《Lost Child》Chapter 8: a Knife, a Hunt and a Steel Fist
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“It looks like you have made some progress.” Milo nodded with approval.
An icon with Milo’s face appeared in the upper left of Otis’s vision.
[In Training]
Otis focused on the training Icon and more information displayed.
[Training - Stats, Knowledge and Experience gained at an increased rate while under Master Rylor’s instruction]
“I think this lazy jerk just made me waste a whole lot of time.” Otis mumbled.
At the sound Milo’s ear perked up but he choose to ignore it. “Here” Milo tossed a knife to Otis.
“Wah” Otis made an awkward sound when he tried to grab a hold of the knife, it bounced in his palms until he was finally able to grab ahold of the hilt.
“Who throws sharp objects at people?”
Milo shook his head in disappointment. He stared a moment at Otis until a smile crossed his face.
“Now let’s go kill some tasty animals!” Milo turned and dash out of the east gate of the village then turned north. Otis followed the lion out of the village. He studied the knife he had and a window displayed over it. It had a picture of the item and a description.
[Recruit’s Training Knife - One Handed Durability 16/16 ]
The two quickly passed further north than Otis had gone during his training. Milo signaled Otis to stop and silently pointed out into the grassland in front of them. In the distance was a pack of warthogs standing around a small pond. They were still too far off to see their titles.
Otis looked at Milo, he was staring intently at the warthogs, and his saliva was running out the side of his mouth down his chin until he wiped it with the back of his hand.
“I will lure one this direction for you to kill. Aim at its weaknesses. Use your claw to stab the eyes or slash its throat or stomach. It’s back and head have a higher defense and would be a wasted strike.”
Milo did not wait for a response, he raised his hand and flicked a tiny pebble towards the pack. The pebble whizzed through the air striking one of the warthogs in its hindquarters. The warthog turned towards the direction of where the rock came from. It snorted and left the protection of its pack behind.
“Now stay low you do not want to draw the attention of the others. We will kill them next.”
The warthog moved away from the pond and into the high grass. The warthog stood about three and a half feet all, covered in brown fur and have several tusk sticking out from both sides of its mouth.
Otis ducked down into the grass, the grass was high enough to cover his body. When the warthog was about thirty feet away its details came into sight. Milo’s pebble had taken away a third of its life.
[Small Common Warthog Level 5]
Otis had been waiting for the warthog to get a little closer before his attack but instead the warthog broke into a charge and with incredible speed as it targeted Otis. Otis changing his plans broke into a sprint as well. The warthog lowered its head readying itself to gore the boy with its tusk. It was confident that the strike was going to run the boy through but outside its expectations Otis stepped to the left side of the warthogs charge. Otis thrusted his knife into the side of the warthogs neck and continued sprinting, slicing along the side of the animal. Several white numbers shot out from the animal.
After the cut finished, Otis using his increased agility immediately spun around to see the warthog slowly stumbling forward trying to regain its balance. The side of the animal was covered in matted red hair, blood ran freely from its mouth and its Health Bar only had a sliver of life left. Before the warthog could recover and begin another attack Otis sprinted to the warthog. Otis grabbed the warthogs tusk, twisting its head and drove it face first into the ground. With its neck exposed Otis drove his knife deep into the animal's throat.
The animal stopped struggling and the life receded from its eyes. Otis looked up towards Milo with a smile only to see a lazily expression on Milo’s face.
“Took you long enough. Don’t celebrate now here comes some more.”
“What?” Otis looked out from over the grass.
[Small Common Warthog Level 3]
[Small Common Warthog Level 3]
[Small Common Warthog Level 4]
Three more warthogs came deeper into the grasslands. Otis immediately crouched back down and moved into action. He moved into position to ambush the warthog furthest away from the other two. Once he was in its blind spot he leaped forward stabbing at the animal only to have a pebble hit the side of his knife causing him to miss the warthog’s neck stabbing the animal in its flank. The warthog squealed drawing the others attention.
Otis quickly withdrew the knife stabbing the warthog in the side of its neck.
Otis attempted to stab the warthog a third time when the other level 3 warthog plowed into the boy and the half dead animal.
Otis lost over a third of his life in the one charge but the warthog he had stabbed was dead and gored on its right side. The other warthog stood in front of Otis, its tusks red with its brothers blood it lunged forward biting at Otis. Otis rolled to his left side dodging the animals attack and struggled to his feet. When he looked up the level 4 warthog was bearing down on him. It had finally noticed what happened and joined the battle.
Otis turned right and ran perpendicular to the level 4 warthogs charge. Otis had noticed that while they do run fast in a straight charge they were terrible at making adjustments and quick turns.
He headed for the side of the remaining level 3 warthog. It tried to turn to meet Otis head on but it was too slow and only met his knife in the side of his neck. Otis once again continued to run slicing down the side of the animal. White numbers flew out of the animal and into the sky.
The animal’s eyes rolled up and it fell over dead. Otis silently cursed himself he had planned on using this warthog as a shield against the level 4. The warthog already had him in its sights and begun its charge. Instead of meeting it head on this time Otis ran in a circular path to catch the animal on its side when it could not adjust quickly enough.
Otis was fast enough to make it to the side of the animal but as he was about to stab it, the level 4 warthog reared its hind legs stomping on Otis chest.
Otis retreated several steps from the animal, it was still kicking its legs out in fear of Otis. Otis approached it several more times only to be met with its flying kicks. Otis backed off from the warthog and it lined for another charge. The animal exploded forward much faster than it had before but this time Otis did not move instead he readied his knife and threw it. The knife flew forward sinking into the warthogs left eye. A number exploded over its head in yellow.
As the animal stumbled in confusion and before it could recover Otis appeared in front of the warthog, he grasped the hilt of his knife and pushed it further into the animal's skull. The animal’s health bar flashed and its health dropped by another 32 points. The warthog had halted its charge but was still struggling to get free but Otis still held the knife firmly in its eye socket. It’s life emptied by 32 points two more times before it the animal ceased to live.
Otis pulled the bloody knife from the animal and looked to Milo who had appeared next to him a moment earlier.
“You missed the neck earlier and ruined a good piece of meat.” Milo stated as he retrieved the warthog’s corpse.
“That wasn’t my felt. It was your rock.”
“Do not blame me for your mistakes, you need to adjust to anything that could occur.”
Otis continued his killing after four more warthog’s were slayed, Otis was surrounded by another golden light.
[Level 2]
The golden energy entered into Otis’s body, it enhanced, strengthened, and redefined him made him feel not quite human. Otis squeezed his fist shut testing his strength. He still had not figured out how he would raise his intelligence or wisdom attribute so for now he put all five points into wisdom. While Otis was thinking Milo approached him.
“Stop standing in a daze and come here.” Milo was breaking down the 8 warthogs that Otis had killed.
“In your next hunt I expect all of your strikes to be killing strikes. If it is not a killing strike you will be punished. Now look at this.”
Milo used his claw to open one of the warthog and split its chest. “All quadrupedal animals will be somewhat similar. This is the heart, it is protected by ribs, and it is difficult to stab because you must slide your knife between these ribs for a kill.” Milo spoke as he demonstrated the actions. “These organs if stabbed will also be fatal, often times the liver will be the most vulnerable and easiest to strike.”
Milo continued to explain what organs to stab, arteries to cut, bones to smash and how long it would take each of them to kill and how painful it would be for the victim.
“From now on you will only attack these areas. I am not going to teach how to perform each slash or stab. I expect you to learn as you kill. I also expect you to focus on the flow of your energy like you had when we were practicing in the forest. Now let’s go find something better than pigs to slaughter.”
“Yes Brother.”
Otis killed a few more warthogs as they moved further north entering into the forest once again. Otis had been focusing on killing stabs and slashes and now dispatched the warthogs quickly. As soon as they crossed into the forest the two hunters dropped into the shadows once they noticed wolves patrolling the area.
“This will be a good enemy for you. They are quick, powerful and smart you must be on guard. Now go.”
Otis exploded silently from the shadows, he ran on the balls of his feet masking all sounds as he approached the wolf. He wanted to kill the nearest wolf quickly as to now draw the other wolves.
Otis was one step away when the wolf’s hair stood on end, it turned its head to see what had alerted it only to turn into the point of a knife smoothly sliding into its right eye plunging into its brain. The wolf stunned from the pain it could not even call its comrades as its life plunged to zero in a matter of seconds.
Over the last few kills Otis had become very proficient at killing strikes, before entering the forest he had seen that his [Knife Combat Skill] had risen to 25% during today’s hunt. Otis changed directions moving on to the next wolf. As he was about to slice the wolf’s stomach an Update message appeared in his vision distracting him.
[+1 Agility]
Otis missed his target and slashed the wolf’s rib cage only a flesh wound. A wolf cried out in the distance, Milo was drawing another wolf into the fight as punishment. The wolf that had the flesh wound on its rib cage withdrew to meet up with the incoming wolf. Both wolves circled around Otis until each one was on either side of him. They both charged him expecting to push him deeper into the forest towards their pack.
Outside of their expectation Otis readied and threw his knife at the wolf to his right, the wolf attempted to dodge but the knife firmly planted itself into the side of the its neck, it yelped and stumbled but continued to move forward.
Otis did not watch the knife land he had immediately turned to his left to attack the second wolf that was approaching. The wolf was angered by the attack on its brother opened its jaws and leaped at Otis’s throat. Otis made a quick sidestep to move out of the wolf’s path.
[+1 Agility]
Otis felt the increased agility, he grabbed the wolf’s bottom jaw and roughly slammed the wolf to the ground while rotating its head around until he heard a firm snap breaking its neck.
[+1 Strength]
Otis looked up at the moment the other wolfs teeth sunk into his shoulder and pain bloomed on Otis’s right side. Otis’s immediately found the hilt of his knife emerging from the animal. Otis took his knife and stabbed the beast in the side of the neck several dozen times in quick succession. The wolf’s body went limp and Otis pried its mouth from his shoulder and threw it off to the side.
Otis wiped the blood from his shoulder, it immediately stopped bleeding and began to heal. He had lost a third of his life in that fight, he wanted to take a break until he heard several more wolves howl.
Three wolves flew out of the trees after seeing their brethren lying dead on the forest floor they lost themselves in rage and recklessly charged Otis. A jolt of pain struck Otis's hand, his knife and a stray pebble fell to the ground. Otis turned back to see Milo standing with a smirk as he brought his hand to his face. Milo whistled, the whistle echoed through the forest and dozens of wolves returned its call.
Minus his knife Otis launched into his attack on the center wolf. Otis dodged the incoming wolf's jaws bringing his fist down on the top of its head. The wolf's head slammed down on ground, Otis leaped tackling the second wolf, twisted it head and snapped its neck. Otis looked up and caught the third wolf by its throat as it attempted to bite him. Otis's forearm felt warm, the warmth flowed to Otis's fingertips as his grip closed crushing the wolf's throat. Otis threw the dead wolf off to the side and walked up to the first wolf that was struggling to stand. Otis felt the warmth run down his leg as kicked the wolf destroying its chest and internal organs. Otis's mana had dropped a few points after those last two attacks.
Dozens of wolves came into view as they calmly walked out from behind the trees, their hatred for Otis was clearly seen in their eyes. They snarled and attacked in unison.
Lost in a flurry of motion, Otis went on the attack. As Otis attacked, he saw a faint yellow light on various spots of the wolves. He recognized them as the places Milo had pointed out as killing blows. Every time Otis landed a punch or kick on those various areas he would hear the animal bones break or be crushed. If Otis used a different tactics the yellow lights would shift to a different location.
Otis grabbed a wolf by the throat and lifted it, a yellow light shined on its neck and the back of its head, he slammed the back of the wolf's head onto a flat rock on the ground crushing its skull. Otis leaped into the air seeing a yellow light on the back of the next closest wolf, he brought the heel of his foot down on the back of the animal snapping its spine.
Otis’s quick movements in the battlefield took the wolves off guard and made them vulnerable to his onslaught of killing blows. In the hour long battle Otis’s level rose to Level 3, his Agility and Strength had risen to 26 and 29 points respectively and his Stamina had steadily rose as well.
From time to time he would feel some warmth in his body which would result in explosive strength or speed. Every Time it happened Otis would use a point of MP. He pondered this flow of energy like Milo had commanded. A few times in the battle he was able to control the flow of energy to his fist or feet. A successful blow would result in a massive amount of damage as well as gain in his Intellect attribute, so far Otis has gained 10 more Intellect.
Otis’s speed kept rising as the battle continued this allowed him to dodge almost all of the wolf’s attacks. At times he would feel pain shoot up his leg as a wolf bit down on his calf, at these moments Otis would immediately swing his fist down with shocking speed but only to meet empty air. When only 3 wolves were left in the battle the wolf who successfully attacked Otis appeared.
[Alpha Red Illusion Wolf Level 8]
It’s stood on top of a boulder, the ground beneath it was littered with its dead brothers. Blood painted the rock as Otis had used it several times to crush the wolves’ skulls. The red wolf condescendingly looked down on Otis. Its eyes shook with anger as it leaped down at a speed that left after images in its wake. Otis was immediately put on the defensive, the Alpha was much faster than any of the other wolves and Otis. Otis did his best to dodge the attacks that his eyes could not see but his health was steadily dropping, finally the wolf sunk its teeth deep into his leg. Otis fell on his back, Otis attempted to stand only to be knocked down by the Alpha in an attack he still could not see. Otis’s stamina was almost exhausted and he had been completely overwhelmed by the Alpha’s speed.
Instantly the Alpha was standing over him gloating, his eyes flared with victory. Otis’s blood dripped down from the mouth of the beast landing on his own face. The Alpha revealed its razor sharp teeth as it opened its mouth for its final attack. It struck down viscously, Otis plunged his forearm into the Alpha’s mouth, and blocking the attack he push the animals face up revealing its soft tender throat. Otis sent energy into his mouth, warm energy surged in, he felt his teeth sharpen and strength.
[-5 MP]
His mouth widen as Otis bit down on the exposed soft flesh. The wolf’s blood gushed flooding Otis’s throat and running from his mouth. The wolf fought for its release, Otis shook his head sinking his own fangs deeper into the wolf until its life retreated from the wolf’s body.
Otis stood, the Alpha still hanging from his jaws as he looked at the 3 remaining wolves. Otis released the Alpha, its lifeless body fell limply to the ground.
[+2 Strength]
[+2 Intellect]
A bloody grin was shown on Otis face as he dispatched the last three wolves. After the last wolf was done another Golden Glow embraced Otis, enhancing and fortifying his body, he had reached [Level 4]. Otis took a moment to put all his acquired points in his Wisdom attribute.
Milo appeared next to Otis. “You have done well. Let’s rest for a bit.”
Otis wiped the blood from his body with the remaining bit of his shirt and watched Milo collecting the dead wolves.
“Milo, what have you been doing with all the animal corpses for far? Every time I look after a fight their bodies are gone.”
“The Huntress gave us some interesting bags. It looks like a small bag I can actually fit hundreds of items in it. She called it a backpack. She said it was supposed to be sold to Adventurers but since they have not arrived yet so she gave us two.”
Milo tossed the other bag to Otis. When he looked into the bag a window appeared above the bag. It showed eight slots, the first slot had seven [Dead Warthog] and the second slot had his [Recruit’s Training Knife].
“This thing is pretty handy. Do you know what she meant by Adventurers?”
Milo had already began skinning on of the wolves. “No, but I have heard some of the other villagers mention them. Now stop talking, you stink go wash up. There is a spring fed pond just ahead.”
Otis tapped the knife icon in the bag window and it appeared in his hand. Otis looked up the sun was beginning to set as he made his way to the pond.
Otis stepped out into the clearing. Ahead of him a clear blue pond that reflected the orange setting sun. A gentle mist fell over Otis from a wispy water falling hundreds of feet from the cliffside above. Otis listened to the birds singing in the trees, some tenseness left his shoulders due to the mystical atmosphere.
Otis set down his knife and rinsed himself before entering the pond. Otis’s health and stamina had already fully recovered but he could still feel the cool water’s power to relax and unwind his muscles. The pond was incredibly deep, Otis ducked his head into the water but could not see the bottom. When Otis pulled his head from the water what awaited him was not singing birds but silence. The sun had nearly eclipsed the horizon, the last rays of light intertwined with the mists leaving a violet haze.
Otis scrambled out of the pond to retrieve his knife. As he pulled his remaining foot out of the pond a beast erupted from its waters. Otis spun, knife in hand to see his enemy.
[Aquatic Velus Bear Level 12 Elite, Protector of Velus Ponds]
The bear swiped at Otis with is webbed claws. Otis dove forward within its reach stabbing with his knife at the yellow glowing spot that designated the beast's heart. The knife slid through the animal’s thick fat layer but it could not reach the heart and got wedged in the bear’s ribs. As soon as Otis felt the resistance from the knife, he immediately abandoned it, using his arms he grabbed the beast fur and threw himself straight up dodging the bear’s crushing hug. Otis’s foot kicked into the bear’s jaw causing the bear to stumble a few steps back as Otis flipped through the air to land in front of the bear.
“Its defense is too high, it only lost 10 percent of its health!” Otis yelled exasperated.
The bear unleashed a furious roar and charged forward.
[Status Effect: Fear Resisted]
[Status Effect: Decreased Damage 10%]
The bear moved at an impossible speed reaching Otis in a matter of moments. It opened its mouth and bit down where Otis had been standing. Otis stepped left dodging the animals maul, he sent energy to his fist and punch the glowing yellow spot on the side of the animals head.
The powerful blow sent the bear’s head to the right, as it tried to attack again it met another fist to the side of its head.
Otis repeatedly smashed his fist into the side of the bears head at a speed that the bear could not adjust to. Otis felt the energy flowing down his arm into his fist, mentally he retraced the flow of energy following it to his chest where he felt his Mana Pool. He pushed and pushed at this pool, at first the energy only trickled out a drop at a time, there was a barrier holding the power back. He threw his entire mental force at the barrier causing it to crack, a fine spider web of cracks ran through the barrier until the energy exploded forth demolishing it. The energy flowed down his arm and into his fist. Otis’s fist turned a silvery color and felt hard as steel. He used this immense energy bringing his fist to the side of bear’s head, arm moving in a blur the fist passed through the animal's skull. When Otis withdrew his hand it returned back to normal and nothing was left of the bears head.
[-1823 OVERKILL!]
[+5 to All Attributes]
[Passive/Active Skill: Body Manipulation Learned]
A golden glow briefly surrounded Otis, he absorbed the energy as Milo approached.
“A nice and quiet place, right?”
Otis snorted. “Yes very quiet.”
Milo started to clean the bear. “What did you learn?”
Otis sat in the grass and leaned back. “That there is no rest for the weary.”
“That is true but I meant what skill did you learn?”
“Oh, Body Manipulation.”
“Good. In my tribe it is called Body Strengthening. Beastmen typically cannot cast magic, I am of the exceptions, and instead we use our Mana to strengthen our bodies or increase our speed. You need to train in this new skill and from now on you will apply Mana to each of your strikes.”
Milo looked up at Otis. “Now stop resting and get some wood for a fire. We stay here for the night.”
Body Manipulation (10/100)
- Allows One to Control the Flow of Mana in Their Body
- Increasing this Skill will Allow User to use Internal Mana more Efficiently
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