《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 25, Knight vs Cultivator


Chapter 25, Knight vs Cultivator


There currently was a sad man in front of Merask’s body. He was none other than Farengoth.

A man who had a duty to lead and protect his soldiers. Now having a sad downcast look as he remembers the amount of people he knew were now gone.

Merask had a smile on him which made the Knight leader quetsion about it.

Though at this momemt, he didn't have time to mourn.

He then wore his helmet before closing the eyes of Merask, “You too, huh.” He said with a sad tone.

Farengoth then pulled out a gem from his pouch after getting up. Similar to the one Li Meixiu used to communicate with her master.

He talked into the gem, “What’s the latest news.”

A woman’s voice replied back, “Sir, the location is behind the brothel. You can find that place beside the main auction palace. Don’t go through the trapdoor, it has been filled with things that would kill you immediately.”

“Do you know any other way, Millain?”

“Yes, underneath the brothel contains a secret passage way and it lea-” Her last words were cut off.

The gem lost its brightness.

Witnessing this, rage welled up before Farengoth crushed the gem before thinking, “She got caught...”

He then yelled out to his remaining soldiers, “Bring Knight Elana and tell her to accompany me with her soldiers. As for the rest of you, prepare for the incoming full assault.”


Little while later

Knight Elana appeared with an aura that was hard for anyone to approach her.

Wearing a closed helmet, complete body armor made of fine tempered iron, coat of arms representing two dragon's coiling around a grail, and not mention her fine red cape. She seemed to give off the ideal image of a knight.

Elana obsereved the corpse of Merask and Seroi before saying while walking towards Farengoth, “They died... huh?”

“...One was poisoned and the other... Judging by the deep wound behind his neck... He was indeed stabbed and left to die here.” Said Farengoth bitterly.

Farengoth then eyed the missing gauntlets and hole on the man’s armor before continuing, “Till now I don’t know which could penetrate through his armor and be able to wound him. Also, not to mention his missing sword, gauntlet and shield...”

Moment of silence was left... Though it was just for a moment before...

A laugh was heard.

It came from Elana. She was laughing and ignored the angered look on Farengoth.

She then said with a tone filled with disdain, “A knight being poisoned? And another being stabbed from behind!? This is... TOO horrible!”

Elana noticing the rising anger from Farengoth and so stopped abruptly before saying, “Pardon me. Bad habbit.” Before she scratched the back of her helmet.

Farengoth didn’t have time to lecture her and so decided to command, “Let’s go now.”

Elana nodded before presenting a gesture that states, ‘Lead the way.’


A moment later

When the knight leader and his party entered the brothel, every prostitute around them shrieked and backed away.

His group was half the amount that he would normally have as he previously ordered the rest to guard both entrances. Though as a precaution, incase the latter group where to fight any battle... Farengoth entrusted the part of being the leader to Ciepier the squire of Seroi.

The place was brimming with immoral acts.


A single sniff was all it takes to almost throw up everything you ate before.

Traces of impurities were seen on the skin of all individuals who partake in this. Even Farengoth felt like burning this place down.

Sounds of heavy footsteps could then be heard. A fat man with horrible looks slowly approached the two knights before asking, “W-what do you fine fellows want here? A lady? I can bring one right now.”

The knight Elana uttered a cute, "Awww" before crushing the man’s skull with her flail.

A weapon made from the finest blacksmith in Krehor. Shaft made from Beech wood, bronze chains, and steel spiked ball at the end.

Blood splattered around, even reaching to some of the bare skinned ladies around who already were on the verge of fainting.

The men who were enjoying their time before in this place... Were know having pale looks and fear engraved in them. Like this very incident would cause them to never enter a brothel again.

Elana kicked away the fat man’s body and allowed Farengoth to pass through before following him.

The knight leader looked at the female who was failing at hiding behind the counter before asking, “Basement, where?” In Kian rough language.

The lady pointed at some place before he nodded in response.

He and his soldiers then entered the basement. Surrounding the area was many kegs filled with wine. Shelves packed to the brim with vials of aphrodisiac. Some rats could be seen here and there. Not to mention the webs on the wooden foundation in this place.

After looking around and seeing that it's safe, Farengoth then ordered for everyone to try and find the secret path.

Though he said everyone... The Knight Elena checked through a box before finding a skimpy attire. She then went to Farengoth to show it while holding close to her body before saying, "Would you like me to wear this for you personally?~"

He didn't said anything in response before walking away.

Elana showed a dejected look before throwing it away. But a little while later... She secretly snatch the attire inside her bag.

It took some time of looking through places carefully before they found the hidden wall tile.

Pressing the tile, shifted the walls before revealing an entrance.

Dust spreaded out the place, causing some soldiers to cough.

After one man looked through and signaled that it was safe, they then went through it.

Farengoth, using his swords, checked to see if any traps were in his path... but strangely found nothing. The further they went, the more they descend.

Looking at the end of this tunnel was a small passageway.

Opening the door, they found themselves in a room. Looking around, people could be seen protecting the place while being dressed in garments dyed in black.

After counting, the leader showed the signal to rush in and so that's how he and his soldiers went out and cut down the surprised individuals.

Some resisted and fought back, but eventually met the floor.

It took some time to wipe off the room but lost some soldiers life as compensation. If it weren't for the help of Elana's brutal way of fighting, his soldiers would have hard time fighting from the lack of real combat experience.

After the place was swept from any foe, there was left only two rooms.


Farengoth went to the left while Knight Elana and the remaining soldiers went to the right.

The hallway on the left had many cells and even a place where a beheaded lady was on the ground next to her head beside an execution block.

As the knight leader entered the area, he found both of his comrade's dead on the floor. Frozen in place.

One of them being a lady who was good friends with Sheirl and the bearer of the communicating gem.

Another man who was Tim. He was a squire who loved concocting antidotes and medical vials not to mention being quite talkative.

Now their nothing but a pile of well preserved corpses. Their eyes showed fear.

One thing to note was the bloody gaping hole in both their torsos.

The one responsible for all this was the woman in front of him.

A woman having black pony tail held together by a wooden stick and a red robe with a black sash keeping it from falling.

Her expression was blank but with eyes field with dread.

Farengoth watched her pick up a weapon from the ground and found it that it was a long lance. Made of metal twisted and spiraling upwards.

She then pulled out a card from her pouch before inserting her mana into it. A gust of water swept the area pushing Farengoth back. Though with the help of his sword engraved into the ground, he managed to withstood it.

The lady then used another inscribed paper to freeze the very ground.

She then rolled her sleeves up which revealed a runic mark on her skin. After controlling her mana flow towards the area, the mark glowed in response. She gritted her teeth due to the amount of mana drainage for this one technique was causing pain.

From her knee under, ice started forming around her skin. Slowly increasing her height while cold air surrounds it.

Similar to ice-skating shoes emerged below her feet made of hard ice but gave the sense that it was demonic. Encasing her leg in ice.

Farengoth couldn’t press on as the cold air was too ferocious.

The lady then unfastened her robe which showed her wearing a metal chain mail and leather pants.

Before long she rushed towards the knight leader with incredible speed. Skating across the ice as if she was a trained veteran at this type of movement.

She didn’t directly moved towards him but instead curved from her original and keeping distance. She then created momentum towards the knight.

Before long, her lance was faced towards Farengoth. She aimed to pierce the man’s helmet.

The man forcefully removed his feet from ice before trying to move out the way, but the slippery floor made him fall.

He cursed before panickily trying to block the incoming lance attack with his blade.

The force was unreal as it forced the man’s blade to let the lance pass through before landing on Farengoth’s body.

That lady’s weapon dented the armor and caused him to vomit out blood.

He felt some of his rip cages were fractured and one punctured his lungs.

The force didn’t stop there, as his body was pushed along the ice before slamming into the wall.

A smile could be seen on the lady’s face as she used her feet movement to stop in place. She then said, “I heard that before a Knight’s death, their wish was for the opposing foe’s name, right?”

Farengoth looked up to her as he breaths for air.

The lady bowed slightly before saying, “I’m the young master of this guild. Lou Jun at your service."

Farengoth removed his helmet before drinking the vial that he had kept in his pouch.

His wound healed and picked up the sword beside him.

He stood up while shaking before revealing a smile.

Lou Jun already prepared to thrust her lance into the man head once more after building momentum again.

Though before she could do her act, Farengoth scraped the the bellow ice with his sword and some ice landed on her eyes.

Her vision was restrained before she missed and landed her lance into the wall in front.

She knew that it was futile to try and pull off the lance and so let go of it.

Though she didn’t expect the instant she let go, a wrenching pain could be felt on her back.

She gritted her teeth before removing a red crystal covered in gold decoration and on her other arm, she focused her mana into the mark on the shoulder.

Farengoth saw this and immediately behead her.

The head flew before landing on the ground. Though there wasn’t any sign of blood.

The knight leader watched as the body and head turn into puddle and was absorbed into the ground.

Lou Jun emerged to the other side panting for breath.

That technique of hers was no easy one. Not only it took her countless years to at least use it but also require so much mana that she needed help with the Mana pocket.

She knew that her mana supply was down to about 20% before fainting. Even her secret technique which was called ‘Frigid Queen Embodiment’ disappeared. Her legs were back to normal.

Lou Jun anticipated the speed of the knight’s but he... was on a different level.

Her eyes laid on him before noticing that the knight wasn’t using any enhancement. She couldn’t believe it.

Farengoth turned and look at her before revealing a smile similar to hers from before.

He then said, “I’m not like any other knight...”

His sword then glowed in blue before he slashed the very air in front of her.

In fear, Lou Jun erected an ice barrier in front of her.

Though nothing came.

She felt something was amiss with no sound anywhere.

Before she knew it, her ice barrier was cut in half and Farengoth appeared with glowing eyes.

Lou Jun inserted mana into her hand and caused Farengoth’s feet to stuck in place with the ice engulfing it.

She then backed away from the slash which almost caused her faith similar to the ice barrier before.

Lou Jun while backing off then pulled out another inscribed paper before releasing ice spikes to the Knight.

With ease the knight deflected each one of them before ducking.

His abrupt movement caused Lou Jun to be baffled before witnessing a large wave of energy going towards her. Passing above Farengoth before landing on her.

That single attack caused her to be pushed back forcibly before slamming into the wall. Cracks appeared behind her.

Before long, her consciousness was starting to wane.

Though before she was killed, a man blocked the incoming strike with his blade.

It was none other than his father.


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