《Phenomena the Basic Witch and the Evil Book of Love》Chapter Fourteen: Menaholics Anonymous
“Jerkface?” Mena exclaimed, her eyes bulging from shock. “What could I possibly do to earn such a label?”
“Hmm, I dunno,” Janus said, her airy voice twisting and turning, looking for a way to skewer Mena as she towered over her friend. “Perhaps drugging our teacher so he forgets to give you a bad grade for not listening?”
“Or…” May added, her shadow stretching over Mena’s whole body. “Humiliating our most mentally unstable teacher so she has a reason to kill us all.”
“Uhh…” Mena grinned nervously, her eyes darting back and forth between her two friends. She wanted to speak but being reprimanded had created a gridlock in her mind.
She bit her lip and looked downward towards Fabias. “What do I do?” she thought.
“Play it cool, babygirl,” his sultry voice echoed in her head.
“Miraculous Magicaps,” Mena thought. “You can speak to me in my mind?”
“I couldn’t,” Fabias responded, “But now your powerful magic has allowed it.”
“Great,” Mena said, grinning with her hands behind her back. “Cool it is. I’m so happy I can be cool now.”
Mena raised her hands with a swagger. “So, I caused a bit of mischief. Is that really worth such a harsh label?”
Janus and May looked at each other before they gave Mena a condemning glare. “Maybe not,” Janus replied. “I once brought the meat back to life on the Tesselation’s plates and caused them to pass out. But that’s not why we’re mad at you.”
May balled her fist and in an outburst, screeched, “We don’t think you’re a very good friend Mena.”
Tears lined Mena’s eyes, but they didn’t become red and puffy; they were perfect after all. She still flinched at May’s words before lunging back at her. “I don’t think you’re a good friend either, bookstealer!”
May puffed up her cheeks and she crossed her thick arms. “I never stole your book, Mena. I’d never do that to my best friend”—a look of hurt flashed into May’s eyes—“How can you even believe that?”
Mena was about to speak, but Fabias quickly interjected. “I wouldn’t babygirl.”
A drip of sweat glistened on Mena’s forehead. “Why shouldn’t they know?”
“I’ll tell you in private,” the mysterious book answered. “Get away from these two uglies. They mustn’t know our secret.”
Janus held her bony hands together and tried to muster some kindness in her voice. “Look Mena, can we please mend this feud between you two? Holding grudges shortens your life span and that benefits no one but my daddy.”
May crossed her arms in silence. She left Mena to talk all on her own. “Look,” Mena said, finally looking at May with an earnest expression. “I’m still having trouble believing you. I need to think this over. I don’t know who to believe.”
Mena quickly shuffled outside, leaving May and Janus alone in confusion.
“What does she mean by who?” May asked, her wide eyes magnified even further by her glasses.
“Perhaps she’s finally developing a conscience,” Janus replied in a sing-songy voice.
Mena paced nervously in the school bathroom. She had hidden Fabias away in her bag after he told her she couldn’t tell her friends the truth. She had lost a sliver of confidence in her book; the way Fabias’ sultry eyes looked over her let her know he could detect it.
“Babygirl,” his milky-smooth voice crooned. “What ails you?”
“Why can’t I tell my friends about you?” Mena said bluntly throwing her hands forward as she paced.
“Because…” Fabias started. “My magic is symbiotic and a spell of perfection is easier broken than one would think.”
“What do you mean?” Mena asked, halting her pacing.
“It’s a simple matter of fact,” Fabias responded, he observed her with an expression of suavity. ”Perfection isn’t perfection when people know how to obtain it for themselves. My secret must be protected or you’ll lose everything you gained.”
Mena’s clear eyes gazed at him with tentativeness and her shiny teeth bit into her lips. “You want to be perfect right?” Fabias sternly implored her. “To rule the school in the name of fame and beauty?”
“Yes,” Mena said at last, clasping her hand to her chest.
“No one must know of our connection,” Fabias said, her voice devoid of its velvet tone. “It’s best you get rid of those two uglies or else, you might find yourself knocked back to ugly yourself.”
Mena’s mouth hung open in utter shock. She couldn’t fathom what her book said about getting rid of May and Janus. The book had openly threatened her and lied to her. He always told her she was gorgeous even without his powers…until now.
“No…” Mena shook her head. “I don’t want that, but I won’t lose my friends either.”
“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you,” Fabias lectured her.
“Perhaps, I can have fame, beauty and friendship…” Mena said, putting the book back in bag. “I won’t tell them about you but I’ll…”
Mena snatched her bag and walked back to her dorm.
“Hey, May,” Mena asked, re-entering the room. May was busy writing furious in her notepad, and didn’t even look up, she merely grunted.
“May,” Mena said, clasping her hands together. “May I’ve decided that I’m going to let it slide…You stealing my book and all…”
May glared so hard it shocked Mena. “I should be the one letting it slide, Mena. I’ve never been framed by my best friend before.”
Mena held her hand to her face. “B-b-but…”
“Seems you haven’t learned anything,” May’s deep voice spoke, getting even deeper. “You should go to bed Mena. We’ve got another Groundborn Rescue tomorrow.”
“Fine,” Mena said, turning her nose upwards. She was annoyed she even offered the olive branch to begin with. Fabias was right, they were jealous of her. “I’m going to dazzle them with my newfound nerve and charisma”
“Oh you got a lotta nerve,” May responded. “Not sure about charisma though.”
Mena was about to scream over her friend’s harsh attitude, but instead she closed her eyes and briskly walked over to her bed, placing Fabias right beside her. She didn’t need May…or Janus. She had her new best friend right beside her. And tomorrow, with his power, she’d become the greatest Groundborn-rescuing superhero there ever was.
The next day, Mena sat in Stellaris’ classroom, away from Ashlan, but surrounded by a bunch of girls she didn’t even know the names of instead. A fiery glare from Ashlan hurt her, but Mena no doubt knew she was consumed with jealousy and a bit of envy too. Stellaris entered the room, her sunburst-colored spiked hair and radiant skin gleaming. She was followed by the several-heads-taller Nebula.
“Welcome everyone to the second session of WCAL,” Stellaris smiled and talked in her sweet voice. “And I have a special announcement.”
Mena sat up excitedly. It was her time to shine.
“Phenomena Willow is going to be my official assistant.”
“WHAT?” Ashlan shouted, but everyone ignored her.
“All in favor…?” Stellaris asked, but she didn’t need to continue. Everyone, including Nebula who was boisterously hooting, all cheered for Mena. Mena stood up and took a bow.
“I’d like to thank the academy,” Mena said, giggling with her hands to her face. “Which is easy, because I’m in one.”
Everyone erupted into laughter as Ashlan frowned and crossed her arms.
“I hear roars of laughter from everyone but you, Sunny,” Mena said, turning to Ashlan. “Which is ironic because you’re the only lion in the room.”
“Ha ha,” Ashlan shot back, “Stop rubbing it in.”
Stellaris fluttered her hands, waving everyone down. “Now, Mena, if you would kindly allow us to seek out that lost magic user on the ground.”
“Right,” Mena said, but before she stepped in front of the Ladybug Transistor, she held her hand to her head and chanted excitedly.
“Give me some magic glass, to give my teacher some much needed class.”
In a bevy of swirls and sparkles, a pair of dark sunglasses appeared over Stellaris’ eyes. Mena flicked her fingers at a dazzled Stellaris. “I think even a teacher as sunny as you deserve some cool shades.”
“Now, to work,” Mena said, and she stood in front of the Ladybug Transistor, which had begun to pulsate with white lights. “I am the star of this fabulous class, after all, and you’d all be lost without my miraculous mind.”
As a silver light beam from the transistor illuminated Mena’s enormous forehead, a rainbow bubble emerged and reflected the location of another Groundborn in trouble. Out in the center islet of a cerulean lake was another black crystal prism switch where three guards were stationed. A young girl with curly, powder-white hair and an elegant purple robe sobbed inside of it.
“Sunset Lake…” Stellaris said and Mena’s eyes twinkled.
That was the location where her parents took their loving photo together, a photo she desperately wished she still had. It would be nice seeing it for the first time in her life, even if it was for a rescue mission.
“Who do we volunteer to lead this mission?” Nebula asked. “I believe Alpha Ashlan should be the one to decide since she is currently at the height of our roster.”
Ashlan was about to talk, but suddenly, she was interrupted by chants from all the other girls. “Mena! Mena! We want Mena!”
“Oh, did you hear that, Ashy?” Mena asked, causing Ashlan’s mane to stand on end. “I think we know who they truly want as their leader.”
“Well,” Stellaris said, “Mena is my official assistant in cool. And even though I can’t really see in these sunglasses, I can imagine all the looks of admiration for her.”
Ashlan gave the impression she wanted to protest, but instead proceeded on. “Well Mena,” Stellaris asked, “who do you choose for this mission. Remember, we need some different faces this time so everyone can get a chance and…”
“I choose Nebula and Ashlan, and that’s it,” Mena said, nodded her head in absolute confidence. “There’s only three switches this time. And personally, I want a proper audience. I feel everyone else in this room already knows how talented I am.”
The girls cheered out Mena’s name, and Mena bowed. “Besides, Stella,” Mena laughed. “There’s only three guards and one of me. I think we all know who will win—Moi!”
“In terms of narcissism,” Ashlan said, her brilliant green eyes rolling as she sighed. “We’re all beaten. Even the Tessellation Twins.”
Everyone stood up and the mission commenced.
Mena clung to the anchor of the castle with Stellaris, Nebula and Ashlan as her cohorts. The chilly breeze above the water caused their hair to sway. “Ok, being that I’m a tactical genius in addition to being the princess of the universe,” Mena started, which caused eyebrow raises from no one but Ashlan, “Will drop right in on the islet, and take those three goons by surprise. You three can watch as I completely disarm them and snap their necks with three fingers and my elbow.”
“But isn’t this supposed to be as non-violent as possible?” Stellaris said with her hands held together. “That was the vow of WCAL.”
“Ok,” Mena sighed. “I’ll knock em out with my superiority instead.”
“What happened to Mena?” Ashlan whispered to herself. “It’s hard to believe this is the Rainy I knew.”
“Oh I’m not merely Rainy,” Mena laughed and spread her arms. “I’m a super rainbow! Now let’s go.”
The anchor plunged out of the sky falling at the momentum of cast iron, and everyone, shared a look of terror. Mena’s shiny white grin was the sole outlier and she laughed as they touched down, flipping off the anchor onto the ground. “Surprise!” she exclaimed
The three guards jumped, but in response, one cried, “Magical Infidels!” and whipped out a flare and a match, set it on fire and launched it into the stratosphere.
Mena spun around. She looked across the lake where numerous soldiers were spilling out of a nearby building and piling into boats. “I forgot,” Stellaris said, “Budaludicus built his summer resort here.”
“Hah hah hah,” a deep voice bellowed, and an enormous stone fist shot out of the lake.
The four heroes gasped in horror as a humungous face composed of limestone emerged from the lake. It had dark eye sockets with burning orange pupils and a cragged mouth with several hundred teeth. The golem, who resembled Mena’s friend Sir Rocksworth Bugglesby the III, gave a belly laugh.
The three soldiers who they previously outmatched, gave confident smirks to each other. “Best to surrender now,” said the soldier who set off the flare.
Reaching into her pocket, Mena grasped, “Love Across Dimensions.” She needed all the magic she could muster to get out of this one.
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