《Fighting Spirit (MHA)》Chapter 7: The USJ Part 2


Katsuki sprinted away from the door as the alarm sirens wailed throughout the entire USJ. Koda had quickly gone through the door as soon as the push bar was used, leaving Katsuki free to sprint towards the flood zone one area over.

High above, massive flashing lights were going off on the dome above, and confused shouting could be heard throughout the USJ as Katsuki ran.

Luckily the outer edge of the USJ was hidden from view by a layer of shrubbery. As he closed in, Katsuki could hear shouting from up ahead.

"I thought they had all the alarms disabled!"

"Does that mean the heroes know we're here?!"

"We need to get out of here!"

"Stick to the plan you morons!"

"Wasn't that weird Nomu thing supposed to be fighting All Might right now?"

"I'm not going back to jail!"

Closing in, Katsuki could see the villains inside the water panicking as the alarm went off.

As far as the students went, Katsuki could make out 3 on the boat.

The first was Tsuyu, the second hairball, the third birdhead.

Tsuyu and Birdhead seemed to be doing decent at fighting off the villains around them, with hairball mostly just screaming and crying while chucking his hair into the water.

As much as Katsuki was willing to get involved, the water zone was definitely not his area of expertise. His bat would be way too heavy and slow to use in a water fight, and the trio seemed to be holding their own for the time being.

Gritting his teeth, Katsuki kept running towards the next section, the conflagration zone.

Running up to the back of the smaller zone, Katsuki spotted another one of the back exits.

Grabbing the handle, Katsuki opened the door and rushed inside.

Inside, Katsuki found the air filled with hot steam, sprinklers raining down water from above as emergency lights flashed on the roof above.

Rushing towards the center of the area. Katsuki heard the sounds of fighting through the fog.

Getting closer Katsuki managed to spot tailman fighting off some mooks.

Rushing in, Katsuki gave the dude trying to flank Tailman a swing.

Everyone turned to face you as the mook crumpled to the ground.

"There's another one!"

"No shit dumbass!"

"Get him!"

Katsuki quickly got back to swinging, using his ribbon to extend his reach as necessary while the duo of hero students made quick work of the remaining mooks.

Turning to face Tailman, Katsuki started asking questions.

"Have you seen anyone else in here?"

Ojiro shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here. No one else got dropped with me."

Katsuki nodded.

"Alright, lets head out the back exit and try to avoid the main plaza before more mooks show up."

Ojiro nodded and both of them started running towards the back exit.

As they approached the back exit, Katsuki looked over at Ojiro.

"Are you any good at fighting in the water?"

Ojiro answered as he kept running.

"I've always been really good at swimming using my tail. Why?"

"Would you be good to split off and help the people in the shipwreck zone?"

Ojiro nodded as they reached the doors.

"Sounds good. I'll go right towards the shipwrecks, you check the mountain zone for anyone else."

Heading out of the back, the duo split up.

It wasn't long after that Katsuki reached an issue however.

Unlike the other zones, the Mountain zone didn't need building materials shipped in, so the building had no back exit, only a sheer cliff face.


Katsuki was sure that he could climb it, but that would take way too long hauling his bat.

Deciding he didn't have time to spare, Katsuki decided to shuffle along the edge of the zone.

As a bonus, that would also let him take a peek at the situation in the plaza.

Forcing his way through the greenery, Katsuki managed to get a look at the situation in the plaza. It didn't look good.

Katsuki pushed a branch aside in time to see Aizawa getting grabbed by one of the villains. It was a dude with a beak and his brain sticking out.

After a minute, Katsuki heard one of the villains, one covered in hand start talking. Straining his hearing, Katsuki could just barely make out what they were saying.

"You're really cool Eraserhead, but the final boss today is the 'anti-symbol of peace', the bio-engineered Nomu."

As they finished talking, the Nomu jerkily forced its mouth open and let out a tortured scream.

The hand covered villain walked over to the restrained Aizawa and leaned over.

"Normally I would be feeling a bit better, but some npc set off an alarm somehow and screwed up my perfect clear. Nomu."

Aizawa let out a scream as the Nomu snapped his arm like a twig.

Katsuki got ready to rush in if opening appeared, but the damn beak head just seemed too strong!

The hand villain kept talking.

"You can erase quirks. That's a super useful quirk, but nothing impressive. Against overwhelming force, you might as well be quirkless for all the good it will do you."

Katsuki gritted his teeth from where he was hiding.

Suddenly the portal freak from earlier showed up.

"Tomura Shigaraki."

Tomura turned around.

"Kurogiri, did you manage to kill-"

The villain was cutoff by a massive crash from the front entrance.

Even the wailing of the alarm seemed to quiet as a figure became visible through the dust cloud at the entrance.

Seemingly frozen, everyone watched as the monolithic figure of All Might stepped into view, a scowl on his face, jacket held in one hand.

A booming voice echoed throughout the USJ as All Might tore off his tie.

"Fear not Students! I am here!"

The mooks seemed to freeze at the sound of the booming voice, while handy and misty assessed the new threat.

The one wearing the hands seemed almost, excited.

"I've been waiting, hero. You trash of society."

Before the mooks could regroup, All Might seemed to vanish and a whirlwind of blows seemed to smash through the crowd of villains, laying them all out in moments.

A final punch had the birdlike villain stumbling back a few steps towards the other two, All Might grabbing Aizawa and retreating towards the stairs with a quick leap.

Placing down, Aizawa, All Might turned back to face the remaining three main threats, giving the birdlike villain the majority of his attention.

Still, All Might directed his attention to the blue haired villain, charging forward to attack.

"Carolina Smash!"

The hand villain, not wasting any time, turned to the birdhead.


Faster than almost anyone could track, Nomu interposed itself between Shigaraki and All Might, taking the strike head-on and only barely stumbling back a step.

"Almost no effect huh?"

All Might ducked as Nomu attempted to bear hug him, attempting another strike to the abdomen.

Quickly the two traded a flurry of strikes, All Might slamming punches into the villain while it attempted to grapple him.

Katsuki got into a position where he would be able to rush in if necessary. Something about how the misty and hand villain seemed unconcerned worrying him.


Laughing, Shigaraki started taunting All Might.

"It doesn't work because of its Shock Absorbtion. If you actually wanted to hurt the Nomu, it would be far more effective to slowly gouge out his flesh. Whether or not he'd let you do that is a different matter however."

All Might smiled in the face of the information.

"Is that so? Then my job is easier then I thought!"

Getting in close with his opponent, All Might grabbed them from behind and tried to bury them into the ground with a suplex.

A massive cloud of dust and a pressure wave echoed out on impact.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Katsuki rushed out, counting on the villains getting distracted by the impact.

As the dust cleared, Katsuki noted All Might held tight within the grip of Nomu, suspended above a portal by it's body and hands reaching through a portal.

Refusing to get distracted, Katsuki continued his sprint, moving as quietly as he could at speed.

As he was moving, Katsuki noted a pair of red eyes watching on in panic from near the stairs.

Momentarily meeting Aizawa's eyes, Katsuki kept running, trying to communicate the plan to the teacher with a jerk of his head.

Finally, Katsuki got close just as the mist villain started monologing with the hand villain watching on.

Finally, once he got within a few feet, the cloud villain finally noticed him, spinning to face Katsuki and generating a portal right in front of him.

Undaunted, Katsuki wound up for a swing towards the villain's body, letting rip with all he had moments before the portal engulfed him.

Across the plaza, Aizawa's hair started floating.

With the earsplitting sound of flesh tearing in the background, the portal in front of Katsuki slammed shut and his strike struck home with a crash.

The strike managed to actually deform the metal brace around the villain's body, sending their limp form skidding across the ground.

Katsuki turned around to see the ground covered in blood, Nomu bisected near its waist when the portal it was using had slammed shut.

Unwilling to let his target get off that easily, Katsuki rushed after the stunned portal creator as the Blue haired villain seemed frozen in shock staring at the bisected Nomu.

Making sure the Portal maker was down, Katsuki turned around to see the hand covered man looking at him with pure hatred and scratching at his neck so hard it bled.

"You-! You, fucking-!"

With a scream the Villain moved to rush him, hands forward. Katsuki readied his bat, when All Might suddenly appeared from behind and knocked him out with a strike to the head.

All Might opened his mouth to speak, a complicated look in his eyes, but before he got out a word they both heard a weakened screech from behind All Might.

Turning, the duo saw a weakened Nomu trying to claw its way to All Might, its body beginning to extrude a lower half as they both watched on in horror.

Suddenly from near the water zone, flew over a large number of purple balls, pinning the creature to the ground.

Looking over, Katsuki could see Ojiro, Bird head, Tsuyu and Hairball climbing out of the water, soaking wet and shaking.

Looking back to Nomu, at this point its limbs were glued to its own body, sticking it to the ground.

Nonetheless, the creature still attempted to drag its way closer to All Might, single minded in its determination as it continued to screech.

Its roaring was eventually muffled by a ball that landed in its open mouth.

Katsuki said what he thought was on everyone's mind at that point watching the Nomu squirm.

"What the hell is this thing…"

After that, everything had been fairly simple.

The teachers had arrived mere minutes after All Might, and had quickly swept through the USJ, defeating villains and saving students.

Luckily, none of the other students had been injured during the attack, managing to fend off the villains in their areas.

On the whole, everything had ended as well as anyone could hope. Everyone was feeling incredibly unnerved by the Nomu however.

The thing had gone completely inert after All Might and Shigaraki had been removed from its vicinity. Just staring forward blankly. The thing barely even seemed to be breathing.

Immediately after a brief interview with one of the police force members, along with the rest of his class, they all were immediately sent home for the day.

Deciding that taking the rest of the day off wouldn't be such a bad idea, Katsuki hopped on the train and headed home.

Opening the front door to the house, Katsuki barely got out a,

"I'm Ho-"

Before he was immediately captured into a group hug from his mom and dad.

"Are you okay?"

"They told us villains attacked the school!"

Katsuki just let them vent for a bit before he started answering their questions.

It was good to be home.

[Yagi Toshinori POV]

Sitting in the nurse's office, Toshinori could only sigh at how lucky they had truly been during the attack.

If he and the teachers hadn't rushed to the USJ when they'd realized something was wrong…

Toshinori shook his head at the thought. There was nothing to be gained in constant fretting over what-ifs.

Recovery girl walked over to his bed.

"You got lucky this time Yagi. Aside from some pain, you shouldn't have too many complications as a result of this incident."

Yagi nodded in thanks to the heroine.

Suddenly Tsukauchi pulled the door open, stepping into the nurse's office.

"You feeling okay Yagi?"

Toshinori smiled at his friend's concern.

Bulking up, he turned to him.

"Fit as a fiddle Tsu-"

He was cut off by a thwack to his midsection by recovery girl's cane causing him to shrink back down.

"None of that you fool, not in my office!"

Toshinori raised his hands as Tsukauchi laughed at his friend's antics.

Clearing his throat. Toshinori turned to Tsukauchi.

"Were the students all okay?"

"None of the students were seriously injured, and they were sent home after brief interviews. The only exceptions being Thirteen and Aizawa, who both of whom were fairly seriously injured. Luckily, both of them have been treated and likely won't experience any long term complications."

Toshinori let out a sigh. If one of his colleagues had been permanently maimed because of him…

The meeting was interrupted by a voice from the door.

"Indeed, we got extremely lucky this time. However, this state of affairs cannot persist Yagi."

All in the room turned to face the shorter form of Principal Nezu.

"It's time."

Toshinori looked down and fisted his hands in his sheets.

"I can still persist for a while longer."

"Then what about the next emergency? There is always a new threat Yagi, but you're pushing your body beyond its limits."

Lying back on his cot, Yagi thought back to the heroic young man he had met during his time at the Nighteye hero agency.

'It's an honor to meet you sir. You're a big inspiration for me. I chose the name Lemillion because it's my goal to save a million people!'

Feeling a small smile grow on his face, Toshinori thought back to his own mentor.

'Is this how you felt Sensei?'

Toshinori turned his head to the the principal in near the door.

"Could you call young Togata down to the nurse's office? It's time for a conversation I've been putting off."

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