《Lycoris》Chapter 1: Who am i?
"Why.." I heard noises.. everywhere..
Ting ting ting..
"Why.." i suddenly see a light, but it is unclear what it is..
"How did this.." i tried to touch it but...
pwchh! Pwchhh!
" gasp " I opened my eyes and stood up to see what was going on.
"I thought.. i was dying.." I looked at my hand thinking that maybe it had a scar on it, but it was fine. I looked around as i was still breathing heavily.
"Where.. am i?" The place was filled with fields of violet flowers and a lake that was crystal clear. I still didn't know how i got there. I scratched my head and took a long deep breathe as i was still breathing heavily.
I stood up as i felt a bit dizzy.
I felt the wind blowing behind me so i turned around and..
"WhOAh!" saw a big city below me for a second, but.. as i was surprised by it i moved a bit.. I was on a cliff and i.. fell off that cliff.
Lycoris: Chapter 1 – Who am i?
Psch. Pschhhh. Pswhsch "AAAAA!!" I was falling. The air was on my face and every second i got closer to the ground. I closed my eyes, but..
Someone catched me. I felt enourmous hand touching my back, and they were very warm, but they felt a bit solid and tough.
I slowly opened my eyes..
"A.. child?." Said the man that catched me.
This man's body was enormous and his head was quite small. He also had long black hair and dark purple eyes. He seemed like in his.. 30's?
"How did you fall from... THAT cliff?! And you're a child?"
"Uh.. i.. i.. don't know" i really didn't know how i got here. Why was i here in the first place? I couldn't remember anything.
"And.. you are.. blind?"
"What? Blind?"
'What is he saying? Why is he saying that i'm blind??'
"Or not?- You're eyes are.. white"
"My eyes are... White?" Something didn't feel right. 'I have white eyes? When.. did that happened?'
"So you are not blind? How is this..? I have never seen a child with white.. eyes?"
"I never knew i had... white eyes." When did i even got these white eyes?
"What? What do you mean? These aren't the original colors of your eyes?"
"No... the colors of my eyes are-" I stopped.
"Kid? You were saying?"
"The.. color of my eyes are.."
'wait.. what?' Just like that. Tears began to fall down.
I slowly turned my head towards the man and looked right through his eyes.
"T-the.. color of my eyes.. i-i.. can't remember.."
"i.. i.. can't remember?"
"Kid.. what's.. your name?"
"My name.. m-my name?"
'What happened? I thought i knew who i was a few minutes ago ì, but.. why can't i seem to remember..'
"who.. am i?"
"Listen kid.. if you really don't remember anything then let me take you to my tavern and rest there for a few hours, alright? I don't want to give your parents the wrong idea here.. so---"
"I.. i can't remember?.. W-who am i? W-where am i? I-i... w-what-"
I started to panick. I couldn't hear well.. his voice was muffling. Thoughts began to flood my mind. Headaches started to come.. and my vision started to get blurry..
"Kid?! Oi! You okay?"
'Who.. am.. i?' i blacked out.
Ting.. ting.. ting..
'A familiar sound..'
'A.. light?'
Beam beam
'I.. want to touch it..'
"---- Get away from that! Don't-"
"*GASP*" I woke up and stood up trying to catch my breath.
"Hahhooo... hahhoo.." I wiped up the tears and looked around. I was in a room. A small room. The small room had violet walls and some..
'Drawings? What are those? Are those.. animals? Flowers?' It was unrecognisable. Whatever those were they were kind of.. ugly.
It seemed like a room for a.. child.
There were lost of teddy bears on the ground. A cute little couch, kind of my size and a violet bed, which is where i'm sitting on right now.
'Where am i?' Got off the bed and walked around. I noticed there was a window right beside my bed.
I took a look and...
The view was spectacular. Many houses made of wood, brick and stones. There were many different trees and flowers near the houses. Big mountains at the background. Many people dressed up differently, but in the same context.
They all had different style, but you can just see that they... belong here.
'Do i.. belong here?' I asked myself. Looking at my dress, that was all in dirt and mud, the dress that i have on was really different from these ones.
The ones that these people have has the same color: purple, dark grey, light blue, lilac.
While the dress that i have on is: red, white and gold.
Then something slipped through my mind.
"Oi, kiddo! Wake up!"
My eyes widen up and i gasped. "The man!"
'I totally forgot about him! Wait so. This place.. is his place? I need to find him.' I slowly opened the door and peeked. Behind the door there was a staircase, leading to the down floor i guess.
I descended slowly on the stairs.
'eeep!' I stopped moving, thinking i got caught. I waited for 15 seconds, but i didn't hear any footsteps.
So i went slowly down the stairs again and finally got onto the floor. I looked around and there was a small hallway with 3 doors.
I walked through the hallway and noticed some picture frames attached onto the walls.
I looked at them and.. "that's the man.. with.. someone?" There was a woman besides him, the woman was wearing a wedding gown. They looked happy together.
There were other picture frames so i looked at them. This time the woman had a big belly and the man was touching the woman's belly.
'I guess she has a baby'
The next picture frame the man was crying and the woman was holding a baby. 'ooh.. cute. That baby is cute' i chuckled.
I looked at the other ones and it showed the baby slowly growing up. But suddenly the last picture frame showed the man and his tavern. This time.. without the woman and the child.
"Oh..?" 'Well.. this picture is.. kinda different..?' As i was looking at the picture, trying to see why it seemed a bit different than the other ones
A noise startled me. It was coming from one of the doors, but i didn't know which one. Sigh 'Why.. just why.' I still had to search for the man and in order to search for him i have to open one of this doors.
'I mean.. i can just open all of them and it's not like something is gonna pop up.' I tried to open the first door, as i was about to open it i closed my eyes and hold my breathe.. 'here we go!!'
Chig chig
It was locked. 'eh?' I couldn't open the door.
Chig chig chig chig
'Yep still locked.' Sigh of relief 'Two more to go'
I also tried to open the second one and..
Chig chig 'What? This one is locked too.' I slowly turned around.. and looked at the last door.
"This is.. my last chance."
I grabbed on the handle and turned it over.
'I-it opened!'
The door slowly opened by itself and..
"One more shot please!"
"Hey you! Let's play cards!"
"Damn man, you always win"
Chatter chatter chatter
"Yo Exios, do you mind if i use the Bathroom?"
'W-what.. i-is.. THIS PLACE?!' There were men drinking everywhere, a man was jumping up and down from the table, some where playing cards. The place was chaotic.
"No, i don't mind. Let me get the keys of the bathroom real quick. Oh and please don't go upstairs, it's private property up there."
"Yeah, no worries. I just have to use the bathroom real quick since-"
"A kid?" A man noticed me. I was just standing there, in shock.
"There's a kid here?!" Another man noticed me and shouted.
Everyone suddenly went silent and turned their heads to me.
I started sweating. My legs were trembling.
"eeep!" I shouted.
"Oh! You're awake!"
Said the man that i was looking for.
"Exios, whose she? You know this little.. girl? And her eyes-"
"Exios i didn't know you have a child-"
"Yo man. Shut it."
"What? Didn't his other child-"
"Please continue what you were doing and don't mind us." Said the man 'I guess his name is Exios?'
"Sure, no prob boss!"
"Ha..ha..ha.. don't mind us!"
They all then restarted chatting and.. screaming.
The man, Exios, kneeled in front of me.
"Sorry about that kiddo, you okay?"
"Y-yeah.. i guess."
"Don't worry about these pigs, they won't harm you. They are good people."
"Uhm.. may i ask where am i?"
"You still can't remember anything?"
"Well this is a problem.. let's go upstairs first, we'll talk there."
When we were about to close the door behind us i took a look at the tavern.
In that moment my eyes met with a man.
And that man was looking at me in a.. strange way.
"Okay, kiddo. How are you feeling right now? We can talk about this later if you're feeling unwell."
I sat down on the violet bed.
"I'm fine, just a bit dizzy. But i'm feeling alright"
"Okay.. so here is what we're going to do. Since you can't remember anything, neither you're identity i suppose."
"I will get you a doctor tomorrow and see what's the situation and if this amnesia is temporarly or.."
"Uh- I-i mean the doctor will be here tomorrow to check on you and i will be putting some flyers around so that maybe you're parents, or someone, might come across the flyers and might be able to recgonize you.
Exios thoughts 'Exios she's just a child. Why would you say that'
"Thank you, sir" I'm grateful that he's helping so much. Even tho he met me a few hours ago.
"You're welcome kiddo, you can call me Exios. What's your name?"
"Ah! That's right! Sorry- i forgot."
"It's okay." 'He's a good guy.. i wonder where is his child and that woman'
"Mhm.. How about you give yourself a name?"
"uh.. i don't really know.. could you give me a name, sir Exios?"
"Mhm... how about.. Liliana?"
"Do you like it? I'm not really good at-"
"It's perfect! I like it!" I chuckled. It was really a good name.
"I'm glad."
"What does.. Liliana mean?"
"Mhm... I read it from a book and Liliana means.. pure and innocent. Just like the flower"
"Ooh.. Liliana.." I was astonished by the name.
"You like it? Chuckles"
"I like it so much."
He laughed and looked at my dress.
"Oh, sorry i didn't change your clothes earlier. I figured that maybe you would feel uncomfortable."
"It's okay"
"Here some clothes. I'll be downstairs cooking dinner. Those guys, drunking themselves, will leave a bit later so.. after you finish dressing up would you like to go to the tavern and help me out with dinner?"
"I don't.. know how to cook"
"It's okay, i'll help you. I don't want you to be by yourself getting bored up here. If you want i can introduce you to my people"
"Great, i'll wait for you downstairs. If you need the bathroom it's downstairs, the left door"
Exios leaves the room, leaving me the clothes that he left me.
'I guess i'll wait.. i hope i can regain my memories back.. i hope..'
I took the clothes and started dressing up.
"Okay.. done."
I took my red, white gold color clothes and got to the bathroom. I left the clothes into a basket, i noticed that there was a mirror so i decided to see myself.
I stand infront of the mirror and..
"Wow.. these clothes are pretty! And my eyes.."
I had this long black hair and really bright white eyes. The clothes were very comfy and it fit me.
I said.
"Liliana.. hi."
I said to myself.
"You look very pretty! Chuckles"
'Okay, enough. I'm going to sir Exios'
I left the bathroom and entered the tavern.
"Man you drink up to fast, you're gonna puke!"
"Is.. that.. a unicorn?"
"My guy he is drunk"
"Exios!! I want more! Give me some of that!"
"Oi, calm down."
Good thing is that they didn't notice me.
'Phew.. i'll just go to sir Exios quietly and unnotice'
I walked slowly to go to Exios.
"Hey hey, Exios."
"Who was that kid anyway?"
"I'm helping her"
"Yeah? Helping her about what? Also we've noticed her eyes. They are really bright white. That's pretty.. unusual since.. there aren't any white eyes kids here"
"Listen. Mind your own business, okay? Her eyes... well.."
'I'm getting closer to sir Exios!'
"She's sick, okay? That's why her eyes are white."
"Sick? Well that's sad."
"Yeah, now please don't ask any questions about the kid."
"Where are her parents?"
'Finally.. i'm here'
"Sir Exios i'm here!" I shouted.
Everyone.. noticed me..
'Why did i have to shout!?' Well it was very chaotic so...
"Ah.. uh.."
"Oh, you're here!" Exios smiled.
"It's that child again!"
"She's cute ahaha"
"Her eyes.. what's wrong with her?"
"Well she's cute anyway."
Exios picked me up.
"This is Liliana, her eyes are white because she's sick so.. treat her well"
'Wait what?. Me? Sick? When?! Nobody said to me that i'm sick?!'
"Aaaaaa, this explains everything."
"Poor little girl, getting sick at this age?"
"Damn. But welcome Liliana to the tavern!"
"W-what- i-"
"Hey kid.."
He whispers to me
"Play along.. act as if you're sick, for now. They won't stop asking questions about your eyes, which is strange, but i figured that you might get uncomfortable. I'm sorry that i had to say that you're sick"
'Oh.. so that's why. I get his point..'
"It's okay. I'm just happy that you are helping me, sir Exios. Thank you"
"So it's temporary, right?"
"Yeah, she's gonna be cured?"
"Oh.. yeah.. i guess" Exios said.
"Is it a serious thing?"
"What's your relation to that child?" Said a man. I looked at him and recgonized him instantly. He was the one that was looking at me in a strange way earlier.
He was also the one that kept asking questions about me..
"Can we please not ask question about the child? PLEASE?"
"Sorry boss, we got a bit excited since.. what happened."
'Now they're silent?'
"Treat her right, i don't want that you keep asking her questions that can make her uncomfortable. And no, we are not related. She's trying to find her parent so i'm helping her."
'Well.. no one is speaking now, huh?'
burp someone burped
"Tavern is gonna close soon so you all better get going."
"L-let's go, i think i'm full!"
"Man.. why did y'all have to question the kid? Gosh mind your own business"
"You've gone too far, especially you Clarkson. I've never thought that you were so intrigued to that little girl."
"Yeah, myself is surprise as well."
They slowly left one by one.
'The mood changed so quickly.. i guess introducing myself to them was a bad idea'
"Hey kid. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make all of the fuss. And i'm sorry that you also need to fake that you're sick. I just don't want them to get the wrong idea.."
"It's okay sir Exios. I get what you're doing, you're just protecting me and i appreciate that. Smiles And it's okay for me to say that i have a sickness and so my eyes are like this, i mean maybe i really do have a sickness that made my eyes white."
"*sighs* Okay now now. Let's not talk about this. Let's start cooking dinner!"
"Hello, i'm doctor Erfen and i'm here for.. Liliana?"
"Ah, yes. Let me get her real quick."
"Hello... Liliana" The doctor smiled at me.
"Hello.." I just woke up so my face was a bit puffy.
"I'm sorry to wake you up, but i didn't know that you were still asleep at 15:30 pm" The doctor smiled at me, again.
My eyes widen up.
"I-it's 15:30 pm?!"
"Yes. Have you eat breakfast yet?"
The doctor looked at sir Exios with a smile in his face.
"Well, please eat up first while i check up on you. I guess you had a rough day yesterday? Sleeping this much.. i guess you passed out. Could you tell me what you were doing yesterday?"
"Well.. i actually don't remember anything, neither who i am.. I woke up.. in a place where there were many violet violet flowers and a crystal lake. Suddenly i fell down off the cliff and sir Exios saved me!"
I looked at sir Exios, but he seemed a bit surprised.
"Wait.. Kid.. did you just said that you woke up in a place where it had a field.. of violet flowers and a.. crystal lake..?"
The doctor suddenly looked at Exios, still with a smile on his face. But that smile.. didn't look like a pretty smile.
"Sir Exios what is the meaning of this?"
"Wait- wh-what is going on?"
"Kid.. did you just came from the Emperial Palace?
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