《A Dessert of Dreams》Chapter Thirteen: The Next Generation Is Scary (people take their religion seriously)


As soon as she walked in and saw her father sitting at the head of the table, Choice knew the breakfast would be a disaster. The first problem was who exactly would sit opposite her father at the other head of the table. Would it be her mother, Sera the first wife and Queen but a foreign one or Abigail the second wife but the mother of the first son who is also local to Legume. It also didn’t help that her mother’s only son was not at the breakfast but that Abigail’s two sons were in attendance.

Well, that didn’t take long, Choice thought when her mother took the seat opposite her father after glancing for a brief moment at Abigail. Abigail made a face and sat next to Frank. She smiled at him and lifted the spoon to feed him some rice. Ah mother wins being the official respected wife but Abigail is the more loved one. Just as usual.

Choice nodded at one of the attendants and she came up quickly to fill her cup with tea. “I hope everyone had a nice night,” Choice said smiling at everyone in the room. Her brothers nodded at her while Abigail raised an eyebrow. Her parents did not respond to her statement and kept on eating calmly.

Choice exhaled a puff of air. She couldn’t let her courage fail her now.

“Good morning father. I did not get to meet you yesterday when I returned but I am glad to see you now.”

“You don’t need to feel sad about that. I had more something important to deal with.” At that curt remark, Choice pressed her lips together and turned to her side to see Forrest laughing. She stared pointedly at him until he shrugged. Choice bent down to her meal and muttered thanks to the moon.

“I’m sure everyone is curious about the reason why I asked for this family breakfast,” Frank said after a few minutes of silent eating. “I want us to remember that we are a family no matter what happens from now on. We share blood between us. So from now, at the beginning of the week, we’ll meet as a family and have a nice breakfast.” Such a hypocrite, I’m certain you didn’t think of your brothers as family during your fight for the throne.

“Oh darling, you’re right just as always” Abigail said smiling pleasantly, “We’ll remember those wise words and treat each other as family.” Choice stayed very still at this display but Sera rolled her eyes and mimed gagging.

“I’m going to be going back to the army in a few days,” Cedric said interrupting his parents’ moment. “Is there anything I’m supposed to do before then.”

“No and this time I want to be certain you’re learning something. If you want to be the primary heir, you need to learn discipline and patience not fooling around with any boy you meet.”

“Father?” Cedric raised his head up quickly.

“Oh don’t be surprised. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out. I don’t care who you fool around with but if you become King our family line needs to be continued. At this moment, I’m not certain if you’re up to that.”

“Father, I can assure that I’m working hard to be worthy of the throne. When the time comes I’ll be up for it.”

“Hmm, I’ll be the judge of that but you need to rely less on your physical ability and more on what you’re being taught in the military. Also, be more discreet with your affairs at least let people keep on pretending you’re still the perfect heir.” Awkward. Seriously, this is why we never meet as a family. Families just can’t stop themselves from hurting each other with secrets.


“It’s not affairs, it’s only one relationship,” Cedric muttered.Of course, her father just happened to have ears like a bat’s.

“That just makes it worse.”

“Fada, I’m sure Cedric is working really hard,” Choice added softly. No he isn’t, I’m sure he’s enjoying his travels and easy assignment. But if you really cared about any of that you would have sent him to the main base for hard training. Father, you are such a hypocrite, “He wouldn’t disobey you, none of us would dare.”

“I hope so. I hope that when my son takes the throne he’s good enough.” Frank said gruffly.

“I just want to remind everyone that it’s not a foregone conclusion that Cedric will sit on the throne,” Sera said without raising her head to look at them, “Frank if Cedric is such a disappointment, just remember that you have three other sons. One is even from your Queen.” Sera glanced at Frank at the last statement and he scoffed.

“Just remember my words when you leave to the base.”

Ah family meals. Choice cringed internally at how right she had been. She shook her head and straightened up in her seat then stared at the King. It was time to turn up the good daughter charm for her request.

“Speaking about leaving, can I ask for something Fada,” Choice said with upturned eyes. Frank chewed his food for a few moments before drinking some water and putting down his spoon.

“What do you want my daughter?” This words should sound pleasant but imagine them coming from an impassive face with an emotionless voice. Sometimes, Choice wondered if her father didn’t hate all of his children. She was supposedly the favourite child but he only treated her a little less colder than his sons. But that was only when they were face to face which was not very frequent.

“I have been thinking fada about going on a spiritual journey. As you know, I am a follower of the moon but it’s occured to me recently that I have not gone to any moon temples at all in my life. There are no moon temples in the capital.”

“That’s because the sun god is the patron god of the Royal Family and of the country. Didn’t you learn this at school? Or do you need remedial lessons? Maybe I need to speak to my sister about Perpetual’s effectiveness.”

“No father, I learnt that at school. I can assure you that Perpetual was very thorough in our education. I am certainly aware of the sun god’s importance but we have other gods, we are not Boreins and I just realised that I have never had a proper religious retreat. So, I want to ask if I can travel all over the Kingdom to visit all the moon temples.” Choice looked at her father pleadingly. She wasn’t even lying. The moon was very important to her. She hadn’t forgotten the light of the moon shining on the lake the day she’d recovered her abilities.

“Hmm, keep on talking,” Frank said and brought out his pipe. Even though a newer, more portable way of consuming tobacco had been created, Frank still preferred using the pipe. Sera sneered and looked away from him but kept giving short glances back to him. Choice subtly wrinkled her nose. She didn’t like tobacco, she saw it as slow poison.

“Fada, I have been able to live a great life because of your graciousness and I feel that I have not been as grateful as I should. But I am very grateful and privileged to be your daughter. I don’t want to be ungrateful to the spiritual as well. So please I want to go out to the temples and I want to go out to the villages. I just don’t want to be ignorant about how much I have received from you and from the gods.”


“Ah so you don’t just want to get spiritual enlightenment.” Frank took another puff of the pipe and watched her intently.

“That is my main purpose but going to Internationale has made me realise that I don’t know anything about the way life works. I’ve been away from the Kingdom for twelve years and some things just feel unfamiliar. I just want to know how the citizens live.”

“Ah do you feel some compassion for my subjects? Are you worrying over their poor feeble lives? You want to help the poor and feed the hungry.”

“With you as King fada, there are no poor or hungry. I don’t need to do anything. I feel that I don’t know who I am yet. That’s why I must admit I was relieved when Matthew did not go ahead with the betrothal. I’m not ready until I learn about myself. And I think a retreat would help.” Choice put on a pleading expression as she looked intently at her father.

“Did your mother put you up to this.”

“Um, no. Mother is unaware. Just look at her face.” Both Frank and Choice looked over to see Sera glaring at Choice with a surprised look on her face.

“Okay,” he acquiesced after another puff of the pipe. “But you can’t go as the princess. No entourage and I’m not going to send a full contingent of guards with you.”

“That’s fine father. I’ll go in disguise as another worshipper.”

Frank hummed and abruptly stood up. “That’s this week done. See you all next week.” Abigail hurriedly stood up and walked away with him her sons leaving to go their separate ways a few seconds after but Choice didn’t notice that. She’d gotten permission! Her father hadn’t even asked for a time period of this retreat although that was due more to indifference than indulgence but she would take what she could get. She’d found the perfect excuse to travel the Kingdom and build her organisation.

“Choice Annabelle Legume, are you going to explain what you just did?”

“You used to call me Njideka when I was younger. You never call me that anymore.” At her mother surprised face, Choice put down her napkin and walked away.

“Don’t you ever walk away from me, Choice.”

“I wouldn’t dare mother but breakfast is over. Unless you want us to stay here and talk.” Sera huffed and gestured for her daughter to follow her.

“You’ve become obnoxious recently.”

“I don’t think I have. I still respect you mother, I just don’t think you feel the same way towards me.”

“What was that stunt you just pulled?”

“I thought I described what I wanted pretty clearly.”

“Right as if I’d believe that you just want to travel the Kingdom to see temples and how the citizens are living in their day to day life. You don’t even care about spiritual issues.”

“Well mother, what do you think I’m really doing? And for your information, I actually do believe in the moon and I’m very interested in having a wholesome spiritual life. But you wouldn’t know that, would you? Seeing as you were never there when I was growing up.” Sera looked away from Choice but did not respond to her comments. She never responds. Not to explain or excuse herself, Choice thought bitterly. “I also want to get out of the palace for a while. I can feel myself atrophying here. I eat and sleep all day and before you know it I’ll be a fat elephant. I need to go out and do something.”

“That’s the reason?”

“One of them. I am mainly interested in visiting the temples.”

“Fine. That’s more reason why you should have Rachel with you. She can protect seeing as you’re going incognito.”

“Ah, thanks for reminding me. Speaking about Rachel, I don’t want her. She can remain as your guard, I’m no longer jealous of her.”

“My darling,” Sera said chuckling and touched her cheek with a gloved hand, “Surely you must be joking. You don’t really mean to tell me that you want to leave the palace to go on a long journey without your maids or a proper bodyguard. No, you’re going with Rachel and that’s final.”


“I’ll hear nothing else about this. You know what, the more I think about this, the more I like your idea. They’re some important people scattered around the Kingdom that aren’t supporting Cedric but aren’t supporting your brother either. Maybe during your trip you could...go on diversion and persuade these people.” Choice perked up at this, her earlier annoyance with Rachel put aside.

“Important people that could help with the battle for the throne? Is there by chance a list of these people.”

“I could rustle up something for you,” Sera said and grinned wickedly. Choice smiled brightly as well but both smiles were for two different things.

“That would be well appreciated,” Choice replied. It would be a great help.

Choice took a step closer to the lake. It was the same one that lead to what she called her ‘rebirth’. In one hand she had the conch she had ‘borrowed indefinitely’ from her brother, in another she had one of the books that Perry had given her.

It was obvious that this book was an introductory one for mages because the first instruction was a set of meditation exercises to help explore and measure the mana in their bodies. Choice did not know how to do that. For her, mana in her body came in two forms: when it was there and when it wasn’t. She wasn’t able to identify when she was running low on mana or not. Still she hoped that meditating would help her to understand her mana.

Choice put the book she was reading on the grass and sat cross legged. Closing her eyes, she breathed in and out and felt her heartbeat begin to slow down. The book had said that being in calm and quiet environments would help the mage to feel peaceful. It was peaceful enough.

As she sat on the grass, Choice heard the rifling of the grass and the response of the leaves. She heard movement on the ground and strained her hearing to ascertain if it was someone walking towards her. She involuntary clenched the conch, ready to use her magic if it was another assault on her. She had been attacked before and could never be too careful. A few seconds later, she relaxed her guard by a little bit, it was just a few animals. Nothing too dangerous.

Choice got up. Nothing seemed to be working, at least on land. She looked at the lake and grimaced. Her assassin’s body was still in there. Still, she walked with purpose the few steps till she reached the edge of the water body. Inhaling deeply, she started loosening the laces on her gown. Luckily she hadn’t worn anything too intricate. After adjusting the laces for a few seconds, she lifted the dress above her head and tossed it carelessly on the ground.

Choice made a face again and without hesitating jumped in the water. There’s no point staying up there to meditate, I’m better in the water after all. Immediately, Choice felt a difference. She felt calm and peaceful like she was floating on a bubble of happiness. This lake was not the only water Choice had entered since she’d discovered her powers, but she felt a closer connection with the water in this lake than she had had with the well or the water drawn for her baths. I’ll have to try again in the future with another natural body of water and see if that’s the reason for the difference. For now, all I can think is that this lake is different because I was reborn here. She had died there and she had discovered her abilities there. Perhaps, there would always be a stronger connection with this lake than anywhere else.

Choice floated for a while just enjoying the freedom she found in water. Enjoying the sensation of her body cutting through the liquid, of her ability to breath unimpeded. Eventually, she stopped her fun. Choice took a deep breath in and used her mind to follow the water that had entered her nostrils. As soon as the water entered her body, Choice felt whatever connection she had with the water get cut short. She flinched in surprise and furrowed her brow.

Choice closed her eyes and stretched her muscles. Maybe the reason is that I tried to control a lot of water at once. This time I’ll try and control just a little of the water. Choice tried again but she still was unable to follow the water into her body. She tried over and over reducing the amount of water she controlled but each try was met with failure. What the fuck? I’ve done everything. I’ve even tried to control a bubble of water. A bubble! A freaking bubble is still too much for me. Damn, this is more difficult than I thought. After trying constantly, Choice became more irritated and found herself unable to control the water at all.

Okay, let’s try this again. Let’s just calm down and relax. I’ll just try to sense the water around me with my ability. Choice forced herself to calm- tranquility was key- and tried to sense the connection between herself and the water around her. This went more smoothly.

Choice could feel the water all around her. She knew that if she pushed just a little bit, she could make it contort to any shape she wanted or do whatever she wanted. Still, controlling the water was not the purpose of this meditation. Choice wanted to understand what exactly she was doing anytime she used her power. Besides, if she used her magic to do more than sensing, she would end up with a bad headache or maybe she would even pass out. For now, there was no point in using her magic when she did not need it.

With her eyes closed and her ears submerged, Choice could feel, breathe and hear water. This was the best place to explore her ability. Tentatively, Choice examined her connection to the water. She followed the bond between them to the water and then slowly followed the link backwards.

Gradually, she was able use the connection as a sort of bridge to cross back into her body. She felt a jolt of excitement and at that, her connection wavered for a second before she returned to her calm manner. Oof. That was close. I would have been so upset if I’d had to repeat the last half an hour. Choice paused her consciousness just before she returned to her body. What if this is a bad idea? What if I’m doing this wrong?

No. I have to do this. I have to understand and control my power. If I want to get the throne and control this Kingdom, I must first be able to control myself. There’s no one else to ask and while I know I have to be patient, there will be no difference whether I do this later or not. Choice, you have to do this.

Choice pushed her consciousness through her body. As soon as she did so, she knew that she was not in any physical part of her body. It seemed that whatever connection she had with the water was a mental one.

Choice looked around in awe. All she could see around was blue. Blue and silver. The blue should be water and maybe silver is here because I like it. No, there must be another reason. This is where my connection to the water starts. Silver must be related to my powers. Blue balls and silver balls and silver mixed with blue balls of unknown substances floated around her. Choice approached one and with a recklessness she’d never exhibited before tried to poke one of the balls.

“Careful. If I was you, I wouldn’t do that,” came a voice.

“Who’s there?” Choice looked around her in surprise. She had assumed that there would be no one else since it was after all her mind. She put her finger down, looking at it with surprise. She hadn’t thought she could ever be that careless. Looks like I have a lot more to work on. “Why are you here?”

“I’m not a stranger. If that’s what you are asking.”

“That clearly was not the question.” Choice put her hand to her waist and surprisingly, her knives were there with her.

“I mean you no harm. I was just trying to keep you safe. Tampering with leau without knowing how to use it is dangerous.” In front of Choice materialised a wispy white form. “Also, I’m not ‘here’ wherever that is. You are the one that is here.”

Choice wrinkled her forehead but moved her hands from her knives. “You are quite confusing.”

“Sorry about that. I’m as confused as you are. It’s rare for people to come here without knowing what they are doing. Still whatever you are doing is dangerous. I don’t know how you got into here but if you stay too long, you’ll find that it would be difficult to return.” Choice did not say anything to this statement but tried to sense the connection she had used to enter what she was beginning to suspect was not her mind. She couldn’t find it! Shit. Choice don’t panic. Just calm down. Panic does nothing, patience is the answer.

The figure noticed Choice reaction to their statement and continued speaking. “You should go now, I’ll help you open a way from this space.” After saying this, the figure started to glow. As they continued to glow, Choice felt her connection to her body return. “There, thank the One it hadn’t been gone for long. Be careful next time, you come here. And don’t touch the leau, it’s concentrated water. It looks small but it’s powerful enough to collapse a mid-tier city.”

Spooked from this experience, Choice made to leave before pausing. “Wait a second. Where is here? And why did I come here when I was just trying to connect with my mind.”

“Ah so hungry for knowledge. You remind me of someone. This is the elemental zone. I am afraid dear that I cannot tell you why you came here only that you should not have. I am sorry but you are just too weak for this realm. Try coming back when you are more powerful. Now go if you don’t want to be stuck here.” Saying this, the figure glowed even harder and Choice felt her connection dragging her away from the plane she had mistakenly stumbled on. I’ll find out more about this place, Choice thought as she disappeared.

There was a pause and then the blur cleared. Where there was an unknown figure before stood a man with dark skin, dark shoulder length hair and black eyes. He looked at Choice’s previous position with amusement and then started chuckling.

“Ah, the next generation is something else. They are really shocking, I have to speed up.” The man laughed for a few more seconds before turning to a gigantic ball of deep blue mixed with silver. He looked at it with seriousness then raised his hand before touching it with his palm. The entire place began to tremble and the huge ball began to deflate.

“After all, I can’t let her take over.”

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