《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 15, Unleash


Chapter 15, Unleash


It has been already a week since then.

Tengfei in this past days, used all of his quality time fishing. Any money he earned from the restaurant, he would use it to buy baits and better fishing poles.

By now, he already horded and sold so many fishes! All of which were in demand.

He managed to retrieve five water beast cores, vials of blood from the rainbow eel, different food from fresh fishes, 35 silvers from selling rare fishes and not to forget the attraction of that pink snake.

It seemed like the red eyed snake started liking him due to the drake fish offered to it. As days pass, the snake started greeting him and twirl happily around his legs every time he came. Though it turns angry if Tengfei doesn't catch any good fish and offer them to the snake.

He also didn't forget attending his job. Even if the amount he earns from the restaurant is pitiful compared to what he sells.

Lihua has been searching around, looking for the light elementalist but to no avail. Even Tengfei helped her around but still was futile.

Her sadness made Tengfei annoyed and a bit sad, so he gave money to her to shop.

Brimming with happiness, Lihua thanked him and ran to the market back then.

Currently right at this very moment, Lihua was sitting on a bench in front of a shop. She couldn't help but smile happily as she looked at the things she bought.

One of it being for Tengfei. A nicely made leather jacket and pair of shirts.

Lihua couldn't wait to see his reaction and so she made her way to him. Though she felt like something was wrong. Something really wrong.

Her hearing started diminishing as her sight was focused upon a butterfly.

Everything felt slow, sluggish and foggy except when focused on that thing.

A pure black butterfly laying itself on top of a lamp post. Without a moment to waste, the butterfly flew away.

Lihua, as if mesmerized, couldn't help but follow it. Like a moth attracted to the light. She followed it without any other thoughts.

Across the old paved road, through the alley, down the stairs and finally into the pitch-black room. Like a mindless zombie.

When her conscious returned, all she saw was nothing. Fear welled up in her as she asks around, "Any one in here??"

She couldn't find any sign of light. Nothing but endless sea of darkness. Her eyes couldn't even adjust.

Her body felt cold which caused her to try warm herself by hugging herself.

As she was about to break, a voice was uttered. A dark eerie voice, "Young one, you have finally entered."

Lihua was startled. She looked around before replying back with a question, "Who dares!? Show yourselves!"

"It's a shame that I currently don't own my physical body. So, it seems you have to deal with my voice instead." The thing replied back.

The princess trembled before asking, "What do you want from me?"

A laughter was then heard. Before long the person then answered, "Lots of things young one. You see, I'm not from this realm. I came from another plane far superior to this world. I was stuck in this puny planet due to being weakened to almost death by my brother."


Lihua remained silent.

The voice then continued "Now I seek revenge. Alas I have beome weak. Now I have found a perfect suited successor who will find the required materials to regain my strength. Now you shall obey my desire and reap the fruits of what I will give."

Lihua bit her lower lip before replying back, "I'm thankful for your proposal... but I must decline. I don't want to deal with gods and go through an adventure to finding true strength..."

Eyes were then shone. White glowing eyes from the shadow.

A voice then said, "I have read some of your memories. So, it seems you have no intention of achieving the pinnacle of strength. But instead repaying that young man who had to go through your horrible treatment and much more. Having a slowly developing feeling to stick by his side. Aiding him and slowly replacing the past image of you with the present..." The voice then paused for short while before continuing, "Though you should know that it will be impossible for that to happen."

The princess listened to what the voice said entirely. After hearing the last line caused her to question curiously with a tone filled with anxiety, "How so?" Her legs were slightly shaking afterwards.

The shadowy person then replied back, "You're weak, irrelevant, no future goals, nothing and especially death awaits you... A cripple."

Her eyes were soaked as she already knew the truth. She had no goal except wanting to be loved and cared. Lihua knew very well that eventually, those people from before will find and kill her. All she could do was rely on him who offered her a hand to safety. Even feeling bad for borrowing money and acting as some sort of free loader for him. Lihua kept forcing herself the fact that Tengfei was kind to her because her Sister told him to. Though there a little bit of hope that she thinks Tengfei starts liking her at least as a friend and not anymore as a foe.

She then quietly said, "I'll... Keep running and running away. I-I'll also bring Tengfei with me..."

"You can run but that young man was already destined for something... you can't reach. That is if you don't accept my proposal." Said the shadowy person.

The glowing white eyes then narrowed as it surveyed the girl who was lost in thoughts.

"So, choose now! Accept me and fulfill my revenge or die a dog's death!", Shouted the shadowy figure.

Her shaky hands were stopped due to her clenching it firmly. She then replied resolutely back, "I will obey as master says fit. In return make this princess strong enough to be with him now and later!'

"Good. You have chosen wisely, though at some point you would regret this decision but at the end. You will thank me!" The shadowy figure proclaimed.

"Now accept my deviated darkness essence. Unlike any other person who cultivates the dark element. I hold it pure! Cause I'm... --- "

Darkness then swallowed Lihua from her feet to the head. She screamed in pain before losing consciousness.

When Lihua awoke, she found herself on the bench in front a shop, just like before. She thought it was a dream until she finds that there was a necklace worn by her. Something she hasn't seen before.


A dark crystal gem chained in silver.

She then thought to herself, 'It wasn't a dream?'

A voice then replied, 'Unfortunately not, my servant.'

Lihua almost jumped from that voice coming from inside her.

'I'll be guiding you from now on. Inside this crystal is where I reside. So, be sure to clean it every day and never remove it unless so.'

The princess slowly nodded and raised her eye brow slightly from hearing 'Clean every day'. Before she made her way back to the inn.

The voice then continued, 'Make sure to call me master. For now, rest and tomorrow we shall start the beginning of my plan.'

Unlike before in that dark place, the master's voice seemed to be more... feminine.

She had a headache; her body felt limp and all she could think about is returning back.


The Inn

When Lihua entered, she was about to collapse until Tengfei prevented it by holding upon her. She finally fainted.

He observed the panting Lihua who was out of breath.

'Where had you gone to be this exhausted...' He thought.

The young man decided to carry her to his room.

Upon entering, he laid her upon his bed. He felt her head and found that she was burning up. 'She's having a fever...'

Tengfei grabbed a cold drenched towel before he placed it on her head. He then opened the windows. After returning from the kitchen, he placed an earthenware mug filled with water on top of a desk nearby the bed.

Taking out the mysterious book given to him, which he called 'The Codex part 1', he then laid on Huan's bed before reading it through.


Some time later

Lihua's eyes slowly opened to find that she was feeling better than before. Her head was still hurting but not as much.

When she removed the blanket, her face started to turn velvet. She had no clothes on except her undergarments.

She turned to find Tengfei reading on a book before yelling out to him, "What did you do to me when I was not awake!!!!" Lihua then covered herself with the blanket tightly.

The princess's voice caused him to jump as his book slams to to his face.

He placed the book down before telling her, "Y-your clothing was drenched in sweat... if I left it like that, then you would have been feeling much worse by now." His face showed hints of shyness due to him recalling the cloth changing.

Knowing that he did it to take care of her, Lihua was flustered as she couldn't choose whether to be happy or angry at him.

Normally she would just scoff him off but just for now, she decided to thank him sincerely.

This is because she knew as to how much he took care of her.

Her thanking Tengfei casued the young man to feel something different. Like as if her "Thank you" was more meaningful then before. He actually felt happy.

"Don't look at me, close your damn eyes!" She shouted before hurriedly while being covered by the blanket, carried some clothes and barged into the bathroom.

After changing into a plain yellow dress which expresses her white shoulders. Lihua finally then returned while still having the faint color of red.

When the princess exited, she found Tegfei removing his shirt. Her face was turning again pink until... she saw the scars. Lots of scars, all around his back.

Her heart clenched, pained, dropped and pricked. She couldn't hold it on anymore and asked him as to where he gotten those hideous scars. Even though she knew deep down as to where it might have come from.

Tengfei was confused, perplexed, before he replied back with a question "You don't know about this?"

She shook her head while her hands, holding each other, couldn't stop trembling.

Noticing her worried expression, Tengfei closed his eyes deeply before replying back, "I gotten this when I was a child. Don't worry about it."

Lihua was about to feel relief, until a voice spoke to her, 'That young man is too forgiving... for what you ultimately made him go through. He still forgave you. Doesn't want you to feel bad, though in order to harness darkness. You must welcome all negatives with open heart.'

The princess started tearing up as she yells out to him, "Your lying Tengfei! Tell me the truth!" She then quivered, "I must know..."

The young man wore another shirt before he asked her to join him sitting on the bed. After which Tengfei explained everything what happened when it regards to his punishment.

Whipping, thrashing, hot metal... Though he stopped because Lihua couldn't take it anymore.

She was crying while saying softly "Sorry" repeatedly. Her head downcasted.

Her eyes looked at the ground before she muttered out, "I was a mistake. I really shouldn't have been bor --- " Though she was cut off by her getting body getting pressed onto his.

She was perplexed, "I already forgave you. Knowing that you saved my life, gave food to me back then and also thank you for this shirt and that jacket. Not to mention the biggest reason. You accompanied me through out this ordeal." Tengfei said softly

Lihua sniffled before leaning on his shoulder. She felt a sense of safety and warmth. Tengfei then told her "Recently, I started to see you as a great friend of mine. And I'll do whatever means necessary to help you."

She bit her lower lip before thinking, 'Friend...'

Lihua then continued her trail of thoughts, 'I guess that's the most I can be to him. Better than being hated at least...'

A voice appeared before telling her 'Don't fret my servant as it's good thing. Before he didn't know whether you were an acquaintance or privileged stranger. At least there's progress.'

She smiled wryly knowing that.


Currently in the Forest

Huan was breathing out loud as his entire body was covered in blood and unknown liquids. His hair disheveled, pale face, wounds all over his body and a damn teeth stuck on his shoulder.

He dropped his Black Crocodile Shield and his newly acquired Thunder imbued spear made of steel.

Surrounding him were corpses of giant wolves with extra pairs of eyes, sharp needle like hair, thick skin layer, frightening speed and ferociousness.

Zhou Huan removed the teeth on his shoulder before raising his hand and shouting out loud marking his triumphant!


Though the majority were still infants.


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