《RE: Choice》Chapter 5 - Time Limit


Something inside my mind tugs me to want to leave as soon as possible. I need to leave… and fast…! I try to stand up, but I'm unable to. Shit! I have no choice… I multiply the muscles in my legs, my left arm, and nearly everywhere else in my body in an attempt to make myself proportional.

I stand up and jump, grabbing onto the railing of the crib. I pull myself up and jump down. I run to the door, but before I run out, I make sure no one is around. I stick my head out as I survey the area.

Wow… this place is HUGE… is this a mansion…? Rigel did say that my parents were going to be wealthy nobles… I run out into the hallway and go to the railing. I look down, noticing that this is the third floor. Where are the stairs…? I hear a plate break near me, and I turn toward it. It appears a maid is standing there. She screams.


She turns and runs away. Demon?! Shit, where is it?! I jump back from the rail and look around. There is nothing of the sort. What the hell was she talking about? The only thing that's here is… me… Wait… Do babies stand upright…? I hear footsteps far away closing in on me. Oh, shit! What do I do?! I go to the railing again and see that I might be able to jump to the floor below me, but it's risky. I don't have any other choice!

I jump up to the railing, climb over it, and let myself hang in the air.

"Dur-Durrendal?! Wh-what, what, what…"

My mother stutters and faints. A man that is with her catches her. There are several other men with her including an old man. I need to get out of here! My joints freeze up. Damn, what's wrong?! The old man walks closer and draws out what appears to be a katana.


"Demon… your life is mine!"

He charges at me. Shit, shit, shit! I finally manage to loosen my hands enough to let go. I fall down, but I fail to grab onto the rail below me. Oh, god… What do I do?! I got it… I'll bulk up my legs more... There're less than two seconds to do everything. I multiply as much of the muscle cells in my legs possible in that time frame.

I bend my knees a little, and as soon as I hit the ground, I extend them as I jump backward. Whoa! I fly at a speed far faster than I imagined I would. Eventually, I slide on the floor and hit a wall. Ouch… I look back at the third floor and notice the old man. At least he won't be able to… I drop my jaws as I see him jump off without any hesitation. Shit! I pick myself off the ground and start running for the exit in front of me.

I jump in the air while reaching for the door handle with my tiny hands. I grab it. Yes! Now, I just need to grab onto it and let my weight pull it… The muscles in my hands become weak, and I let go of the handle.

What the hell…? My hands… they're weak again. Why?! I hear a loud noise behind me. I look behind me, noticing that the old man has landed safely.

"Running is futile, demon. Die peacefully."

No! I just started my life…! Someone… someone save me! I think my prayers are answered when I hear the door open behind me. I don't think for a moment and turn around. I begin a full-on sprint out the door.

"What in the world?!"

Some unknown man yells as I run out into the lawn. I notice a large amount of green grass and nice scenery I have no time to appreciate right now. I run down the path toward the front gate. Alright! I just need to clear that gate, and I'm free! Suddenly, I fall down, and my head hits the stone tiles in front of me, but I don't feel any pain.


What happened…? I can't move my body… but my head is still… moving…? My head turns around against my will, and I witness my decapitated body. Blood spouts out of my neck. Oh, fuck… Soon enough, my vision turns to black.

At some point, I find myself in the white room again. Huh…? This body is my real body.

"Durrendal… you've been a tremendous disappointment."

I hear Rigel's voice from somewhere around me, but I can't pinpoint where.

"Hey, what's going on? Where are you?"

"You can't see me anymore… Soon, you won't even be able to hear my voice. I've lost… and both of us will be going to…"

His voice fades out. I gulp. What's going to happen…?

The room gets dark again, and I lose all feeling of having a physical body. This again…? Am I being transported to somewhere?

In the next moment, I feel like I just made the greatest mistake I've ever made. My vision returns to me, as do my senses… but I wish that I don't have them at all.

I don't need an explanation to know, but this is probably hell. An unbelievable amount of pain surrounds my entire body, or rather my soul. I don't even want to think anymore. Ah, what a short miserable life I lived. I wish I was never born at all.

You've reached a bad end.

Option Reset

She yells and turns around toward the door. She violently opens it, slamming the door on the wall and runs out while continuing to scream for help. What the hell? I cock an eyebrow and take a look at my right arm. Oh… shit… My right arm looks quite muscular. It is near twice the thickness of my left arm.

I may have made a mistake… What do I do now…?

You may find it useful to leave comments down below regarding what choice you think is best to make. Especially after a bad end, you discover new sorts of information. If you leave a comment down below people may be more likely to vote for an option that you opt for if reasons are given.

There is sometimes only one correct option. Like this case. It should be 100% obvious now what the correct answer is based on what you have learned in the previous two failures. In cases like these, the bad endings will most likely give you the information you need for later, so you shouldn't feel that it was a waste of a chapter/choice.

There are sometimes, however, that the content inside the chapter may be the exact same as the previous choice. You can tell by looking at the title. I plan to use 'Redundancy' or 'Useless' or a similar naming convention to denote content that's already been mostly seen. For these chapters, it will most likely be a copy paste from a previous scenario, but who knows what I'll do in said hypothetical situation. Feel free to try that out on this option and see what happens if you really wish to see another bad end -.-

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