《Path of heaven shattering》Chapter 11- Trust


Chapter 11- Trust

" Tie Ya, can you help me become stronger?" Qing Yan suddenly looked at Tie Ya with yes full of determination. Tie Ya looked at her seriously, his crimson eyes seemingly flickering. "Why do you wan't to be strong?" he asked as he looked her in the eye. "I..I wan't to be strong so I can protect those dear to me, and not have to hide behind someone else and have them suffer in my stead." hearing what Qing Yan said Tie Ya only sighed and sat down. "Qing Yan, no matter how strong you get, there is always someone stronger, and since you lost your memory, who do you have left in the world to protect? The Humans who tricked you? Other spirit beats that are being hunted by humans for materials, for fun? Strength is something earned and learnt not given." when he said this Tie Ya's crimson eyes were bitter, he removed his eyes from her and looked at the wall behind her, as if reminiscing about something of the past.

"I...I think that there is a chance for humans and spirit beasts to be in harmony, and those who are willing to do so are dear to me, I wish to be strong enough to help create a utopia where humans and beasts live side by side, without any animosity in between. Tie Ya's face visibly showed anger for a second before he calmed himself, and once again looked at Qing Yan "Do you know why I hate humans?" Qing Yan shook her head, Tie Ya continued "I was once just a rank 1 spirit wolf, and was the leader of a wolf pack, most of them, weren't spirit beasts yet, I really fancied my mate, although she was also a rank 1 spirit beast, she wasn't arrogant, nor did she try to challenge me like others would, instead she would give up her time to help humans, you see, there was a human village close to our territory, and she would go there, help out, and kill animals that try to steal the village life stocks, she would bring them food if they didn't have a good harvest, years went on like this, and the people grew older and older, she was my mate and I loved her, so I supported her wish, while others were against it, one day a cultivator stayed at the village, and he noticed how the people of the village were fond of a spirit beast, seeing that she was quite intelligent, the cultivator asked her to show him where certain herbs were, and she did so, more time went by, and she grew fond of this cultivator as they spent more time with each other, much more so than the pack, she eventually distanced herself from the pack and basically lived in the village, I was pained, she was after all my mate, not his. One day she came back to the pack, full of injuries, she wasn't going to live through it, that much I can tell, she said she had angered the cultivator, and he had punished her, but he was going to forgive her in a day or so."


Tie Ya paused, the look in his eyes were by now full of anger, his tone switched to that of hate and rage. "I can see that she had blind trust in the man, it is not normal to still believe in someone after they drove you to the brink of death, but she did, I knew she would die, and I could not do anything about it, I steeled myself to stay by her side and let her know I love her until her last moments, but it was then that the cultivator appeared in our territory, he had put a tracking spell on her and followed her to our place, that day none of my pack survived, I survived because I fell down a crack in the floor. Even so, I was heavily injured, by the time I left the crack, days must have past, I was greeted by the corpses of my pack, it would still have been fine if they were given the heroic deaths they deserved, but their eyes, claws, teeth, and even fur were gone, taken away by the cultivator no doubt." He stopped as the story seemed to be finished, the rage in his eyes showed no signs of leaving him, Qing Yan didn't know what to say, her hands insticively grabbed Tie Ya's and gently held them against hers, he was startled by her action,"That is precisely why I wan't to create an utopia for both humans and spirit beasts." she whispered, but that sentence rang loud and clear in Tie Ya's ears, he felt as if those words were the only truth in the world, he could feel her determination, he trusted her.

He aburptly stood up and looked at her. "Training starts tomorrow, Sleep well tonight." Qing Yan looked at him and smiled, she could feel that the rage in his eyes subsided a little, just a little but it was enough.

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