《I am a Fairy that can’t cast Magic!》A Challenge



[Enhanced Sharpness], and [Enhanced Durability].

Those two enchantments were the only magics that the Lord Archmages were ordered to cast on the military swords. Of course, many of the Lord mages did not cast just two enchantments on the swords, Azeroth was one of the many Lord Archmages to do so. Some of his favorite enchantments to add is: [Fire], a enchantment based on the low tier fire attack magic [Create Fire], [Light] which would make the blade of the sword glow brightly.

Placing another blade down on his table Azeroth enchanted it. [Enhanced Sharpness],[Enhanced Durability]. Continuing his mind numbing work he looked around the room.

Bricks made of Orcaralium dust and clay gave the walls, floor, and roof of the room a golden red color. Including the Holy silver infused construction cement holding the bricks together, the whole room screamed luxury. The entire tower took more than two hundred years to complete and had only finished three and a half years ago, two years after Azeroth graduated from school and came to the institution.

There was fourteen other Lord Archmages in the room all slaving away at enchanting. They were all a their own tables each enchanting 500 blades a day. They were separated because that would allow them to focus more on their enchanting and not be interrupting each others spells.

[Enhanced Sharpness], [Enhanced Durability]. The work he was doing now was actually quite similar to he worked on the tower. Casting enchantments on one brick at a time was even more mind numbing than casting them on the swords. At least back then there were so many other mages that Azeroth could actually find people he could talk to!

[Enhanced Sharpness], [Enhanced Durability],[Fire].

Placing his 499th sword in the box next to him Azeroth lifted up his 500th sword. Contemplating for a moment Azeroth enchanted the sword.


[Enhanced Sharpness], [Enhanced Durability], [Fire], [Reduce weight](Medium), [Increase Physical Res](Lesser), [Increase Magic Res](Lesser), [Clean].

Feeling sympathetic, Azeroth enchanted this sword slightly more than the others. He felt happy finally finishing his work for the day, unlike those soldier that were very possibly going to the battlefield soon. Azeroth guses for why the war was happening is the incident that happened just ten years prior, when the King when to hunt in one of the forest and accidentally shot a Marques thinking he was a deer. Though to be honest it was the Marques' fault for dressing up in deer fur and trespassing on another countries land without notice, but that was most likely just a face for the fact that they are running out of grain.

Sighing, Azeroth stood up out of his chair and went towards the stairs. They were situated near the doors but not so close that when one opens the door completely it doesn't block stairs. Walking up the stairs Azeroth wanted to take some measurement tools to measure Gabriel. If Gabriel had 'zero' mana then that would be something interesting, he had never heard or read about something with zero mana before, certainly Azeroth has read about creature with little mana such as none monster minotaurs. If she did have mana in her then it would prove that the theory that the 'mana points' the system shows is a unified measurement and not a truth.

Arriving at the storage room that was the third floor Azeroth grabbed several tools and put them in his robes storage pouch. Turning around Azeroth came face to face with his self proclaimed rival, Lord Archmage Donfin Kiave Hellswin. They met in their final year of school Azeroth was always better than Donfin in everything but socialization. Where Azeroth would always be top ten in Academic studies, Donfin was always the more popular of the two.


Donfins' chestnut hair, soft eyes, and Gentlemanly persona was in opposition with Azeroth dirty blond hair, sharp intelligent eyes, and cold persona. It seemed like the world made them to be opposites of each other, and by looking at the nice(but stupid) smile on Donfins face it seemed that he was going to challenge him to some sort of match to prove his worthiness.

"My friend! It has been so long! What are you doing up here? Pha! Never mind that, let me escort you home!"

"Do not call me your friend, and I do not need a 'escort' back to my wing."

"Then do not think of me like a escort! think of me as a talking partner! We can talk about so many things!"

"... Do as you like, but stop shouting. Your voice is annoying."

Trying to get back home and not attract attention Azeroth followed the whims of his fellow Lord Archmage. Walking back down stairs and through the halls of the institution the exuberant mage kept his mouth running off on multiple tangents.

"-and then I told her, 'You can always lean on me.' and we made sweet love. Another time-"

Eventually they walked until they arrived at the cross section. Azeroth turned towards Donfin.

"Gladly, we must separate. Now go your way."

"Say, Have you been invited to the Princess Birthday?"

Now just trying to get him go away Azeroth answered truthfully.

"Yes, the Princess me herself. I promised her I would show up."

"Ah! Great, then you would have to know that those invited must bring a amasiuncula?"

"That would be... quite the challenge."

"Ah! So sad for you Azeroth, with none to love! It seems that you just must break your promise with the princess! So sad that is."

This was all said with a wide smile on Donfins handsome face. His true self revealed itself to Azeroth, a wicked and driven to madness from the search for love. Yet Azeroth knew that Donfin would not tell him this with no basis, certainly the invited peoples must bring a guest but that did not mean he had to bring a lover. The problem that remained is that there was no one Azeroth could invite formally. Donfin turned to walk the path to the left, but not before saying.

"Oh! and Azeroth, if you don't bring a lady i am going to inform everyone at the party of the little pet you are keeping in your laboratory."

"How did! It was the maids, wasn't it..!"

Azeroth snarled with anger at this playboys antics. How could a Arch mage risk the information of a real, living true blooded fairy being here in the institution! What if some idiot that is too high off of smelling his own ass tries to kill and dissect her!

"...Very well, Donfin. I accept your challenge."

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