《Player’s Fall: NPC Takeover》Chapter 13: Why so glum chum?


Creating a mobile guild hall had been Griggs’ idea. What had first started out as a drunken conversation became an obsession to the man. In the beginning The Dreaded Thirteen used the Adventurer’s Guild located in most major cities like all other players did in the game.

For a fee any guild could create a hall for its members located in the special buildings. If members traveled to distant cities inside the same realm they could find the local Adventurer’s Guild, pay the fee and one could travel instantly between the points skipping mage gates or horse and caravan trips. Another choice was paying for all points upfront though the ridiculous sum had few buyers.

The most powerful of guilds created their own guild halls separate from the cheaper city ones. Sometimes buying a chunk of real estate and building a castle or some kind of structure. The top guilds created wondrous things, such as The Gold Cloaks who roamed the world in a magnificent flying tower of gold, darkness that descended upon an area before the Sanguine Brotherhood appeared from the shadows, or Nemest who sailed on the back of a giant turtle dragon.

Griggs was determined to create his own wondrous creation for his guild. He couldn’t do it alone and the whole guild in small ways contributed to the effort. Taking numerous small magical creations, hundreds of hours of research, and combining them using vast magic he created a prototype.

After several months they had a simple carriage with a single door leading to a small room they could call their guild hall. It wasn’t enough. Attaching weapons and using the guild’s only ancient boss core Griggs, Morthius, and Legion gave the cart sentience. Thus the revenant of the cart known as Jerry came to be.

They let it roam freely striking down anything getting in its way, racking up kills of both monsters and players. Being independent it leveled up bit by bit slowly growing stronger as a transport and larger as a guild hall. The guild received quests to make it even better. Hell steeds bought or stolen from the warlocks of the Hag Head Swamps, shadow paint harvested from shade spawn which surrounded the construct in an aura of terror and illusion, along with the hearts of great monsters to increase its total life force and damage output.

Overtime The Dread Thirteen became infamous for their actions and with them the Dread Carriage.

Who wins when two unstoppable forces collide?

The yellow Cragasaur hit the hell steed in the lead. The creature burst apart in a shower of blood and gore. Following the next horse in line shared must the same fate. Their armored bodies housing the demonic red eyed monsters did nothing to save them from a head on collision. It did have some effect however as golden blood fell from the primal creature’s hindquarters.

Then the crash of beast and carriage body occurred. Debris from both parties flew into the air. Jerry gripped one side of the carriage while it suddenly lurched to the side pieces falling away.

Missing two steeds pulling with another barely able to stay upright and a wheel gone the whole thing lurched and swayed to the left. Using the momentum and pull the revenant turned the vehicle back on a course for another run.

It was hard to tell who had come out worse for wear. While the carriage was obviously missing chunks and some previous manpower the whole construct continued to move. The Cragasaur had fared little better. Golden blood now leaked from its body and great rents and tears covered it. Small pieces of what had previously made up the wagon stuck out of it marring the pure yellow and gold of the creature.


For all that the beast was still ready to fight. After its pass it slowed and circled, pawing the ground getting set to charge once more. Taking off and making a beeline for Jerry it slightly limped on dragging one of its back legs.

Only seconds before the two came to hitting each other again the Cragasaur started brightly glowing. Serion’s guild made sounds of confusion and wonder. Could this be a special ability or attack? Had it held back and saved something? This time the results were quite different from everyone’s predictions and thoughts.

The primal beast now consisting of bright white light blew apart when it touched the lead hell steed. The little motes blew past the carriage and one by one winked out of existence. The carriage thundered on for a few paces and the hell steeds on the last reserves of energy slowed down and collapsed.

The wagon gave a long creak and shudder. The very front now lay lopsided without a wheel the bottom rested inches above the ground. Even Jerry looked worn out by the whole ordeal slumping back and just sitting on top.

“Well that blows,” Drecksis muttered. “There goes our pimp mobile.”

“Oh no Jerry, my carriage,” Morthius almost wept.

“My guild hall,” Griggs hissed.

“Everyone, we got a much bigger problem. That little yellow fuck is a beast master. He has a lot more than just that dinosaur. He also unsummoned it so now it’s returned to his horn where it’s regenerating right this second and who knows how long we have before its ready again,” Tombe warned.

Tombe looked directly at Serion, “He’s mine.” Striding off he walked directly at the yellow goblin. “I challenge you to a duel.”

Serion doubted the goblin knew common speak but the intent behind the motions was unmistakable. One the elite guards tried to go forward instead but with a single word it stopped. The chieftain grabbed an offered sword and nonchalantly strode forward past its guards.

The two groups stood facing each other with their champions standing before them. The yellow goblin beast master decked out in leather armor holding a sword and horn against Tombe a Terramancer and duelist wearing a brown robe with little else.

“How are we on buffs?” Serion asked.

Natas spoke “Bonus to damage is ongoing.”

Harkin came back with “Attack speed is still up.”

“Good, I’d hate to see a fair fight,” joked Drecksis.

“Rockin eat you, Rockin eat you all!”

After its little speech the yellow goblin was the first to move lifting his horn to his lips. Tombe rushed to his right placing his hand on the stone wall of the town. A wolf came into existence next to the beast master, two more blows and two more wolves. He pointed his finger at his opponent and they rushed off.

Tombe could see grey, he was grey, all that was is and will be nothing more than grey. He was of the Earth, the Earth was he. Everything moved in slow motion. The wolves racing towards him to rip his throat out went up and down in slow motion. Every moment he could feel the casting flowing through him infusing his core and spreading outwards.

When the first wolf that reached him jumped towards him Tombe finally moved. He drove a fist of pure rock forward slamming it into the creature’s maw. Teeth shattered and blood sprayed as he started forward. Every step was an effort, every movement slow but with the weight of the earth behind it. The horn sounded once more, the true enemy that blasted horn.


His right hand connected with the second wolf’s head his slap sending it in circles five feet away. The third was smart and it tried going around him where it could hit from the flank or rear. Casting another Earth Manipulation targeting himself he altered his left fist currently stuck down the first wolfs throat. The creature was now moving rather meekly very close to death. Spearing through the wolf his left hand now ended in a double edged blade. It rose and fell ending in the third wolf being split in half.

Suddenly there was a strange but recognizable scuttling noise. The goblin now stood twenty yards away covered in white. It was at that moment when his opponent thought him distracted the form left stealth and shot towards him. He held his blade at an angle to meet the creature, after all why should he do all the work?

The monsters momentum carried it straight at him and onto his blade. Up close he could see its fat harry body and swollen abdomen hanging off his sword. Nine red eyes in three clusters watched him above snapping mandibles dripping bright green venom. It gave a dreadful screech full of pain and hate.

Reaching across him making sure not to get within range of the mandibles he closed his fist around its head, its pitiable cries fell silent. Scrapping the body off he started towards his real foe again.

It was only Tombe’s connection with the earth below his feet that he had any indication of the creature’s approach. He whirled around smashing downward catching part of it. It must have slowly circled around using the other as a distraction to get the best position.

No sound and little movement until the attack, he might have taken a moment in the past to admire it before the kill but currently he was in a life or death duel facing a possible high level dinosaur if he took too long. The bastard didn’t die easily, with the last of its life its mandibles tore into his stone fist pumping venom.

The timer had just gotten shorter. This was a dam Shadow Stalker like its partner, creepy little things that only attacked in ambush and had cursed venom that took a full priest to get rid of. Until it was healed a creeping necrosis would spread throughout his whole body dealing damage and stacking debuffs until one of them killed him. These dangerous little critters could kill even the highest levels of adventurers if missing a priest or special magic scrolls.

Between the rocks making up his fist a black sludge was leaking out. He took his envenomed fist and smashed the things head as a thank you gift. Turning around he could see a smile plastered on the little goblin shit’s face but his eyes were full of anger. It blew the horn once more.

The glow from the summon didn’t dissipate, instead it changed and warped sparkling in many colors. Taller then he stood it was a mass of crystals, small pieces broke off littering the ground. Four limbs stretched from it, two above and two below.

Tombe recognized what is was immediately, a massive gem golem. When adventuring if a party came across one the loot from one was great. The pieces from the monsters remains were easy to sell on any auction house to almost all professions. The gemstones could be used for powerful spells or ingredients for enchantments or potions.

The gem golem gave a roar and charged. Its large fist smashed down and he narrowly avoided the attack. Reshaping his cursed and poisoned arm to another blade he slashed the appendage. Strangely the black corruption stuck to the golem. Rolling back from the creature’s next attack he considered the darkness now dulling the crystals making up its fist. It gave him an idea that just might work.

After the next set of attacks he rolled under its legs and jumped onto its back. The crystals making up its body gave him plenty to grab onto but he made sure scrap his envenomed fist wherever he could. Instead of swinging around or turning as he’d hoped the golem stood up straight and Tombe could make out a new head forming near the top.

The dammed thing was switching sides. Tombe realized climbing its back while avoiding its grasping hands was not an option any longer though he did see a new chance.

Climbing higher before it fully formed he shoved the oozing blade into the mound that would be its head. Pushing off the thing he dropped to the ground just in time. The golem’s hands smashed the spot on its body he was just at. Tombe scrambled away from the golem before its legs could do him damage.

Black ichor now permeated through the thing. The head, chest, and one arm were now tainted by black. It opened its maw before to roar again but all that came out were streams of liquid pitch.

Tombe wondered at the thing. The cursed poison was doing far more then he thought possible. He didn’t know whether it was the curse or the poison but the golem was clearly weak to the combination.

His observation was cut short when he felt sudden pain in his back. Tombe jumped forward narrowly avoiding another strike by the yellow goblin. It seemed the creatures bags of tricks were at an end and had joined the fight itself.

He realized his disadvantage and tried to keep both opponents in sight. The goblin kept circling him trying to stay out of view while the golem came on like a raging bull.

Tombe evaded several strikes and felt a slight cut each time. He found himself at the town wall once more. Grabbing the stone he used the last of his mana and used Earth Manipulation feeling the rock of his body strengthen. Cracks sealed and missing chunks replaced. The end of his fist fell off, some darkness cast away.

The golem was the first to push advantage. Tombe leapt away feeling more than seeing the wall give way before the mad construct. It took but a moment for him to find his true quarry.

Tombe charged the yellow goblin trading blows shortly before catching it across a shoulder. He pressed slashing faster and moving quicker than before.

Tombe was in his element and the chieftain was caught by surprise. If it had known his class perhaps it would’ve understood more. The longer a fight lasted against a single opponent a duelist could only became deadlier.

He’d made sure to single out his enemy and challenge him to duel. Even if the goblin had refused, the challenge had been issued. The duelist would gain a buff that would only grow stronger in time. A challenge could not extend past a single opponent and attacking anyone else would lower the total buffs accumulated. Constructs, pets, and minions were not affected by the duelists buff but they at least would not lower it as they were an extension of their master.

Although PvPers loved the duelist class, the arenas were always full of them. Though for all its fighting power it had many weaknesses. Against groups of enemies they had to focus on only a single target so few PvE players wanted them in a party when others offered much more diversity and options. The duelist had few abilities that mattered outside a small fight.

For all that Tombe always enjoyed the class. The Terramancer had many self-buff spells and a decent range of offensive ones. It complimented well with the duelist and he usually found himself hitting hard and withdrawing swiftly since becoming part of the Thirteen.

The goblin was taking blow after blow now. It could do little to defend itself but a single sword. Though lower level, Tombe had rock hard skin, reach, and two weapons to its one. He had the goblin on the ropes and they both knew it.

Perhaps if he had a bit more time he could strike down the little yellow shit but it wasn’t to be. The golem returned its once colorful body now glowing red betraying the emotion it felt but also filled with a dark taint.

Tombe swiftly put the goblin between himself and the golem. At least if it charged in this state it way plow down its master. If the goblin died the golem would remain just as the other summoned creatures still lay dead on the ground. But then his guild mates could join the fight and put an end to it.

The gem golem upon spotting them charged. It turned out better then Tombe could have hoped.

The golem removed the goblin from its path by slapping him aside. Completely taken by surprise it hadn’t even raised its blade in defense. Its frail body flew into the air and came to a halt in a heap at its body guard’s feet. It was too much for them having watched and being unable to aid in the fight. They surrounded their master and put themselves forward against the golem.

The Dread Thirteen waiting for a window of opportunity leapt at the chance. The skeleton guardians let loose a volley of arrows hitting the goblin guards dropping several of them. Spells quickly followed and the guild charged. Some of the goblins turned from the closest threat of the golem and moved to intercept the attack.

Tombe abandoned his fight and charged the goblin group. Behind him thunderous steps gave chase. Those still facing the golem prepared for his attack but that was not his aim.

Tombe ran between their ranks holding his hands before him letting the goblin’s attacks on his skin of stone. He slashed those too stubborn to get out of his way but the crush of bodies soon made it hard to move.

A roar behind heralded his savior. The gem golem crashed into the goblins and with every sweep of its arms crushed frail bodies and sent them hurtling.

The pressure on Tombe lessened due to the new threat and he broke free. Rushing out of the group he circled to better meet with his friends.

Stumbling towards his guild Tombe felt a sudden rush sweep through his body. The stone making up his body and the dark ichor fell away. Natas while being a priest could heal but thanks to her God it came at a cost. A small heal was little matter but when someone was near the brink of death Natas could save them at the cost of stripping all buffs currently on them. Tombe gladly payed the price, feeling his buffs leaving him. With low mana and no buffs to aid him he went to the rear of his group to recover, his fighting was done for now.

Legion felt the death of each creature around him, the golem was doing their work well. Casting his Reanimate spell he had already raised three wolves and two spiders. Pale imitations of their former selves the dead awaited command beside him. As the guild moved to offense he only walked behind keeping watch on everything there was to see. His minions had always been weak, but even a weak knife applied to the right spot could kill a man. Waiting patiently, Legion watched the battle closely.

Noting the golem’s weakness Morthius found the situation a perfect time for experimentation. Casting a few curses on the creature he observed the changes they had. Crystals broke away and the small attacks coming from the goblins appeared to do more damage, rather fascinating. Morthius wondered why curses affected it so, could it be the purity of the deep earth it came from. Perhaps, but there could be other unknown variables he had yet to consider. Either way it would take much more experimentation and additional subjects. Casting more curses he observed and learned.

Finally Drecksis thought, a long boring duel though Tombe did give a good showing. Drecksis just wanted to run out and fight the golem, it looked to actually be a challenge worthy of him. But Tombe got all the fun. Drecksis cut the head from the first goblin he encountered. He wade into the monsters hacking and chopping making their little forms smaller still.

The creatures would break or die soon Serion saw. The slaughter left their numbers decimated and now a golem went to town on what was left, his guild would be the final nail in their coffin.

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