《RE: Choice》Chapter 4 - Hell


Something inside my mind tingles. I guess I'll try to undo this mess… How do I do that…? Hmm…

I focus my thoughts on my arm. Alright, arm… Go back to normal! I think that, but nothing happens to my arm. I'll try harder. Go back to normal! Go back to normal! Go back to normal! Still nothing. I must be missing something.

I dig through the depths of my mind, trying to figure out if there are any other secrets hidden. But still, there is nothing. The only thing I know how to do is increase the number of cells, but I don't know if I can decrease the number of cells… Shit! There's no time! I hear voices getting closer!

"Please, wait! Please, wait for the doctor!"

I hear my mother's voice get closer, but she has company. Several scary looking men enter the room with her. Fuck… I guess I'll just lie down and be a baby. I smile and flail my limbs around like an ordinary baby would. There is an old man with a beard staring down at me.

"Hmm… There is no doubt about it. This child is the demon that the kingdom's seer has warned us about."

Demon…? What the hell is he talking about?

"No… That can't be… My Durrendal isn't a demon! No!"

My mother tries to get closer, but the two other men hold her back. The old man stares into my eyes, and it feels like an icy cold katana is about to cut me down.

"The seer has warned us that a demon has manifested itself inside young child no more than two years old. Look at this body."

He suddenly grabs my tiny hand.

"These muscles… they are far too developed for a child like him. Didn't you say he grabbed you when you tried to breastfeed him?"


"Yes, but… there has to be a mistake!"

"There is no mistake. It will all be clear to you soon."

I smile and continue my act. What's he going to do?! I turn my head a little to see what he's doing with his hands now. He has a katana scabbard attached to his waist. Oh… you've got to be kidding me…

My heart beats faster as he takes it out and points it at me. I stop smiling and moving altogether. I quiver my entire body from this old man's aura.

"What kind of baby knows what danger is? There is none. This baby is clearly a demon!"

He plunges down his weapon.


I use all of my strength to roll over toward my right. Did I say that out loud…?

"Demon… you've finally revealed your true colors… but it is too late."

Huh…? I can't move my legs…


My mother screams and bursts into tears. My eyes get heavy, and my vision slowly fades into black. Damn… did I… die…?

At some point, I find myself in the white room again. Huh…? This body is my real body.

"Durrendal… you've been a tremendous disappointment."

I hear Rigel's voice from somewhere around me, but I can't pinpoint where.

"Hey, what's going on? Where are you?"

"You can't see me anymore… Soon, you won't even be able to hear my voice. I've lost… and both of us will be going to…"

His voice fades out. I gulp. What's going to happen…?

The room gets dark again, and I lose all feeling of having a physical body. This again…? Am I being transported to somewhere?

In the next moment, I feel like I just made the greatest mistake I've ever made. My vision returns to me, as do my senses… but I wish that I don't have them at all.


I don't need an explanation to know, but this is probably hell. An unbelievable amount of pain surrounds my entire body, or rather my soul. I don't even want to think anymore. Ah, what a short miserable life I lived. I wish I was never born at all.

You've reached a bad end.

Option Reset

She yells and turns around toward the door. She violently opens it, slamming the door on the wall and runs out while continuing to scream for help. What the hell? I cock an eyebrow and take a look at my right arm. Oh… shit… My right arm looks quite muscular. It is near twice the thickness of my left arm.

I may have made a mistake… What do I do now…?

The polls were looking pretty grim... so this chapter was out relatively fast since I had nothing else to do. This should be a fairly big hint on the correct choice.

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