on Rad he had to admit the hafling had been useful.
Rad had pointed out that they would need official union documentation to enter the town. Thankfully some loyal elven citizens who were fleeing the union occupation were able to give them the documents they needed.
Between Crefyddol and Rad they were able to forge the documents so that both Lancia and Morwyn could enter Cychwyn Tref. Crefyddol was able to forge the documents because of his experience as a book store owner. Who would have thought that Crefyddol was a book store owner.
"Why are you here and not with the rest of the Haflings."
He asked Rad, the hafling looked up at him and smiled.
"After so long in the mines, a chance to visit a town I couldn't let go of that."
"Probably just wants to go to an inn and drink"
Pikka grunted.
The road ahead opened up into a clearing and the town entrance came into view. Around the great white wood a wooden fortification had been constructed by the Human's.
At the gate some human soldiers were checking the documents of all those that were entering the town.
"Right as agreed we will meet once past the gate."
The group all nodded their heads and seperated. Lancia and Morwyn were going into the town as a newly wedded couple. Lincoln Green was dressed as a Union Captain he claimed he would not have much trouble in getting into the town. The gnome and the hafling both claimed they had there own way onto the town.
A grey haired human soldier greeted them at the gate.
"Let's see your documents, so why are you two seeking to enter kimel Reef"
He asked as he mispronounced the town's name.
"I've come to the town to start an apprenticeship as a tailor. My uncle is the tailor in Cychwyn Tref. One day I hope to be able to go to the city."
Lancia answered.
"On your way then Teiliwr"
The soldier indicated they could enter. When doing up the documents Lancia had used the name of his dead companion. Teiliwr had been an apprentice tailor so the name felt more suitable to lie. Also he didn't know if Llysgennad would have reported his name back to the union forces.
The walked through the entrance through the portcullis and into the town. The first thing Lancia noticed was the hive of activity as humans rebuilt the town into a human town.
Lancia and Morwyn moved away from the gate. They headed to towards the great white tree that stood in centre of the town. Once they were a suitable distance from the gate. They waited for the other members of their party.
The first to arrive was Rad, the hafling appeared out of the shadows.
"Told you those documents would work"
The Hafling boosted
"So are we waiting for the gnome and the human."
Lancia nodded his head. As a black cat ran over to Lancia and started rubbing it's back against Lancia leg and purring.
Suddenly the cat disappeared and the gnome Pikku appeared in its place. The Hafling Rad almost jumped when the gnome made the transition.
"Why did you pick a black cat, don't you know black cats are bad luck."
Rad shouted at the gnome.
"Meh your bad luck, what do you know about felines"
The gnome retorted
"Will you two be quiet we are trying to avoid attention."
Finally Lincoln Green arrived
"That was too easy if I was in charge those guards would be crucified. Not only did they not ask for documentation or passwords they just waved me through."
"Wasn't that what we wanted"
Lancia asked confused
"That's not the point"
It was clear that perhaps Lincoln still had some conflicting emotions around the union army.
"Are you going to be right to continue our mission? Are you sure you'll be able to stay undected?"
Lancia asked the human. Lincoln looked at the elf and replied.
"Don't worry about me elf I'll do my job and report back what I find."
It had been agreed that Lincoln Green would report in with who ever the commanded the union forces.
"What about you two what are you going to be doing?"
The gnome was the first to talk
"I will go and speak to some rats"
Rad laughed
"Rats are serious, the first time we get into any civilization and you want to talk to some discussing vermin, you are crazy."
The gnome retorted
"I have you know rats are quiet intelligent and if you want to know what's happening in a town then it's the rats you should ask."
The hafling still laughing pointed down the road to where there was a sign which showed that the building was a tavern.
"If you want to find out what is happening in a town then the tavern is the place you need to go."
"See I told you the only reason he wanted to come was to drink wine at the tavern."
Pikku shouted at the group.
"Let him do what he wants, he has already assisted us with getting into the town, Morwyn and I are going to check in on the tailor he has been assisting the confederacy and sending messages to the army. You go talk to your rats, and Lincoln you check on their commander and see if you can get a count on their numbers."
With that they started walking towards the great white wood. The tailors shop would be about halfway up the magnificent tree as the began climbing up the grand staircase Lancia looked around at the bustling town below.
From this vantage point he could see the river and the large barges that were either being unloaded or filled with goods that would be sent down the river.
There was a large boat with hundreds of oars jutting out of its hull. On its deck it had a number of cannons it was clearly a military vesicle.
Next to the docks he could see what appeared to be a lumber mill. Large planks of wood were currently been carried out of the lumber mill onto one of the barges.
Off the docks were a number of warehouses and cramped wooded houses that the humans liked to live in. As the climbed the grandstairs they winded around the great white wood. They passed various shops and homes of the elves that lived on the tree. Morwyn was paying particular attention to the tree.
"What have they done this poor tree it is suffering. We need to free this tree of humans."
She stated as she rubbed her hand along the tree trunk. He had forgotten that she was also a priestess of the grove and the protection of the great white woods.
"Soon my live, we will free the tree soon, but first we need to check in on our allies here in the town and see what they can tell us."
Morwyn nodded her head and they continued their way up the tree. Both in silent contemplation. Morwyn reached over and grabbed his hand.
It was reassuring to hold her hand. They went around the tree and spotted a sign above a shop. The sign was that of a tailor. The contact they were suppose to meet.
Lancia went to the door and knocked. He waited and was answered shortly by an elf.
"How can I help you"
The elven tailor asked.
"Your friends from the white woods would like to call on you"
Answered Lancia using the code words that they agreed to make contact with their agent.
"Come in, come in, must not stay outside."
The elven tailor ushered them into his shop. A green mage would have used his magic to create the large room that made up the tailors shop. There were manikins with different clothes and seemed to be a fair selection.
The tailor looked at his guests and then spoke.
"Look at you my dear, you are too lovely for such drub clothes let me fix you up something more suitable for lady of your grace."
He grabbed a light blue dress off one of the manakins.
"Let me see, you have such a strong frame, I will need to fix the length of the sleeves."
The tailor went about fixing the sleeves.
"We were hoping that you had some information for us."
Prometed Lancia. The tailor look up from measuring Morwyn arm.
"Yes, yes I have information that you would like, but first we should get this beautiful lady into a dress more suited to her lovely looks."
The tailor continued measuring the sleeves and began his work in making sure that they would fit Morwyn.
Then there was a knock on the door. The tailor looked nervously at the door, he continued to work on the sleeves.
Lancia moved over to the door to see if he could see out the glass plane that was letting light. Then he saw union soldiers at the door.
"Union soldiers, we have been betrayed."
He managed to tell Morwyn, as the door busted open. With three union soldiers entering the room. In that same instance Morwyn grabbed the scissors from the tailor's grapse and threw them into the jaglar of one of the humans.
As the human collasped Morwyn in a whirlwind of action engaged the two remaining humans. Unarmed against two armed humans she soon had both of them on the ground knocked out cold.
"We had better, get of here before more of them come."
She suggested. Lancia looked over at the cowering tailor who now hid under one of the tables that sat on middle of the room. He was crying and saying
"I am sorry, they made me betray you, they have my family."
They exited the shop and then went to climb down the main stairs, but more soldiers were coming up them towards them.
"Halt or we will fire."
Yelled one of the Human's as braced his musket to his shoulder. There was only one thing they could do and that was to run down the side of the great white wood.
Running down white woods was a dangerous sport that adventure seeking elves did for frills. Mostly it was done by elves younger than there first one hundered years.
Lancia had done it a few times in his youth as a dare. Now he was using those skills to avoid the humans and escape. Down the side of the massive tree. They had to avoid windows doors and even balconies that had been placed in the tree.
Muskets fired at them and lead balls flew past them as they made there descent. As they neared the bottom of the white wood a row of human houses blocked there way. Morwyn leaped and landed neatly on the roof of one of the houses.
Lancia tried to copy the leap but over balanced and almost fell off the roof. However Morwyn grabbed his hand and he was a able to stable himself.
"Saved you again"
Morwyn chirped.
"You have my thanks yet again"
He replied.
"We had better get out of here and head back to the cover of the forest."
They raced towards the main entrance but found out that a force of union soldiers had gathered there. With that exit thwarted they headed towards the river.
They ran down the winding lanes of the town. Till they were almost at the river. They arrived at a large pit that had been placed before the lumber mill and docks.
As Lancia ran past the pit he looked down into its depths and spotted some orges and orcs chained up together. There was also a handful of centaurs collared and chained up like they were beasts.
They had almost reached the river when a score or more union soldiers gathered before them blocking there escape route.
"Surrender or we will shoot"
A human officer shouted.
It looked like they were out of options. He did not want to die not here. He also needed to save Morwyn she should not die here because of his mistake.
Then suddenly the union soldiers stoped and began retreating. Looking over his shoulder he could see the fire giant Brannkjempe.
What was Brannkjempe doing here in the town? He was back with the main army.
"Now is your chance to escape"
A voice called out to them
"Lucky that Pikku spoke to the rats they told him about the rat that you were going to see. Pikku rushed to warn you. We better be quick my illusion will soon run out."
Quickly they ran to the river and dived in. The current of the river quickly carried them away from the union soldiers. After a short distance they emerged from the river.
"Are you all right?"
Lancia asked Morwyn as helped her up onto the river bank. A large otter slid out of the river next to them. Suddenly Pikku appeared there with them.
"Well that was a close call, I've used up all magic."
"Lancia is that you"
Another voice asked and appearing out of the river reed's was Dyn Blaidd. With his direction they quickly made it back to the main camp. Back at the main camp they found that Lincoln Green had returned.
"So Lincoln was did you find out."
Lancia asked the human.
Lincoln sat down and warmed his hands at a camp fire.
"Well you certainly made an impact, I was talking to the Commodore, when the he was alerted to some spies entering the town. Then he was told that the spies escaped into town. Lastly there were reports that a giant was loose in the town. When the commodore went to investigate I used that opportunity to escape back here."
"So why is a Commodore in charge of the town? I thought that was a naval rank."
Lancia asked. Lincoln paused and thought about his answer.
"I am not one hundred percent sure the navy may be concerned that the army is getting to powerful with this invasion. Maybe they seeking to grow their influence even here. Union politics can be quiet complicated."
Lancia looked around at the camp and then asked.
"Has Rad returned."
"We haven't seen him"
Answered Cyn who had been left in charge of the main force. Just at that moment there was a noise from the edge of the camp.
"Hey everyone I'm back."
The Hafling Rad had returned from the town.
"Looks like everyone had a fun adventure, how were your rats?"
Rad fired his question at the gnome.
"Whilst you were talking to rats I was playing pocker with union soldiers and I learnt some really juicy information. Oh and I also was able to find and rescue this green mage."
Next to Rad soon a green mage elf. The green mage looked tired exhausted.
"So what is this juicy information that you obtained."
Asked Lancia
"Probably what vintage of red wine he was drinking"
Interrupted Pikku. Rad ignored him and answered.
"Whilst playing a human soldier, he was terrible pocker player, I was drinking a elven wine. It's been so long since I've had a Elven wine, now where was I, that's right I was playing this human and he let it drop that Prince Ceidwadwyr was in Dyffryn Gwanwyn. Apparently the union will be sending him down the river to union lands."
Lancia was of two minds did he complete his mission and take this town or report back to the Cyffredinol that the Prince was in the city. Finally he made up his mind. He would send message to the Cyffredinol and he would compete his mission. Already he had an idea of how they would conquer the town.
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