《Player’s Fall: NPC Takeover》Chapter 12: Big Battle in Goblin Town
Once again Serion’s group looked down at the goblin village. Night had almost passed, the blood moon getting closer to the top of some mountains in the distance. The sky had just a hint of purple to it. Everyone felt a bit of weariness but stamina potions had the added benefit of acting like caffeine.
After discussing skills and affinities they decided on a plan of attack. Each of the three guild groups took their position. Most of them sat in the gatehouse overlooking the keep’s grounds. The others were tucked away waiting for events to unfold. The main keep sat across from them and Serion assumed most of the tribe’s higher levels would be in there. They would just have to lure them out.
Looking at his fellows he gave them a nod. Most of them started casting various spells. Pyron chanted next to Serion. His Fire Blast spell had a long casting time of five seconds, even then it would mark the ground and after another few seconds it would go off. The first created an inferno where some tents stood at the base of the keep. It should keep any tough opponents inside for a little while he hoped.
A rock hurtled through multiple tents dropping a handful to the ground and sending debris flying. Arcane Bombs appeared in main thoroughfares. Arrows flew down piercing any goblin exposed by the bedlam. A few enemies fell screaming as demonic energy wrapped around their bodies leaving grisly remains.
As the chaos ensued it took the survivors a short time to determine where the attack was coming from. Goblin sentries at the keep and around the camp were screaming and pointing at the gatehouse. Those in the midst of the attacks soon started gathering together and heading towards the wall that would give them access to retribution. Behind them their former home burned. Most of the tents were now on fire forcing the goblins to move or die.
The horde started climbing the rubble where Serion’s group had stood observing the goblin camp for the first time. So intent on reaching their enemy none of the creatures noticed as the air suddenly grew a small bit darker. Several goblins suddenly went insane and turned on their fellows. Glowing red eyes they launched at their kin ripping each other apart. The sudden savagery of it all made many of them kill one another, even those that hadn’t been consumed by bloodlust. Natas certainly had more skills then just healing.
The camps main road was a hole in the wall halfway between their position and the keep. Once the gatehouse was the main route inside but rubble and the large broken doors blocked the route. Now the entrance largely unguarded, six skeletons ran in cutting down the few stubborn guards that had remained attentive to their duty but were paying far too much attention away from where it should be. Some of the goblins noticed this new threat and broke off from the main horde happy to be able to fight something they could actually see.
The skeletons stayed near burning tents leading their pursuers on a merry hunt. Eventually they disappeared into a large tent still standing. The goblins giving chase went right in after them, several seconds went by and the whole thing collapsed few getting out.
As that was going on the vanguard of the horde had made it atop the wall. The gatehouse stood a rocks throw away. Pushing and shoving each other goblins were impaled on spikes of rock gutting out from the ground and walls. Razor shards opened wounds and caused not a few to lose their footing, falling only to be trampled or dropping off the back side. Pyron finishing a mana potion calmly walked to the door facing the horde. Holding both hands a massive fireball shot out going down the center of the enemy formation. Dozens burned and more jumped from the walls lit on fire.
Serion kept watch on the keep. The higher level goblins had been coming out steadily now. They wore full body armor and weapons blemished by little rust. Finally the yellow goblin appeared. He stood a head taller than his fellows but wore little besides leather. He took but a moment to observe the battle and started yelling at his subordinates waiting near him. Gesturing to the area where the rubble mounds lay he made a sweeping motion. Rather smart tactics for a goblin Serion thought.
“Thirteen, we are leaving!” he shouted.
His fellow mages ran to a hole in the gatehouse wall facing the town. There they started carefully making their way down stone steps Tombe had made earlier.
“Drecksis, Reg, make sure to fall back only when they’ve reached you,” Serion reminded.
Drecksis made a motion of tipping a nonexistent hat and Reg clanged his axe and sword together.
Serion made his way down taking his time. The steps were pieces of rubble cobbled together with wall stones and were very hazardous. He didn’t have a good angle to see the goblin debris pile but knew the leader when be redirecting the horde and outwards. If they took too long they could be flanked, Serion’s main worry. Goblins were individually quite weak but if the several hundred that made up the encampment waylaid them long enough to get their numbers in play his guild would be crushed. Like an ant under a water balloon. Just got to keep moving.
Reaching the bottom he looked behind him seeing his friends coming down. Drecksis stabbed one last green body and jumped down the 15 foot drop. Rolling as he hit Serion couldn’t help but shake his head at the man’s insanity.
Even trapped in a game that had become way too lifelike, where he could be killed at any time he still played like it was…well a videogame. Perhaps we’re all just mad he thought, some more than others. They could have just found a safe town or village and tried to live life next to the NPCs hiding or moving as needed after all. But that would be Boring! Give me magic powers any day he thought.
Strangely a single goblin had made its way around the walls and crouched near the burnt remains of a townhouse. Seeing that Serion had noticed him it abandoned its attempts at stealth and charged him. Serion blew its head off with an Arcane Bolt. Ah one less goblin sneak.
The goblin horde had started streaming out the gatehouse many of them falling off the sides. Drecksis and Reg were on both sides hacking down the wounded before they could get up. Some of the goblins were smart enough to realize the danger and tried walking down but it was difficult under the random arrows that shot towards them. Not to mention a little Shadow Cloud obscuring the random steps.
He spotted movement off to his right, the higher levels goblins had made it. Whistling the others started another retreat. Pyron took a lingering moment casting one last party favor before joining them.
Running down the main street the gatehouse detonated with a roar sending green bodies flying. Fire engulfed the already broken down structure and it collapsed. Now the real fight would begin.
Though higher level than their fellow goblins the armored forms still chasing them bore little intelligence. If anything all the metal made them less cautious and slower becoming more susceptible to the guilds ranged attacks. From street to street they would turn around and fire off a barrage of attacks. When the horde got closer they would take off staying just out of range of a possible charge. The many lower level goblins had by now caught up with their high level kin and made up the majority. Serion could even make out one or two drummers pounding away.
Once more they stopped at an intersection and cast spells. The front ranks were blown apart but there were many more reinforcements just behind. Some of the lead goblins tired of the chase screamed and sprinted forward trying to catch them. Mages ran leaving behind a few spells while the archers took down any mad rushers. Reg and Griggs stood sentry down the street watching their flanks. If anything was spotted on their flanks they would keep going waiting to launch another attack.
They were able to do one more volley before arriving at the town’s main entrance. Here they had walls on both sides though there were holes and parts broken down it would take some time before a sizeable force was able to get outside. Many of the flanking parties that had been dogging their sides came together with the main force.
Serion watched the horde coming together, there were still so many left. For the first time he wondered if they could actually kill them all or if they would be forced to flee. Hop in the carriage and make a fighting withdrawal. He wasn’t too worried about pursuit, the enemy had no cavalry that they’d seen. They hadn’t heard any wolves howling or seen webs for spiders nor enough undead for carrion worms and they seemed to be fighting the giant rats below ground. In several months they may have become a formidable little army indeed, enough to even worry the starting city several miles away.
Arcane and fire magic blew holes in the ocean of enemies. Bows twanged imitating machine guns thanks to Harkin’s speed buffs. Some were speared on rock spikes or slipped to the ground from ice patches. Corpses exploded, blood crazed goblins turned on each other, ice and rock shards pulverized small bodies and they just kept coming.
Walking backwards Griggs lit bombs then handed them to Drecksis who hurled them using his high might. Reg concentrated on any goblin that wouldn’t go down, his demonic energy wrapping around them giving a debuff if not outright killing them. The whole time everyone slowly backed up getting farther from the entrance and the numberless foes.
Their enemy was now outside the fatal funnel. No longer trapped in the streets of the town they billowed out into the field surrounding before them. They were really pissed off now, each one screaming for blood.
“To the wagon!” Serion yelled.
The group abandoned their position and ran for their lives to the camp they had set up at the beginning of the night. Jerry and the skeleton guardians almost looked bored as they ran by being chased by the horde.
Looking at the carriage driver Morthius pointed to the goblins and said “It’s your turn buddy.”
Before Jerry the green skins were in a solid line. From the entrance of the town to their camp they were hemmed in by the crumbling wall to their right. To the left was nothing but open fields with no enemies that had killed hundreds of their fellows. They were all heading straight at them, heading straight at their camp and the carriage. If Serion didn’t know any better he’d say the revenant was smiling.
Jerry flicked the reins like a madman. The hell steeds at the fore took off with a vengeance. In seconds they were at the front of the goblin horde. In the creature’s anger and hatred many of them kept the charge going, weapons raised and howling even as they went the horses and wheels.
The vehicle didn’t slow down under its assault, instead the unnatural construct only went faster and faster. Hooves crashed down crushing armor let alone flesh, the wheels mangled everything they touched. The carriage was an unstoppable juggernaut bashing bodies, even a glancing blow collapsed skulls and severed limbs. As it went broken figures and dark blood spewed out from behind it. The whole way the lone figure at the front was snapping the reins urging the steeds only to go faster.
Serion’s group watched the carnage and devastation. They were not however idle. After chugging potions and recovering from the night’s ordeal they ordered the skeletal guardians to do their part as well. Stepping forward the dead creatures fired off arrows at the few standing forms. The guild would get an experience cut from such high level help but they needed to finish the fight. Backing up the attack they all swept forward aiding the guardians where they could and cast spells on any small groups left.
Serion could make out the yellow goblin in the town’s entrance. He stood well back from the slaughter his tribesman had just taken. Watching the carriage speed on into the open grounds he blew a horn on his chest. Out in the open with a rip and pop a great yellow form appeared. As big as a bulldozer it stood on four legs and had a massive spiked head.
“Holy shit,” whispered Morthius. “That’s a Cragasaur.”
“So it likes crack?” joked Drecksis.
“No, it’s a rare monster that eats rocks. They travel in herds through the untamed lands and are almost impossible to kill. I’ve never seen one or met someone that’s actually killed one,” Informed Morthius.
“Well it looks like it’s going toe to toe with Jerry, bets on who will win?” observed Wills.
The guild stopped their attack to watch the showdown. What was left of the goblins were also staring at the spectacle. After Jerry’s run and the player’s push there were maybe two dozen left. They all looked to be high level draped with armor and weapons. All of them surrounded the yellow one and looked to be some kind of elite guard.
Gaze going back to the field the yellow Cragasaur was going full tilt at the carriage. Jerry had run it down the wall far past the goblins and was just finishing a wide turn heading straight for his new challenger. Both headed full speed at the other. Yellow rare monster from the high level lands to the West. Undead engineering construct from the guild at the height of its power.
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