《Hero's Gear Online》Hero's Gear Online (1)


I dropped out of College when i had turned 18, I had no reason to be there. I had amazing grades and I didn't need friends. That way i didn't have to deal with people that had to try too hard, I never understoon why people did that. Anyway, one thing I've always enjoyed are videogames. Especially online ones. Something I've found when I play online games is that people can't help compete with eachother. Be that alone or in small groups. Even extremely large ones, though i've never liked them like that.

Its been two months sinse i dropped out.

"Enough reminiscing, I gotta start saving money if I want to buy the game and be able to eat afterwards."

Its only been two weeks since HERO'S GEAR ONLINE got announced and I can't wait for it to come out. I usually won't get out much however i'm willing to sacrifice my spare time for the worlds most realistic VRMMO.

I sit there waiting for the bus imagining what the game will be like, I picture myself as paladin, healing myself and dealing damge with holy spells and with swords or hammers so I can play solo without needing help and not having to share the loot, obviously not that im greedy or anything I'm just a bit anti-social.

"Hey kid, you getting on or what?" The driver calls out from the drivers seat.

Waking up from my daze I stand up and get on the bus. After 20 minites of driving I arrived at the store that i recently started working at.

Its a womans clothing store and a pretty high end one at that. i was very lucky to get a job here, its all thanks to my childhood friend Ray and his sister Rae, who's family are the owners of the store.


I walked through the door of the store and then greeted the manager

"Good morning Mrs.Cliff, Is Ray and Rae in the back?" I never got that naming sense

Mrs.Cliff responded as she was hanging up clothes.

"ah, David good morning, and yes Raymond and Rae are in the back, go in and change into uniform then come help me hang up these clothes."

"Yes ma'am."

I enter the backroom and stated the get changed then I felt someone slap my back.

"I didn't think you would actully come after not going outside for like 2 months since you dropped out. I thought you'd stay inside forever but here you are, even if it is for a game. Though even if you stayed inside i'd still come bug you."

He has spiky blonde hair and is about 6'2 in height and a handsome face and thanks to the way he looks and his nice personality, many women are after him back when i went to school. Back in highschool he had a phase where he dyed his hair blue and grew it quite long.

I sigh after collecting myself from him surprising me.

"You wouldn't be my only friend, I wasn't always anti-social i just dont talk to them as much as i used to... anyway whatever go help your Mom with hanging the clothes up"

He responded with

"Dont change the subject, actually your right i got to do my work. you get changed and i will see you in a few Minutes. We'll talk about this later."

"Ok, be right out."

After i got changed I went out to get to work.

i worked for 6 and a half hours until it was about 4:30, after i said bye to Ray and his family I went home and cooked up my pizza and then went to bed. I go to bed early so I can get some game time in before I go to work. I needed to learn things to improve my spacial awareness and reaction times. If im playing such a realistic game its got to have realistic controls too.


Tommorow I have a day off, I'll look into joing a Martial Arts centre. Im not sure what yet but i'll come up with something. I always do.

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