《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 3: The beginning village


This time there were more killing quests. A few of them were pretty decent.

With little else to do, Peter went forward and picked a few.

Active Quests

1. Kill the monkeys

A few monkeys are disturbing travellers through the forest and stealing their supplies. You know what to do.

Monkeys eliminated 0/20.

2. Crazed wolf hunt

Someone killed the chicken-eating wolf updating the pack order. Kill the other crazed wolves to bring peace to the villages.

Wolves eliminated 0/5.

3. Catch the prisoner

A crazy man escaped the village prison. Bring the man back, dead or alive.

4. Collect ores at the mine

Recently the village has experienced an influx of new people and the smith is running short on resources. Bring some ore from the local mine.

Useful ore collected 0/500.

With a few quests in the log, Peter went looking to kill the monkeys. Since both monkeys and wolves were in the same forest it was better to complete it first.

As he went deeper into the forest, he heard a howl a few feet away. It looked like one of the wolves caught his scent.

Slowly a black-furred wolf came out of the shrubs.

Peter suddenly equipped the sword and swung forward.


Decent damage was visible above the wolves head in red.

790/1000 (wolf)

As he was about to swing his blade again, the wolf attacked.


0/50 (Peter)

The world turned black in front of Peter's eyes.

After 20 seconds he was able to see a dim light.

He heard Grace talking to another person in the background." His wounds are not that bad. Thank you for bringing him in. "The other person chuckled, "It's all right just part of the job. "

Slowly Peter got up from his bed and sat up straight.

"You came back. Good. How are you feeling?"

Peter slightly waved his hand.

"It's alright. You will be back to normal soon. It looked like wolf bite marks."

"I was fighting a wolf."

"Y... Did you go looking for a wolf to kill? With no armour?"

"Armour?" Peter was still getting around. At the time he had always one-shot every rabbit so he didn't know much about this.

"That was a close call. Ok, I had to pay the adventurer 5 silver for bringing you in. That comes from your pocket. Also, my charges are fixed at 1 silver per customer no matter the injury. Pay up"

'And I thought you were a happy bunny...'

Peter paid Grace 6 silver.

"Where do I get some armour from?"

Grace looked at Peter for a short second.

"In the shop."

Feeling like an idiot, Peter mumbled. "Of course."

After getting out of the village office Peter went looking for the armour shop. The armour shop was right next to the weapon shop. The shopkeeper, a brute male, kept staring at him.

"I need some good armour. Show me some of your good ones, please." 'I need to get out of here.' The shopkeeper was turning Peter nervous. The guy waved his hand towards the displays at the back. There were a few good armours there.


Common Chainmail

Set bonus extra armour.

Defence: 100

Cost: 2 silver

Common Armguard.

Set bonus extra armour.

Defence: 50

Cost: 1 silver

Common Helmet

Set bonus extra armour

Defence: 70

Cost: 1 silver

Common Leg guard

Set bonus extra armour

Defence: 50

Cost: 1 silver

Common Footwear

Set bonus extra armour

Defence: 50

Cost: 1 silver

'Should have guessed. All common.'

After purchasing the full set, his defence reached 300 points. If an attack doesn't hit over 300 HP then the attack is nullified.

With the new armour, it was almost impossible for Peter to get killed in the Village area.

After a few minutes the negative effects wore off and peter's vision became better again.

With nothing better to do Peter was back into the forest.

Standing in front of the wolf, this time Peter felt confident in his armour. By his calculations, the wolf should not be able to kill him.

The black wolf lunged forward and its claws graced Peter's armour.

-1 (49/50)

Damage appeared above peters head.

With a flick of his sword, Peter did good damage.

-210 (790/1000)

Without a break, Peter went straight for its neck.

-1050 (0/1000) critical hit

You received 20 experience.

'Not bad'

Peter was able to get some meat from the wolf too.

He went looking for other wolves.

After a few minutes, he was able to kill all the wolves.

'Ok, now I need to go kill the monkeys.'

Peter went looking for the monkeys.

There were more monkeys than expected. And Peter could hardly kill all of them in one shot.

Soon he was able to figure out how to isolate(kite) one away from the pack.

Peter was no idiot. The little fight with the wolves made him realize that it was easier to kill things when you hit some weak spots.

The moment he found an opening, Peter went for it.

-1050 (0/450) Critical Hit

You killed a crazy monkey

The more he fought them the more efficient he became.






Soon there were no crazed monkeys to kill. With nothing else to do in the forest, Peter turned around to leave.

As he was approaching the village gates, he noticed a guy in a shady outfit matching the description of the escaped convict.

'How lucky could I get?'

Peter quickly rushed to go knock him down. If he could turn him back in alive his rewards were supposed to double.

As he approached the guy, the convict made a face and turned around to run. It might be due to the years he did in the prison, the guy wasn't able to move as fast as one would expect.

With one hit the dangerous criminal fell over unconscious.

Since he was near the gate, Peter rushed forward and asked for help from the guards present. With their help, he was able to tie the prisoner and hand him over.

Quest complete.

Peter went to the office and received the rewards for the two kill requests and soon he received another level-up notification.


'Now to go get the ores.' Slowly Peter moved towards the mine once again.

Gathering ores was quite an easy task. It was a mindless job of hitting at the ore nodes. Within a few minutes, Peter completed the requested amount.

He slowly started moving towards the smith. Due to the excess weight, he was unable to move fast. The Smith was again excited to see Peter and with a bright smiling face took all the ore and gave back a generous reward.

'Phew, all done.'

Placing the recently obtained points to VIT, Peter went looking at more quests.

There were no new quests available. Just the same old quest to kill the wolves or getting rabbit meats.

'This place is getting a bit boring. '

Deciding to speed things up, Peter took all the available quests and proceeded to complete them.

Since all the maps outside the village were instance maps, this made it easier for Peter.

Within a few minutes of a killing spree, Peter was able to level up once more to LVL 7. With little thought, he put the points into VIT again.

The amount of meat he received sold for a pretty good price at the butcher stand.

Soon he was plunged into a mindless killing cycle.

You have leveled up

There was no stopping Peter now.

Soon another notification came up.

You have leveled up

Finally, after a few more kills, Peter went back to the village square looking for people to join up with.

Peter was bored with killing all the small fries and now he wanted to kill the wolf boss.

There were a few people near the quest board who had similar thoughts.

After a few minutes of asking around, he was finally able to form a party with a few fellow minded folks.

"Anyone did the quest before?" One of the guys in the group raised out.

When no one responded, he proceeded to take the mantle.

"Ok, I did this once before", he continued. "It's easy. You just need to hit it one after the other."

Since it was a beginner level boss, it wasn't given an AOE attack.

With the new leader leading the way, Peter and the rest arrived at the very end of the forest map.

As they approached a clearing, they heard a loud howl. This one was different from the ordinary wolf howls. The voice reverberated shaking everyone to the core.

The wolf was enormous. The bright red eyes were pointed straight at their group.

Without much thought, Peter went ahead and attacked it.

-210 (???/???)

"What the hell?"

"It's ok. It's HP needs to come down to 1000. Till then, it will not display it." The leader explained.

"It only takes like 20 hits to bring it down."

Everyone had to take turns to hurt this big guy. Peter's defence broke twice but luckily someone else was able to grab the aggro before he got killed.

After a few shots, the wolf was reaching it's final breathe.

-210 (710/10000) Boss wolf

-1 (42/80) Peter


You killed a Boss wolf

You received 800 exp. 20 silver.

You have leveled up.

Congratulations. You have completed the requirements for the quest Stepping out. Please visit the Village Office to continue.

'Finally LVL 10.' Peter was relieved.

Lvl 10 was a bit harder than he initially thought. Unlike what he expected it took him more than 2 hours to reach LVL 10.

Everyone said their byes and split when they arrived at the village gate. Peter directly went to the village office. He had nothing else to do. Also, he was planning to take a break after this.

Expecting to get some kind of reward, Peter entered the office.

He was met with the warm smiling face of Grace.

"Village leader was expecting you to arrive a bit earlier."

"Sorry I was held up."

"It's ok. Let me introduce you to him." And she moved to open the main room door that was always kept closed.

"Peter, meet the village leader Sin Asumi."

The guy behind the desk was short. If not for Peter not playing games before he would think it's a dwarf. But the guy exuded a very powerful aura. The air around him felt heavy.

Finally, he opened his half-closed eyes.

"Peter, a good name indeed. Good to meet you kid."

"Likewise Sir." He responded carefully.

"I just called to let you know that your time here is over. How was it in this world? Did you have any difficulties?"

"My time is over? Pardon?" Peter was getting confused.

Grace came forward to explain. "Sir Asumi meant its time for you to proceed to the Realm beyond our borders. As you know, once you cross there is no coming back."

"Ok." Peter let out a sigh of relief.

'For a second I got scared.'

The leader, Sin Asumi continued. "There is no rush. Take your time and when you are done, use this rune stone. This is a one-way trip so make sure you talk to people you need to before leaving."


After thinking about it, Peter went out and decided to log out of the game.

It had already been two and a half hours.

Once he got out of the cabin, he noticed several calls from Sicily.

He went and called back.

"Hi, sorry I just got out of the cabin."

"It's ok. Did you not connect your phone to the cabin? Make sure you do. It helps us to chat while playing as well."

"Will do that."

"What's your name? I will add you once I get in."

"Peter. I just completed the beginning area. So I should be able to get out of the beginner village soon."

"Oh and make sure to install the companion app. It has a lot of offline functions and stuff."

"Ok will see you soon in-game."

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