《The Healing Thief》Book 2: Prologue (First Half)



Tengfei sat down in a lotus position. Taking in deep breathes as he cleared his mind. Slowly but surely he heard the familiar sound.

The sound of heavy doors opening.

Before he knew it, he was already inside of himself; In his aethereal form.

Beyond his eyes can see was lots lively plants. Grey in color with all its chroma gone.

He knew that this was somewhat odd in comparison to others.

Walking through the grass, he eventually found his pond. A body of water surrounded by clear diamond shaped pebbles.

The liquid in it resembled milk.

He thought again, 'Strangely enough, I feel thirsty by seeing this pond. Maybe I should get some goat milk. Wonder if Lihua would like some.'

Tengfei then thought, 'Anyhow, in order to increase the amount of refined mana I can store... I need to unroot the plants around before digging the soil with my hand. Hmm, how hard can it be.'

After grasping the stem of a plant, he pulled in a simple manner. Though he realized that the plant didn't budge.

Trying again, but this time with strength, he pulled really hard.

Eventually after a straight minute of using all his power, he finally unrooted the plant. He didn't feel tired or sweating because he was in his aethereal form.

'What the hell is this!? If a single plant would take this much time to pull... How long would it really take to increase my cultivation level!?'

In order for a user who just started in the path of eternal, to progress they must first expand their pond.

The closer the plants were to the pond, the easier to uproot them.

Another thing to take note was the user's mental fortitude. The higher the fortitude is for a person, the longer they can stay in their inner palace.


Tengfei, after uprooting four plants, caused him to forcefully kicked out of his palace. Due to fatigue.

Opening his eyes, Tengfei felt horrible. His arms and back felt like a meat bun. Soar and painful.

Lihua shook her head when she witnessed the young gray haired man grimace in pain.

She then told him, "I warned you. Don't force yourself."

He huffed and puffed and tried his best to calm himself. Even by moving his arm with a little push... it would hurt like hell.

Lihua sighed before stirring the bowl which had a familiar green content inside.

"At this rate, we'll be poor by next week."

Tengfei finally could speak, "Only now I can fathom the achievement of you reaching second stratum."

Lihua rubbed her nose, "I had to endure for a long time, you know? Two years of constant training to bring me from your state to where I am now."

"Even with that much time, I don't think I'll even be half as strong as you're now."

"Of course, you wouldn't. You don't have what I had. Like for starters, an incense stick."

Her sneer made Tengfei snap, “How does a mere incense stick going to help!?"

"Bumpkin! You do know that there are specialized ones that help boost the amount of time you can spend inside. Also, reducing the amount of energy consumed by your aetherial form." She then added, "I dare you to compare my chest."

"This the second time you warned me." He then continued, "So, what else is there to help me through cultivation?"

"Many things, like consuming specialized food, swallowing pills and etc."

"Then how come we aren't having some of them? Are they really expensive?"

"Exactly, and the budget we have will barely purchase one incense stick."


"No wonder there isn't many cultivators..."

"Yeah, most gave up in progression while the rich get a head start."

"Damn, we need money. How about I become an inscription grandmaster."

Lihua laughed before replying, "Good one." Noticing that the expression of Tengfei was still adamant, she then limped before asking meekly, "Are you... Serious?"

Tengfei affirmed

Lihua stayed silent for a moment, "Do you even know how an inscription is made?"

Tengfei shook his head.

Lihua felt like a nerve was about to pop from seeing his head shake. She then yelled, "Stupid fool! It’s not like making buns!? There's a reason why they are so few in numbers!"

She then listed numerous things, "Core hunting, herb spotting, blood seeking, refinement, ink mixing, buying brush, learning to use the mana brush and so on."

"You sure know a lot about it."

"Of course I do, this is one of the things taught to me when I started out cultivating. It's like a hammer that breaks any thought of being an inscription master."

"Fine, I'll skip that idea."

He then removed his shirt before laying down. Lihua then rubbed his back with the sticky green stuff. She even commented, "Somehow this doesn't seem as embarrassing compared to when you did this to me."

Tengfei couldn't reply since he is groaning in pain. Eventually he managed to say out, "Does... everyone... have to go through... this."

Having a devilish grin, Lihua replied, "You'll get used to it. Fu fu."

Tengfei feeling the odd strength of the princess made him say, "I feel like you're having revenge for all the massages given to you."

"Trust me, if you had seen how huge my maid was... You'll think this massage is nothing but a kittie gnawing."

Tengfei commented, "Poor princess."

"Yes, poor me."

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      To Be Continued...
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