《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 14, Gin Fe


Chapter 14, Gin Fe


The man called Gin Fe was experimenting with the fish using his own hands. Tengfei was utterly speechless as he steps away from this freakish person. Though he can't help but ask, "If the fish was poisonous then how come you can nonchalantly taste it?" 

Gin Fe waved his hand on the air before replying back, "I somehow managed to unearth a scroll next to a pill which helped me become immune to most poison." His eyes then shined with gleaner of excitement as he payed attention to the helpless fish. He then said, "This fish acts like a squid surprisingly. Though instead of ink, it releases a poison cloud. This can be found inside the pore next to its gill... quite fascinating indeed." 

A vial was removed from Gin Fe's poach before he started extracting some sort of purple liquid from the fish. He used a mini pipette for the procedure. 

After removing all the needed substance from the fish, he then closed the vial with a cork before it enters his bag. He afterwards dropped the fish before kicking it back to the lake. 

Witnessing all his acts, Tengfei tried his best to sneak away without the man's notice. Though it was to no avail as the man grabbed hold onto his shoulder before asking "Why the hurry? I need to repay you for the lovely poison I received." 

Tengfei shook his head before replying back, "You can repay me by letting me off..." The man called Gin Fe also shook his head too before saying in response, "That won't do. So, how about accepting part one of the book which I made recently fufu." 

Gin Fe removed a black thin book before handing it to Tengfei. Without a moment of time wasted, Tengfei skimmed through the book to find all sorts of fishes, herbs and beast cores information within it. Though the calligraphy were quite messy. 

The man called Gin Fe then parted with our MC. Though before he left, the man told Tengfei that if he ever needed the other parts. Then he could always find him again. 

When Gin Fe finally left, Tengfei looked through the book to find a chapter dedicated to various fishes. This proved him helpful as he eagerly returned back to finishing. 

Steadily as time goes by, he managed to catch a few more fishes. One being known as Spring Rainbow Trout. Though very common at this season, it has two main features. The meat of the Trout is tender soft and tasty when grilled. The blood of the fish proved to have healing properties when mixed with certain herbs around the area.

Another strange fish he caught was something know as 'Drake Fish'. This seems to be rare and can only be found in certain ponds where more fodder fishes reside. Having the width of almost your entire arm while being green with scales.


The book states that this fish was saught after for its large juicy meat and beast core. Having an elemental core of water at the very first stage.

Knowing it contains a beast core, Tengfei shoved his hand inside the fish's mouth and grabbed hold of the circular ball inside. He then released his hand out to find a shiny blue core stained in blood and stuff... 

Feeling happy, he wiped the core before it entered his bag. After knowing this information, he couldn't help but seek even more Drake fishes. 

The third type of fish... was not a fish. Yes, it was instead a snake. It was covered in pink scales and had red eyes. The snake hissed at him before returning back to the pond.

Though after a certain while, the snake appeared again and this time dragged the drake fish he caught back to the bond. 

This action stupefied Tengfei as he watched the pond started having blood appear. He felt a shiver down his spine. Without any moment to waste, he grabbed hold of his stuff before running away. 


Inside the inn's room. 

Lihua was currently meditating trying her best to enter her cultivating domain. Though when she entered, the pool that once was where her wind mana resides... Is now covered in dark goop. She couldn't even touch the goop or remove it. Eventually she left with an annoyed look.

She cursed before eyeing Tengfei's bed. Knowing that no on one is beside her... A tendency appeared. Just like a kitty finding a rubber mouse, Lihua was curious to that particular scent. Having a poppy colored face, she laid down on the bed before starting to lightly sniff the pillow. She likes the smell.

With a slow motion, Lihua hugged the pillow while having a complex look. Before long she kicked away the pillow and jumped off. The princess's face was really hot due to her smacking her own cheeks as she said to herself, 'What am I doing! Get a grip on yourself, Lihua!!!' 

She turned to look at the kicked pillow before sighing. Lihua then returned the pillow back to the bed before heading out. 

When Lihua exited the door, she collided with someone and it was Li Meixiu. The lady narrowed her eyes to find the little girl in front of her. Knowing that it was the girl that offered her food, she couldn't help but smile at her. 

Lihua was petrified from her emotionless smile which caused her to shudder.

The lady then surveyed her before asking "It seems like your mana pond... was sealed."

This statement shocked the princess before she replied back, "You know that it was blocked?" 

Li Meixiu nodded. She then says, "Forget about medicine or any sort of training method. That sort of seal won't come off. It goes the same for your physical cultivation." 

Her words made Lihua tremble before having teary eyes... knowing that she could never cultivate. Though her expression changed when she heard the lady's next words. 


"Though it's not impossible, all you need is someone who cultivates in light. So, try finding a person who cultivates this element." The lady then patted on her shoulder before walking away. 

Lihua was dumbfounded from the news of her dantian possibly being able to be fixed. Even ignoring the fact that she was treated like a child.


In the forest: 

Zhou Huan found a worthy foe for him. It was a red crocodile with a very long tail, spikes on the spine, red bloody eyes and damn sharp teeth. 

The beast marked Huan as its prey with a loud growl. It then moved with haste towards him like an arrow loosed from a bow. The beast's mouth opened as it aimed for Huan's leg. Though to its surprise, Huan jumped upwards landing on the beast's body. 

With a swift movement of Huan's arm, he plunged his spear's head into the beast's back. Instead of the sound of meat getting skewered, all he heard was a clang resembling landing on metal. He cursed before feeling the shock waves rebound back to his body.

The beast knowing that it became a mounted mule, so it started rolling around causing Huan to fall off. Using its tail like a whip, the crocodile landed the heavy blow on his prey as it spins around. Luckily Huan blocked it by using his spear or else who knows where his head would land. He even thought out, "

The brute force caused him to be launched into the air slightly before landing on the groundt. His teeth gritted as his body shreds by the sharp rocks. Luckily, he had his vest or else it would have caused a serious injury. 

He stood up immediately with the help of fear mixed with adrenaline. His eyes surveyed the crocodile looking for a weak spot. Then suddenly a thought came up to him as he ran in circles around the crocodile. An idea, after figuring out the crocodile's weakness.

Just like before, he baited the crocodile by letting it charge against him. He jumped and landed on top of it and waited for its roll. When he felt like the crocodile was about to roll... he jumped again and used all his strength to plunge his spear into the beast's stomach! 

Blood gushed out and the beast's cry was heard. A sadistic smile appeared on his face as he repeatedly drives the spear even deeper. Eventually the creature has fallen to the spear and in the end, the crocodile thought it was the prey instead. 

Huan excavated the spear before jumping of the dead beast. He was very happy at this moment as he couldn't believe that he killed such a beast. 

His eyes glimmered in greed as he searched the dead body for the core. Counting this beast, this was the third type he killed today. 

Two being double headed sheep beast and this spiked crocodile. 

Huan was stuffed for today’s hunt.


In a dark place: 

"Boss, it seems... that the next batch of comrades didn't return after sending them out to find those children..." Said someone who was kneeling. 

A dark cold reply was then heard "Send more people out. This time have a signaler with them and bring an elemental apprentice with you." 

The man clothed in black with studden metal was in a foul mood due to a woman he liked died from biting her tongue. 

His eyes wondered to the right to find a tattered corpse with his pet feasting on it. 

Flesh, guts and blood were scattered all over around there.

A sigh appeared before he thinks 'I still don't get why does that man needs that boy and princess alive. Now I look like a human pouncer finding slaves for money.' 

He ungrasps his hand to find an amulet with the symbol of fire on it. His thoughts then were focused upon the task at hand as he thought 'Maybe it was them who hindered my plans...' 


In an alley way filled with wrapped corpses. A lady stood there. Having black raven hair and merciless eyes. She ordered people beside her to dispose of this bodies and not let anyone see them. 

One of the individuals who was dragging the dead body thought to himself 'This poor people didn't know who were they messing with. They foolishy approached with illict needs to our mistress to quench their manly thirst.' 

The mistress who was wearing a blood soaked robe licked her fingers. 'This group were also not part of ours. They are the same ones like before... looking for that princess it seems.' 

"That princess is causing so much trouble for me... Either I get rid of her or..." She then cuts off in a trail of thoughts.

She was none other than Lou Jun. 

The daughter of the man who created the assassin's guild 'An Yue'. She currently had a job of extorting information from the owner of that particular mantou shop. A needed pile of description for her next victim in which is in the list. 

With a wave of her hand, few shadows emerged before she told them "More of these sort of group will come looking for trouble. When they emerge, deal with them and as usal leave one alive for me." 

The shadows clasped their hands before bowing and then replying back "Understood." 


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