《Caveship》Chapter #6: The Hustle
A gentle rumbling jars Nicholas from his dream, leaving the room a blurry mess. He reaches a hand up to rub the sleep out of his eyes to get focus back. It takes a moment for him to remember what had happened leading up to this point, and it's difficult to tell how long he'd been asleep. Everyone else seems to be heavier sleepers compared to him, no doubt exhausted from their ordeal and lured to slumber with full stomachs. The only other one awake is Tah-Kuell, who peers out the door on to the street as things start to get busy again.
"Oh. You're awake," Tah-Kuell smiles as he notices movement, looking back inside. "You must have been more fatigued than I'd anticipated. You and your friends slept all night."
"No offense or anything, but..." Nicholas responds, slowly pushing his way to a stand. "I was hoping that all this was a crazy fever dream and I was going to wake up in the hospital or something."
For a moment, Tah-Kuell's confusion is obvious on his face, but then it suddenly dawns on him. "Ahh. Yes." He looks back at Nicholas and smiles. "Disease for my species has all but been eradicated. Very, very rare for one of my kind to get sick anymore."
"Must be nice," Nicholas yawns, then stretching. "So... what's on the agenda, then?"
"While you were all sleeping, I've been tracking ships in the system as part of my duties, including your vessel. It's already on its way back. In fact, it never left the system. I followed the path it is taking through one of my observation screens, and based on its consistent speed, by my calculations, it'll be here in less than a day. Probably a few hours from now. Likely where it left. We'll need supplies for sure if you are to get back on it. Food to keep you all going, because who knows how long it'll be until you can visit an inhabited planet again," Tah-Kuell explains, looking back toward Nicholas. "I will assist you in this process, but on one condition."
Nicholas folds his arms across his chest, then frowns. If not for Tah-Kuell's assistance and hospitality, they'd have been in a much worse situation. He decides to be receptive to the alien's request, nodding his head. "Okay? I'm listening."
"Take me with you." Tah-Kuell says, clearly eager for a positive remark from Nicholas. "I've been on this planet for many years, and... I'll admit, things are very boring here. The spark is gone. One can only study the inhabitants for so long." He releases a sigh, looking back out the door again. He seems to be watching the growing foot traffic as the market awakens from its own slumber. "Getting anywhere else besides other backwater planets like these is basically impossible, especially since my budget is..." He pauses. "It's sufficient to gather supplies, but not so much to buy passage off world."
"I see." Nicholas scratches his neck softly, looking back at the others, who are still sleeping. "I'd have to discuss it with everyone else, but I don't see it being a problem if we all come to an agreement."
"I'll be quite a boon for your journey. I'm well-versed in...well, the Verse," Tah-Kuell chuckles at his own rhyme. "And I speak a multitude of commonly spoken languages. Also English, of course. It should make your trip much smoother."
Nicholas sighs, quietly mulling things over. "Alright, well... let's go get the supplies first, give everyone a chance to wake up. Once everyone's awake, we'll talk about it."
Tah-Kuell nods and motions toward the door, where he takes the lead by leaving first. Once Nicholas follows and passes the threshold, the door swishes closed behind him, giving the remaining four teenagers some measure of privacy as they sleep inside.
"I think that's fair." Tah-Kuell slows to allow Nicholas to catch up, and the two walk side-by- side through the marketplace. "This planet is known as Ziron Eight." He motions toward a small group of the small, spiky red aliens walking about. "Zironians are the native species on this planet, as with every other planet in this system. They're mostly harmless, and until very recently on the universal timescale, they stopped dwelling underground and began to build above ground. Zironians have long, intricate tunnel work that leads to the core of the planet. Not to worry, though, they can handle the heat. Many Zironians work as what you'd call blacksmiths, smelting metal in the core. Zironian metal alloys are quite powerful, and most machines in the Verse utilize them because they're strong and reliable."
Tah-Kuell stops in front of one of the larger stalls. Nicholas, enraptured by the explanation and distracted by the multitude of Zironians around them, nearly misses that Tah-Kuell had stopped. He quickly returns to his side, and just in time, as a humanoid AI quickly wanders over. Like most of the other marketplace AI peddling wares, this one is humanoid, but nondescript. Its body doesn't seem to be either masculine or feminine, but its voice sounds as if spoken by a male.
"Ahh, Tah-Kuell!" The AI speaks jovially, clasping its hands together. "Always a pleasure. Who's your friend?"
Tah-Kuell motions toward Nicholas. "This is Nicholas. He is a human from the planet Earth. We may be going on a trip together."
"Hi." Nicholas raises a hand, giving a sort of brief greeting.
"Always a pleasure to meet a new prospective customer," the AI chuckles, turning his attention back toward Tah-Kuell. "So, will it be the usual?"
"Not this time. I need supplies for a long intergalactic voyage. For, ah... six people." Tah-Kuell looks back at Nicholas for confirmation, who nods affirmative. "Yes. Six people. Five Humans, and the usual for me."
"Length of the trip?"
"Mmm." Tah-Kuell mulls it over a moment. "I'd say a month should be safe. Rations are very important."
"I'll be sure to throw in some of the local fruit for you and your friends to enjoy while on your trip. Think of it as a gift to be sure you come back and visit us," the AI releases a brief laugh, leaning down to pick up a tablet off the surface in front of him. It's impossibly thin, like it might easily break under the AI's grip, but it only flexes slightly under the pressure. "Will there be anything else, Tah-Kuell?"
"I believe food is the most important part, but..."
Nicholas raises a hand. "The ship doesn't have anywhere to lay down. Just stiff seats."
"Oh, that's troublesome. Six bedrolls, then." Tah-Kuell nods at the AI.
The AI nods quickly and submits the order. Without warning, the AI's voice changes to something more worthy of a robot: a deep, synthetic voice that startles Nicholas. "Thank you for ordering from Wortani Enterprises. Your goods will be delivered to your domicile shortly." It bows, and then flits off to attend to the needs of another customer.
"Excellent. Now, let's head back before-"
"Oh dear."
At the end of the marketplace, from the same direction the Caveship had deposited Nicholas and the others, stands a large, quadruped creature. Its light blue skin is a sharp contrast to the Zironians who are roaming around, and it seems to lack a neck, its head somehow attached to an impossibly muscular body. It has several tiny yellow eyeballs, but the front two are large and prominent, identifying this creature as distinctly predatory. Its body lacks hair, completely smooth, and it commands several legs that help balance its bulk, each footfall causing the ground to shudder. If Nicholas had to compare its size to anything, it was clearly something that would put a brown bear to shame.
"Etzshuan, those large birds, are not the only predators on Ziron Eight. This intimidating specimen approaching us," Tah-Kuell motions toward the creature. "is a Blith. For a long time, they were the apex predator on this planet. They aren't the smartest, but they do understand that wealth is important. So, they tend to be fixated on anything that can make them money." A pause, as he clears his throat. "Let me take care of this, okay?"
Slowly, the Blith lumbers in closer, turning his eyes toward Nicholas, sniffing at him, before turning his gaze to Tah-Kuell with a growl. "Did you think my scouts wouldn't see that unauthorized ship that came in yesterday? You weren't planning on leaving before your debt was paid, were you?"
Tah-Kuell offers a peaceful smile, shaking his head slowly. "Of course not, R'rith," he responds confidently. "I wouldn't dream of it."
Every single one of those yellow eyes on R'rith's body narrow slightly, before he turns to face the nearby stall, and the AI. "Unit R4-J. Please report what Tah-Kuell last ordered."
Without missing a beat, the AI responds: "A month's worth of rations, and six bedrolls."
With a roar that sends nearby Zironians running for cover, and causing Tah-Kuell to flinch and raise his hands defensively, R'rith takes a posture that easily makes its anger known. "An unknown, unauthorized ship appears... there's reports of Humans arriving with it... and now you're buying them supplies." His eyes turn from Tah-Kuell, over to Nicholas, then back. "I don't think that's a coincidence."
"These Humans are merely visitors from my homeworld," Tah-Kuell responds nervously, wringing his hands together. "The supplies are for a trip across the planet to visit a nearby Zironian base. They want to see the planet's core. You know, the usual."
Eyes narrowed, R'rith snarls softly. "If not for the fact that you owe me, I'd kill you where you stand." He turns around slowly, lumbering away. "Don't let me catch you trying to leave this planet. Don't think for even a moment that I will hesitate to tear you and your friends limb from limb."
Tah-Kuell stands completely still until R'rith has disappeared, finally exhaling, as if he'd forgotten to breathe. "That was close," he whispers. He turns his attention back to Nicholas, tilting his head slightly to one side. "Wait. Did you understand any of that?"
Nicholas looks back toward Tah-Kuell, giving him an inquisitive look. "Yeah, but... I feel like I'm missing context. Is he your boss or something?"
Tah-Kuell, visibly confused, purses his lips together. "How did you..." He fails to finish his sentence, quiet for a moment, then sighs and relents. "Okay. I haven't been completely forthcoming with you about my reasons for leaving. I owe a sizable debt to R'rith. It was... not the smartest decision I've ever made, but I fear that I'll be here forever if I cannot find a way off the planet. You're my last chance."
The two stay quiet on the trip back, though Tah-Kuell sneaks the occasional glance at Nicholas walking alongside him. They're greeted at the entrance to Tah-Kuell's home with several boxes of supplies stacked on pallets, as well as Darius, who's seated atop them. "Hey. I had to sign for these. What's in here? I can't figure out how to open them."
"Supplies," Nicholas replies. "Food, mostly, but now we've got some beds as well."
"Great. Are we still banking on the ship coming back for us? Maybe we should just stay here. Life can't be that bad," Darius looks between the two of them, as if hoping someone might agree with him.
Nicholas clears his throat softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, things are complicated. I'll explain what's going on once everyone's out here."
Tah-Kuell enters the home to gather the others, who by now have finally awakened, and he brings them outside. With the group gathered, Nicholas explains the situation; about R'rith, Tah-Kuell's debt, and how he'd hoped to escape the planet with the others on the ship. Things are quiet for a moment, with no-one wanting to speak up. It's not until Nicholas begins to talk again does anyone look up.
"Tah-Kuell has been nothing but hospitable to us. He gave us a place to sleep, let us clean ourselves off, and spent his own money to get us food and something soft to lay on," He explains. "The ship might be reappearing soon. Or it may not. It's almost been twenty four hours. If it does, I think we should take Tah-Kuell with us. He's proven to me that he knows a lot about this world, and he says that he knows a lot about the universe. We don't know where we're going. He might be able to help us get back home. Are we in favor of allowing him to come with us?"
The others nod in agreement, but only Ava seems apprehensive, clearly still suspicious of humanoid alien. Yet she doesn't voice any grievances and slowly nods too.
"Alright then." Nicholas looks back to Tah-Kuell. "You're in."
Looking positively relieved, Tah-Kuell offers a smile. "Thank you. I'll go get some couplings so we can float these supplies out to your ship when it lands." He disappears into the home, and a few minutes later, returns with four small objects, and a few more boxes. He lays the boxes onto the pallet before he attaches them to the corners. Synchronizing them with the couplings, he turns them on so the pallet floats.
"I've got this." Darius quickly moves to grab hold of the pallet, and Sophia wastes no time in joining him, helping to keep it balanced as they prepare to push it along.
With everyone working together, they quickly make it out of town and across the hills. It's not until they get close to the landing site do they get their confirmation: the Caveship, descending slowly through the clouds above. Tah-Kuell seems jovial, clasping his hands together. He's practically trembling at the sight of it. The teenagers laugh in triumph, gleefully pushing the pallet forward.
But the joy is short-lived.
From the direction of the nearby fruit trees lumbers R'rith, heading for them, faster and more agile than his bulk suggests he can manage. That his voice could be heard so loudly across such an expanse says a lot about the creature's power.
The ship moves in to land, kicking up dust only briefly as it does, but it quickly becomes obvious that the ship hasn't landed where they anticipated it to. "Oh, crap. We picked the wrong hill!" Sophia yells, quickly helping Darius push the supplies in the direction of the ship. The floating pallet waddles as it is pushed forward harder.
"R'rith is moving too quickly. We're not going to make it to the ship before he makes it to us!" Tah-Kuell yells, fear obvious in his voice as he moves to try to help them push the pallet faster. "Can't you Humans move any faster?!"
"Tell that to your floating cart here!" Darius responds, annoyed.
Nicholas keeps up with the others, but the closer R'rith gets, the more obvious it gets that someone's going to have to take one for the team. He looks back at the rest. "Guys, I've got an idea. Just keep going, I'll meet you on the ship!" He quickly breaks off from the group, turning toward R'rith. He rushes headlong toward the creature, who narrows its eyes and puts more energy into its charge.
"Ha! Puny creature!" The Blith's voice booms, still loud, even though it is much closer.
Nicholas, realizing his reckless act will likely only get him smashed to the ground, narrows his eyes and skids to a stop. "Okay, bad plan..." He whispers to himself, looking around for a rock, or anything he could use to defend himself with. The closer R'rith gets, the more desperate Nicholas becomes.
A fierce burning sensation on his wrist forces him to recoil. He'd nearly forgotten about the strange bracelets they'd acquired on the ship. The metal seems to flex and bend, like waves in a pool, before it suddenly begins to grow.
Letting out a cry in equal parts pain and shock, Nicholas struggles to hold his own arm up with his free hand as the liquid metal rapidly extends over his fingers, expanding slowly into the form of a barrel.
Realizing that the bracelet is forming something he can use to attack, Nicholas seems astounded, working to keep it leveled toward the charging Blith. "I really hope this is a weapon." He spreads his legs to keep himself balanced with the sudden shift in weight, narrowing his eyes, trying his best to steel himself.
Close enough now to attack, R'rith lets out a roar of anger and leaps into the air. Following the airborne Blith with his weapon, Nicholas desperately tries to figure out how to fire it. The metal lets out a shriek, unleashing a sudden burst of brilliant blue energy. The blast collides with the airborne R'rith with enough power to completely change its course, forcing a squeak as the air is forced from its lungs. R'rith is knocked senseless and slams on to the ground like a ton of bricks.
With the danger gone, the cannon begins to melt, the liquid metal returning to a simple bracelet on Nicholas's wrist once more. Taking the opportunity, Nicholas cradles his hand, still in pain from the transformation, as he turns back toward the ship, making a run for it. R'rith doesn't stay down for long, struggling to stand, shaking its body.
With everyone in place, the ship releases a brilliant blue beam of light. Tah-Kuell quickly directs Darius and Sophia, along with the supplies, into the light, before turning back to check on the situation. Ava wastes little time and quickly moves into the light, disappearing, but Sarah stays behind. "Nick! Hurry!" She calls out.
"Quickly, Nicholas!" Tah-Kuell yells. "Don't look back!"
Risking a glance, Nicholas notices R'rith quickly gaining behind him, eyes widening. "Oh crap. Just go!" He calls out to the others. Tah-Kuell frowns, but quickly turns and steps into the light. Sarah, looking concerned, delays her disappearance as long as she can before stepping backwards into the light herself. Both of them dematerialize in a flash. Nicholas takes a chance and quickly dives into the beam as soon as he's close enough.
Once the group is absorbed by the beam, the ship begins to ascend into the sky. It picks up speed impossibly fast, disappearing from view in an instant. R'rith releases a snarl, pacing slowly back and forth as it stares up where the ship once was. A gentle beep signals the activation of a communication device on its chest.
"Change of plans. We've lost Tah-Kuell," R'rith says to the person on the other side. "But we've found something much more valuable. Alert the others. Trace that ship's trajectory. Don't let it get away."
Slowly, R'rith turns back toward the fruit trees, unleashing a kick on one of the innocent plants with enough power that it uproots the entire thing, sending it crashing over.
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Vincent is a young orphan born without special powers in a world where those with ability are privileged. However, he still trains in the new world’s profession, his family’s martial arts and magic techniques to grow strong, hoping to one day fulfill his dreams of ending the war and bringing peace to the world.A treasure with unthinkable uses gives him a chance to change his fate, but first, he must prove himself worthy of the name «Sangue!»‹ Evolution process has started. The blood of the Vampire Progenitor, Kermis Idiouni De Sangue has been injected into the owner’s bloodstream ›‹ Sangue Heart has been birthed ›‹ You’ve successfully evolved ›‹ Congrats on becoming a Demi-Human ›‹ You’ve extracted the power contained in the blood of the beast. The power of blood has been merged with the owner’s body ›‹ Your magic power capacity has increased to 90 units ›‹ Your Strength has increased to 42 points ›‹ Your agility has increased to 37 points ›While he absorbs the blood of the beast, sunlight peeks through the green and thick canopies of the overgrown trees and shines upon his bloodied face as he comes to realize that he has become a monster lusting after blood.With the mysterious treasure of his family, how far will he rise? Will his hopes for ending the war ever become a reality?ORWill he lose himself to the darkness of pleasure and become a monster?!Read to find out!
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