《The Healing Thief》Book 2: Side Story 1 (Lou Jun)


The bell rang as Tengfei entered through the door.

A girl heard the chime from inside. She then greeted him, "Good morning, Tengfei."

"Good morning to you too, Lou Jun." He then stretched his arms before mentally preparing himself.

"Alright, enough with greetings. Help me wipe the tables over there." She then tossed a cloth at him.

Tengfei wasn't ready as he felt the cold towel on his face. He shrieked before he immediately tossed the towel aside.

He then hissed, "That was really nasty of you!"

Lou Jun winked at him, "I just wanted to make sure about something, heh. So it's true, you're scared of the cold!"

"Who wouldn't! You would get those nasty repetitive sneezing you know!"

Lou Jun gave out a hearty laughter.

In response, Tengfei sighed before thinking, 'At least she's not faking as much as before. I guess dealing with Zhou Huan daily... made me sensitive to the small changes of these types.'

Lou Jun squeezed out the water from the towel before handing it to Tengfei, "This is warm, I can assure you."

Tengfei then grumbled, "I never knew that you were such a kind person."

His remark caused her eyebrow to twitch before she says without hiding her annoyance, "Only I'm allowed to make sarcastic remarks."

"You're so adorable." Tengfei gave a mocking look.

This earned him a glare. Lou Jun turned around, "You clean all of these tables yourself."

Tengfei threw a cold wet towel from a bucket at the back of her neck, "Chill out."

Lou Jun couldn't get angry from hearing his horrible joke. Instead, she tried containing herself. Refusing to express anymore emotions towards him.

Taking out the towel from her neck, she then threw it inside the bucket. She then thought about something before revealing a gentle smile.



Sometime later.

An angry customer stood up, "Hey, I had been waiting for a shit ton of time now!"

Lou Jun apologized before placing the wooden plate of meat buns on the table.

"Sorry, there had been some delay and issues."

When she turned around, Lou Jun felt that her behind was smacked before hearing laughter. Gritting her teeth, she distanced herself without doing anything. Though he heard the man’s comment, "I'll be waiting for you outside~"

Tengfei was cleaning the table when he saw this incident. An irritated look crept on his face as anger stirred inside him.

Since he couldn't directly punch the man's face due to the difference in physique, he decided to go 'that' way.

He went towards the burly man before asking, "Would you like some chopsticks, sir? Our buns are all bite size and wouldn’t need the use of hands."

The man thought that the waiter would be mad at him, but instead he offered utensils. He ignored the waiter before stretching out his hand to grab a piece of bun. Though before he could even touch the food, he felt an intense sharp pain coming from his hand. It took a small moment before he noticed the broken chopstick driven into his hand.

Before the man grabbed the bun, Tengfei broke the chopstick and swung it with all his strength before skewering flesh.

Without any delay, he grabbed the hot bowl of chicken soup before pouring it on the man's face.

Making him shriek in pain as he waves his hand and tries to get up.

It was not over yet as Tengfei anticipated his reaction and threw himself towards him. Using his weight and the force from his jump to tumble over the man. This couldn't be possible without the chair behind the burly man.


He then used his elbow to repeatedly clobber the man's face till he was knocked unconscious.

The people around looked at the beaten man, before wondering how did someone of Tengfei's stature did it. At the same time, they felt fear from the animal like instincts radiating from that timid looking waiter.

Lou Jun felt shocked at first, never thinking that he could pull off such a feat. Though afterwards, she felt something that couldn't be described.

The owner of the shop came beside Tengfei before patting his shoulder. He then asked, "Will you be able to pull him out? I can help you."

"No need, with a rope it'll be simple."

Tengfei sighed before regretting what he has done. 'This could turn sour if this man comes back afterwards. There's a reason why I don't bother taking risks anymore.'

He then heard Lou Jun thanking him from behind.

Tengfei scratched the back of his head, "I did the man a favor, or else I don't know what you would do."

She paused for a moment before she replied, "I would've thrown hot oil at him!"

Tengfei commented, "A deadly woman indeed."

The manager looked around his customers before bowing, "Sorry for the disturbance. That man was harassing my precious waitress, and so he was given what he deserved."

Most of the people pulled up their earthenware mug in cheers.

Lou Jun pulled the hem of Tengfei's clothing. She then gestured with her head to follow.

When they're inside the storeroom, Lou Jun asked, "You sure are quick witted. Didn't expect that from a slow waiter."

"I learned that from the streets."

Lou Jun's eyebrow raised, "Hoho, you were a thief?"

"Yes, and I was very good at it."

A short moment passed as Lou Jun observed him. She then said, "Thanks again."

Tengfei smiled in return.

"Though I felt like you were a bit too angry."

"Well... something happened to my friend and she was scarred. Seeing someone like him made me boil. This made me finally let lose my anger."

Lou Jun closed her eyes before nodding.

Tengfei sensed a faint change in mood from her. He didn't question it though.

She then let him be.


Later on, that day, the corpse of a man was nailed onto a tree. Particularly by melting sharp icicles. He was wearing a mask covered in blood.

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