《Lost Child》Chapter 7: a Golden Glow, a Banquet and a Revelation
“Designates Speech
‘Designates Thoughts
Visit yougots.wordpress.com for a Map of Vilenna, Character List and Stat Sheets.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy.
The land gently sloped up towards a small town that was surrounded by a wooden fence, smoke slowly rose from the chimneys of many of the houses that were within the fence.
Milo frowned as he looked at Otis. “The town is empty.”
The two had returned to the group and had lead them through the forest for the last few hours back to the meadow. Many of them complained about the noises coming from the forest when they had been alone and were relieved that Milo and Otis had not abandoned them.
Now the group looked out over the meadow to the vacant town.
“So you are sure it is empty?” Maggie asked.
“I am certain of it I would have smelled them or heard some movement coming from the village if there was any life there.”
“Why would there be an empty village in the middle of nowhere?” The preacher Greg had mumbled to himself.
“Well. Why don’t we find out?” Frank walked forward in to the grass and out of the cover of the forest.
“Wait!” the group yelled after him.
“No he is right let’s get moving.” Milo ran from the forest and out into the open towards the village. Otis followed after him and the rest of the group move forward reluctantly.
Halfway through the meadow they reached a dirt road that ran into the village. They moved as one approaching the entrance to what appeared to be an old style village. Once they crossed the entrance, the dirt road was lined with many wooden buildings that looked like closed shops on one side and on other stood a small wooden church surrounded by a manicured lawn. A path ran from the dirt road to the wooden doors of the cathedral.
The group walked a few steps into the entrance and stopped, except for Otis he had continued to walk forward. Realizing everyone had stopped Otis turned to see what had occurred. The group of people including Milo stood transfixed with a blank expression.
At once the air hummed. A golden glow surrounded Otis’s body. The rest of the people were in the same situation though they looked completely unaware.
As Otis took a step to run his body froze like the others.
[Status Effect Immobilization]
The golden glow flashed bright and seemed to vibrate as the humming got louder. Text appeared in Otis’s vision.
[Body Manipulation - Leveling System Enabled]
[Status Menu Enable]
[Universal Language Disabled]
[World Clock Enabled]
[Archian Language Learned]
[Non-Playable Character System Enabled]
[Mind Manipulation - Stat Allocation System Enabled]
[Mind Manipulation - Name Violam Assigned]
[Non-Playable Character System Enabled]
[Non-Playable Character Titles Assigned]
[Mind Manipulation - Level Restrictions Resisted]
[Mind Manipulation - Level Caps Resisted]
[Mind Manipulation - Memory Erase Partially Resisted]
[Mind Manipulation - Memory Implant...Not Applicable]
[Status Effect Immobilization Ended]
Otis did not know how long they all stood there but he had finished before the others. Though everything that just happened should have been very frightening but he was actually left very calm and relaxed. Once it finished it was as if all of his past worries, responsibilities and stress were lifted off his shoulders.
He experimented with his new found knowledge. He knew he could bring up his status menu by thinking about or just saying “Status Menu” he also knew with each level he gained there would be five points he could distribute amongst his attributes. Strangely there was something that did not add up with his knowledge such as that now he knew that all skills could only be taught by a class trainer or learned from a Tome but contrary to this he had learned several passive skills on his own over the last few days.
“Status Menu” A blue box appeared in Otis’s vision. He was currently level 1 and all his attributes had the starting amounts except Stamina which had a bonus of ten.
After a moment of looking it over he closed the status menu. Milo was the second person to stir from that frozen state a name box appeared over his head.
[Rylor Level 48 (NPC) - Job/Class Unassigned]
"Brother, are you OK? What are you doing?" Milo stood on guard observing the surroundings, he did not respond to Otis's question.
Otis walked over to Milo and stood in front of him. "Brother?"
Milo looked down at the boy. "Violam, I am standing guard at the town entrance like always. Why do you call me brother?"
"Because you told me to. I have been calling you brother this whole time. Don't you remember my name is Otis and yours is Milo?" Otis frowned at Milo's poor joke.
"Milo?" He mouthed his own name. Milo looked confused, his face tense, Otis could tell there was a great battle going on in Milo's mind. Who would win the struggle Otis wondered.
After a moment of thought the life returned to Milo's eyes and his face regained its previous playfulness. He laughed, "Little Brother did you fall for my cheap joke?"
"Brother do not lie something happened."
His laughter died and his mood saddened, "Yes it seems that I have forgotten my past and almost forgot my name. I feel like I still might forget it."
"Then how about I call you by your name from now on so you don't forget it?" A stupid grin flashed across Milo's face
"No I don't want to mate with you." Otis tiredly said as he waved his hand dismissively.
"Thank you little Brother. How long are they going to be like that?" Milo pointed at the others that still stood frozen with blank stares and open mouths.
"I think we resisted some of the traps but it doesn't look like they did. I guess we have no choice but to wait it out."
“Brother...I mean Milo, did you get your status window? And why does it show your name as Rylor?”
“Well it is not as dumb sounding as your name Violam. Yes I do have my status, Level 48 sounds about right. Do you know what this clock is in the upper right?
Otis had not noticed it but in the upper right of his vision is a countdown clock.
“No I don’t know what it is, but it looks like we will have to wait 5 years to find out.”
The others began to stir from their standing slumber.
Maggie looked around until she saw Otis a different name was also shown over her head.
[Mage Millicent Williams Level 30 (NPC) - Mage Guild]
“Well it is about time we head home, come on Violam.” She said as she held out her hand. Otis noticed that her slight southern accent had disappeared. He eavesdropped on the rest of the group’s conversation, they all had lost their accents and now they were not speaking English anymore but for some reason he knew what they were saying.
Milo elbowed Otis to get him to pay attention and whispered “Just go along with it for now until we figure everything out.”
Otis walked over and took her hand. “Okay Maggie”
“Humph. After all this time he still cannot even remember our names. You would still be in the streets if it wasn’t for us.” Maggie slapped the man in the back of the head. It was Frank but his name had changed as well.
[Mage Lawrence Williams Level 19 (NPC) - Mage Guild]
“Shut up Larry he will adjust on his own time.”
The golden glow had been quite beneficial to Larry he was no longer the fat man he once was instead he was a fit though not skinny. Maggie had also changed, she added some weight feeling out her figure so she was no longer deathly skinny and her skin was now fair instead of pale. In fact all of them have had some minor changes in some way, the older people of the group looked more youthful and healthier, and those who were overweight had slimmed down. Otis took particular notice of how much Michelle’s bust had increased and how her body was a bit leaner. Michelle and a couple others names had not changed.
[Michelle Clark Level 24 (NPC) - Hunters Guild]
The only ones who had not physically changed were Milo and Otis.
The man with the crooked nose spoke up.
[Mayor Dennis Gardner Level 5 (NPC) - Mayor of Flower Hill]
“This will bring our town meeting to a close. I would like to thank everyone for attending. I almost forgot to mention that the town banquet will be held at Lang’s Tavern. Please be in attendance.”
The group split up, presumably heading to their new homes. Milo had told Otis that he was going to inspect the town barracks with James. James’ name had stayed the same but his title showed that he was the Captain of the Flower Hill’s Guard.
Otis and his two new adoptive parents stepped in front of the Mage Guild. The Mage Guild was located west past the town’s main square. The front of the Mage Guild was on a main street that went to the town's west exit and the back of the Guild building backed up to a small alleyway that also came from the town square. The building looked like all the others except that it was two story. It was an old English styled structure with half-timbered walls and a thatched roof.
Maggie opened the door and the three of them went inside. Immediately after entering the door the two adult once again radiated a golden glow. Maggie began to emit an icy cold aura and Larry’s aura was hot fiery aura. This time the golden glow only lasted a few minutes before the two came back to their senses.
“Son don’t just stand there go up and get changed. I don’t know what you were doing to get your clothes torn up like that.” Maggie said as she was walking off into the kitchen.
“Hurry up boy we do not have all day for you.” Larry turned to follow his wife into the kitchen. Otis noticed that their titles updated.
[Mage Millicent Williams Level 30 (NPC) - Head of Mage Guild]
[Mage Lawrence Williams Level 19 (NPC) - Mage Guild]
After seeing the update Otis guessed Larry’s poor attitude was from always living in his wife's shadow.
“Poor Maggie, she sure has to put up with a lot.” Otis mumbled to himself.
Before Otis headed up stairs he overheard their conversation.
“Larry stop giving him a hard time. He’s just a boy. And go get me a [Mana Crystal] looks like the power and water is out.”
“Alright alright, but he needs to start showing me some respect soon.”
Otis then heard Larry rummaging through a cabinet as he continued up stairs to what he believed was his room. Otis was curious about the [Mana Crystal] item he overheard them talking about. Sorting through his newfound knowledge of this world he knew that a [Mana Crystal] is used as a power source in this world. They can be found in devices, homes, Taverns, smithies and so on, any place or item that would have used electricity uses a [Mana Crystal]. They can be created by powerful Mages or they can be dropped by monsters the latter option is the most efficient.
On the second floor is was just two rooms and a bathroom. He entered the second room from as it had the smaller bed. Inside the room was a small writing desk, a bed and a wardrobe. Shortly Otis was cleaned and dressed, inside his wardrobe was several odd colored robes, some itchy loose fitting shirts and some brown pants. Otis completely ignored the flashy robes and went straight for the pants and long sleeved shirt.
Lang’s Tavern was very close to the mages guild. The sun had fallen and night was settling in, the interior of the tavern was well lit and the laughter from inside was spilling out into the town square.
Upon hearing the laughter Otis was confused. “Milo, since when did he get so friendly with the others.” The three of them entered the tavern, all the others had already arrived. There were many tables all set up next to each other with all kinds of meats and other foods set on top of them.
“Smells delicious, you’ve really outdone yourself this time Lang!” Maggie squealed as she approached the short woman putting new dishes on the table.
[Lang Level 13 (NPC) - Lang’s Tavern Owner]
“Yes, yes eat up sweetie.” Lang said as she messed with Otis’s hair then moved over to speak with the Mages’.
Otis walked over to Milo, who was sitting in between the angry British woman and the preacher.
“Looks like you are having some fun.”
“Yes, I have made some new friends.” The lion grinned as the three of them clinked their glasses together and gulped down the beer.
“Yes, Violam sit with us and eat!” The preacher slurred, his eyes were half glossed over and slowly closing.
[Priest Gregory Johnson Level 30 (NPC) - High Priest of Flower Hill]
Otis moved to sit down next to the sleeping preacher. “Why are you sitting here?”
“They are dark like me, it reminds me of home.” Milo opened his arms up and gave a hug to the two sitting next to him. Greg’s eyes shot open in shock but quickly closing again while smacking his lips. The angry British woman next to Milo just shrugged and continued drinking. Otis thought that she was much nicer now but figured it was probably the booze.
[Joanna Hammond Level 24 - Grand Blacksmith]
Otis decided to attend to more important matters drawing his attention from the blacksmith to the mountain of chicken legs in front of him. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was and it finally was not rabbit meat. He searched his new knowledge to figure out why his appetite had significantly lessened since he arrived in this world.
It apparently had something to do with his stamina. He could now go longer without food but if he went too long his max stamina would lessen, the same also applied to sleep. If he continued to not sleep or eat for an extended amount of time his max Health would also lessen and would continue to do so until he died. This was the least of his internal changes his main change was that he felt that his mind was sharper and more mature due to those five points in his intellect attribute.
Lost in his own thought Otis was brought back to reality with a flick to the side of his head.
“Someone is watching your unsightly appearance little Brother.”
Otis looked down at his plate and the bits and pieces scattered on the table. He had not realized it but he had already cleaned the meat from eight chicken legs and his hands and face were covered in grease. After wiping his hands and face with a cloth, he looked towards where Milo gestured.
Michelle stood at the bar counter with a beer in hand laughing at Otis’s wild display. Her title had changed from when he last saw her and there was a different look about her now.
[Huntress Michelle Clark Level 24 (NPC) - Head of Hunters Guild]
Her eyes were now feral and dangerous, her body taut and ready to strike. She stood there looking completely relaxed and completely deadly. Otis watched her calmly raise the mug to her lips. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and tapped the pommel of the dagger sheathed on her hip with the slender fingers of her free hand.
“Yes she is definitely a Huntress now, her eyes are wild and sharp. The same could be said for you, ever since you entered this village you have had a similar look in your eye. I wonder who is going to hunt whom? Little Brother, Are you going to be her little mouse?”
Otis steeled his courage. "Why not?" He threw his towel onto the table, stood and approached the bar. "So you are head of the Hunter's Guild now?"
Michelle looked at Otis confused. "You know I have been the Head of the Hunter's for over a year."
"On really, I hadn't noticed. What happened to the last Head?"
Michelle looked perplexed by Otis's question but still answered. "He...they...you know what I am not sure.” She paused and looked at him questioningly. “So why did you come over to bother me?"
"No reason." Otis said nonchalantly, he was casually looking at the bow strung over her shoulder which could easily been mistaken for looking at her neckline. "So are you good? Or bad?"
"Good or bad at what?" She smirked.
Otis’s vision drifted from her shoulder and looked into her green eyes. "At hunting?"
"I am the Head of the Hunter's Guild, I always get my prey."
Otis stepped closer ignoring the difference in height. "Could you show me?...How to hunt that is?"
Michelle eyed Otis and let out an alluring laugh. "I can show you how to shoot but you may miss your target."
Otis returned her smile. "True when I am with you I often get distracted but I promise my arrow will strike whatever is in my sight."
Michelle laughed again this time breaking the illusion. "Sure child I will take you on a hunt. Here have a drink."
Tisk sounded in Otis mind as he reached out for the beer to drink away his failure. When he picked up the glass pain shot through them back of his head. He immediately turned to see Maggie.
"You know you're too young to drink." She stated with her hands planted on her hips. She stared at Otis till he put down the beer and forced him to leave the bar. She turned to cast one last daggered look at Michelle who was just grinned and studied the contents of her empty beer mug.
Otis returned to the table with Milo.
"I guess we know who the little mouse is." Milo said through his large smile.
"Oh is the little mouse upset? Does the little mouse want some warm milk to make him feel better?" He said holding out a mug of milk.
He shook the mug. "It'll help you grow up big and strong." He pushed the mug in front of Otis. "Come on little mouse."
[Title Granted: Little Mouse]
"I don't want your milk!" Otis shouted at Milo while grabbing a lamb chop from the plate in front of him
Milo's smile left his face. "Well tomorrow we start your training in earnest so you should probably drink more milk for strength."
Otis frowned accepting his defeat, he took a bite of his lamb and chased it with the milk.
"Good. I expect you to start your training tomorrow at dawn at the east town gate."
The next morning at dawn Otis stood alone at the east gate. “Where is that cat?”
He waited at the gate for another half hour. “Did he forget?” Otis left the gate to find his absent trainer.
After a bit of inquiring at the bakery, Le Petit Pâtisserie which is located at the town square, Frederic gave him directions to the barracks. Frederic had been silent and solemn when they traveled through the forest but now his expression was rather cheerful and bright. Otis also thought that the pastries were down right amazing in fact the only reason he had gone into the bakery was because he blindly followed the smell that permeated the entire street. Before he knew it he was inside the bakery, the shop had not even opened yet but Frederic kindly gave Otis a treat and acted like he had known the boy for ages.
With a full stomach and a grin plastered on his face, Otis headed south down a main street to where the barrack lie.
Otis approached the lion that was sprawled out over two beds that were pushed together. He saw that the lion had a new title.
[Commander Rylor Level 48 (NPC) - Arcadian Military Special Forces]
“Hey! Why aren’t you training me at the east gate?” Otis shouted when he walked closer.
“Can you not see that I am asleep?” the lion mumbled in response.
Otis shoved the lion. “Come on let’s go. Get up!”
The Shadow Lion sat up, eyes bloodshot and roared. “If I do not give you instructions you are to run and when you are tired you run some more and when you are hot you swim until you are cool and when you are cool you will run. You are too weak for me to train, you need to get stronger! Now go run until I am tired!”
Otis shocked at the lion’s roar had already receded several steps and was almost out the door when the Shadow Lion turned away and slowly laid back in bed. Otis quickly walked out the door and into the hallway. A few steps into the hallway Otis could already hear the shadow lion’s snores from its quarters.
Over the next few days Otis ran the perimeter of Flower Hill Village. Thankfully due to Otis’s stamina and running skill, running was not much of a problem but unfortunately this meant he had to run a very long time before he could even get tired enough for a break. It took Otis six hours at a constant pace to lower his Stamina Bar to twenty percent remaining but a strange thing occurred while his stamina was less than twenty percent. The first time it happened Otis stumbled in shock and almost fell to the ground.
It was mid-afternoon on his first day of running, Otis had been running for 4 hours straight. He had grown depressed because he thought it pointless and that Milo just did not want to train him. Until an update appeared in his vision.
[+1 Stamina]
Otis stumbled forward. “What in the world? How is this possible?” Otis was confused because according to the knowledge he gained when first entered the village was that five Attributes Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom and Stamina could only be increased by distributing the points gained from a level up. This discovery to him was a revelation.
Another hour into his run passed and he gain another point in Stamina. At this point he was certain that he could gain Attribute points through physical exercise. So he decided to test his other attributes. He currently had 5 points in Strength when he tested his strength earlier he had assessed that it was close to the strength of an average adult. He had also assumed that the 5 points in the other attributes meant he had the average intelligence and the average agility of an adult.
Otis found a large rock about ten pounds. He decided to use this rock for his strength training so he held it over his head while he ran and after another hour into run he had a new update.
[+1 Strength]
[+1 Stamina]
Otis was excited that this test had worked and risen his strength it had also helped him lower his stamina more quickly to below twenty percent. He noted that a high Stamina was counterproductive when it concerned gaining points for his physical attributes. While a high the Stamina allowed him to work, fight, or run for longer it also made him work that much harder to gain points in Strength or Agility.
Otis decided that it was enough training for today and he would pick it up in the morning. He turned into the East Gate to head to the Mage Guild when he was waved down by the granny who had spent most nights in the forest crying. Otis had overheard her say that she missed her husband and grandchildren but when he ran up to her she welcomed him with a smile.
[Counselor Maryann Smithson - One of the Council of Seven]
“Hi Granny! Is there something you need?”
“Oh heavens no. I just saw you working hard all day and decided to make you some cookies.”
Otis took the plate of cookies and sampled one his treasures. “So Good! But Granny you didn’t have to.”
“It’s my pleasure dear. I don’t have much to do while I await my summons.”
“Your summons?”
“You didn’t know? I am a part of the Council of Seven and soon I will be summoned to the Capital to be a counselor.”
Otis had no clue what the woman was talking about so he ignored it and shoved another cookie into his mouth. A chill ran down Otis’s spine, he looked over his shoulder he felt someone watching him, making devious plans for his treasured cookies.
“Thanks Granny!” Otis spun without listening for a response and ran as fast as he could home. ‘That cat is not getting any of my cookies!’ he thought.
The next four days continued in the same fashion as the first and granny would also reward him with a plate of cookies at the end of the day. He could now carry a much heavier rock over his head while he ran, he also included sprints in his running help increase his agility. In these four days he trained for a minimum of 12 hours each day both his Strength and Agility Attributes had reached 10 points and his Stamina had reached 20. On the third day he had 10 points in his Strength but no matter he trained it would no longer increase. On the fourth day only his Agility and Stamina had increased but once his Agility was at 10 and Stamina was at 20 they would no longer increase either.
At dawn on the sixth day Otis went to the East Gate only this time Milo was waiting for him. “You’re late!”
“You’re six days late and the sun just rose!” Otis snapped back.
“It looks like you have made some progress.” Milo nodded with approval.
An icon with Milo’s face appeared in the upper left of Otis’s vision.
[In Training]
Otis focused on the training Icon and more information displayed.
[Training - Stats, Knowledge and Experience gained at an increased rate while under Master Rylor’s instruction]
“I think this lazy jerk just made me waste a whole lot of time.”
Author's Note
The plot should speed up from here on out. I hope to have Chapter 8 ready by Friday if not sometime this weekend or Monday at the latest.
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