《Blood Rising》Chapter 5: Untamed Fires


A voice accompanying an overwhelming presence that none of the warriors which attacked my village could even come close to was descending upon me. For the first time since I feel from the cliff in the mountain the old sensation of fear welled up inside me again for an instant. Quickly I snapped away from my dread and made use of the darkness to mask my presence hoping to avoid this creature.

“Do not think you can hide from me with such petty tricks child.”

The voice was near, too near and behind me. I did not know how it was possible for it to have snuck up on me but the being was breathing down my neck and my body was paralyzed. The fear returned in an instant as I understood there was no hope for me against this being, whatever it was. I just prayed it wouldn't kill me, it wasn't time for me to die yet.

“Who... what are you?” I gasped as the presence created an atmosphere so strong it was difficult for me to even breathe. I realized the ominous aura that I had been following all the way here must have been from this creature.

“I am the Master of the Mountain, I am the Fire which Consumes all, To you I shall be God and Master, my name is Dreana.”

“Mistress Dreana what is it you wish of me, am I to die?”

“No, not yet, as I stated you will be my new toy little blood sucker, we shall have some fun. Tell me, why are you in my caves? Have you become lost?”

I proceeded to tell my tale to this Dreana, my new master. Wondering all the while what my fate would be, and what role exactly I played as a toy. I still had no clue as to what sort of creature Dreana was nor if I would survive the end of this encounter. When I concluded my story Draena only snorted, it was a derisive sound full of underlying amusement at the cruel twist fate had thrown into my life, and I realized right then we would not become friends nor would my stay be pleasant. I had not yet thrown out the hope that the encounter could be beneficial however.

“It seems your people got what was coming to them, they say a curse is placed on those who drain a dragon, even one as weak as Ashmil. He whom your eight ancestors devoured.”

“You know the name of the Dragon? How?” This was not information that was not passed down even amongst my family lineage.. How exactly is it possible this creature knew. I had an idea, due to the location of this creature's lair, the overwhelming presence of the being and the fact that it knew the Dragon's name really left me with little doubt.


It was then that Draena came into view and the sight was as breathtaking as the presence she emitted. A beautiful and mature woman, she stood tall, taller than and proud with powerful features. Her hair was red like mine yet instead of the color of blood it seemed a blazing fire stood atop her head wild and untamed yet you could not look away from its glory. Her eyes were slanted and golden, the gaze piercing the soul and seeing far beyond. She wore an elegant black dress far more luxurious than anything I had ever seen in my life with low cut in the front and swooping back which seemed to promote the design on her back of a beautiful dragon reaching to the sky and devouring the moon.

“Because I am the Queen of Dragons, all who soar the sky bow to me, though there are few left of my kind all know my strength and glory.” And as she spoke these words I did not doubt for a moment their truth. Her entire being was regal and elegant as a queen, her gaze strong and proud never faltering. I was before royalty in a manner unknown to the four great races, this was truly one of the most frightful beings in existence, an existence barely a step away from The god Drakal himself.

I had no words left. My existence was not left to the whims of this dragon queen and I would do as she wished and only hope that I would be allowed to continue my quest for vengeance when she was bored of me. I knew she hated me and my kind, but I felt no warmth for her either, this relationship would only be a tool for us both, her to ease her boredom and me to seek the strength I so desired.

Remembering again that I lacked much information regarding the assailants of my home I thought to question Draena of my enemy. Though the thought of angering her with foolish questions caused me anxiety, I had to know no matter what.

“Mistress Draena, may I ask, do you know who it was that attacked my village, why were the four races allied and slaughtering the Sangalia?”

“Oh? Confident enough to question me are you? Foolish child. Well I see no reason not to tell you. Upon the conclusion of the battle at The Sacrificial River the council split these mountain between them to mine mithril. Once the treaty was drawn one last question which plagued the worries of all species was what to do about any remaining Sangalia. They all knew that if your people were to once again find the ability to gain great power the vengeance against them would be fierce. As such the created a squad of the top two warriors of each race and formed the Sangalia Extermination Squad. Their purpose is clear within their name, they seek only the complete annihilation of your people, from your story it seems they find a great amount of joy in the slaughter.”


This new knowledge re-awoke my rage again. My rage was apparently visible through my bloodthirsty aura and the Queen for the first time looked down at me and smiled. Though this smile was not kind but cunning and cruel, a perfect reflection of who Draena was.

“I can clearly see you thirst for the blood of your enemies, a child so young yet so full of hatred. Very well then, I shall twist you and turn you into death itself. When you leave my side you will go to the world and dye it red. I hate these arrogant fools which title themselves the 'great races' and I believe it is nigh time for them to learn their proper place. “

These words sparked the flames of hope in me, there was no joy or happiness at this declaration, such emotions I believe were no longer possible for me. I felt only the thrill which the knowledge that I would here find the strength I so longed for. That my hands would soon enough be soaked entirely in blood. It was almost time for me to begin the feast.

“We shall begin your training tomorrow. Know this, if I see your tears or hear your whine I will become bored, when I become bored I will kill you. If you do not meet my expectations or struggle beyond what is expected I will kill you. This is not your home, this is your dojo, you will eat when I allow it and do only that which I tell you to do, no more. There is no freedom for you and further there will be no possibility of escape. Do you understand this?

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Very good then, let me take you to my home so that you may sleep and we will begin once you have recuperated.”

She then grasped me with on hand by the scruff of my neck as a dog would do and sunk into the ground. The surroundings faded to a pitch blackness which was quickly replaced by a bright room with lanterns hanging about. It took me a moment to regain my senses as my sight was restored for I had not seen any form of light in what must be close to a year. What I saw then was a brilliant hallway of white marble. Portraits of the queen and many other powerful figures lined the halls with golden frames on each. Wooden doors on each side signified rooms and she lead me to the furthest room to the right. I saw no more of the home I was in, rather it seemed as if this was all I would be permitted to see at this time.

“Get in, you will be sent for when is time to wake up. You are not to wander around or explore, this room should be plenty for you. When you are not training you will be sleeping, as I have stated there is no freedom for you.”

With this she opened the door and walked away without another word. I went into the room and found it did not at all match the luxurious nature of the hallway. Stone walls and a single small bed which I would clearly outgrow soon even at my current age. There was an old wooden desk in the room and a dresser filled with low-grade scratchy clothes, nothing like the warm apparel my mother would often make for me. I knew however any complaints would be pointless, and that reminiscing on what I once had would only cause myself pain. After exploring my minuscule room I went to the bed with my single pillow and fell asleep instantly. After all I had spent what I believe to be close to a year sleeping in a mountain always half awake in preparation for dinner. Simply having a bed and a safe place was a feeling I had completely forgotten at this point.

The comfort unfortunately resulted in me letting my guard down, without the constant fear of danger my mind was allowed to reset bringing again the nightmares of dismembered limbs and my mother's hopeless gaze as she forced the dagger into her heart. I no longer awoke screaming from the dreams, a conditioned response designed to protect me from danger, but the tears still flowed. I again locked away the pain, allowing my heart to grow cold and prepared myself for my first day of training with Draena.

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