《I am a Fairy that can’t cast Magic!》Intermission


Waking up Azeroth had to think to himself: Wtf, was I doing last night? What if Gabriel showed me a false status and was going to kill me last night? I have to make sure that I test her abilities if she is telling the truth. Perhaps I should figure out what she could do with her Magic Manipulation? Yes, I will test her mana manipulation abilities sometime today.

Removing the covers slowly, Azeroth took Gabriel off his chest and moved her to the smaller bed on his table. Although this was more difficult than expected because the small creature was tightly gripping his finger and biting, although in a more playful manner than predatory. After some trouble getting the girl off onto the bed, Azeroth dressed in his magically enhanced robes.

Against Azeroth's better judgement he left Gabriel free in his room. Walking out of the room Azeroth felt a wave of exhaustion flow over himself, as if he had been practicing magic all night. Heading down the halls and out of the building Azeroth headed toward the mage institution, also called the mage tower by civilians though if one asked any half decent mage whether it was a tower or institution they would almost unanimously answer the latter. Though it also would not be wrong to call it a military base that solely focuses on the magic arts.

Walking on top of the wall Azeroth passes the place that he saw Gabriel the day before. Stopping for a moment many small worries came upon him, many 'what if ...' scenarios played in his head, but quietly shaking his head he rid himself of these worries and kept walking.

Walking on top of the wall for quite a while, Azeroth found himself at an intersection, many other mages were converging on this point and walking down the path straight ahead of him. The path that they were walking down led to a rather large building with a single tower, this was the magic institution.


Walking along with his fellow mages, Azeroth passed the security window and put his hand on the identification orb. Accepting his mana the orb lit up and Azeroth kept walking further into the building, or to be more specific he was heading towards the bottom of the tower.

The Magic Institution was separated into three divisions: Offensive magic, defensive magic, and utility magic. The tower was a dedicated space for utility magic research, now unlike how many other countries build their magic institutions with offensive magic in mind, the Kiave Monarchy built the mage tower for utility magic.

One may ask why they focused on utility magic and that is because utility contained many versatile magics which were and not limited to: lifestyle magic, Low leveled gravity magic, low level support magic, low level defence magic, up to medium level detection magic, and last but most important, all non-combat/defense space magics like: item boxes, teleportation, and zero point energy freezing.

Being focused on utility magic allowed their kingdom to have access to many accessories for the civilians or nobles confort... but the hearts of man were weak. No such thing as true peace was a thing in the world, only temporary moments of rest existed. Azeroth knew that the returning of the Fairies, even if just one, must have a meaning for happening.

Passing many other mages on the way towards the tower Azeroth listened to the gossip of his coworkers. As he kept walking towards the tower the converstionas grew more and more similar. The subject of the talk was a rumour of a large reptilian creature destroying dwarven country's capital, Yekshin.

It did not concern Azeroth though, the dwarven cities were always targeted by treasure loving creatures and a Wavern was not different. Finally arriving at the tower and heading through the door he prepared his spirit. Looking around the room he could see several other Lord-mages all enchanting blades, regular infantry blades...


"Ha~.... Another long day at work."


Waking up Gabriel tried to open his eyes ,but even the thought of opening them seemed to cause his eyes hurt.


"What you say, weeb?"


"What? Did watching all those chinese cartoons make you forget how to speak? Idiot!"

"Are you talking about anime? I'm sure it comes from Japan?"

"Don't try to correct ME!!"

Gabriel tried to inform the teenage sounding voice. His own voice sounded different again though. Like when he was in middle school. Rolling off his stomach and onto his side to face the voice, Gabriel opened his sore eyes and saw the person's outline with their left leg prepared for a kick. Realizing what was going to happen Gabriel brought his arms to his stomach and curled into a ball ,but he wasn't fast enough.

The kick swung forward and buried itself into his stomach. Having the wind knocked out of him Gabriel focused his mind. His body felt numb yet it was in an extraordinary amount of pain at the same time. His chest felt compressed and his lungs felt like they were being sucked on by a vacuum, his forearm felt odd as if there was a pencil that was broken in half inside of it. Trying to compose himself Gabriel began to take a breath ,but then the teen kicked him once again in the stomach.

Now feeling the urgency of not being able to breath, a sort of instinct cammaded Gabriels mind to act against his foe. Forcefully opening his eyes and ignoring the pain Gabriel caught the kick his enemy had prepared for a third time. Pulling himself towards the foot Gabriel brought his head close and... bit down on his enemies foot with all the strength he could muster.

"Gah! AHHHHH!!!"

Biting off several toes Gabriel felt some blood flow into his mouth and mix with his saliva. The teen fell onto his back and grabbed his foot. Writhing in pain the teen called out for help. The floor disappeared from beneath Gabriels, feet and he fell into a cold body of liquid. At first the water was quite blue in what felt like forever and yet a moment it turned black, no it didn't feel like he was seeing colors. What he was seeing was just Absence of anything, until there was something in the void. Gabriel turned his head looking for the thing that he felt was there, he felt the muscle strain on his neck, yet it didn't seem like he turned his head.

Everything was the same in this world of nothing, and then there was a burst of colors like a universe was just born infront of Gabriel's eyes. The colors expanded until they seemed to almost surround him ,but then the colors contracted into a circle. A dark spot expanded filling in a slit shaped area in the circle. A single deep voice rumbled from everywhere, up, down, left, right, back, front, outside and inside. It spoke only these words.


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