《Blood Rising》Chapter 4: The Twisting and the The trials.


I do not known how long I continued through the mountain. I remembered waking, sleeping, I grew weaker every day however it would take months without blood to truly kill one of my kind though we would be a vulgar existences long before that death. I continued forward as if this was a trial, locking away the happy memories, pushing thoughts of Garette and Sylva, Mother and father all from my mind. The dreams began in this cave, every night I would wake myself screaming from the blood soaked walls of the cabin. The burning corpses of villagers and the moans and pleas for help were always with me.

When I would awake from these nightmares I would again harden my heart and continue forward. Fear and tears would not allow me to survive, I was only a child but I knew I may be the very last child of my people and I had a duty. My duty to be sure that those who looked down upon us, that those who treated us as vermin to exterminate experienced the same pain, the same fear they put my people through. There was a price that must be paid for making a race such as the Sangair and it would be paid in the blood of many.

I knew I needed more information on who attacked the village, from my memory there were two beast-men, a faye, a human and a demon. Why would there be a collaboration force of the four great races? I understood that there was a truce, and even the two alliances, but for all four to work together was unheard of. I now held a grudge against all four races but I needed to know how they found out the location of our village, and who exactly those people were.

The next issued lied with those warriors themselves. I may have been a child but I knew my father was strong, no average soldier could have possibly driven him back and ended his life. This meant that there was only one solution, those were elite warriors, a force of elite warriors from four races. Is it possible their entire purpose was to annihilate our village, or rather is this a genocide force to exterminate my people? I could not fathom the hatred they held for us, why was there so much fear? Was the rule of my ancestors not so much more peaceful than the hundreds of years after where the fools of the so called 'four great' races continuously battled and slaughtered each other and innocent citizens. We never once used acts of genocide to annihilated the people and though the may have been tyrannical in the end it was clear that it was because the talks of revolts were becoming ever greater. I felt no pity however for the lives lost in those wars it was their own fault. They had peace, they had a strong economy and starvation was never an issue. They threw out these blessings given to the my the Sangalia and choose greed and power over our path.


If they had stopped there we would have likely gone away into the shadows of the world and continued on in peace allowing our great history to only become legend. This however was not enough, it was clear those races feared our people, the fact that we were better than every one of them in ever means, we were stronger, faster, more intelligent and more resilient to damage. Our life span and potential for growth far surpassed any other race and they feared what we could do if we decided we wanted the glory of old. Their response to this fear without any basis or grounds was to exterminate us all, and village by village, women children and all were slaughtered as they found us. There was nothing great about those four races, in fact their monsters and I despise them all. I would kill them all, and it would be my please.

With my thoughts twisting ever darker to match the surroundings of the cave I continued to adventure deeper into the mountain. The depths of which I could not possibly have known. Nor could I have known that awaiting within these mountains would lead me to begin in acquiring the power to I needed to exact my revenge.

With ever sleep cycle my hunger continued to grow. My lack of blood intake had made me weak and tired. I was growing dizzy and unable to properly pay attention to the direction I was taking. In my daze I never noticed I was being followed from the shadows. The ominous air covered my surroundings and my natural instincts against predators were all but gone. I was a starving child lost in a mountain and there was a fox closing in on me.

The shadow fox is known to hide in dark and dangerous places, their innate magic allows them to blend into the darkness becoming almost invisible, most species have some ability to sense them such as the nose of a beast-men or for the Sangalia the pull of their blood. However as I stated I was near starvation and could not sense anything abnormal. As I excited my current pathway into a large and round cavern the shadow fox made its attack, as it lept on me I lost footing not realizing that their was a cliff and as I stumbled to avoid the attack the fox latched onto my shoulder and we both fell down and down into the mountain's depths. As we hit the ground I heard the snap of bone and quick lost consciousness.


I awoke to the pitiful cry of the fox broken and bleeding beside me, the scent a blood was overwhelming and my hunger finally blossomed into an uncontrollable an utterly animalistic need to feed, without paying heed to what was broken within my body I knew only the voice repeating in my head kill, kill, kill, feed, feed. I flailed on top of the shad fox and immediately sunk my fangs in. Within moments the creature was dead, my hunger partially sated the broken bones then made themselves known. I screamed as the blood assisted my regeneration and cuts closed while bones slowly mended themselves in the most excruciating manner. The fox was enough for me to regain awareness of my surroundings and once the painful healing process was done I stood up and took in my location.

I was in the largest cavern I had yet seen. There was no ceiling above me and the circular room seemed to be twice as large as the living room of our cabin. There were three exits amongst the room one with an almost refreshing feeling coming from it and the farthest had an even more disturbing aura than the paths I had been previously following before I fell. My mind told me that the refreshing route was likely an escape from this mountain and that would be the wise decision for me to take. However my mind had already snapped after the destruction of my village, and the final straw when I smelt the blood of the fox might have driven me insane, my desire to kill and become stronger lead me to follow the more ominous path.

Instinctively I had felt that this path would be full of tribulations however I also knew that I would exit this path far stronger than I currently was, if I survived. I was correct, within a few feet of the tight corridor I felt the pulsing blood of another shadow fox about to make an attack. This time I was ready, as it pounced towards me I shot out my arm and grabbed its neck. It struggled and bit at my arm but I was beyond feeling such insignificant amounts of pain and quick dug my teeth into its neck filling myself with its warm blood. For the first time since my arrival within the mountain I was well satiated and no longer had the pains demanding more blood, I felt great.

The path was apparently the foxes den, I encountered dozens and had to make a knife with the rocks of the cave to battle with the foxes. After a dozen of the shadow foxes had fallen to my knife and teeth they began to avoid me and I began to feel a change. The darkness of the cave began to feel like home, as if I was drawing power from the shadows and I knew how to become one with the darkness. It was as if the trait had always been given to me and I knew that it was a gift from the blood of these foxes.

I continued following the ominous path from then on the creatures became stronger and so did I. This was not a short path, I continued to do battle hardening my heart and my body for what must have been months. I was constantly covered in blood. Darkal knows the beauty my people are known for would not have been noticeable on me as I had not found a source of water to cleanse myself once since I entered. I was filthy and savage, no longer an intelligent creature my mind became honed to only one thing, battle and blood. Death domination became my only companions and I no longer spoken even to myself in an attempt to alleviate the silence. It was then after many months I found what hid within the center of the mountain. I was greeted suddenly by a loud booming voice which dripped power with every word.

“Hello little blood child, I congratulate you on becoming my new toy.”

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