《I am a Fairy that can’t cast Magic!》Side 1


Sitting upon the metaphorical throne, the large wisp expanded its' aura to feel the garden slowly being closed off. Looking beneath itself towards the lesser wisps it called out to them.

'Bring you siblings, gather around myself.'

The lesser wisps, receiving the words went out into the surrounding gardens to bring back their brothers and sisters. The large wisp continued its feeling of the shrinking world, slowly the world was being closed more and more. Like being caught between two spiderwebs the wisps were now trapped in this small world.

Hearing the lesser wisps sing to it the large wisp gathered its thoughts and focused. The children were gathered and wanted to know what happened to their wonderfully grown garden. Having their mothers focus the children finished their song to listen.

Now that the children were quite the larger wisp whispered in a calm and musical voice.

'Like the seeds of fruit, we are stuck within. Let our minds be calm, the sweet garden fears fear. That has trapped us is young, let us introduce ourselves quitely, for the unknown brings fear to the untrained.'

Hanging off of each of their mothers words the children reassured themselves. The mother finished with its song then told its children to gather the garden's harvest to have a feast. Watching the children go out the larger wisp let out an unwilling sigh. In the following cycles it would have to begin on attaching its beautiful garden with whatever monstrosity that was beyond its world.

The mother, wishing to know of what was beyond its world harnessed the Deep. The Deep was what resided in all wisps, it allowed them to peer beyond what is possible. It was called the Deep because, unlike the wisps garden a soothing calm land, the Deep was empty or formless. The Deep went past the wisps sight, it was so unending ...so unnerving.


Feeling through the garden walls to the other place, the larger wisp started touching the other worlds space. It felt warm at times but cold at others not harfully cold just uncomfortably cold. Reaching farther out the wisp came across some creature. It was massive, fluffy, and felt... nervous? No, Tense was a better word.

Not wanting the creature to tell the world's owner about them. The wisp reached to the creatchers mind and soothed it. Relaxing the surface and core of the mind until the wisp felt the creature lower itself and sleep. Using this moment to gain information the wisp started to play memories from the creatures head to itself.

The wisp learned many ideas and information from the creature. An important piece of information is the environment that the wisps are currently inhabiting. It seemed that the wisps were lucky in that they were stuck in a place much like the garden. It seemed like what the larger wisp sensed had already left its feeling range. Soothing the creatures mind for only a little while longer the large wisp pulled back from beyond, back into the garden.

Retreating away from the world barrier the mother started to patrol the edge of their new secluded home.

The garden conformed to its name very well. There were many bushes, flowers, and trees that grew in the once large world. Their colors varied from each species but they were all of a powdery white color of whatever color they were, whether it be blues, or reds, or greens they all had a powdery white coloration to them.

The Mother kept patrolling...

Each being in the garden was a physical manifestation of the mothers will, ambition, desire, and strength. She could feel her children moving about gathering food and making clearings for the feast. It could feel the movement of their small world compared to the one that had entrapped them.


The Mother kept patrolling...

It came across some springs while patrolling and decided to take a quick bath to wash off the memory of touching the creature beyond. Slowly dipping itself into the warm liquids of the springs the gross feeling of touching something that was not of its own realm was seeped away leaving only the memory of the creature's fluffy body...

The Mother really wanted to fluff that creature...

'Mother! Mother! Our feast is ready, your words are fulfilled and the children are waiting for their Mother to say eat!'

Being roused from its thoughts the wisp turned to the child and got out of the springs. Then the Mother said-

'-then we shall eat the things of the garden, to bring joy to ourselves and rest our minds for a little while.'

Hearing the Mother's song the little child cutely bobbed off to the feast, but the Mother did not follow. Its mind was still occupied with the fluffy feeling of the creature. The Mother then started slowly formulating a plan to fluff that creature again...

Now it was time to fully connect their world with the bigger one.

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